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/lit/ - Literature

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17084338 No.17084338 [Reply] [Original]

What culture which is not yours, are you most drawn to? (particularly its literature)

I.e are you a weeb, a russophile, a sinophile, Francophile etc? And what culture are you from?

I’m Indian and I’m a bit of an Anglophile (heh...)

>> No.17084353

anglo-american russophile

>> No.17084389
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I have not seen this image in a long time. That was one of the comfiest /int/ threads I have participated in. People from all over the world were building snowmen and sharing them.

>> No.17084402

A few of them. I'm an Anglo, but I'm drawn to Greek, Italian, French, and German literature.

>> No.17084416

I'm an Anglo American and a russophile/greekaboo when it comes to /lit/

>> No.17084466

French. I am middle western.

>> No.17084480

I'm Brazilian and I don't know. I know some French and Japanese. But haven't read a lot of Japanese authors, read some French stuff, but not a lot of classics compared to English.

If you consider drawn like what I want to dive in atm? Probably Scandinavian literature, definitely want to check out Ibsen and some other authors who influenced and were influenced by him.

>> No.17084513

American here. I’ve spent hours watching videos of a dude just wandering through Japan. The only video games I’ve played in the past year are yakuza games.

I’m a socialist, but I’m just so jealous that the Japanese did capitalism but cool. The architecture. The vending machines. The use of space. The efficiency. All while maintaining a culture that’s hundreds of years old. I don’t even really like anime anymore. I stopped that shit a decade ago. But I love the feeling of an alternate time line that Japan gives off. I can’t help but love the fact that their corner stores are of a higher quality than most grocery stores here. That their infrastructure is massive and complex and not ignored like here in the states. I get that their over worked and there’s a bunch of shit wrong, but it’s so fucking beautiful compared to the awful suburban sprawl of this place. Fuck cars.

>> No.17084524

indian too

>> No.17084566

I'm a French francophile (I also like my Italianbros and Germanbros a lot)

>> No.17084584
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I'm a southamerican germanophile

>> No.17084668

i'm italian and i'm really drawn to Latin American culture. i feel like what North America is to the uk and northern Europe, South America is to mediterranean countries. and for some reason, that makes me really fascinated by South America (and interested in, althrough unattracted by North America).

>> No.17084708

>what culture are you from?
>What culture which is not yours, are you most drawn to?
A variety of them. I admire them for different reasons - I admire German thought for its rigor and expansiveness, the French for their light-footedness and levity, the Italians for their gaiety and affirmation of life, Ancient India for the same reason I admire the Germans, and the Japanese because of the way they manage to somehow tame modernity and form it in their own image, besides having a thing for the gentleness of their aesthetics (like mono no aware, for example). I kinda like Ancient Chinese culture, too, but somehow it doesn't grab me despite it being the father of Japanese culture, obviously.

>> No.17084753

I mean I'm aussie and read mainly british stuff, so yeah.
Am also drawn to winter culture, I just want a white christmas bros.

>> No.17084783

I am Mexican, and an regular weeabo and chinaboo.

>> No.17084794

I am indian and I love russia, japan and ireland

>> No.17084796

Spanish "anglophile" (I'm nowhere enough that level of dedication). I like Victorian novels.

>> No.17084800

I'm a Russian russophile

>> No.17084825
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French germanophile checking in, where are my German francophile bros at?

>> No.17084839

Japanophile. I don’t like the word weeb because that implies I’m just some otaku loves anime and JRPGs but it’s not like that.

>> No.17084854

Unashamed weeb. But I'll never visit Japan or try and mangle their language.

>> No.17084865

Southern slav. I'm drawn to English and french literature, but of a certain time period. Guess it's just my thing at the moment.
I'm a weeb too, but not cause of literature. I like manga and the aesthetic of Japanese gardens and architecture, as well as the artistic beauty of women in kimonos.

>> No.17084889

collaborateur vichy dégoûtant

>> No.17084896

Italian Canadian here. I am a

>> No.17084901

Italian pre-columbianphile

>> No.17084911

Russia, England, Roman culture
>t. ABC

>> No.17084918

general internet culture

>> No.17084948

>René Char
Retourne dans ton trou et n'en sors plus jamais.

>> No.17084957

i'm american-german, and i'm really fascinated in the non-weeb asiatic cultures. Thailand, Vietnam Indonesia, etc. not so much the lit. though.

>> No.17084964
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Pas Rene char. Toi, anon

>> No.17085004

Do Americans really..?

>> No.17085020

scandinavian japophile

>> No.17085055
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(American) Southerner jewboo unironically, with a dash of weeb.

>> No.17085090

I spent the first 15 years of my life switching between germany and america, and I've spent the last 15 years living entirely in germany. I am german, arguably, I've been german longer than I've been american, but I did spend my most developmental years in america. saying I'm just one and not both is disingenuous. suck my dick.

>> No.17085099

Once a burger...

>> No.17085117

amerigroid greekfag here

>> No.17085119

Following European tradition, I'm probably drawn to Greco-Roman culture more than anything else.

I also like Japanese culture, at least from afar. I love the Wabi-Sabi aesthetic, and how traditional Japanese architecture influenced minimalism in the West. I also love old Japanese movies and at least some Anime, and, of course, vidya.
I haven't read a lot of classic Japanese literature yet but it feels like you lose quite a lot in translation. Too bad it might be one of the most difficult languages to learn for a Westerner, especially if you want to master it well enough to read a book with any degree of fluency.

>> No.17085136

American-German and Russophile

>> No.17085152


>> No.17085395

Romanian Russophile.

>> No.17085625

American Jew, I'm a russophile because that's where my family comes from and I want to learn more about it.

>> No.17085988

I’m envious of people who have 1 nation where they’re from. I’m a total Euromutt. One grandparent was wholly German. One grandparent was wholly Italian. The others came from Ireland and Austria but we suspect they weren’t even Irish or Austrian so they’re all over the place. It’s a shallow desire but it’s one that’s there either way.

>> No.17086309

What’s so interesting about Russia?

>> No.17086438

fucking retard doesn't know what anglo-american means.

>> No.17086466

La creatura semìtica...

>> No.17086488

good larp but you're an american

>> No.17086535

other than anglo-saxon, i'd say weeb, cause it's the most foreign whilst still being relatively accessible.

>> No.17086568

I'm a bong but I'm drawn to American lit, especially from the 1800s kind of time. I think America was an amazing idea, the original Americans were some seriously impressive and bold people, with some sky-high ideals for a new democracy, it's inspiring.
If that doesn't count because the culture on the whole is too similar I'd have to say Russia, Russians seem to be very introspective, often wise beyond their years and quite the opposite from Americans in general outlook. After you read what a Russian has to say about something you don't often forget it quickly. Just my impressions.

>> No.17086876

And you’re an idiot

>> No.17087370

American russophile

>> No.17088253

ITT: Americans desperately clinging onto supposed European heritage

>> No.17088354

Latin America

>> No.17088966

Med culture

>> No.17089023

white American

>> No.17089047

>what culture are you from?
>What culture which is not yours, are you most drawn to?
i`m italophile

>> No.17089060

Asian architecture and industry. Japanese civil engineering and how they keep their houses neighborhoods town cities clean and orderly. Koreans/Japanese for their ceramics and heavy industrial production and woodwork . China had amazing scenery and history. The Okinawans are unique. The Taiwanese are the Good Chinese. Fuck mainland chingchongs though. They are rats

>> No.17089070

French and Brazilian.

>> No.17089077
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American is an ethnic group at this point. All ethnic groups went through a melting pot phase. White Americans or as I call them, Americans, are an ethnic group. People used to know this but due to multicultural propaganda and the perpetual melting pot myth, most don't realize it anymore. It's still possible for a national reawakening to happen. I hope it does.

>> No.17089079

American upper class WASPs. I am white trash but we get along, laugh, and do drugs. I enjoy Brett Easton Ellis and Whit Stillman for these reasons

>> No.17089240
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Philhellene, Indophile, and Nippophile; am an American raised in Dutchland (Germany)
Meine Brüder, Gott segne euch!

>> No.17089304

I like German culture.
HH bruder

>> No.17089394

I'm italian and a massive dixiephile. The south will rise again.

>> No.17089398

French weeb
Which is more excusable than other types of weebs

>> No.17089399

Mexican, and I fucking love England. God save the Queen!

>> No.17089412

I'm 100% English Canadian.

>> No.17089415

I'm from the southern US, and a Francophile/Japanophile.

>> No.17089433

American / New Jersey trash with a deep affection for Mediterranean culture

>> No.17089446

French mostly. I am Greek

>> No.17089467

Armenian with Russian blood living in Armenia. Anglophile, probably because English is the only "foreign" language I know. I feel like I will become a hardcore Francophile when I learn French.

>> No.17089468
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you will never be upper class. they will always be able to tell that you grew up poor. I am not saying this to try to hurt you, I am saying this to try to encourage you to love yourself. there is beauty and honor in working class culture. Don't be Pip.

>> No.17089470
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I'm a Middle Easterner and I'm a sinophile, reading through something else at the moment but I'll be sinking my teeth into the Dao De Jing and The Story of the Western Wing soon.

>> No.17089478

The US really was a very different place before the first world war. It's fascinating to see the growing impression of US intellectuals on the rest of the world, as Henry George influenced Feder or Emerson inspired Nietzsche. You also have the story of Paul Morphy of New Orleans who came out of nowhere to dominate the European chess scene in a matter of years, and swiftly retired. I think the rest of the world at that time was very curious about the country, with a positive bent. It's depressing to think how much the 20th century ruined that society, but also positive to go back and read thoughts from the great men of that time. In many ways I still don't think they've been surpassed.

>> No.17089483

I have no interest in joining them. Their lifestyles require cruelty and coldness I am not capable of. white trash pride

>> No.17089487


>> No.17089516


>> No.17089530

Anglo here. I like Anglo culture. Other cultures should die.

>> No.17089551

Russian, obviously anglophile. Also have sympathy for America.

>> No.17089555

Sometimes I think perhaps im actually an indigenous person who wanted to experience what its kind of like to be white, and because I deserve the privilages of white people in colonial society, therefore i became biracial for this incarnation

>> No.17089567

Schizo American

>> No.17089607
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Good ol' Billy.

>American fascinated by all former USSR colonies. Used to be a koreaboo,russiaphile, weeb.

>> No.17089631

>> 17084338
I am a Pole, Russophile and Mongolophile.I came to love Mongolia because of my long-standing interest in Russian culture, history and literature, when I started getting to know medieval Russia. Then I was obsessed with Mongolia, Gengis Khan etc.

>> No.17089966

Australian christaboo/greekboo (anything christian, ancient greek)

>> No.17089969


Feel free to immigrate to Latin America any time. Youll find a wife in no time.

>> No.17090270

You are 100% all out retard it sounds like

>> No.17090281

I was talking about nation though, not ethnicity.

>> No.17090301

ITT retards desperately trying to pretend that Americans aren’t of European ancestry. A European would have you believe that he’s of different ethnic stock simply because he happened to be born on different soil even if he speaks English and both sets of ancestors lived in the exact same village for thousands of years. It’s a cope for the simple reason they want to be distinct from New Worlders of European heritage. It’s not even logical.

Reminder btw that Europeans didn’t build their cities, nor their cathedrals, nor their roads. Their ancestors did. Same ancestors as ours.

>> No.17090492

Spic here, huge russophile

>> No.17090505

I'm quite fascinated with Indian culture as an Anglo desu. I travelled to Tamil Nadu a few years back and was able to take a shit out in the open - it took a lot to break my lifelong conditioning to use toilets but it was actually very liberating.

Would recommend!

>> No.17090552
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I am a Pakistani
>Eastern Blockphile

>> No.17090555


>> No.17090559

I've travelled Pakistan quite a bit, the Pathans were undeniably more based than say Punjabis and Sindhis.

>> No.17090563

>the Pathans were undeniably more based than say Punjabis and Sindhis.
how so?

>> No.17090574

Better food, comparatively white, tough men, meek women. Essentially cultural chads.

>> No.17090578

I am a Brit but I am a weeb for Denmark (Danaboo?)

>> No.17090589

Denmark, well thats something.
why though?

>> No.17090596

I would recommend shitting in pea fields while enjoying fresh peas, thinking about the fundamental ontology and then scratching your asshole with a stone to wipe off the shit.

>> No.17090602

I am English. I am a Russophile and a Hellenophile. Trying to get more into china though.

>> No.17090631

I really like Uzbek clothing

>> No.17090638

I decided I want to live on the continent and the only countries in the intersection of 'bicycle-centric culture', 'high standard of living', and 'sensible politics' are Denmark and Holland and I prefer Denmark. I like the general outlook on life and the cities are very pleasant. Also rye bread is excellent. So I am learning Danish and intend to move there when I graduate. I was overstating a little for the sake of the thread when I said I'm a weeb though. I think fetishizing another country or culture is one of the most embarrassing things you can do. But I do think Denmark is a nice country and a good place to live.

>> No.17090663

Black American, I'm drawn to German, English, and French as far as Europeans go. For my own I'm very interested in West African Folklore. Arabic poetry is cool too.

>> No.17090692

My parents are from Taiwan, but I was born and raised in America.

There's a few cultures:

1. Every Taiwanese person has a fascination with Japan, so it passed on to me by default.

2. Classic Americana. Steamships, small towns with Main Streets, frontiersmen like Davy Crockett, World Fairs. It's a version of America that feels somewhat lost, but maybe it's just a function of where I grew up.

>> No.17090693

Pathans are a warrior nation but have little to no arts and literature.
Punjabis are a mixed bad. People who live on the mountains have mostly warrior spirit(most number of soldiers are from northern Punjab) similar to Pathans, Central Punjabis are more cultured because of Lahore and they have high-tier arts, literature and a strong Sufi legacy. But Punjabi are segregated because they hate themselves and consider their own mother language a savage language.
Sindhis are liberals(not in the western sense of course) probably because of Sufi legacy. They have arts and literature.

Punjabis vs Pathans is like Greek vs Rome.

>> No.17090712

ahh yes I can see, the nordic model is indeed very appealing. As a finn who lived in amsterdam for a while I think you will enjoy Denmark a lot more than Netherlands.

>> No.17090748

non ci credo volevo scrivere la stessa cosa. Se emigri scrivimi che ci vediamo.
for anglos: I wanted to post the same thing, I'd like to travel/move to Colombia, I feel like LatAm people are more lighthearthed, in Italy we are way too pessimistic. Plus I got a thing for latinas.
Also I really like Thailand and its culture, it's sad that it's all about sex tourism or hippy nstagram thots.

>> No.17090799

> Also I really like Thailand and its culture, it's sad that it's all about sex tourism or hippy nstagram thots.

Thailand has been ruined for me personally because of that. Unfortunately, when I think of Thailand now, the dominant images in my mind are of full moon parties, prostitutes, and debauched tourists looking for cheap thrills.

Do you have any book recommendations about Thailand? I'd like to rehabilitate my mental image of it.

>> No.17090802

Same, would love to spend more time in thailand but I feel disgusted by the middle-aged white men casually strolling around with girls younger than themselves.
Agegap is not the problem but the fact that for them whoring and being a bar girl is the only way to bring money to your family.

>> No.17090983

French, Japanese. I'm a Brit Bong

>> No.17091002


>> No.17091027

It would make sense if both of your parents only moved to the country but when most of americans have already lived for generations in the US, they are american.

You dont find such unique snowflake mindset in australia.
''Oo im 25%austrian 50%polish and 25% irish, I am so italian!''

>> No.17091158

I've never read it but Orwell's Burmese days was recommended to me by a /lit/ anon.
yes I mean I'm not against sexpats (do your thing, I'll not judge you) but the fact that Thailand, which heritage and culture is so based, is either seen by normies as "muh beaches" or "muh degeneracy" is disappointing.

>> No.17091178

Thank you for not only speaking for Americans but displaying your caricaturized version of Americans that you keep in your head.

As for me, it was either grandparents or great-grandparents who migrated to America, all of which I’ve known in my lifetime, all of which took me to the towns they grew up in, and all of which taught me pieces of their home language. Notice how I specifically mentioned them in my post so your comment doesn’t even hold water. Regardless, Americans are every bit as of European ancestry as modern Europeans regardless of how long they’ve been here. Europeans seem as if they would have you believe that because you’ve happened to have been born within the borders of another nation that you share no common roots and yet a German or a Frenchman would be just as willing to argue over whether a man born in Alsace-Lorraine is German or French. This is all a desperate cope to identify and gatekeep a culture which they want badly (admittedly, for understandable reasons) to partake in and yet they did not build it and it is not theirs. The exclusivity of European heritage that modern Euros throw around at New Worlders is just an attempt to create distinction and an act of cultural selfishness. There’s not even consistency in they way they argue identify drawn from the modern nation state. The unbelievable irony of it all is they tell you this in plain English, usually American..

Anyone who takes this view is a brainlet or a desperate and selfish moron as far as I’m concerned but in the meantime, Americans will continue to welcome them with open arms should they want it.

>> No.17091184

No modern culture. The cultures Iv read and admire from any nation are already gone and replaced by the nu-version . But if I had to say, Im a Francophile. I smoke and drink wine unapologeticly just as much as them too, best bread and great literature.

>> No.17091306

*died in loneliness*

>> No.17091680

<The unbelievable irony of it all is they tell you this in plain English, usually American.


>> No.17091697

I'm a Mexican-American and I like Russian /lit/.

>> No.17091707

Latin-American culture (for its vibrancy and food)
Japanese culture (for their techno-futurist aesthetic)
Polish culture (don't know what it is about the Poles, they just make a lot of good art)

>> No.17092113
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Denbtlander (Greek).
>Culture Fetish
Honestly? Nothing. I’m too full of myself and hateful to like something from a rival nation and culture. That’s not to say that I love mine. In fact I hate almost everything, my cunt included. Now, I never really managed to “like” anything. I “like” things in theory, the idea of them. The way the thought of watching a film is more enjoyable than actually sitting through it. My problem is that I never really managed to “focus” on anything. I feel this need to know it all, to have it all. So I created this sort of mental image in my mind of my perfect self and started constructing him with books and interests. They might be artificial in some aspects but as time goes on I internalize them. I don’t know if I’m too empty inside or just numb, but it’s the only way to control this impulse in me. And what is not part of my “ideal self” is something that disgusts me, something that exists without my consent. All these ideas, myths, philosophies, everything; they must be purged. If I don’t want it, then nobody should.

Back to the Cultures, I can’t say that I’m drawn to any particular one. I liked Bongs when I was into Doctor Who and the such, but I can’t say that I’m into them now. I always thought I loved Gothic, but upon reading the novels I found them rather disappointing. I’ve yet to read Le Morte D’Arthur, as it’s sitting on my self. America, Westerns and the such hardly interest me. The North? Please. Anything outside of Europe might as well not exist. Most are subhumans and the ones that have older cultures piss me off because I cannot “We WUZ” properly. Not that I hate Egypt, “Persia” and the such specifically, but my inner hatred just covers them all. I’ve never given the Balkans much thought and Russia is too foreign and gloomy. Naturally I hate Germans and their ilk, as the feeling is mutual. The closest to a liking might be an interest in the French, as they’re similar enough to the Med but also more “exotic”. I suppose I’m naturally into the GrecoRoman Era but that’s just who I am, genetically.

I know why this is happening. One part is because
gives me natural Pride. The other is because we’ve been surpassed for millennia now and are everyone’s laughing stock. Utterly alone in Hell. Not a single ally. Worse even, the people here, and I’m being too kind referring to them as people, are lowly creatures I despise. If I could I’d find every public sector worker and destroy their kneecaps. It’s not as if anything in their productivity would change. Every politician should be thrown to the packs of niggers in Africa. Every old moron thrown to the woods to be eaten. But everytime I look at myself I am reflected on them. I’m cursed to be linked to this sorry excuse of a place. But if I abandon all identify then I admit defeat. And I cannot have that. I’ll drag them screaming and kicking into my new tomorrow.

>> No.17092309

Stfu, you narcissist.

>> No.17092326

You are a mental midget. Do not respond to me again.

>> No.17092398

What are you smoking, the Japanese are degenerate losers among the ruins of their greatness.

>> No.17092482

i see

>> No.17092651

Chinaboo, mild weeb.

What do you feel towards Taiwan? Planning to study there for a couple years after the pandemic. Visited twice before, a lovely place.

>> No.17092736


>> No.17092995
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Franch germanophile.
J'aime les allemandes en uniforme

>> No.17093143

Russian, weeb. I feel like I connect with anxiety and tiredness of an average japanese salaryman whose entire identity had been washed off, while also trying to lead his life by honor and principles (which is less and less relatable regards modern Japan). I'm also attracted to pagan Scandinavian culture.

>> No.17093623

Taiwan is pretty great - very relaxed atmosphere, and friendly people. I can only speak to it as a tourist unfortunately.

>> No.17094271
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Black American. I like Russian and Japanese culture.

>> No.17094424

What southern slav would not specify which one they are. Only the worst type would. Whats up bosniakbro?

>> No.17095036

Nowadays? I dunno, I'm drawn to MY culture.

I'm influenced by a strange mix of cultures. I'm Canadian, Irish and English. In my youth, with no culture specifically my own, I ended up engaging with the culture of LA surf/skater/druggie, which forms how I speak and often gets mistaken for black culture (which it is similar to in some ways). Japanese philosophy had a dramatic impact on me (martial arts, which are usually misunderstood). Now i live in Ireland and I'll die here.

And if all that shit sounds gay to you, how about you BLOW IT OUR YOUR ASS.