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17236188 No.17236188 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for some good books on TECH CENSORSHIP

I need to redpill myself on the dangers of Big Tech.

Any recommendations?

>> No.17236195

if you got banned you deserved it

>> No.17236196

big if tru

>> No.17236286

i dont know
all i know is that i cannot find
all the funny conspiracy videos that i used to watch on youtube
search results when searxhing for conspiracy are handpicked
very dissapointing

>> No.17236323

Christ, I.made this thread just minutes before Trump fot banned from twitter!

Talk about foresight!

>> No.17236399

Society of the Spectacle.
Simulacra and Simulation.
The Gay Science.
Watch the movie Network.

The biggest redpill you could have is that Big Tech isn't anything more than a bunch of people who've accrued power in a system that means nothing outside of what it currently is. It's one big mass vidya game that means absolutely nothing in reality because it doesn't concern itself with focusing on any kind of actual reality. These people have yet to contribute much of anything in the way of genuine cultural, spiritual, or aesthetic value. Their companies are powerful and expansive, but they're hollow and sad too. The power grid could go down tomorrow for 1,000 years and Mark Zuckerberg, Bezos, and the rest wouldn't be much more than footnotes.

Not trying to be like 2cool4school or anything, and I apologize if you wanted literature like specifically on Big Tech censorship.

>> No.17236483
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>private property bad

>> No.17236492
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>Big Tech good

>> No.17236511

there are good documentaries on this as well that arent as edgy as muh simulacra

if you're a midwit watch
>the social dilemma

if you're a bit more intelligent watch

>> No.17236551

As an ardent Trump supporter, I'm a huge supporter of capitalism and a great defender of private property. But I am vehemently opposed to capitalism and private property when businesses do things I don't like, such as ban Trump from their platform. In such cases I think the government must intervene, much like a communist government.

>> No.17236565

the documentary series All Watched Over By Machines of Loving Grace

>> No.17236566

I was banned from /tv/ last week for simply replying to an off topic thread. Since when is that against the rules?

>> No.17236610
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Regarding censorship more broadly, where do we go if /lit/ gets shut down?

>> No.17236617

I'd probably try to make some IRL friends

>> No.17236626

I'd get a lot more reading done, might even venture outside if I get desperate.

>> No.17236630

>Looking for some good books on [irrelevant topic that is currently a hot-button issue I wish to discuss but I don’t actually want any books to read]
These posts should get you banned for a month.

>> No.17236631


>> No.17236636

Maybe they'll shut down 4chan but keep 4channel.

>> No.17236637

trueLit on reddit

>> No.17236646

Depends on if the platform is a publisher or not, even though I know you're just being an idiot.

>> No.17236650

>irrelevant topic
You have to go back.

>> No.17236657

go back to your containment board
before it's taken down anyway

>> No.17236662

Yes it's fake but becoming more and more possible. I want to know where c/lit/s would be semi free to speak how we like about literature (among other things).
Not a viable option. The format is excellent but they routinely shut boards/subreddits down alllll the time. All it really takes is that one "againsthatesubreddits" to start spamming pizza and the board is finished. I used reddit for a while before the mass shoahing.
Yes it's kind of irrelevant but I really want to know where /lit/ refugees are going (I'm not OP btw).

>> No.17236677

yo bro just use google translate lmfaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.17236682

Does anyone know why the hell libs are making this incredibly inconsequential and mostly hilarious riot out to be some sort of attempted coup violent insurrection type thing in the media?
Seems like significantly smaller than Seattle '99. I feel they're prepping us to accept some kind of authoritarian thoughtcrime legislation, or something really bad.
How dare a portion of the population want something from their government and act to make it happen, right? Jesus, Liberals wish they had the balls to pull shit like this when trump got elected. I'm a socialist, but this is the type of crowd we're going to need to make some real change, and everyone gasping at their actions is fucking neutered in my opinion. The level of group think and shame around this seriously concerns me though.

>> No.17236689

You really need to read a book about this?

>> No.17236690
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>> No.17236701

>becoming more and more possible.
probably not. traffic generated on this site probably makes us a big money spinner for cloudfare

>> No.17236703

>they routinely shut boards/subreddits down alllll the time
People don't seem to understand how crazy reddit has gone with censorship the past few years. They quarantined almost all the incest porn subs based on unfounded accusations of people asking about real incest in one of them, and the limitations on quarantined subs means the traffic to them basically dies. Reddit started as a site with basically the same content freedom as 4chan but it's been sanitized to a heavy degree

>> No.17236706

The best option would be some kind of 4chan-reddit hybrid clone with non-cloudflare hosting for like a $2/month subscription. Would hurt traffic, yes, but it would make the quality of posts skyrocket.

>> No.17236712

4chan is a relatively tiny site though.
Which really is a shame. Reddit's format is awesome, but their dogshit community """curators""" make the site unusable. There were a handful of smallish boards that were great but they were taken care of quickly.

>> No.17236721

>reddits format is awesome

fuck off forever

>> No.17236731

It's good for curating porn.

>> No.17236734

It's well-polished and highly functional. You fuck off.

>> No.17236756
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>Does anyone know why the hell libs are making this incredibly inconsequential and mostly hilarious riot out to be some sort of attempted coup violent insurrection type thing in the media?

Liberals/leftists suffer from severe cognitive dissonance

>> No.17236767

Censorship is good and freedom of speech is bad it's just that a bourgeois state shouldn't be in control. Rightists belong in camps.

>> No.17236779
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>> No.17236789

>attempted coup
Not a coup. Was petit-bourgeois adventurism. Fake outrage over a fake issue and their cult of personality figure
>this is the type of crowd we're going to need
Wrong. Very naive. Petit-bourgeoisie, small business tyrants, off duty cops, etc are the class enemy.

What happened at the Capitol didn't matter. If you think anything that is not 1.) It was funny or 2.) It didn't matter, you are a moron.

>> No.17236791

>hurr durr political extremism
I bet you're a limp wristed little fegghit.

>> No.17236792

> I’m also an appreciator of cognitive dissonance and one of my favorite past times is propping up phony caricatures of real people in my head for me to discredit

>> No.17236813
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I'm hearing a lot of people painting Trump supporters who stormed the capitol as blue-collar and working-class. I'm not sure I believe that. While we don't have demographic information for every participant we do have indicators that can help paint a fuller picture.
The woman that got shot? She was a CEO and her husband is the company’s Chief Financial Officer. Definitely not working-class in any use of the term.
That guy dressed in a fur coat? Here he is with Rudy Guiliani and Bernard Kerik. Far from blue-collar, he works as a paid actor and is a self-identified "author" and "shamanic practitioner."
Here's one of them saying “we are the business owners!” Whether this is true of the majority is unclear but what is clear is that this is how they see themselves (petty bourgeoisie). "When someone shows you who they are, believe them" and all that.
Now let's talk about Trump's base in general. The media pushes the narrative that the "white working-class" delivered his victory. But this isn't really true. Turns out, when you account for local income measures that "support for Trump was strongest among the locally rich"
Far from poor and working-class, 1 in 5 of his supporters makes over 100k a year and nearly 60% of his supporters were in the upper-income bracket. Not necessarily the poor and toiling masses.
"But wait," you say, "the Marxist analysis of class defines class in relation to production!" Correct! But do you think that the media narratives about Trump's base being majority working-class are really using the Marxist definition of class? Absolutely not! Remember those Trump supporters who pointed guns at protesters? Were they working class because they were attorneys and don't own the means of production? Or are they petty bourgeoisie? Or remember the boat rally? What working-class person owns a yacht?
Believe what you want, but if you've never organized workers I'm not sure you're the best person to (1) identify workers, (2) understand the difficulty entailed in organizing, or (3) come up with an organizing strategy determining which segments of workers to focus our energy. If you can't even organize the most advanced segments of the working-class, why do you think you can organize the most backwards elements of the petty bourgeoisie (or the "working class")? Remember that the majority of the working-class in this country doesn't even vote. Around half of registered voters participate in elections, and that doesn't even account for those proletarians who cannot vote or choose not to even register. The majority doesn't support him.

>> No.17236815

>Was petit-bourgeois adventurism.
It was a carnival in every sense, a ritual that goes back to the medieval period

>Dressing up - One of the qualities of the Carnival was that everyone would temporarily dress up as something they were not the rest of the year. This is true of our Halloween where you can dress up as something you would never be otherwise. Because of this, there was a spirit of possibility in the Carnival; one could be anything, one was not bound by any limits. It is this spirit of possibility that most characterizes the Carnival. It was a moment in time in which anything could happen.
>Role Play / Role Reversal - Along with this, peasants would dress up as the king and the king would dress up as peasants. The typical power relationships from the rest of the year were thrown off, and in fact inverted. Those that had no power would temporarily inhabit the role of those that do have power.
>Laughter - The Carnival was characterized by laughter, by celebration, by a throwing off of seriousness. If the rest of the year was dedicated work or serious devotion in church, then the Carnival was a time of laughter and celebration. But there was also a certain type of laughter, typically open public mocking laughter directed towards authority.
>A Mockery of What is Official - This laughter was most often directed towards what was supposed to be revered, the voice of the king and the voice of the church. The Carnival depicted a consistent mockery of anything that was official. What was celebrated, in turn, were those things that were not official. In fact, what was celebrated in the Carnival was a praise of anything that was repressed during the rest of the year. Because the Carnival was an inversion of the typical relationships during the rest of the year, what was celebrated were those things there were typically held in suspicion by the church and the king. Thus, there was an opposition between:
>The filthy language of the masses versus the official language of the king or church. The Carnival was a celebration of filthiness.
>Playfulness versus seriousness. The Carnival was a time of play.
>Dialogic voices versus the single monologic voice of the king. The Carnival celebrated many voices at once.
>Things that are dirty or gross versus things that are clean. This was because, overall, there was an Emphasis on the Body, on bodily functions. As opposed to the deep spirit of the church or the reason of official power, the Carnival emphasized the material reality of the body that defecated, smelled, drank, and died. This emphasized the levelness that we are humans and we all share these characteristics. The king and the peasant both go to the bathroom, they both drink, they both die, they both eventually become corpses in the ground. The Carnival celebrated these connections by emphasizing bodily functions.

>> No.17236830
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>> No.17236843
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but perhaps not too far off from the truth. Kiwifarms is already kill, alongside "Parler" in the last day alone. The prognosis is not good. Does GR censor private groups?

>> No.17236854

>small business tyrants,
got a genuine chuckle out of me

>> No.17236863

>As an ardent Trump supporter

I'm British

>I'm a huge supporter of capitalism

I mean, I support it as the least worst system, but it obviously has its faults.

I believe there needs to be some degree of state intervention in the market.

>But I am vehemently opposed to capitalism and private property when businesses do things I don't like, such as ban Trump from their platform. In such cases I think the government must intervene, much like a communist government.

In a Communist Government twitter would be run by the state. Therefore opposing tech Censorship and believing there should be limitations on a private company's ability to remove people from the online sphere is not "Communist" at all, it's merely support of digital rights.

I am concerned with power, whether it is in the realm of Government or private enterprise (or a combination of both).

>> No.17236864

Small business owners are weasels and all small business should be destroyed. They are not your friends by any stretch.

>> No.17236873

I prefer small businesses to giant corporations or totalitarian states, which are the two alternatives

>> No.17236875

>Kiwifarms is already kill

Wait why? What the hell happened? Lmao.

>> No.17236877

Same thing happened with Charlottesville desu.

The Dems and Dem-aligned media are masterful at taking inconsequential events and using them to usher in all kinds of repression.

>> No.17236879

The new trendy leftist hot take is that small businesses are evil because they can't afford to pay their employees $20 an hour and give them healthcare.

>> No.17236880

Then you are a retard

>> No.17236881

Just use open source self hosted/decentralized/distributed tech if you want to sidestep censorship, otherwise stop crying.

>> No.17236891

you can't build large communities with that

>> No.17236899
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This is literally the only person in this thread that could offer any reading on this subject.

Why does this issue have such a lack of serious reading material?

>> No.17236902

of course you can, why not?
You realize that IRC is open source right?

>> No.17236904
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Not a new take. Small business has always been hated (pic related: Lenin).
If you think small business is good you are naive and have been coddled your whole life. Probably petit-bourgeois.

>> No.17236911
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They're bonking non-conformist/right wing/alternative sites and we're probably next. I'm glad to have wasted several years of evenings with you guys. I hope to meet some of you out there in the real world some day. I'll miss you boys.
Sad thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlTmDeJq23s

>> No.17236915

And that is why your ideology is dead

>> No.17236921


>> No.17236922

Yeah we should kill them all and instate massively inefficient centralized industry controlled by a tiny oligarchy of party members instead

>> No.17236926

John Maus phd thesis


>> No.17236933

Sorry, but you and your squat won't be able to mobilise against and resist an international gigacorp

>> No.17236942
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Funny you say this when burgerland has been in decline for decades and China has been rising and there has been a new attraction to Socialism in the Western world.

>> No.17236949

>the working class supports X!
>no they support Y!
Mate 80% of people are barely sentient and believe whatever media tells them to. Who cares. The Trump government was good because
1. it was funny, making the joke that is democracy at least GOOD for once
2. it at least somewhat limited third-world immigration
3. made more normans resent the US government

>> No.17236971

China has loads of billionaires and is basically Han nationalist, they're based

>> No.17236982

>Mate 80% of people are barely sentient and believe whatever media tells them to.
80% is generous. I'd say more like 95%.
> it was funny, making the joke that is democracy at least GOOD for once
Unfortunately, people still won't see the problem with democracy,

>> No.17236983

>a new attraction to Socialism in the Western world
Western "Socialism": reactionary moralism, tax hikes to pay for government employment and pensions, affirmative action, third-world immigration, forced de-industrialization, population tanking. No thanks, don't want an intensification of Socialism. American "Socialists" can't even win a primary election thanks to black political machines in the South rigging the vote against them KEK

>> No.17236989

China has a rational government like most of Asia with some unfortunate residual Maoism, but Asia is at least capable of progress unlike the West which is busy reacting to the Second World War.

>> No.17237000
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>> No.17237009

>I need to redpill myself on the dangers of Big Tech.
You've started with a premise and are seeking material with which to justify it.

>> No.17237015


>> No.17237032
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Pic related.

>> No.17237033

I'm on twitter already. Way better than this place if you follow cool /lit/ accounts. I mostly follow academic type people, autodidacts that work shit jobs, anime stuff, and hot girls.

>> No.17237039

>[this tweet is hidden]
>[this user has been deactivated]
>[tweet not available]
I don't fucking think so.

>> No.17237042

When people go on about "surveillance capitalism" they mostly only bring up the surveillance part, there never is a real critique of capitalism.

>> No.17237044

You need to go back to Twitter and never return here.

>> No.17237052

I haven’t been banned from any board for a whole week since I advertised an NYE cytube pirated movie stream on /tv/ in like 2014. I occasionally get dinged three days for starting a bullshit thread but that’s it

>> No.17237054

I don't care if retards get censored

>> No.17237058
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>> No.17237066

shid spengler was right

>> No.17237070
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He's not really "here," he's a tourist. Tourists naturally snap back to twitter at the end of the day, they can't bear to be here.

>> No.17237073

>I don't care about censorship so long as it doesn't mean that I'm being censored

>> No.17237077

It's true that they are fighting a good cause and rightists are retarded, but the Capitol is only symbolic taking it doesn't do anything.

>> No.17237083
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>It's true that they are fighting a good cause
The one whose leaders and originators would have had half the movement killed for being degenerates?

>> No.17237085

Rightists are grotesque and retarded and should be censored yes.

>> No.17237086

>the US is a genocidal white supremacist terrorist state whose continued existence depends on the subjugation of black bodies, t. typical American leftist
Understandable that leftists would support a left-wing State like the US, but why be in denial about it? Why do you want to expand the power of the white supremacist genocide infrastructure to further terrorize black bodies? It must be a liberal Protestant thing where they want to be constantly reminded of their Total Depravity.

>> No.17237092

The US is a rightist shit hole.

>> No.17237101

This post is perfectly illustrative of why Communism/Socialism/Marxism is a literal death-cult. If murdering children made you a better Communist, they would find reasons to justify it. Every single fucking thing I see from Communists reeks of brainwashing, but I don't think brainwashing or indoctrination is the right word. It's more like a total mental submission to a political ideology to the point that it envelops more than their politics, it envelops their core, and they become nothing more than jargon-spouting retards who speak with so much vitriol even to their "comrades" that it's truly a wonder why anyone would buy into this shit. The machinery in their heads is the same fucking machinery in the heads of neoliberals. They are psychopaths or pathologically violent people who don't want to admit this to themselves so they adopt an ideology that excuses behavior that was, before, immoral. They want to hurt people, they want to fuck them over, they want to tell other people what to do not because they champion any cause but because they are fundamentally hateful, violent, mentally broken people.

TL;DR if you're a Communist, you're a psychopath

>> No.17237103
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80% of your movement is rich trust fund kids who think marxism is about gay rights.

>> No.17237107

Oh my god! It's almost like anti-homosexuality has been common in the West and elsewhere for the past few centuries.

>> No.17237108
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>> No.17237116

Where's Hitler? Would he approve of how the US is being run from a right-wing point of view?

>> No.17237128

True, which is why it's annoying they deleted the tweet like cowards. Might as well admit what you are, a totalitarian movement.

>tripfag tranny of the week is discord tranny
Bewildering! Filtered.

>> No.17237131

>TL;DR if you're a Communist, you're a psychopath
Yeah, yeah, the people you disagree with are all pure evil. What a fresh take.

>> No.17237138
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this has some stuff on power relationships in technology and on arbitrary restrictions placed on people by large companies. especially his stuff on drm.

>> No.17237145

I don't disagree with a select few points, but anybody that adopts an ideology for a personality is a psychopath.

>> No.17237160

Maybe if you live in the irrelevant bumble fuck parts lmao

>> No.17237162

Shouldn't you be killing yourself right about now, hon?

>> No.17237178

>Publically employed unionized workers
>People invested in communities where they live
You're a fucking retard who only got into leftism because you don't like republican working class Americans. Go write an essay or some shit you fucking academic NPR listening faggot.

>> No.17237187

Basically happened with that chick getting shot lmao, key moment to be like see righties unarmed people being shot is clearly shitty and done for no real reason, but nah she a terrorist and deserved it, well ackshully she trespass on muh precious government property i suddenly care about now

>> No.17237191

>working class Republicans
Voting in America is based on race not class. Yankees, blacks, and Yankee-adjacents vote Dem. Scots-Irish and ethnic Catholics (sometimes) vote Rep.

>> No.17237200

fuck off back to your containment board you fucking scumbag

>> No.17237209
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uh sweetie that's a stereotype

>> No.17237210

It was petit-bourgeois adventurism. Also to add on it was a fucking DC area with people flying all over the country on a weekday. None of these people were working class and Trumpism does not have the support of the majority of the working class but the petit-bourgeoisie.

>> No.17237214

That's literally what the OP is asking about. And clearly you haven't read it.

>> No.17237217
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reminder these are the people claiming to be "leftists" and being snarky about "rightists"

from a twitter thread about "what would your job be after the revolution." browse it for a minute

>> No.17237253

Oh ok so let's take the side of neoliberal elites. Communism is fun! Weee! We can pretend to "champion" working-class people while yelling at them that they're bigots for not exporting their jobs and buying a Disney Plus subscription to watch Hamilton! Woo Hoo! We get all the dopamine of "helping people" while also putting them down, stabbing them in the back, and accusing them of being "rich", "white," "male," so to avoid cognitive dissonance or having to confront our intellectual dishonesty, we abandon any sense of the study of economics and practical solutions (unions) in favor of a hollow symbol-worshipping LARP! Weee hooo!

>> No.17237266

No, see, the disenfranchised working class getting banned from having a political voice is PETIT BOURGEOIS. That means corporations and the security state are good. What don't you understand?! PETIT BOURGEOIS!

>> No.17237271

Cringe American "proletarian" revolution:
>has support of the sacred blackerinos, obviously legitimate - read Settlers.
>We demand more government programs, more immigration, deindustrialization, lowered standards in academia and hiring, and lax attitudes towards crime. TRANS RIGHTS.
>send money to queer BIPOC folx
Based petit-bourgeois adventurists:
>average age: ~65
>storms the capitol, obeys the guide ropes
>makes Congress run into hiding with bags on their heads
>forces "revolutionary" leftists to clarify their position of critical support towards the post-Nuremburg order

>> No.17237287

I don't need to prop up phony caricatures in my head. I can simply head over to Facebook or Twitter and read posts by Trump supporters.

>> No.17237288


>> No.17237294

Are you the blacksmith?

>> No.17237303

You have nothing to say. You've been shown to be as ridiculous and fucking pathetic as you truly are and you have nothing to say. Just admit you're a neolib. It's fine. Nobody cares, just admit you're a neoliberal, we all already know you are.

>> No.17237310

seethe lol

>> No.17237311

What am I coping over KEK, I'm not the one claiming to be a revolutionary leftist critically supporting the anti-fascist struggle by the FBI against the petit-bourgeois uprising against BIPOC by Cletus from West Virginia. If you (critically) support the government that's your choice - but it hardly makes sense to call oneself a Communist revolutionary, then.

>> No.17237323

It's ok, dude. I know you're angry right now and you can only respond like a robot because your brain is broken, but you can go and cool off and then tell us that you're a neoliberal. It's acceptable, even encouraged nowadays to be a neoliberal, you don't have to be in the closet anymore, "comrade."

>> No.17237337
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Anon you're talking to one of these people. Your anger is noble but direct it, don't try to have good faith dialogue with someone who has confirmed ten times in response that they are not acting in good faith.

>> No.17237347

>critically supporting the anti-fascist struggle by the FBI against the petit-bourgeois uprising
I literally don't care about that. I said it was funny and didn't matter. I was just btfoing dumb interpretations of what happened. You and all the other /pol/tard trumpists itt are seething because I exposed you all for being petit-bourgeois scum.

>> No.17237351
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>> No.17237361

>Marxists are literally big corporate bootlickers now

>> No.17237365

I know but I'm still retarded enough to try

>> No.17237374

I said earlier itt that I don't support a bourgeois state and want a Dictatorship of the P. Otherwise I am fine with rightists and petit-bourgeois scum being stomped. I believe rightists belong in camps.

>> No.17237376

>Communists support private companies and free market when it's convenient

>> No.17237380

>You and all the other /pol/tard trumpists
First of all, I've never voted in my life, nor do I think anyone should vote. Secondly, I don't care what "the workers" support or do not support, because class character of a movement is irrelevant - what matters is whether the goals of it are good or bad.

>> No.17237396


Been like this for decades lmao

>> No.17237402

>wants a dictatorship of the people
>Umm no actually I don't like rednecks so I'd rather have a neoliberal technocratic capitalist oligarchy of corporations run everything. Those guys remind me of my DAD and I hate my DAD

Bro.... you're not a revolutionary. Just... just honestly listen to yourself.

>> No.17237404

>Heh. I'm a leftist so I don't care what dumb retard flyover hick workers during an economic recession and soon to be depression think. I just like to laugh at how dumb and misguided they are. "Raising consciousness?" What's that? I'm here to have correct opinions on critical theory on my hermetically sealed internet chatroom.

lol, you are the reason your movement is dead. i'd mock you but at least one of the people in the server you're currently idling in is literally a tranny and we both know it, so your punishment is already complete. enjoy chatting with the tranny tonight

>> No.17237424

Why does left edgism seem so... toothless. It's like the kid who wants to be edgy but just can't go the extra mile

>> No.17237431

Equality can never be edgy

>> No.17237436
File: 626 KB, 698x658, B63EC2A2-FD01-456C-B763-6E1C45BB4AB6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP and half the thread need to read something basic like Manufacturing Consent and realize this problem has been at the core of large scale human organization since it’s beginnings. Or since you guys probably don’t read, you can watch the documentary first https://youtu.be/EuwmWnphqII
Now go back to /pol/ or leftypol or whatever containment board you came from. If you really cared you could even turn off the computer, go outside and connect with real people who want to make freer and more tightly knit communities

>> No.17237455

Because they are the establishment's pets, and even the stupidest least informed person knows it by instinct. You can smell it on their breath, they are the appendages of the machine, and they do nothing to stop it, they embrace it and brag about how much Pepsi favors them and aids them. Modern leftists are uncle toms, humans instinctively find uncle toms to be pathetic creatures.

>> No.17237463

Dictatorship of the Proletariat*
What are you on about? There were no workers at the Capitol (read the thread). Your politics align with the petit-bourgeoisie. Most of the working class aren't even the white "redneck" who has a mining job and they don't support Trump or your dumb rightist politics. And you are misguided in thinking that communism is about "worker affirmation" which it isn't (it is about worker abolition). It is silly to be accepting of the way people are that is bourgeois. Bourgeoisie is tolerant. It loves people the way they are. It hates what they can become.
You're a dumb /pol/tard who cares what you think.

>> No.17237468

you shouldn't need a book to tell you that massive billion dollar tech industries in cahoots with the state surveillance/national security apparatus centralizing and controlling the dissemination of information is a bad thing. that's just something you either intuitively understand, or you're a retard

>> No.17237483

bla bla bla libtard libtard libtard bla bla bla

>> No.17237489
File: 835 KB, 942x813, leftist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day you should read Marx and not have it summarized for you by a pedophile with a youtube channel. Enjoy being supported and funded by every bank and media conglomerate while being hostile to the working class you claim to represent.

Pic related is your comrade.

>> No.17237494

It's not inherently bad, it's bad because it's used towards bad ends (promoting left-wing forms of social organization) which lead to bad policies like mass naturalization of third-world labor for vote banking, affirmative action, and so on. If the New Left had been met with vigorous censorship the US would have avoided many problems indeed.

>> No.17237493

grow up it's not 2014 anymore

>> No.17237498

Do you, Miss Butterfly, think it's okay for the President to be blocked off of a massive social media platform?

>> No.17237499


>> No.17237504

maybe shmittniggers, or shmiggers as i like to call them, can freely admit hypocrisy is a privilege of the powerful, but aren't cops supposed to be the enemy of ACAB leftoids? then why are they cheering for apex glowniggers extrajudicially assassinating people? it's not even a matter of "the enemy of my enemy," it's a clear reversal of previously established enemy distinction.

no, the reality is american leftoids can't even reach the banal grug-tier level of shmittian politics because they don't actually believe in anything at all. they're too burger brained. absolute last men.

>> No.17237507

Rightists are people that never grew up from 2014.

>> No.17237514

ACAB leftoids are informal cops. Sometimes the informal cops get a bit uppity during state-sponsored riots and have to be put in their place by the real cops before things start to look awkward. Many of them are government employees! I don't mean federal agents here, I mean they literally have a government job like "kindergarten teacher" or "DMV worker".

>> No.17237520

It's even more true now than it was in 2014

>> No.17237523 [DELETED] 

The horrible future of American culture and discourse is going to be full of shit liberals yakking about bullshit like white fragility and then full of rightists saying that their free-speech is being trampled on, even though they have nothing to say, emptiness and emptiness. Time learn Chinese and to move to China.

>> No.17237525

is it self-hosted though? i'm not too knowledgeable about this shit but isn't the big issue that you need to rely on some other infrastructure for hosting at some point, especially if you want huge communities

>> No.17237528

i'm interested but i heard this book is only half good

>> No.17237529

Quiet wumao, even in the midst of all this shitflinging nobody buys your bullshit or cares about your paper tiger country.

>> No.17237530

The horrible future of American culture and discourse is going to be full of shit liberals yakking about bullshit like white fragility and then full of shit rightists saying that their free-speech is being trampled on, even though they have nothing to say, emptiness and emptiness. Time learn Chinese and to move to China.

>> No.17237535

correct, it's now 2001 and the spectre of bush and his entire entourage of child fucking neocon skull and bones mont pelerin satanists are haunting america (and the world at large)

>> No.17237537

4chan getting shut down would be a great move. It would lead to people going outside, an important first step in shedding immature right wing views.

>> No.17237544

My only problem with this is it was selected as one of Obama's books of 2019 lol

>> No.17237551

>he thinks Obama reads any of those books and that isn't a curated list meant to appeal to NPR watcher sensibilities

>> No.17237552

>If you really cared you could even turn off the computer, go outside and connect with real people who want to make freer and more tightly knit communities

Fuck off luddite

>> No.17237556

Unironically yes. Get fucked chuds, capitalism doesn't pick sides

>> No.17237558

>going outside
>during a global FUCKING bubonic

>> No.17237573

Yeah, I thought lefties were against going outside during a gLObAl PAndEmIc

>> No.17237574


>> No.17237580

Good post.

>> No.17237591

The post-modernists who were interested in media and its roll in socialization and shaping of norms such as Baudrillard.
Those who discussed the interface of the system, technology, and socialization via integrative propaganda such as Kaczynski.
Moldbug probably has something since he is a programmer who is very interested in the future of tech companies as governments, though I haven't read him yet.

>> No.17237593

I only started using twitter last year. I have been in this place for years. This place has turned to shit and noticed a lot of people here are underage and have underage opinions so I made a twitter.

>> No.17237594

Based fake butterfly

>> No.17237599

based and true post

>> No.17237604

Then fuck off back to Twitter. You apparently don’t want to be here and no one wants Twitterfags hanging around here.

>> No.17237607

Are there any optimistic perspectives on the spectacle? Maybe the Bible?

>> No.17237634

I make this place good. You make this place shit. So no.

>> No.17237641

nah fuck that christcuck shit just read ATP

>> No.17237658

could be real. She is a basedretard. Half of the time she is based, half of the time she is retarded. She is also anti establishment, so still checks out.

>> No.17237659

Walter Benjamin

>> No.17237688

Read Hawley's upcoming book if you can. I honestly think libs are going to make that fraud the next president just by performatively attacking him.

>> No.17237694

Half of the trip code is missing

>> No.17237697

>Capitalist Realism

Nice try, chapo.

>> No.17237726

Imagine being able to expand your socially accepted powers of censorship and discourse control all while making yourself look like a just arbiter of truth and civility to average people and actually ingratiating leftists and liberals to you - people who should ideologically oppose the power of large, wealthy, amoral corporations - by taking a stand against a marginal political group which has extremely little legitimacy anyway, making people forget that you are actually are a hyper-wealthy tool for the system and ruling class's interests.

Goddamn, I literally cannot imaging winning so hard. Being a tech ceo just be like having constant, explosive orgasms every time you even take a breath.

>> No.17237740

>Walter Benjamin
Thanks, looks promising.

>> No.17237744


>> No.17237763

That's some Chinese propaganda if I ever heard it.

>> No.17237771
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Literally true though.

>> No.17237779

Who are you and why are you so right? My superiors need to know.

>> No.17237785

You know, I do agree with Guevera. Hard working men,,,, working hard... Mmm yes

>> No.17237787

>no sources

I mean I wouldnt be surprised, but still

>> No.17237792

>muh sourcerino!
You're right, you caught me. I made this up on the spot.

>> No.17237794

you're right it probably isn't worth your extremely precious time to just read it yourself and form your own conclusions. You've got more important things to do like jack off five times in one day and shitposting on 4channel. No point in taking the risk of reading a book that is possibly only half good. You dodged a bullet anon.

>> No.17237837
File: 106 KB, 1280x944, 07a48d300c48b45b96d59c7a1012febd[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't get censored on twitter or Facebook, if you don't use twitter or Facebook.

>mfw when people are mad that they can't get their news from these platforms

>> No.17237841

Yes, when something is missused it becomes bad. Just like guns, prescription drugs and cars, the abuse of a public forum to unnecessarily censor people is against the natural end society is oriented to, namely social order and the fulfillment of the common good.

>> No.17237843

>anybody that adopts an ideology for a personality is a psychopath.
This is still untrue, but at least it's less crudely tribal.

If only psychopaths could become ideologically possessed, it wouldn't be a problem.

>> No.17237848

I bet you call other people bootlickers.

>> No.17237876

there's a reason the FBI declared far right wing terrorists a bigger threat than twitter losers who think watching the Daily Show makes them leftwing

>> No.17237934

Because the technology involved has become ingrained in the current culture. It might be true that Twitter altogether makes your life more unhappy, but people have either invested so much of themselves into the technologies that to call out the technology is to put their existence into question and they get offended, or they just don't care and are looking only to tickle the pleasure centers of their brain with cheap entertainment.

It's the human version of the Behavioral Sink. Common people have become of no consequence, and all their suffering has become meaningless as now what drives technology and humanity forward isn't the struggle of societies, but the struggle of an elite few who own the technology in question. Look at how people LARP, calling riots insurrections, comparing this current pandemic to the Spanish Flu, calling eachother nazis or communists. These are people trapped in a delusional dream born of no longer being able to effect the world or their surroundings. Nothing exists for them, and places like Twitter and Facebook offer the only escape.

>> No.17237978

Common people were literally never of any consequence as historical actors

>> No.17238006

Could have done a general strike and prevented WW1 in 1914

>> No.17238008

So you think every assassination was performed by an intelligence group?

>> No.17238019


Wasn’t me, but it’s how I feel as well.

Twitter and Facebook should be a public utility and they shouldn’t censor his dumbass. Scapegoating him for the shenanigans on the 6th is wrong. I was suspicious of that $600 “stimulus” slap in the face. We’re all being played against each other

>> No.17238055

Well then recommend me something that suggests Big Tech is great for our personal freedoms...

>> No.17238067

Stop trying to fit in so hard newfag

>> No.17238083

Not a bad take. You get a nectar.

>> No.17238223

So, realistically, at what point does somebody who got banned on Twitter just try to murder Jack Dorsey?

That's where we're headed, right? What happens if Twitter bans someone who has a certain amount of power or clout, and the response of the person banned is to try and have Dorsey killed?

>> No.17238233
File: 150 KB, 2000x1335, 77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, this has already been attempted on some level.

>> No.17238244

Why kill them? They are San Francisco space cadets, their sense of reality is so far from grounded that they are functionally fucking retarded. Jack Dorsey is more destructive alive than dead to Jack Dorsey and Jack Dorsey's friends and interests and worldview.

>> No.17238294

Yeah but your account is still banned, and there's gotta be a reckoning for that. An eye for an eye, you know?

>> No.17238300


led by elements within the bourgeoisie
>could've done a general strike

>> No.17238323

Oh you're meming, honestly at this point I wasn't even surprised to see some guy openly mulling over killing CEOs on 4chan so I was unironically trying to discourage you.

Do you actually know much about the pre-Jacobin events of the French Revolution?

>> No.17238330

Meant for >>17238294

>> No.17238335

social media causes brainrot, you should thank Jack Dorsey if twitter bans you

>> No.17238339

fuck off retard

>> No.17238340

I'm not disagreeing on this point, just pointing out something about your approach.

>> No.17238359

It's pretty obvious that CEOs are, indeed, going to be openly threatened going forward. They've made themselves openly disdainful of swaths of the American population that includes tens of millions of people. That's not going to be consequence-free.

>> No.17238371

>Twitter and Facebook should be a public utility and they shouldn’t censor his dumbass.

You realize telephone companies can still cut someone off if they go around calling people with threats or whatever, right?

>> No.17238376

>Trumpoids are the ones who might actually kill some rich people after fucking years of commie revolution rhetoric

Keyed as hell

>> No.17238378

What good does that serve? They are gods at this point, and they know it. They have the power to form the opinions of society, and they know it. I am very fond of cyberpunk, but one thing that always bothered me was that few works had a toppling of the dystopia. I dunno if we'll ever see the other side.

>> No.17238395

Did you EVER think any of the fucking idiot lefty faggots on Twitter, or /leftypol/, or anywhere else, were ever going to do anything of note? Anything besides whine and complain and just make stupid tweets and podcasts?

Fuck, a lot of people made fun of what happened on Wednesday, but that was some REAL SHIT. The Capitol got sacked! It was some invasion of the barbarians shit. It was actually something that happened and it scared the daylights out of everybody who didn't see it coming. And did the online left do it? No, they fucking didn't. They would never have dreamed of doing anything even close. Because in the end they're weak.

>> No.17238422

Hey, that's mean, give credit where credit is due. Leftists with billionaire funding did tremendous damage to small businesses and homes this past year, with the help of blacks racebaited into an apocalyptic cult by the news. I think it's right there in the Grundrisse, the part where Marx says "when the hundredth rich kid in a $60 designer bandana throws balloons filled with piss through a broken library window while playing a tambourine outside your house on a weeknight at 3AM when you have to go drive a bus the next day to feed your family in the town where your wife got laid off because the local favorite family owned restaurant she worked at was sacked, and your government supports you and the cops kneel to you and politicians and the media cover for you and persecute people who fight back, yea, then the proletariat shall rise."


>> No.17238432

>liberals are commies now

>> No.17238454

Im confused about what anyone in the US is even fighting for and I live here. To me it's just people complaining about nothing, which means that literally nothing is going to happen anytime soon.

>> No.17238465
File: 296 KB, 3000x2305, 1610151931292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm thinking based.

>b-but they just took pictures and walked around!
They struck fear into the hearts of politicians. The people's house, and the country itself, for at least a couple of hours, was finally back in the hands of the people.

>> No.17238480

It really made me reflect on why it is the left never stormed the capitol to stop the vote on the iraq war or the wall street bailouts. Even if stopping the count was only "symbolic" you can see it scared the bejeezus out of the ruling class.

>> No.17238510

>it scared the bejeezus out of the ruling class.
Imagine thinking this

>> No.17238511

What's going to happen is that the right is about to get as pissed off about the social order as the left has been for the last decade, but the right is filled with people who actually have a certain amount of conviction, initiative, and courage, so shit is actually going to happen. We're going to see, at minimum, a spike in domestic terrorism under Biden. We may even see large-scale militia movements forming.

Which is really not all that surprising. The right-wing are the vast majority of agitators and domestic terrorists anyway. When was the last time the left was ACTUALLY threatening in this country? It's been 50 years.

>> No.17238518

All the right would have to do to win long term gains is completely fucking gut the Republican party at the local level and get as involved as the Dems were in the last cycle (in reaction to Trump), push back on every level, and use their current anger to elect populists and stop accepting empty promises from politicians. They don't need to do domestic terrorism, they just need to decisively reject the Dem technocrat model of running a country (into the ground).

>> No.17238520

>but the right is filled with people who actually have a certain amount of conviction, initiative, and courage, so shit is actually going to happen
LMAO. American rightists are too fat and stupid to do anything. God I should leave this site everyone is underage and retarded.

>> No.17238527

>God I should leave this site
Don't worry, tourists always leave. It's implied in the definition that the stay is temporary

>> No.17238529


>> No.17238538

so it's just people making eachother mad and nothing significant

>> No.17238539

The US is probably gonna nuke China in the next few decades so don't live near a major city or a major river.

>> No.17238547

The dirty streetshitters in India could take out the Three Gorges dam any time they want and destroy half of China. Most of China's soldiers are recruits with no training and negative loyalty.

>> No.17238550

You're a moron. US is donezo. Has been in decline for decades. It has no future.

>> No.17238559

this isn't an answer to my question and means absolutely nothing, you could've said this exact thing for the past 100 years it would be the same

>> No.17238573

>the right is filled with people who actually have a certain amount of conviction, initiative, and courage, so shit is actually going to happen
they have meth

>> No.17238574

What's the matter, Chang? Afraid of actually having to fight for your hegemony, rather than bribing and dealmaking and conniving to get it?

>> No.17238579

If there were really some "revolution" or "civil war" brewing it would've happened a long time ago. prove me wrong

>> No.17238584

>they have meth
looking at the rap sheets of antifa ppl arrested for arson last year, the left seems to have plenty of meth too

>> No.17238589

I'll believe this when the dollar isn't the world's reserve currency and endless wars come to halt. Those two are probably correlated. Expect some more middle east destabilization and south american coups.

>> No.17238593

You must be very young. The 1990s were unironically great in numerous ways. There was broad prosperity and people's lives actually got better. People were actually pretty content and happy in the 1990s. All this bad shit that's destabilizing everything really only started to hit after 9/11, and it only really started to hit HARD after the 2008 Financial Crisis.

>> No.17238603

>Yes it's fake but becoming more and more possible.
Why would they shoah their honeypots?

>> No.17238604

The foundations for the 2000s decline was set in the 90s though. NAFTA, China being allowed to join the WTO, and the repeal of Glass-Steagall, etc.

Also, I would add the Bush years were actually great economically. There was a point when people who made like 50k a year had mortgages on 2 or 3 McMansions and they were all going up in value. It was like the entire economy was running on Rich Dad Poor Dad economics.

>> No.17238610
File: 17 KB, 200x198, n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>private property good
>orange man gets banned from private property
>private property bad

>> No.17238615

>The foundations for the 2000s decline was set in the 90s though. NAFTA, China being allowed to join the WTO, and the repeal of Glass-Steagall, etc.

Yeah, I know about all this. But what I'm saying is that the effects of this really didn't hit until the turn of the 21st Century. The 90s themselves were still quite good for ordinary Americans.

The entire reason the country's about to enter into instability is precisely because things are no longer good, economically, for a lot of Americans. Which is pretty funny, because I remember when everybody was observing the decline and collapse of American jobs and institutions, and everybody was saying that Americans would just sit down and take it, pathetically. That there would be no extreme response to it.

Well, turns out all those people were wrong!

>> No.17238617

>don't like twitter? go make your own, it's a free county
>Ok, like this: Parler?
>Parler banned from Apple and Google app stores

Fuck, I love tech monopolies now!

>> No.17238618

none of this seems like a reason for a civil war or revolution to be brewing.

>> No.17238625

inb4 "but you're a nazi so you must love when apple and google ban people, they're your people because they're capitalism!!! even though they're supporting me and my cause!!"

>> No.17238629

ah I see, the reason revolution is happening is because let me read that right
>The entire reason the country's about to enter into instability is precisely because things are no longer good, economically, for a lot of Americans.
and how is a revolution going to fix this?

>> No.17238636

I'm not saying it will. But people do a lot of really crazy things when they feel there's no future left for them. Desperate men are dangerous.

>> No.17238639

I think it's the opposite. Instability comes from good times economically. "The 60s" which are really from like 66-73 were a high point of 20th century radicalism in America, and coincided with the standard of living peaking. 73 had a bad recession that ended "the 60s". When you can get a job within a week with no qualifications and it will pay for a house and car, it's easier to take risks and be radical. I think one under-appreciated reason for the radicalism of 2020 was that the Trump economy, whether you want to credit him or Obama is your choice, was very strong. Unemployment was literally back to 60s levels, and wages were rising across the board. Oh, and the 90s were good economically true, and how did the 90s end? With the anti-authoritarian left's big coming out party in Seattle '99, another high point in American radicalism. If the economy declines, people will be less likely to take risks and act out politically.

>> No.17238640

How is that any different from Twitter? They're private companies, they can choose what products to list in their store. If you want choice, don't buy Apple products. You can always install things on Android without the Google store.

>> No.17238641


>> No.17238642

People also do a lot of crazy things when they argue over pointless things.

>> No.17238647

This will all blow over. 5,000 schizos are hardly a revolutionary force. Whites are a conquered people, they will not rock the boat en masse.

>> No.17238649

As an Apple shareholder, I am absolutely thrilled that the left is no longer going to try to force Apple to give up control of the app store. When it comes to free speech versus my stock portfolio, the stocks win.

>> No.17238650

Yeah but there's also the French and the Russian Revolutions.

>> No.17238660

Well, I haven't seen the economic data for France but according to Marxists, that revolution happened because the bourgeoisie was becoming extremely successful economically, and had a small pull back in standard of living. The Russian revolution involved a world war, and Lenin had the backing of the German state. Moreover, neither of those were democracies.

>> No.17238664

They stormed and sacked the Capitol building on Wednesday.

>> No.17238669

Nice post. What does the Gay Science got to do with it, though?

>> No.17238670

They LITERALLY took over the Capitol building following the explicit command of Donald J Trump!

>> No.17238671
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>> No.17238672

They were literally let in by cops they didn't "storm" it lmao.

>> No.17238675
File: 63 KB, 720x444, 94946788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know the capitol building doesn't really have that much security? I've seen video of Alex Jones wandering around the halls harassing people with his camera crew I think when they were holding hearings about tech censorship. Also, Code Pink has long been known to send screaming ninnies into hearings in the capitol.

>> No.17238676

>They stormed and sacked
And if Trump hadn't blocked efforts the people supposed to stop them they wouldn't have pulled it off.

>> No.17238678
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>> No.17238683

And you just know there will be someone else. Someone who comes after Trump, someone with the charisma and the personality to command this horde, these legions. Someone will take advantage of all this. Someone with ambition, and cunning, and charisma. There are future strongmen in America and they're licking their chops after Wednesday. How easy would it be to just seize Washington at this point? Obviously the chokepoints are the Pentagon, the FBI headquarters, and the CIA headquarters. But if you can seize those, what more do you have to do?

>> No.17238686
File: 212 KB, 1600x900, kim-capitol-clean-ap-ps-210108_1610115317283_hpMain_16x9_1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


please, i saw the pics of rep. kim cleaning up the "carnage" which amounted to some plastic water bottles that were left on the floor rather than deposited in a recycling bin by protestors.

>> No.17238696
File: 164 KB, 1238x466, ErJAgtFXEAIzHPk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To Our Friends by the The Invisible Committee, 2014

>> No.17238701
File: 541 KB, 2048x1371, ErFu1YvUYAADB3e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has elements of farce in it like Mishima's coup. lmao. One thing though is that there were definitely some bad actors, armed ex military, mixed in the thing, but that is expected for such a large protest. The police even let them in, too.

This will not be forgotten for it's aesthetic and legislative value. Prepare for new laws and the incremental loss of freedom.

>> No.17238702

The reason the federal security got spooked and shot that lady is because the people in line after the president were all in the building at the time the protesters entered: Pence, Pelosi and Grassley. If you step to any of them, you will get smoked, and that chick did.

>> No.17238707

You are why marxism is a dead end in this world.

>> No.17238710

Is there any info on the 4 people of 5 who didn't die by gunshot? I kept hearing 4 protesters died (one of them being the woman that was shot) and one cop died...later. But what did they die of?

>> No.17238714

You're a moron. Marxism has nothing to do with small businesses.

>> No.17238715

There's one that leftists are laughing at who had a "don't tread on me" flag, but supposedly got trampled to death. Not sure if it's really true, or just leftists laughing at the working class like usual.

>> No.17238717

There will be someone else, but that is more a consequence of the media's fascist Pygmalion. The more you treat people this way, the more you are going to get people chatting in secret rooms wanting to slit your throat.

>> No.17238719

>ass kissing kike Lenin who installed Jew commissars to kill gentiles
Go back to your shithole, fagtifa ankie

>> No.17238722

desu i'd rather be a moron than a tankie

>> No.17238724

tankie is a subset of moron

>> No.17238726

The post he's replying to is literally Lenin of "Marxism-Leninism" fame.

>> No.17238727

one of a heart attack and I think somebody fell off of scaffolding

>> No.17238733

"tankies" are the only good marxists. kill yourself.

>> No.17238737

So the Marxist theory of economics didn't include small business? Seems like a major oversight.

>> No.17238741

just nazis with all the LARP but no ideals, nazis dream of wheat fields tankies dream of the state allowing them to execute that one guy they dislike at work

imagine being a slightly shittier version of a nazi

>> No.17238749

White Nationalism is going to surge after this

>> No.17238751
File: 171 KB, 360x450, Randall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this what most tankies were like as kids?

>> No.17238753

Marxism isn't a theory of economics lmao.

>> No.17238761

It's very darkly amusing to me that the powers that be are handling the events of the last 72 hours in pretty much the worst way possible.

If you wanted to guarantee that instability and crisis get worse, rather than better, I don't think you could do a better job than what Big Tech and the Democrats have done since Wednesday.

>> No.17238769

You're right, it's a theory of chopping your penis off and wearing a dress.

>> No.17238772


>> No.17238774

They absolutely are.

>> No.17238780

Well now that the Democrats control the presidency and both houses, I want my free healthcare and free college. No excuses!

>> No.17238785

Right, there is no self reflection here. The fucking Stop the Steal thing likely wouldn't have even gotten that big if thedonald.win didn't exist (which was a consequence of Reddit banning r/thedonald which had been inactive for months prior to the decision).

This is all just begging for acceleration.

>> No.17238786

what does the reddit format have to offer? the voting system has been very bad for discussion in my experience. it is also annoying when subreddits go big and the jannies bend to the upvotes' will instead of upholding their rules. i do agree with >>17236731 though. i think it's much better than tumblr ever was for porn.

>> No.17238787

And 2k desu

>> No.17238792

wasn't it just Bernie that wanted this or have they adopted his views?

>> No.17238793

unbelievably retarded
>reddit hybrid
you're a reddit hybrid, just not a 4chan-reddit hybrid, you are a faggot-reddit hybrid. fuck you faggot.

>> No.17238804

it's self-evident and he has to have a premise to have a thread.

>> No.17238806

Probably just more half measure queer shit like extending obamacare

>> No.17238814

To be fair the precedent of muh illegitmate election was kind of set back in 2016 with the russiagate nonsense.

>> No.17238817

Fuck leftists.

>> No.17238820

reddit's system basically promotes low quality reposting and downvoting actual discussion

>> No.17238828

All the videos in my watch later are either marked as deleted, private, or blocked in my country. I just keep them there as a reminder. I got 4 hundred something.

>> No.17238834

yes, i think a subscription would kill the site. i would pay a one time fee though, like somethingawful.
the only formats i can deal with nowadays are forums or imageboards.

>> No.17238837

Russiagate wasn't nonsense. Russia did back Blumpf.

>> No.17238839

tf is this schizo omg we need to imprison them all bouncing to oh it's meaningless you're not a real revolutionary

>> No.17238844

Russiagate implied that Trump worked with the Russians though.

>> No.17238849

stfu cold war propagandist retard you live in a rogue criminal empire and everyone else is saints minding their own business in comparison. china will put you down soon.

>> No.17238853
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I don't like Trumpists, but holy fuck are they good at attacking something remotely close to power. Here's what happened recently because of these people:

>bombed telcomms
>scared the shit out of decadent geriatrics and out of touch politicians
>scared Big Tech enough to begin a wave of bans across all their centralized communications platforms

What's funny is that they're all happy accidents. There was hardly any organization that caused any of this. Also, reminds me of that young punk that shot a mafia boss because he thought he was part of the Q conspiracy or something. That was also an accident.

I have no principles, so I'm on their side in the coming future. I know who's going to win this country -- the Trumpists don't burn their own towns, don't eat each other with PC and idpol, are not encumbered by intellectualism. If I wasn't a total fucktard and had resources, I would invest in galvanizing conspiracy theories that would point them in the right direction. I'm betting there's also going to be a wave of "terror" attacks against federal targets in the future. Big Tech censorship will hopefully also put them in the same crosshair. I think "democracy" as we know it in this country is done, by the way. left or right, none of them are going to be capable of the nuance possible for that kind of a political system.

>> No.17238872

can you not parrot retarded shit just because multinational corporations say it? you're too dumb for politics my man.
>Russiagate was a string of ever-mutating revelations about the Russian government having taken control of the American presidency, by blackmailing Donald Trump[1], starting influence campaigns on social media[2], supporting Bernie Sanders[3] and Jill Stein[4] and then by apparently not actually supporting Trump, or Trump not knowing of this support, but by "creating division in American society"[5].

>> No.17238879

>I think "democracy" as we know it in this country is done
Well, I always wanted to live in interesting times.

>> No.17238880
File: 28 KB, 401x601, EmlanJtW8AI0hEQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What a fresh take.
Pretty fucking fresh considering all we got was this gay faggot acceptance agree to disagree hippie commune suck eachother off behind the bushes shit for the past 3 whole generations. I unironically believe everyone who disagrees with me, even marginally, is a direct envoy of the devil himself sent to destroy me and everything I care about. Fuck you.

>> No.17238903

>They struck fear into the hearts of politicians. The politican's house, and the deep state itself, for at least a couple of hours, was finally back in the hands of the politicans.

>> No.17238905

this has a bunch of faggot lefty shit in it. read spectacle, read baudrillard, that's all you need.

>> No.17238906

>I unironically believe everyone who disagrees with me, even marginally, is a direct envoy of the devil himself sent to destroy me and everything I care about. Fuck you.

I legitimately feel that way about progressives. Not even fucking joking.

>> No.17238913

Because it's been sanctioned by everyone and their mother since the 60s you fucking retard.

>> No.17238914

I do feel bad for the people who died, and even though I'm not a Trump supporter, I am mad at Trump for abandoning them. These people loved Trump, they were willing to die for him and some did. And he promised them earlier that day he'd march with them but he abandoned them. I dunno. If I was a Trump fan I'd be very hurt right now.

>> No.17238919

Nigga, that shit's been happening for a decade

>> No.17238921

>You've got more important things to do like jack off five times in one day and shitposting on 4channel

h-how did you know?

>> No.17238924

>he promised them earlier that day he'd march with them but he abandoned them

what fake news did you get that from? i watched the rally before the protest, he did not say any of that.

>> No.17238926

I wasn't joking either. There's a reason you see all these pakis and so forth calling America "The Great Satan".

>> No.17238931

>a decade
try ten

>> No.17238933

>Now it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy. And after this, we're going to walk down and I'll be there with you. We're going to walk down--
(It's a transcript of his speech, near the bottom)

>> No.17238935

Zoomer here, what the fuck happened in Seattle in 1999? Was it some banking thing

>> No.17238946


Think he's talking about this. This was back when leftists were capable of this sort of a thing.

>> No.17238955

baudrillard and debord suck. all of the french suck except deleuze and foucault, kind of.

>> No.17238960

First time I've ever seen Trump behind bullet proof glass after dozens of rallies.

>> No.17238963

deleuze and foucault are chimo faggots who don't deserve to label themselves as French.

>> No.17238973

Literally any other imageboard. But since this place is full of cancerous normalfags I won't metion any of them

>> No.17238979

>zoomer leftists don't even realize the left used to be opposed to free trade and globalization

haha, the ruling class played you guys

>> No.17238994

>"But if rightist had stormed the capitol, you'd support it"
Yes. They are fighting for a good cause. Communist are fighting for a very bad cause. This should not be difficult.
-Me and several other people in an alternate universe

>> No.17239005

I see some guys on twitter talking about how if it was blm or black people storming the place they would have all gotten killed
didn't blacks occupy the capitol one time? with rifles, as well?

>> No.17239007

the cops would have taken a knee or ran away like they did all summer

>> No.17239011

California State Capitol, but open carry was perfectly fine back then and if I remember correctly they just sat in the observation area, not rampaging through offices, etc.

>> No.17239017

That was also what started gun control legislation in California and then the rest of the country. Look at when anti-gun laws started getting passed. It's right after the Panthers started walking around with shotguns.

>> No.17239021

Woah, this already hit the bump limit? Now that's what I call user engagement!

>> No.17239034
File: 96 KB, 828x616, ErPqsInXEAM-mTw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

twitter is gay but here faggot

>> No.17239043

>rampaging through offices
>Oh no some politician got their prop office clutter rearranged, what a tragedy.
Imagine thinking these people actually "work" in "offices".

>> No.17239046

this argument is tiring

>blm at the capitol
I bet it would be predominantly white. Like if I was black why would I spend my disposable income on a trip to DC to get shot? And of course when you slogan under fuck the police, acab, etc.. you will receive a different reaction

police bootlickers and it is probably why they had an easy time getting in. either the cops agreed with qanon shit or they didn't expect it

>> No.17239052

Do people not remember when BLM was harassing Rand Paul in the street in DC? The irony being Paul actually introduced legislation named after Taylor to ban no knock warrants.


>> No.17239070

>BLM was harassing Rand Paul in the street in DC? The irony being Paul actually introduced legislation named after Taylor to ban no knock warrants.
Good. Hopefully it's a lesson learnt to never give an inch. Fuck these people. They want everything from you, are offering, and are prepared to give nothing in return. Don't even give in to charity or any other semblance of gratuity. Fuck you, you get nothing.

>> No.17239071

I do. Rand Paul should be harassed everyday for being a libertarian.

>> No.17239127
File: 39 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this call is for you

>> No.17239129

I'm a Trump support and I do feel bad (assuming Pence didn't force him to say that and deep down still supports the revolt). They didn't die for Trump the person, they died for Trump the ideology same way people died for Marx the ideology not Marx the person. At this point the right is fired up and ready to burn everything down with or without Trump the man. Revolutions start with a strong man and end with a stronger man

>> No.17239267
File: 37 KB, 296x450, 7F869C3A-B0EE-4C7D-8013-FFC3F0F7B133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk how this thread got derailed by Marxists and Trumpanzies but, to answer OP’s question, I actually really enjoyed “The Circle.”

>> No.17239298
File: 353 KB, 531x608, 1608566287331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lmao if not bait go back to your safe space twitter you tranny abomination and never return here

>> No.17239872

But the media told me 4chan was a far left website in the 00s

>> No.17239902

Well the media told me 4chan was an anonymous hacker

>> No.17240122

Why would state-sponsored rioters doing a Get Out the Vote operation storm the capitol?

>> No.17240296

Thanks man, but I was looking for non-fiction.

>> No.17240400

sounds truly shit