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/lit/ - Literature

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17119816 No.17119816 [Reply] [Original]

>/science-fiction and fantasy general/
Thread topic: Do you have any /sff/ fever dreams? A book you can remember reading and recall the plot of but can't remember the name?

Previous Thread: >>17111418

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>> No.17119884


>> No.17119930
File: 28 KB, 248x400, Michael_Flynn_Eifelheim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


(Reposting because the end of the last thread caught me by surprise) I highly recommend this to anyone here.

Basically, aliens (insectoids) on a space voyage suffer a malfunction and end up crashin near a XIV century german little town with little hopes of ever returning home.

They are forced to interact with the humans and try to solve their problems at the same time the black plague is ravaging Europe and slowly approaching the town.

Its fucking genius and wholesome.

>> No.17119957

Sounds pretty cool.

>> No.17119964
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my kind of edition, at last.

>> No.17120012

“You have been beasts!” the Bakkerfag snapped in irritation. “You have floundered in the muck of animal desire, choked on your own most destructive appetites, unable to do anything save gloat and exult. And now, absent the Meat, your soul is rekindled, you finally recall who you were … You awaken from your rutting nightmares … and lament.”
The assembled Anons of the /sffg/ gazed aghast. Even the weepers fell silent.
“No …”
All eyes turned to the Sanderfag, who stood baffled, not knowing from whence his words or voice arose aside from some perverse will to truth.
“This … this is no-no awakening,” he stammered, scowling, perhaps even sobbing. “The … the beast that committed … those—those atrocities—I am that monster! What I-I recall …”—a grimace—“I re-recall not as though from some dream, but as clearly as I remember any day I would call my own. I committed those deeds! I chose! And that”—a swallow to unscrew a rictus grin—“that is the horror, m-my Niece. That is the origin or our lament: the fact that we hang upon these foul-foul, heart-cracking deeds … that we, and not the Meat, are the author of our lunatic sins!”

>> No.17120027

I just might buy that. Sounds really cool. Is it told from the alien or human perspective? How alien are the aliens?

>> No.17120052

this but change ‘Meat’ to ‘Janny’

>> No.17120054


Both perspectives.

The aliens are insectoids, very weird, but are not evil or super good, they are like humans, basically neutral. They are not a hivemind but in dialogue they hint that their ancestors were and they evolved out of it.

>> No.17120071

A fantasy is fine, I was hoping for more sci-fi pulp. I'm not even sure what else is good besides John Carter.

>> No.17120080

sounds neat, will check out.
I recommend The High Crusade for a funny take on ayylmaos landing in medieval England.

>> No.17120083


Oh and also, the life of medieval germans sounds very well researched. Its a hidden gem overall.

>> No.17120092

a few months back I went through the pulp magazine project and read a few of the issues, there are ALL kinds of pulp stories. I found the historical ones to be comfy as well. YOu can give it a try.

>> No.17120581
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I hope he reaches G.RR Martin quality when he gets equal fat

>> No.17120586
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>When even your own reputed community members shit on your writing on your OWN fan forum.

How will Sandersoys ever recover?

>> No.17120595

His quality has been declining, which is surprising for a writer.


>> No.17120601

Based Catra telling like it is.

>> No.17120603

>G.RR Martin

In any case, the two of them couldn't be further apart in pretty much everything besides their obesity.

>> No.17120694

any books where I can self-insert as the young woman being carried off by the sexy man?

>> No.17120713

The way of kings by sanderson

>> No.17120789
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Annual reminder

>> No.17120790
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Any fantasy books with an evil step-mother?

>> No.17120813
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>Sandersoys will defend this

>> No.17120904

>It's about 30% super gross and repetitive gay snuff porn, maybe more...expect the first 40% of the length of the book to be little else. Bakker repeats the same lines over and over and over with a lot of arbitrary italics to try and lend weight to certain phrases (the Meat! vile angel! argh). Always verbose, he takes it to the next level here, framing scenes of mass gay rape and necrophilia with ponderous musings about the shitty nature of the human soul. Bakker, for some fucking reason, felt the need wax on with not just phallic imagery, but romance erotica language like "his manhood" and "throbbing phallus" and "turgid horn"...too many times to even count. Entire major storylines that have been built up over the last 2-3 books get dropped like red herrings. Major characters die, but not in the George R Martin school of "OMG!". It's more like "what, that's it???" Whole story arcs just fizzle into literary blue balls. And when you come up towards the end and you're still baffled but you've got another 20% to go so your figure there's still time...NOPE! That last 20% of the book is appendixes! Yes, there is good info there, but I shouldn't have to read The Unholy Silmarillion to understand the book I just spent days reading.

Do Bakkerfags really?

>> No.17120906

>I rarely write a review, but if I can save someone else the agony I've gone through with this trilogy, well, I feel a sense of duty. I read. A lot. I had to check back to see if this book was self published, can't believe it was ever seen by an editor. The writing is pompous, clogged with unnecessary detail you won't need later, the names are stupid (this from a fantasy/scifi fan), and the damn thing never ends. I hate not to finish something once I've started, so against my better judgement, I read books two and three since I had already purchased them. NO CONCLUSION. Are you kidding me? I have to read the next three books? No way am I further abusing my brain. I will give the author praise for his prose. He would be a pleasure to read if only he knew how to tell a story. As I said, the names of people and places are ridiculous, and this torturous tome is filled with both, describing individuals and locales you will never see, never hear of again, nor ever care about for any reason whatsoever. Whoever you are and whatever you do, your time is too valuable to spend this these books.

>> No.17120984


>> No.17121009
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I have such a find memory of this book. Camping trip with my dad near the coast. Picked it up at a second hand book store. Between chopping firewood, learning how to build a fire, and playing card games this book filled me with such a sense of wonder. Cheers op. Wholesome rec.

>> No.17121035

>marion zimmer bradley
literally who

>> No.17121144

yes! YES!!!!

>> No.17121158

>the names are stupid
If the author of this review is talking about teh bakker and had the least bit of historical knowledge they'd recognize the names as being vaguely greek/roman/byzantine in origin, smdh.

>> No.17121188

I bet at least half of the women reviewers who complain about rape touch themselves with those scenes.

>> No.17121190

>will actually remember what happened during RoW thanks to all the /sffg/ shitposting
Thanks anons.
Nice to see. Might have to hop back on the ol' Shard sometime--shit like that would be ignored and brushed away years back.

>> No.17121204

I only remember the last part of Navani kek

>> No.17121244

looks kinda sexist bro

>> No.17121248

I don't feel like bakker writes them erotically, but maybe that's just me

>> No.17121295

>Nice to see. Might have to hop back on the ol' Shard sometime--shit like that would be ignored and brushed away years back.
Welcome to the year of the woke Sandersoy.

So do I. Shit was hilariously bad.

>> No.17121336

How do people enjoy this much cringe-worthy prose?

>> No.17121347

only teenagers are obsessed with virtuosity

>> No.17121352
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>> No.17121355

neither bakker nor sanderson are particularly great at it

>> No.17121358

You have no idea how much worse it really gets.

>> No.17121387
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>only teenagers are obsessed with virtuosity

>> No.17121400

>So I leave Porker Bakker to his oinker fans, they fully deserve each other. And I’ll stick to genuine Fantasy authors like Tolkien, Jack Vance, Clark Ashton Smith, Robert E. Howard, Terry Brooks, Ursula LeGuinn, L. Sprague De Camp, Tanith Lee, Fritz Leiber, H.P. Lovecraft, Michael Moorcock, Christopher Paolini, or even J.K. Rowling, among others. True, magical Fantasy
Holy name drops, Bakman!

>> No.17121412
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>J.K. Rowling

>> No.17121421
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>> No.17121424

you really took that personally didn't you

>> No.17121450 [DELETED] 

>"Of course not, I'm your wife's boyfriend, not a Sandersoy. Not go sit over there"

>> No.17121459
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The amount of people jealous of Sanderson here is amazing.

He will be remembered as one of the greatest writers of fantasy of the century in 20 years. Deal with it.

>> No.17121466

>He will be remembered as one of the greatest writers of fantasy of the century in 20 years. Deal with it.
That's not how you bait the anti-sander-schizos.

>> No.17121467

He'll be remembered by hardcore fantasy fans, but I doubt anyone outside the genre will.

>> No.17121480

Of course he will. But he's frowned upon even in the more serious fantasy circles. He's loved by young adults and teenagers though.

>> No.17121482

Based Goodread normies refusing to fall under the spell of a stoned canadian’s Hakkery

>> No.17121533

Bakker’s prose fucking smokes and shimmers you pleb

>> No.17121545

I’ve just finished Oathbringer and I now realize how much of a down-grade it was when compared to the first two books.

His first two Stormlight Archive books were actually great fun. Maybe it’s because I’m no longer a teenager and I’m starting to appreciate something more refined now.

I honestly don't even know if I'm gonna bother with Rhythm of War.
Any one in a similar situation?

>> No.17121558

if you didn't like Oathbringer you won't like Rhythm of War

>Any one in a similar situation?
half of /sffg/

>> No.17121561

Based Shallan doing more damage to Sanderson than /lit/ could ever do

>> No.17121564 [DELETED] 

>Too dumb to understand Bakker
>Calling other people "plebs"

Found the brainlet

>> No.17121576

I had a similar experience. the first two books were one of the earlier sff books I've read and I enjoyed them but then I've read a bunch more between the second book and oathbringer and coming back to sanderson with oathbringer I just found it insanely boring and poorly written and dawnshard was even worse to the point where I'm actually getting angry reading his shit

>> No.17121584

>stoned canadian
Omniscience when?

>> No.17121587

Is Rhythm of War really that bad? I was hopping that this one was a one time off (or a middle book type thing).
Can the other half tell me how they enjoyed? All I see is whinny characters and super sayan moments reserved for the end.

That fucking last chapter during the battle felt rushed as fuck.

I seriously couldn't believe that he could come up with such a cringe-worthy character like her.
She was tolerable, at best, in the first books. But I quickly realized that he went full-retard mode with her in Oathbringer. Also, way too much Shallan this time around.

>> No.17121607

You understand not what you read, Anon. I grasp the compass of Bak’s illumined proses, I appreciate the monstrous radiance of his vile poetics. Comparing him to Sanderhack is a non sequitur; they are incommensurable to the quick.

>> No.17121632
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He certainly didn't make me cry, but I was bored to death, that's for sure.

>> No.17121668

>Can the other half tell me how they enjoyed?
the other half are bakkerposters

>> No.17121868
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>Finish Winds of Winter in 2021 and Dream of spring in 2025 on your path

>> No.17121877
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>> No.17121878

I can already sense the GoT normies flooding our general.

It's going to be glorious Bakker-pilling them all.

>> No.17121899

I have never, and will never click on your shitty spam :^)

>> No.17121922

>kills himself
>momma's boy
nice try tranny

>> No.17121923

Haven't people given up and accepted he is going to die before either book finishes? He'll get 90% through Winds of Winter, the publisher or whoever will hire someone to finish it after he dies and they will pay some ghost writer to write Dream of Spring "based of the notes of George R R Martin".

>> No.17121937

“I have been chosen, Father. I am the Harbinger.”
The quiet of alternating breaths. The sound of grit beneath palm and heel.
“These voices,” Moënghus said with slow deliberation, “what do they say of me?”
His father, Kellhus realized, had finally grasped the principles of this encounter. Moënghus had assumed that his son would be the one requiring instruction. He had not foreseen it as possible, let alone inevitable, that the Thousandfold Thought would outgrow the soul of its incubation—and discard it.
“They warn me,” Kellhus said, “that you are Dûnyain still.”
One of the captive skin-spies convulsed against its chains, vomited threads of spittle into the pit below.
“I see. And this is why I am to die?”
Kellhus looked to the haloes about his hands. “The crimes you’ve committed, Father … the sins … When you learn of the damnation that awaits you, when you come to believe, you will be no different from the Inchoroi. As Dûnyain, you will be compelled to master the consequences of your wickedness. Like the Consult, you will come to see tyranny in what is holy … And you will war as they war.”
Kellhus fell back into himself, opened his deeper soul to the details of his father’s nearly naked form, assessing, appraising. The strength of limbs. The speed of reflexes.
Must move quickly.
“To shut the World against the Outside,” the pale lips said. “To seal it through the extermination of mankind …”
“As Ishuäl is shut against the Wilderness,” Kellhus replied.
For the Dûnyain, it was axiomatic: what was compliant had to be isolated from what was unruly and intractable. Kellhus had seen it many times, wandering the labyrinth of possibilities that was the Thousandfold Thought: The Warrior-Prophet’s assassination. The rise of Anasûrimbor Moënghus to take his place. The apocalyptic conspiracies. The counterfeit war against Golgotterath. The accumulation of premeditated disasters. The sacrifice of whole nations to the gluttony of the Sranc. The Three Seas crashing into char and ruin.
The Gods baying like wolves at a silent gate.
Perhaps his father had yet to apprehend this. Perhaps he simply couldn’t see past the arrival of his son. Or perhaps all this—the accusations of madness, the concern over his unanticipated turn—was simply a ruse. Either way, it was irrelevant.
“You are Dûnyain still, Father.”
“As are—”
“No. I am more.”

>> No.17121941

I never read Bakker, is he good?

>> No.17121970

yes, but you must be able to tolerate extreme levels of GRI and byzantine, long winded, psychedelic prose

>> No.17122125

>he doesn't love his mom

>> No.17122143
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>> No.17122171

What shitty video game is this?

>> No.17122178
File: 71 KB, 700x971, C1CAB621-C36B-4020-A478-6EAE30664E78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommendations for fantasy/scifi with a ‘softer,’ wistful, melancholic feel? I love Nausicaä and Earthsea

>> No.17122228


>> No.17122245

I wanna read a space opera or something like that where there are a lot of factions that are the basic horde archtype or the jew archtype or anything corny

>> No.17122307

>so ar-
>no father, I am more.

Kellhus is such quipper.

>> No.17122338

No Sandersoy, I only came to the library to impregnate your wife. Now move aside.

>> No.17122359
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I've been playing/reading this gamebook, it's pretty good. Something like Miami Vice in Space.

>> No.17122400

Interesting to reread this. It shows how Kell figured out early on that the Dûnyain would join/take over the Consult once they wised up to their own damnation. This is only a few weeks after the Circumfixion and Kell has already separated himself from the Dûnyain identity and started off on his own path to Godhood— or madness.

>> No.17122540
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This slut is more mainstream than Sandersoy.

But I don't know if women authors deserve more respect than basedboys.

At least King of Scars is way better than anything sandersoy wrote in the last two years

>> No.17122679

>Is Rhythm of War really that bad? I was hopping that this one was a one time off (or a middle book type thing).
this is the only reason i read RoW, i thought oathbringer being shitty was mostly a confluence of events that had to happen in that novel making it not very good but sufficient to set up a better novel. turns out it was part 1 of 2 in the "how bad can this series get" expose, and it got a lot worse.
i still might read the szeth book in 3 years, because he's actually an interesting character and hopefully that book will have almost no shallan/navani/venli bullshit in it. if it does i think i'm just hard-skipping those chapters, not even gonna skim, can't force myself to care about them at all.

>> No.17122687

Literally "who"?

The only female fantasy author I know is JK Rowling.

>> No.17122714
File: 283 KB, 1280x1083, tumblr_p4x0i2d2EJ1rrel7zo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leigh Bardugo, her books are getting a series on netflix soon.

Her first trilogy is garbage, but six of crows and the rest it's good.

>> No.17122729

good female authors include:
jk rowling if you read harry potter when you were a kid (and didn't finish it, that last book is fuckin awful)
agatha christie if you like locked room mysteries, she's probably the best in the genre
cj cherryh for sci-fi, quite prolific too
robin hobb if you like suffering porn in a medieval world, skip the middle trilogy with the boats though

end of list i think, at least i can't think of any others of substance.

>> No.17122740
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>skip the middle trilogy with the boats though

>> No.17122742

I said female FANTASY authors. I know female authors. I'm not an incel.

>jk rowling

>> No.17122771

Little, Big
Lud in the Mist
not sure if these hit what you want, but worth a try

>> No.17122792

le guin you moron

>> No.17122813

take out rowling and put ursula le guin in her place

>> No.17122826
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How can Sanderson write so much and convey so little at the same time?

I don't think I've ever seen another author get away with this like he does.

>> No.17122839


>> No.17122857

that's not a point retard, but keep dilating

>> No.17122885

Looks like it's true that being a tranny gives you brain rot.

>> No.17122895
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>> No.17122947

I don't know. Ask the resident seething Sandersoy.
He has read everything from Sandaro.

>> No.17122983

>I just took a dump so massive that I cannot flush it down the toilet.

What book is this?

>> No.17123104
File: 1.09 MB, 1024x576, Vorkosigan-saga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cj cherryh for sci-fi, quite prolific too
Why does everyone forget about Lois McMaster Bujold?
The Vorkosigan saga is absolutely kino and has racked up many more awards and accolades than the works of Cherry and Marion Z.

>> No.17123122

that's Dune.

>> No.17123166

i meant to say "there are a lot of factions that aren't the basic horde archtype or the jew archtype or anything corny"

>> No.17123170

>How can Sanderson write so much and convey so little at the same time?
The embarrassing fact is that his "best" works are not the colossal 500,000-word books but his short stories. Instead of publishing tons of shit YA someone should be advising him to publish more anthologies.

>> No.17123211
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Do Sandersonfags really?

>> No.17123315

What discord is that? I want to get some cringy memes.

>> No.17123323

No one, just me chatting with my buddy from 17th shards

>> No.17123363

>his publisher should advise him to publish things that sell less

>> No.17123367

Ok amigo.

>> No.17123371

I agree only brain rotten faggot would kill himself like a bitch boy. Your ilk is very proficient in this.

>> No.17123375

>reading comprehension

>> No.17123378
File: 90 KB, 683x361, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Israeli writer
>Young Adult
>winner of Goodreads shit
Good luck getting anyone to read that shit
>coming to Netflix

>> No.17123379

>he doesn't love his mom
Jealous that she's a real woman and you never will be?

>> No.17123382
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oh is this what we're doing now?
this is my buddy who is in part 4 right now
i never made any friends on 17th shard :(

>> No.17123386

see >>17122857
my tranny friend

>> No.17123390

>reading comprehension

>> No.17123396

are you just throwing words out at this point dilator?

>> No.17123415

Your haven;t posted anything that makes sense, your critique of Bob Howard is based in you being a tranny who can't come to terms with the fact that he will never be a woman.

>> No.17123427

>your critique of Bob Howard is based in you being a tranny who can't come to terms with the fact that he will never be a woman
explain how that makes any sense my underage subhuman shitskin friend

>> No.17123433

dumb tranny

>> No.17123440

>no u
I see you can provide any arguments my subhuman friend but I ask again >>17123427

>> No.17123446

Why doesn’t that reasonable person simply drop the book?

>> No.17123455

You can't read.

>> No.17123459

you can't explain shit shitskin

>> No.17123468 [DELETED] 

If your ADD niggerbrain was capable of connecting posts with the posts they're replying to you wouldn't have a problem.

>> No.17123478

then you would have no problem explaining things to me my subhuman friend, right?

>> No.17123481

read >>17121922 then >>17122125

>> No.17123490

ok now explain how my post leads you to believe that I hate my mother, shitskin.

>> No.17123755


Expand your anal cavity

>> No.17123804

>resorting to samefagging 1 hour later after being completely ass blasted.

>> No.17123809

>rent free in every thread for the rest of your natural life

>> No.17123815


>> No.17123857

Is that a community or do you guys simply speak about books?

>> No.17123868

Is this commonplace Sanderson? Because that shit sounds atrocious.

>> No.17123892

It is, but mostly not to that extreme. That's not the worst though.

>> No.17123901

>How can Sanderson write so much and convey so little at the same time?
Because he's basically revamping English to be wordier to serve as "another language he's translating".
>tons of fluffy compound words that are references to simple topics that often need to be defined at length
>kinetic magic systems that require long, meandering descriptions to adequately convey even simple maneuvers
>every emotional state is now an emotionalstatespren which has to be described in number and action as a basic reference to mood
>penchant for retreading old information to make sure even the least diligent reader is still caught up enough to participate
Seems like there's lots of reasons.

>> No.17123931
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Holy kek, all of those sound cringy as fuck.

>> No.17123943

>Is this commonplace Sanderson?
It isn't. It's a snippet from a novella he wrote in 3-4 months between finishing and releasing RoW on basically a dare because he made so much money kickstarting his leatherbound edition of WoK. Anyone who actually read the thing could tell it was an excuse to play with his fake languages, so there's a lot of foreigners speaking bad "English" whose dialogue smartens up when they "speak in their own language". But somebody loves thinking about how much they hate it so they repost it in every thread just to read it again, free of charge :^)

>> No.17123946

>Replying to a 10 hour old thread
>"rent free"
>"C O P E"

>> No.17123950

Welcome to fantasy.

>> No.17123961

I started this thread and have been sleeping, I'm just glad to see my fans are still here sweaty ;^*

>> No.17123965

Mostly not, but sometimes it looks like he's writing for children.

Like >>17123892 said, there's way worse:
>“That lighta above, the lunks from the sky. I head loudin about it that was you, outsida, eh?
>The girl turned as if to leave, but then reconsidered and put a hand on lift's arm.
>"You," the girl said to Lift. "Outsida?"
>"You listenin'?"
>"I'm listenin'."
>"People, they don't listen.”

>> No.17123970

>it's also someone who doesn't speak "English" but is also an illiterate orphaned child
Why would you expect that dialog to be better?

>> No.17123976

Does he really wear a fedora for classes or was that just a Halloween one off?

>> No.17123982

just a friend of mine
i wish i had more friends that would read anything I touch
there's a 17th shard steam group but I don't use it and I don't think they do either

>> No.17124000

>Nooooo!! Those examples don't count!

>> No.17124007

This is going to sound dumb, but is there a science fiction novel with main characters who are Buddhist?

>> No.17124013

It depends, how many milligrams did you take this time?

>> No.17124024

None, I just want to recommend some science fiction stories with Buddhist protagonists to my friends at the monastery.

>> No.17124071

>Why would you expect that dialog to be better?
Even if those people don't speak "English", Sanderson's dialogue is atrocious.

>”Brightness…I believe you stray into sarcasm.”
>“Funny. I thought I’d run straight into it, screaming at the top of my lungs.”
>”I can see you are a woman of discriminating taste.”
>“I am. I do like my meals prepared very carefully, as my palate is quite delicate.”
>“Pardon. I meant that you have discriminating taste in books.”

It's literally Anime tier.

>> No.17124100

B-bros, I keep having dreams of looking into the Inverse Fire.
The soft and luminous glow... the twisting forms... the screams. O', the screams.
Am I damned?

>> No.17124109

>no intelligent response
no I
Yeah, some of the dialog is cringey like that when he's trying to write "catty female bitch". He's too mormon to write believable mean-girls and then had to go and center half an entire fantasy society on it.

>> No.17124281

So do you faggots actually read books or what

>> No.17124287

As long as they're not Sandersoy shit, yes.

>> No.17124292

Sanderson writes literal made up gibberish.

>> No.17124323
File: 22 KB, 300x135, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only less than maybe two other people in the general
>tfw don't shitpost because I'm not a literal child
>tfw nowhere else to go

>> No.17124335

>based anti-sander-schizo making the sandersoy seethe 24/7 until he quits.

>> No.17124336

whoops >>17124281

>> No.17124346

>can't even quote
>doesn't know you can't delete a post

>"tfw nowhere else to go"

>> No.17124351

You'd think /a/ would have more anime-book threads.

>> No.17124352

Looks pretty cool
I like Lone Wolf

>> No.17124358

Based GRR big dick bases his novels on well founded history. The only modern fantasy I can stand.

>> No.17124516

He doesn't plan his books. And you can clearly see why.

>> No.17124566

Sorry, it's a lot more than two. More like at least 6, possibly a good bit more.

>> No.17124590

Sanderson writes like the reader is playing an MMO.

>> No.17124603


That's actually pretty accurate. I've seen other people mentioning the same exact thing.

>> No.17124681

>It isn't. It's a snippet from a novella he wrote in 3-4 months between finishing and releasing RoW on basically a dare because he made so much money kickstarting his leatherbound edition of WoK.
So, you're basically saying that the reason why he writes like shit is because he's rich? That's an interesting take.

>> No.17124777

>radiant knight orders are basically classes, complete with levels
>bullshit resource-based healing mechanism
>MCs are never in any real danger
>tons of side-quest bullshit that doesn't advance the plot

damn, it checks out

>> No.17124797

Reminder that you can see Nausicaa's tiddies in the manga

>> No.17124805

You forgot No one dies

Which basically works as a graveyard mechanic.

>> No.17124812

Please give me some new fantasty to read after finishing Sanderschlock. Something comfy with group of frens going out on adventure ideally. No obvious fag shit.

Teft dies.

>> No.17124829

>Teft dies.

Literally no one gives a fuck about theft or the paranoid king. I never once felt for Kaladin's life in RoW, even during the well scene. They all have fan-armor.

>> No.17124837

Did you enjoy Sanderson? If the answer is yes, then the Wheel of Time is perfect for you.

>> No.17124871


I enjoyed way of kings, the 3 other ones i didnt but still read. Wheel of Time always seemed super shit to me and I've never heard a description of those books that makes me want to read them.

Before latest sanderschlock i read Between Two Fires that was recced here and I quite enjoyed.

>> No.17124880

> Tell me about Sorweel! Why does he wear the Amiolas? A lot of loyalty, for a hostage of the Niom!

>> No.17124901

If I took that chorae? Would you die?

>> No.17124906

I was just testing the waters. The Waste of Time and the Sewerwater Archive are both shit.

Check out Bakker, Malazan and the Book of the new Sun if you want actual quality. Don't let the Sandersoys say otherwise.

>> No.17124915


>> No.17124916

Anything that actually got awarded in the last 10 years was woke garbage.

>> No.17124928

Well, congratulations! You got yourself caught! Now what's the next step of your master plan?
>Crashing this Nonman Mansion.... with no survivors.

>> No.17124939

not sure what to think of this. on one hand it's gamer-brain reactionary nonsense, but on the other hand fifth season and its sequels weren't nearly that good

>> No.17124942
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>Don't worry, reader. On the next book Kaladin and Dalinar die, and part 2 is going to have more shallan, lift and renarin as pov (and of course the Gavinor)

>> No.17124949

>Sandersoys seething


>> No.17124961

already malazan and botns. Do i just read prince of nothing?

>> No.17124984

Now is the time for Jack Vance.

Abandon your quest to lose your virginity. Take the plunge.

>> No.17124990

>Do i just read prince of nothing?
Might as well.

>> No.17124995

I lost my virginity many years ago. I started Lyonesse at one point but never finished.

>> No.17124997

it would be extremely salty

>> No.17125006

For you

>> No.17125025

Should I read Fifth Sorceress?

>> No.17125029
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I've read over 1000 pages of chinkshit this week, I think I'm going to read some Earthsea now

>> No.17125052

Darkness that comes before, yes.

>> No.17125077

Anon, Harry potter is literally for children. You cant level up the prose or plot on a children's book.

>> No.17125087
File: 119 KB, 734x1024, e7e56e7f7fae8c9e97802e5db203b5fab20dc92d_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys realize Harry Potter is going to be one of the last fantasy sagas that are really popular and have mostly a white straight cast, right?

>> No.17125091

my supervisor at work is over 40 years old yet says that he cherishes HP as his childhood nostalgia series
what teh fuck is wrong with him

>> No.17125095


A-Anon, I...

>> No.17125107

I mean, Dumbledore was clearly a gay coded character from the start, but it was never shoved down your throat.

>> No.17125163
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Instead of taking up the Great Slog and devoting the next six months-2 years of your life grinding through page after page of Bakker's endless horrors and atrocities, why not just watch pic related? It's basically the same thing and it only takes 2 hours.
> Fallen Angels from the Void seek to shut the World against their own damnation, in so doing damn all humanity to perish. The long-lost descendent of a holy King of ancient times, joined by loyal companions, must sacrifice everything – including, perhaps, sanity itself – to stop the wicked Angels' insane mission.
> Includes disheveled, world-weary Prophets; holy Whores; the unknowable voice of the Absolute; gleeful slaughter committed by rampaging demons; plentiful GRI innuendos; heavy metal references, etc.

>> No.17125164

>have an Asian character called 'Cho Chang'
>people don't realise you were a bigot until years later

How did she get away with it?
She may as well have called her 'Chinky Chinaman'.

>> No.17125180
File: 216 KB, 1026x1500, 814JRQ-VLUL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops I meant to post this other demon-oriented teen comedy from 1999 instead. But you get my drift, same difference. Basically Bakker in film form, with much better jokes and way less unnecessary italics.

>> No.17125186


subhuman comment actually

cope, seethe, dilate

>> No.17125192

I think it's one of the cases where you are writing so fast and you can't come up with a name for a character and she literally gave her that name and forgot to edit it later, but no one told her to change it lol

>> No.17125209

Fantasy with this aesthetic?

>> No.17125341

So that's why Harry Potter was shit.

>> No.17125370

> Serwë could hear Esmenet’s insistent whisper: “It’s okay, Akka! Kellhus will speak to him. Show him his folly …”
> Seswatha fell to his knees, weeping, crying out in grief and exultation. The impossible! The impossible! Beside him, Anaxophus dropped the Heron Spear, placed an arm about him. “Are you okay, Achamian?”
> Achamian fended away the man’s fatherly hands. “I’m okay,” he gasped.
> okay
B-Bakkerbros, this c-can't be happening..... Does Our Writer-Prophet really write Sanderson teen-girl tier dialogue? My heart fears it is true...

>> No.17125380

is China Miéville any good. been eyeing Perdido Street Station for a while. been looking it up and licking my lips if you know what I'm talking about.

>> No.17125395

>doesn't want women to give up hard fought rights, and is willing to sacrifice a new, smaller demographic to keep them
>omg bigotry

>> No.17125404

you will never be a woman

>> No.17125421

he fucking hates Tolkien if that matters

>> No.17125439
File: 678 KB, 717x348, this thread sucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17125440

i read it and it was stupid. an edgy steampunk mess for drug addled gen X'ers. miéville's a hack.

>> No.17125447

You can have my copy, I've just been using it to prop a shelf up.

>> No.17125462
File: 166 KB, 633x473, 1595099006229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, he is the only fantasy writer who doesn't want to do a tolkien 2.0 so that's good to start with it

>> No.17125496

>he is the only fantasy writer who doesn't want to do a tolkien 2.0

shut up you braindead faggot

>> No.17125504

the only people who think everything fantasy is Tolkien don't read books

>> No.17125527

That pic is setting off all sorts of alarms on the physiognomy check.

Let me guess: possibly homosexual upper class British socialist that simultaneously despises the working class?

>> No.17125536
File: 53 KB, 248x232, Screenshot 2020-10-07 at 9.20.17 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any good recent scifi novels with NO alien or FTL bullshit? Even stuff that starts off hard scifi like Eclipse Phase or The Expanse can't seem to resist injecting extrasolar bullshit rather than just exploring the possibilities of humanity conquering our own solar system.

>> No.17125541


>> No.17125550

it does matter, because I have to assume that at least some of the negative feedback is just salt

>> No.17125577

negative feedback from anons here to him or negative feedback from him to Tolkien?

>> No.17125588

>reading books in 2020

Literally all I know of fantasy is reading on wikipedia the summary of the book

>> No.17125685
File: 7 KB, 225x225, SHALLAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the Sandersoy at?

>> No.17125709

I will kill you, cut your fucking face off, and read those books myself

>> No.17125720

schizo cunt

>> No.17125721

Correct, I'm a man who is saying calling JK a bigot for not supporting trans at the expense of real women is ridiculous.

You will never speak English, it seems.

>> No.17125733
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>> No.17125741

> "You will never speak English, it seems."
> Can't use proper punctuation

I accept your defeat.

>> No.17125752

I think we finally drove him away bro.

>> No.17125761
File: 213 KB, 475x515, tumblr_3040f8eb300114caa5bea767b6f415de_891f19c7_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Young Griff takes the throne

>> No.17125762

Tell me what he did wrong.

>> No.17125802
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>> No.17125857

> You will never be a woman
> You will never be a man
how many genders you got there, bub?

>> No.17125859

>no u
might as well slit your wrist subhuman

>> No.17125860

Lord of Light

>> No.17125897

>believing any storylines will be finished
NGMI anon

>> No.17125916

Unironically Gundam

>> No.17125917
File: 465 KB, 806x1200, ascend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RoW second re-read
>Mostly below average, but tolerable when comparing to OB
>Go through Navani's arc
>Endless made up mechanics explanations
>Navani suddenly has suddenly lost her intelligence and also became a serious case of Stockholm Syndrome
>The Sibling only starts warning Navani 1 year after they enter the tower? (Did Sanderson forgot the time-skip?)
>The Sibling really dislikes Navani and still bonds with her when there were clearly better options
>2 "strongest" Radiants in the world are now Man and Wife and everyone's OK with it

Holy shit. I can even swallow the Kaladin being a super man act, but the Navani part was dreadful.

What's going on with Sanderson lately? I know that he publishes books like a mad-man, but is he surrounded by incompetent editors or something? I'm starting to believe that those people don't actually read his books before they're published. It is starting to become unbearable to follow TSA, at least for me.

>> No.17125930

00 would like to have a word with you

>> No.17125975

Why would you read a long book that you hated, three times? Are you retarded?

>> No.17126019

UC Gundam to be more specific.

Gundam mostly takes place on earth and it's sphere. They don't have FTL travel or aliens. It's the only space sci-fi I can think of on the top of my head that does not have those two elements. Not saying it's good or bad just something worth of note.

>> No.17126049

space autism is already OP as fuck

>> No.17126077

I'm right here baby. Did you miss me? You ready for me to make other posts about critiques of one of my favorite authors? I guess you weren't just happy enough to let me live in your head rent free, so here we go just for you lovely ;^*
>Navani suddenly has suddenly lost her intelligence and also became a serious case of Stockholm Syndrome
I don't think "radical scientific breakthrough" is indicative of "losing your intelligence", but you might have something with the Stockholm syndrome.
>The Sibling only starts warning Navani 1 year after they enter the tower? (Did Sanderson forgot the time-skip?)
Warning of what? The invasion and their imminent unmaking that doesn't happen till a year after they take up residence in the tower?
>The Sibling really dislikes Navani and still bonds with her when there were clearly better options
Better options in the moments between their full unmaking and Navani dying slowly? Were there really?

>> No.17126098
File: 36 KB, 417x350, q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>author starts describing naked female corpse in excruciating detail

>> No.17126159

>I don't think "radical scientific breakthrough" is indicative of "losing your intelligence"
After freely giving away precious information to your enemy? Was that really the best plan of action in order to beat a 7 thousand year old brilliant mind that had already embarrassed you hard? Hardly believable. Also, making Navani a scholar felt convoluted too. All she pretty much ever did was coordinating what the ardents were doing.

>Warning of what? The invasion and their imminent unmaking that doesn't happen till a year after they take up residence in the tower?
IIRC Navani got letters from (Dabbid?) before the invasion ever took place. And that was after the time skip (1 year after the went to the tower). During that time, the sibling had had plenty of time to warn her about her experiments with fabrials.

>Better options in the moments between their full unmaking and Navani dying slowly? Were there really?
I neither agree nor disagree with you. The whole thing felt convoluted to me. The author clearly wanted to elevate Navani. There was no other possible outcome.

>> No.17126230
File: 7 KB, 194x259, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rent free

>> No.17126239

I haven't thought about this but you touched on some very good points there.

>> No.17126274

>freely giving away
Raboniel rifles her lab when she loses track of Navani's experiments. She discovers for herself what Navani is trying to hide. She's given two options: own up to her ideas and work with Raboniel to further her discovery, or she'll be taken prisoner, have her workshop ransacked for every clue about what she's up to, and cut out entirely from what amounts to the greatest scientific discovery in literal centuries. I don't know where this notion that Navani is being politically maneuvered by choice comes from.
Now that would be a neat way to cut down on the length of the series. "And Navani was taken prisoner, leaving the Fused to research a super-weapon unopposed. They found a way to turn the tide of war and the radiants were destroyed along with their spren. The end."
>IIRC Navani got letters from (Dabbid?)
Yes, but those warnings were about Navani's meddling with the mechanisms of the tower using bound lower spren. That's also a relatively recent development at the tower, not to mention the Sibling talks about trying and failing to contact her before they found Dabbid.
>the whole thing felt convoluted to me
That's fair. One of the biggest downsides of having a specific framework for your story is that you're often wedging things in where they don't quite fit for the sake of plot expediency. There was almost no way it would've been anyone but Rlain or Navani, but I see your point. For what it's worth, I don't think Navani's power will be comparable at all to Dalinar's bondsmith abilities. Being in charge of the spren of the tower is somewhat different from being in charge of the last remnant of the vessel of Honor.

>> No.17126275

I agree with the Navani part. It was trash.
>IIRC Navani got letters from (Dabbid?) before the invasion ever took place. And that was after the time skip (1 year after the went to the tower). During that time, the sibling had had plenty of time to warn her about her experiments with fabrials.
If that's the case, then there's another plot-hole. It's not the first anyway.

>> No.17126284

I accept your defeat, Brandon.

>> No.17126285

Aristillus series.

>> No.17126293

Yes, and your mind is both spacious and empty, a perfect spot to make a snug little home and whisper to you about how enjoyable Sanderson really is if you just stop being a tryhard faggot.
How often do you think about me when you don't post? Am I with you even when you don't have the thread up? Do I follow you into your dreams yet?

>> No.17126307

I'm sorry, did you have something of worth to add to the discussion?

>> No.17126423

We could ramble about Navani for hours on end here, but we fundamentally disagree on the most important parts of the entire arc. Navani's curiosity is the only driving factor in uncovering a way to mix Stormlight and Voidlight. She does this on her own volition together with Raboniel. If you doubt me, re-read chapter 76.

>Or she'll be taken prisoner, have her workshop ransacked for every clue about what she's up to, and cut out entirely from what amounts to the greatest scientific discovery in literal centuries.
She's already a prisoner. She is given the choice to carry water.
How can any honest person believe that an invading force wouldn't do this in every situation, regardless of Navani's cooperation?

That whole arc was poorly planed. I don't think you truly understand what an invasion implies.

>> No.17126524

>Navani's curiosity is the only driving factor in uncovering a way to mix Stormlight and Voidlight.
I would say the major, and toward the actual discovery chief, driving factor is her curiosity, sure. But she also knows there's something to that anti-voidlight sphere that exploded that she correctly supposed could be used as a weapon. I don't accept that what she's doing isn't at least in a small way related to trying to turn her hopeless situation into an advantage for either the occupants of the tower or the Coalition in general. The only way that's possible is by appearing to work with Raboniel, and even she comments endlessly about how little Navani is getting away with undetected. Failure to withhold is not complicity.

>> No.17126528

Navani is hot, that's all I care about.

>> No.17126586

I'm just angry because he could do so much fucking more with his brilliant imagination, hence the "I think he needs a decent editor" part. I just wish that he would take longer to plan these very minute details and make his books better overall. First two books were magical. It now feels that he took on a task too big for himself. Too many books, too many pages, too many characters. It is just no possible to keep quality if you pump a SLA book every 2/3 years.

>> No.17126634

I think this one in particular suffers a lot from his "idealized vision" of what the series was supposed to be when he originally imagined the oft-discussed "scenes he's been planning since he first started writing". He was obviously very proud of those, and I have to wonder if trying to reconcile his decades old dreams with the actual series as written so far. I don't know, I guess I'm just capable of slightly more forgiveness knowing now exactly how much of this book was blatantly just set-up for the end of the first half.

>> No.17126640

>how enjoyable Sanderson really is
I believe you, if you don't count good prose.
>How often do you think about me when you don't post?
Honestly? Every time I'm taking a shit.

I think I understand you better now, Sandersoy. From what i see, I think that it's not presumptuous for me to assume that you've virtually read every Cosmere book. How much money did you already give to Brandon? Be honest. Is this why you're so defensive of him? Is it the money or because you're so time invested?

>> No.17126647

if trying to reconcile... ended up detracting from the final product. Lost my train of thought.

>> No.17126685

Plus James Tiptree Jr, though she wasn't in Le Guin's league she was a cut above most SFF writers of her time.

>> No.17126716

>How much money did you already give to Brandon? Be honest.
Between the wife and I I own at least one copy of each mainline cosmere novel, except somehow The Well of Ascension and also era 2 Mistborn. And a leatherbound copy of Final Empire and Way of Kings :^) I've unironically pirated the novellas and short cosmere stories, because why not? I also tried some of his actual YA works this way. I like Skyward and Alcatraz is OK, but couldn't get into the Reckoners. The Legion novel was OK too.
>Is this why you're so defensive of him?
You're projecting defensiveness. Obviously I can be communicated with in a reasonable manner if you have reasonable things to discuss. Mostly I just relish arguing with the disingenuous and stupid when I have nothing better to do.

>> No.17126725

>It now feels that he took on a task too big for himself
Sanderson is a very real case of one who "bites off more than one can chew".

What started out slowly (TSLA) quickly became an unmanageable mess with way too many PoVs, Continents, World Hoppers etc..., considering the time he's taking to write every book now.

Not only that, but having the audacity to include "THE" Cosmere battle in the middle of it only made things worse.

If you pay close attention, he's clearly following (or trying, at least) his original outline plan. That's why some characters, like Navani, don't feel natural anymore. They have to fit his outline plot, even if that's bad for the characters themselves. He's just trying to make his best to forcefully fit them where he wants them.

>> No.17126733

not him but whatever this is, you are the only one who calls it that

>> No.17126762

I meant: The StormLight Archive

>> No.17126893

Is this a poor troll?

>> No.17126909

my eyes get tired very quickly when I read, you guys know any tips to keep it from happening?

>> No.17126914

i just dont read

>> No.17126925

Using an e reader is the best advice I can give you.


>> No.17126930
File: 24 KB, 220x330, DD35A119-C74B-4004-A6F0-66A9AB856563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything else Le Guin
Lavinia goes through her whole life and it was pretty melancholic
Always Coming Home also sounds like that vibe

>> No.17126942

Get them checked out by an optometrist. You probably need glasses.

>> No.17127185

The Sanderchad's gaze was clear and bright. "For an obscene arrogance dwells within you, Bakkerfag, the belief that you are the measure of all other men. It is this lie that you seek to preserve at all costs.”

“Not true!” the Bakkerfag cried, bolting from his chair.

“No? Then tell me, Anon, how many times have you thought yourself a god of /sffg/?”

The Bakkerfag licked tight lips. “Never.”

The Sanderchad nodded sceptically. “It is peculiar, isn’t it, the place you find yourself standing? To preserve your pride before me, you must endure the shame of lying. You must conceal who you are, in order to prove who you are. You must degrade yourself to remain proud. At this moment you see this more clearly than at any other time in your life, and yet still you refuse to relinquish, to yield to your tormented pride. You trade the anguish that breeds anguish for the anguish that breeds release. You would rather take pride in what you are not than take pride in what you are.”

“Silence!” the Bakkerfag screeched. “No one speaks to me this way! No one!”

“Shame is a stranger to you, Bakkerfag. An unbearable stranger.”

>> No.17127209

you're probably actually tired and you arent used to reading, simple as. you gotta keep reading everyday and youll get over it. it happens when you go long periods without extensive reading

>> No.17127224


“Listen to him!” the Janny hissed plaintively. “Don’t you see, man? Sanderson is the Prophet! The great Writer of our times!”

The seething Bakkerfag looked at the Janny without comprehension. His masculine beauty seemed all the more astonishing for the blankness of his expression.

“Come now. You are among friends here,” an Anon said. “Brothers of our blessed Thread.”

Anon and Janny. Other men and other words. These apparently broke the spell of the Sanderchad’s voice.

“Brother?” Bakkerfag snarled. “I’m no brother to slaves! You think he writes good books? That his proses are of quality? He does not! Trust me, my ‘brothers, ’ we Bakkerfags know a thing or two about words and men. Sandersoy plays you, and you know it not. He tacks prose after mediocre prose to your heart to better yoke the blood beating underneath! Gulls! Slaves! To think I once congratulated myself on your company!” He turned his back to the Great Thread, began shouldering his way toward the crowded Catalogue.

>> No.17127288


>> No.17127476

Absolutely based rewrite

>> No.17127731

Engine Summer

>> No.17128014

>magic anti gravity drive

>> No.17128113


it's Bakker's best book desu

>> No.17128477

You're autistic.

>> No.17128518

I recently reread the series and here is my accurate and correct ranking
Great Ordeal > Unholy Consult > Thousandfold Thought > Judging Eye > Warrior Prophet > Darkness That Comes Before > White Luck Warrior.

>> No.17128674

What the fuck dude don't post this it's a pedophile discord. Aeos the owner is known for being into that

>> No.17128735

joined if true!

>> No.17128858

no, scientific anti gravity drive

>> No.17128952

Bakkerbros, where you at?

Sandersoys have taken over the thread! I repeat, Sandersoys have taken over the thread!

The anti-sander-schizo is nowhere to be seen. Send reinforcements!

>> No.17128962

How come Moorcock's Elric novels sort of faded from the public and isn't at all well known like LOTR or ASOIAF? Same thing goes for The Chronicles of Amber, although both are well regarded within the community, of course. Could it be because people don't read and because live action adaptations are usually the way they learn about them, or a combination of that and the fact that both Amber and Elric weren't nearly as big a global phenomenon as LOTR was long before Jackson decided to make the films?

>> No.17129024

>pulp magazine project
Oh man, this is great. I wish we still had something like pulp magazines today. Is there even a place sort of like pulps where you can get a middlebrow story published today that doesn't involve self publishing?

>> No.17129040

I have no idea how thousandfold thought is that high, I had it pretty high before i reread it but it doesn't hold up as well. The first 20% is pretty good, Kellhus gains control of the holy war, kicks out Conphas.

But Large sections of the book are not so good, the stuff in joktha is good, but not great, and the holy war just slowly trundles towards shimeh, facing no real obstacles. Nothing really happens until the end, which is good, but worse than the warrior prophet climax.

I've literally read it like 2 days ago and all I can remember of the road to shimeh is them btfoing a bunch of random fortresses easily, Kellhus gaining more control over the holy war and him "starting the count" and then massacering a fort. Coithus Athjeäri dies which was cool but like 3 pages. that's like 60% of the book and the most exciting thing that happens is esmenet getting possessed, which she gets over really fast and isn't super important.

Maybe it's because I'm rereading and it's hindsight but Kellhus has the gnosis, pretty much complete control of the holy war and there are only remnants of the kianene left (though there is moenghus). Nothing beyond the consult can really challenge him at this point and he's still dealing with depleted kianene

my list now would be something like

Warrior prophet > TUC > TGO/Darkness > Great ordeal > thousandfold > judging eye >white luck

seems like everyone agrees white luck is near the bottom though

>> No.17129056

That guy's middle name was really "Rice"? wtf

>> No.17129061

The Witcher is popular and well known

>> No.17129062

> enjoy Sanderson? If the answer is yes, then the Wheel of Time is perfect for you.

>> No.17129069

>/sffg/ shits on books that became popular movies/series/video-games

Dare I say, based?

>> No.17129073

I accept your defeat.

>> No.17129077

>straight up admitting to being a contrarian

>> No.17129080

>If the answer is yes, then the Wheel of Time is perfect for you.
Is the opposite true?
If I enjoyed the few Wheel of Time books I've read, would I enjoy Sander-san's slog?

>> No.17129083

That would be the entire board buddy.

>> No.17129084

I just bought "The Hobbit" in English. As a non-native english speaker is the prose complex? Is it a confy read?

>> No.17129085

I’m that case, you clearly have developed a taste for shit, so yes.

>> No.17129089

Hobbit is a children’s book mate.

>> No.17129095

So is Wind in the Willows but it has more difficult prose than modern fantasy books

>> No.17129097

Are there any relatively mainstream publications besides The New Yorker that even pay for short stories today? Sure, there are literary journals and some specialty publications for genres like science fiction, but most of them have extremely low circulation.

>> No.17129103

It's a children's book, but it was written for educated children of an earlier time. If you can handle an average modern novel I think you'll be fine. The Lords of the Rings is much more difficult, if you continue onto that.

>> No.17129112

Imagine being filtered by Wind in the Willows.
What next? Watership Down? Hungry Caterpillar?

>> No.17129119

> He doesn’t know that Sanderson co-authored the Waste of Time


>> No.17129130

He put together the remains of Jordan's manuscripts, and released it with his name on it.
He did fuck all, but people still claim it's also his series.

>> No.17129139


>> No.17129152
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For comparison with Lord of the Rings here's a section using archaic language. Nothing in the Hobbit is like that.

>> No.17129260

I will read "The Hobbit" for now and the journey into "Lord of The Rings" later then.
I prefer to struggle a bit and try to read in the original language of the work than reading a translation.

>> No.17129291

I liked the movie line more "it takes more to make a king than a broken blade"

>> No.17129296

The writing, the poetics, the philosophy, the characters' inner struggles, the World we are shown, the stakes, the backstory, the sense of tragic irony at the core of Bakker's work are all far deeper in the second series.

But sure, muh battles.

>> No.17129340
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> Absolutely based
> Absolutely
> Absolute

>> No.17129351

Who is that?

>> No.17129361

The Dûnyain survivor. Kellhus son, Koringhus

>> No.17129380
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>six of crows and the rest it's good.
>hamhanded romance for teen girls and shoddy plots are good
This truly is a thread of tasteless morons

>> No.17129388

One need only ponder cowardice to unravel the complexities of Bakkerbros—the reflex, like gagging, to forever be the one aggrieved. Who had suffered more than them (save the LeGuin fags)? Who had read more pages (save the Herbertfags, the Wheel of Time nerds, the Tolkien apocrypha autists)? In the absence of their Author, who had fallen in the great plague, they had wandered and then they had erred. They had turned to the one who dared claim the light of their Holy Author as his own …
They had trusted.
So it was their Bakkerspammer had led them into depravity, commanded the commission of acts so foul, so wicked, they could scarce be imagined. He had exploited their confusion, preyed upon their hunger, anguish and disarray. He had made a feast of their honest and open hearts …
And betrayed all that was based and redpilled.

>> No.17129461

Mainly because of the games.

>> No.17129471

This is a femlit board now. You are fucking done here, moid.

>> No.17129508
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Bros how do I get invited to the Inverse Fire parties?

>> No.17129535

Six of crows was ok but it would have been way better if they had actually had Kaz’s disability be anything other than an aesthetic

>> No.17129544


>> No.17129560

I still don't get it, you're a spacefaring race, how do you lose to medieval shitters?

>> No.17129582

The infamous Nonman Outlaw gazed back up to the Inverse Fire—what for Malowebi remained a play of spectral incandescences across the mirror-black floors. Convections cast shadows like liquid or smoke across the length of his chiselled white frame. After several heartbeats, an opiate glassiness emptied his look.
“After a time,” he said vacantly, “the sheer profundity of it, the monstrous scale of the anguish … it becomes soothing … sublime …”
The sluicing of firelight across white skin.
“And never … never repeating, always different … like some kind of broken arithmetic …”
Horror cracked the white enamel of his expression.
“We call it the Goad,” he continued, a ferocity cracking through his voice. “It is what has bound our Holy Consult these thousands of years …” A seizure of anguished fury. “To see the crimes committed against us! That is what drives us to blot the foul abomination that is this World! The torments revealed by the Inverse Fire!”
He had fairly screamed this, and now he stood riven, sinews finning his neck and arms, his hands clutching emptiness.
“But I suffer no torment,” the Anasûrimbor said.

Bak said the Inchies were already far degraded by the time they crashed on Earwa – they had already done the "144,000 treatment" to hundreds or thousands of worlds. Also the crash BTFO'd the Ark, more than half of the Inchies died and they lost all the Tekne functions that had guided them in the past. Plus they were up against Nonmen at the height of their power, and had never encountered magic. So all of those reasons.

>> No.17129615

there were at least a "thousand thousand" inchoroi that survived the crash.

I got the impression they were pretty shit at war tactics and strategy wise, and ordinary inchoroi weren't really powerful like aurang and aurax, they were just normal humanoids with powerful weapons.

It took them a while to design the sranc and bashrag etc (thousands of years), and they weren't nearly as numerous as they would be later.

a lot of them probably like starved to death and shit as well

also nonman sorcery.

>> No.17129656

>there were at least a "thousand thousand" inchoroi that survived the crash.
sauce? how could that be? 1000x1000= one million. seems strange there would be so many especially given the whole "144,000 souls max" thing.

also interesting to note that the Inchoroi were originally a weapons race like the Sranc, one who has outlived their progenitors. they were probably grafted a shit-ton from all the previous worlds they've visited (maybe the wings come from the Wracu-planet?), they're basically genetically-engineered Mr. Potato Head damnation-machines.

apparently A&A were the only two who survived the attempt to Graft sorcery genetics.

>> No.17129724

I'm interested in stories that read like puzzles, stuff like 'House of Leaves', some of the stories Borges wrote, most of what Gene Wolfe penned, The Quincunx (this one is not really SFF, but you get the point)... Where does one go next? It does not necessarily have to feature an unreliable narrator or complex hard sci-fi elements.

>> No.17129730

I'm massively curious how accidental their resemblance to the Inhumi is.

>> No.17129782

Leave sff and take the shin honkaku pill

>> No.17129807

It's a good chance cause Sando is somewhat like Jordan in the type of stories they peddle. Except not criminally incompetent when it comes to basics of writing.

>> No.17129833

What game is that c/lit/?

>> No.17129870

According to the Nonman King, not one in a hundred Inchoroi survived the Ark’s fall from the heavens, and yet a thousand thousand of them had warred against the Nonmen over the course of their innumerable wars.

Bakker, R. Scott. The Thousandfold Thought, about 60% through

>> No.17129924

it's possible they didn't need to graft anything before earwa, they had their ship which possibly had orbital weapons and shiet, even just dropping rocks from the sky would low up cities

>> No.17129965


>> No.17129972

Prince of nothing

>> No.17129981

What? I’ve never read sanders. This looks okay to me

>> No.17129995

no one in Earwa should be saying "okay."
this is not okay.

>> No.17130062

Oh wow you’re right I didn’t even realize lol (I jerked off earlier)
I’m alright
I’m just fine
I’m fine
I’m well
I’m cool
I’m chillin senpai

>> No.17130160

I haven't read the sffg thread since >>16980408
Am I finally free? I will never catch up now.

>> No.17130251

>fluent in 5 languages
>forced to read in the worst of them

>> No.17130266


>> No.17130281
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So the Mount Rushmore of fantasy authors in this thread is
2 Bakker
3 Erickson
4 ????

>> No.17130499

His short story The Emperors Soul was really good

>> No.17130596

>some of the dialog is cringey like that when he's trying to write "catty female bitch". He's too mormon to write believable mean-girls
My biggest complaint in the first two books are Shallan’s “being clever” chapters, they’re too cringe.

>You wanna know who could write a mean bitch?
Robert Jordan. That dude could write women that made me s e e t h e