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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 477 KB, 1600x2408, Cioran-por-C.-Bresson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17194548 No.17194548 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17194554

You just spamming this dude cause you are a low self esteem Romanian needing some kind of idol to have any sense of love for yourself and your country?

>> No.17194574


>> No.17194652

Stop, go lift some weight. Learn to talk to people. Contribute to your community.

>> No.17194677


>> No.17194705

Romanians are simply based.

>> No.17194808

Is Cioran big in Romania? Or France

>> No.17195114

Cioran hated Romania (same as Brancusi) and Romania hates Cioran. (myself included)
We would at least respect him if he killed himself at any point.

>> No.17195173

Understandable, I read his excepts of his writing and it reads like a Emo teenager that never got a hug growing up

>> No.17195184

Hello, my name is Ionut. I am 42 year old. I am for coming here to learn of speak english. My sister is town prostitutes and she have been teach me to read and now i teach our baby English and we will go to America! We have to the American dream. We claim of being Syrian refugees and our baby will grow as strongest rapist in Detroit United States. We are promises to receive houses and a card to buy cigarette and pickle in small plastic sleeve and malt liquor. This is for every day, and when new month starts we buy dry hashbrown and pickle to make for Moussaka. God bless Detroit USA!

>> No.17195188
File: 25 KB, 340x485, Codreanu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17195190

bozgors stole my home and my wife and the gypsies stole my car and kidneys
i am ruined

>> No.17195205

One of my closest friends is a Romanian

I will summarize his personality for you

>Fuck gypsies bro I wish we fucking genocided them
>Bro I'm not an alcoholic I just day trade better when drunk
>I hope some more raccoons get caught in my traps I need something to shoot
>*kicks his 120lb pitbull with steel toe boots as hard as he can*
>I love robbing my place of work
>Vlad the impaler is a national hero
>Fuck communism bro but to be honest, they deal with faggots better than America does all of our problems could be solved with a leader that had bigger balls bro fuckin kill em all bro
>Fuck no I don't do cardio bro are you crazy

>> No.17195349

>post-1939 cioran
>"a bloo bloo bloo life is suffering ;_;"
>pre-1939 hitler-worshipping nationalist cioran
>"When I see marching Hitler youths on the streets of Berlin, dressed in uniform, with their bayonets and flags, with an aspect at once solemn and aggressive, as though the war might start tomorrow, when I see these youths regimented since the age of five and completely integrated in a political party - I cannot stop a shiver of revulsion and disgust, as I think of the gap between this and the Romanian youth, abandoned to sterile spasms, broken and despised"

>> No.17195503

the romanian mentality is an overarching bitterness at being the forgotten romance language, resentment of the west for being grouped with the slavic nations, and a simultaneous obsession with proving themselves as contemporary in the eyes of western europeans without realizing that this neurosis makes you seem overwhelmingly provincial and eastern in the west

>> No.17197188

this is my first time posting anything related to Romanian literature, I was just curious about the possible existence of a bigger school of thought that could've brought up these philosophers.

>> No.17197899
File: 12 KB, 300x413, Vasile_Lovinescu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of the best romanians from the last century

>> No.17197997

>Cioran hated Romania
Source? I thought he even had an episode of being a nationalist, iron guard and shit

>> No.17198009

You've just summarized all of the easterners. We are based.

>> No.17198024

Yeah this is a bit trippy, literally half the people I know are exactly like this and the other half are very similar.

>> No.17198025

>Is there a definable Romanian mentality
The Philosophy of Failure.

>> No.17198029

They like sacrificing pigs in the street in rural areas.

>> No.17198035

Nice take, sure peaked my interest into Romanian culture
Kinda seems like they share a lot with us
t. Alberto Barbosa

>> No.17198034

He had a love-and-hate relationship. And he gave up fascism after Hitler and Mussolini ended up as they did. He became disillusioned with politics in general and just wrote books about pessimism and antinatalism. He was a poet disguised as a philosopher.

>> No.17198064

Heard a couple of nurses speaking in Portuguese language once - truly the most sublime sounds I've ever heard. Be proud anon. Portugal is a beautiful country.

>> No.17198073

>Romania hates Cioran
Does it?

>> No.17198082

Sper ca nu ati invadat si aici conationalilor ca va bag muie

>> No.17198083

But Borat was only Romanian in real life, not in movie!

>> No.17198103
File: 101 KB, 513x495, 18198592_677865039005008_1838610645133203152_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you missed all the shitposts about that Romanian university professor, or whatever he was, who was paranoid that everyone who ever existed plagiarized his work. Or that other Romanian faggot with his meme /pol/ book. Cioran threads are classic /lit/ by comparison.

>> No.17198135

thanks fren

>portuguese nurses
like pottery

>> No.17198223
File: 49 KB, 886x960, cucktarescu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17198287
File: 125 KB, 1024x768, 1607973662505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's so dreamy! Oh Mr. Cartarescu, please tell us more inane stories from your days living under Communism!

>> No.17198303

It probably involves a vague sense of omnidirectional seething, but im not sure apart from that.

>> No.17198323

The romanians were the shepherds of the Romans

>> No.17198901


>> No.17198914

sucking gypsy cock in shitty government apartment projects

>> No.17199434

Where to start with Cioran? Do you need to know anything before him or is he more standalone guy, for people who are not familiar with philosophy

>> No.17199552
File: 76 KB, 671x673, cioran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can probably read him on his own. Being familiar with the history of philosophy, especially aphoristic writers like Schopenhauer and Nietzsche helps, but Cioran was mostly the "secretary of his own feelings" as he described it, rather than some commentator. You can probably start with "On the Heights of Despair" I think.

Just a word of warning, if you plan on reading a lot of him be prepared for a lot of repetition. He was witty and often funny, but there's only so much one can write about being depressed.

>> No.17200008

Thank you.

>> No.17200558


>> No.17201379


>> No.17201441 [DELETED] 
File: 284 KB, 1200x1638, 1200px-Courtyard_with_Lunatics_by_Goya_1794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the more nepotism and otherwise non-market factors are responsible for you wealth the prouder you should be of being a "capitalist"
>be proud of being "independent" despite never having spent 24 hours alone
>proudly state that you evade taxes and ignore labor laws because you're not a "sucker" at the end of your rant about "corrupt" politicians
>be totally bewildered at having to close your "business" due to legal issues because you literally have no concept of law
>conflate politicians' functions with their persons and enthusiastically support them shitting on the romanian constitution and effectively destroying the state because they're "telling it like it is"
>emigrate to western europe to "win" in the "real economy" then claim they hate you because they think you're a gypsy when the truth is they with you were one because you're incommensurately more fucking gyppy than the gypsies selling stolen phones outside of the bucur obor farmer's market

>> No.17201458
File: 284 KB, 1200x1638, 1200px-Courtyard_with_Lunatics_by_Goya_1794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the more nepotism and otherwise non-market factors are responsible for you wealth the prouder you should be of being a "capitalist"
>be proud of being "independent" despite never having spent 24 hours alone
>proudly state that you evade taxes and ignore labor laws because you're not a "sucker" at the end of your rant about "corrupt" politicians
>be totally bewildered at having to close your "business" due to legal issues because you literally have no concept of law
>conflate politicians' functions with their persons and enthusiastically support them shitting on the romanian constitution and effectively destroying the state because they're "telling it like it is"
>emigrate to western europe to "win" in the "real economy" then claim they hate you because they think you're a gypsy when the truth is they wish you were one because you're incommensurately more fucking gyppy than the gypsies selling stolen phones outside of the bucur obor farmer's market

>> No.17201481

holy fuck, muh dick

>> No.17201544

Who could be knowing of this "Borat"? This sounds of the name for Kazakhstani boy prostitutes. Ionut is proud name not to be associated.