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17038054 No.17038054 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17038061

War and Peace

>> No.17038117


>> No.17038172

Girls with bpd simply need to be put down. I treat them and although they're easy to wrangle, there is no fixing what they have. They should not be allowed to reproduce because they infect their kids.

I would say government mandated norplant or you get a bullet.

>> No.17038175

The idiot by dostoyevsky

>> No.17038178

possibly lol

>> No.17038192

Any tips on bagging them to sleep with?

>> No.17038200


>> No.17038204

that's not nice. I have the benign autismo version.

>> No.17038229

Who is the blonde she looks familiar, shes now my waifu for wearing a chrome hearts singlet

>> No.17038297

You shouldn't have the right to ruin other lives. Sorry freak. I've seen too much generational mental illness suffering. Although I'm a Christian it has changed my opinions about things like reproduction

>> No.17038318

BPD is a barely valid diagnosis. It's the new hysteria, the only reason people don't call it sexist is because some males get it, but male hysteria also used to exist. Really it's the default state of women that never learn to cope with suffering. I am 100% certain that if I were to google "Adults with BPD" advocacy group right now, they would have 7 figure donations from pfizer, roche, novartis, etc. If you wanna give a girl with BPD a book give her "Corporate crime in the pharmaceutical industry", pretty good read

>> No.17038322

sorry that you had to deal with that. if it makes you feel any better, I'll never have children.

>> No.17038334

Yeah, BPD is a catch-all, but there are people with very pronounced symptoms that just don't quite fit into any other diagnosis.

>> No.17038353

Oh fuck off. You don't know what you're talking about even slightly.

>> No.17038361

>Really it's the default state of women that never learn to cope with suffering.
Oh wow almost like hurr its a personality disorder or something. Fucking pseuds on this board are intolerable.

>> No.17038380

I knew a girl who was supposedly BPD, but she was actually an aspie and suffered anxiety/depression outbursts from trying to be social

>> No.17038386

>acknowledging women acting like psychos is sexist
I really hope you get your life ruined by one of these cunts one day. That goes for all the shills on this board who say shit like schizophrenia isn't real. You deserve to suffer at the hands of a mentally ill freak. Then you can spout your anti science crap with your eyes gouged out or with a rape accusation against you.

Also personality disorders aren't often treated with drugs but you wouldn't know that because you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.17038401

Ah yes ill take your word for it Mr Armchair Psychiatrist. You definitely weren't under her spell and being manipulated by her. An incel like you would never fall for that. You know about the drug companies

>> No.17038405

This feels kinda true. bpd is kinda the new adhd for woke white girls on twitter. People think mental illnesses like depression, ocd, and bpd are spectrums where you can say things like "oh im a little ocd about this". you can't be a little ocd and just having mood swings isnt being sorta bipolar. genuine bipolar disorder is mania to the point where you are risking your life because you think you cant die and depression that keeps you from functioning.

>> No.17038574

Certainly so, I'm just of the apparently controversial opinion that creating labels for these sets of symptoms is a useless task that ends up doing more damage through identification with the label than the efficiency it creates in treating the most severe cases (the efficiency being most pronounced in transfering care providers and drug administration)
Christ, and I thought there was only one or two psychiatrists on /lit/. I'm no babe in the woods, people with BPD are very human and I believe the diagnosis is unnecessarily stigmatising, and like many diagnoses, an ultimately useless label to the patient. Can't you see that by giving these occasional sets of symtoms concrete names they're being reduced to a biological reality? I understand if you disagree with that sentiment for schizophrenia and the likes, but for something like this the reductionist approach legitimises unreliable medical treatments, and gives the client the burden of an illness that they will always either have or suddenly not have, rather than a gradual recovery process

>> No.17038579

be narcissistic

>> No.17038583

Blah blah blah same shit every time with you anti psych people. What do you have a diagnosis yourself? Fuck off.

>> No.17038601


Have sex

>> No.17038647

I wouldn't be anti-psych if I hadn't had a diagnosis myself, and I don't think you really read and considered what I said anon. Very few people with major problems have positive experiences with the mental healthcare system, of course that's at least partially due to the fact that the mentally ill are often convinced they know best, but the rest is largely due to bearaucracy and jaded psychiatrists. I sincerely would be interested in hearing about your experiences and opinions on the matter anon, it's unfortunate disagreeing with psychiatry is such a contentious matter. It's something of a catch-22 when talking to a psychiatrist: you sit passively and say nothing and they'll find you uncooperative, you disagree with their treatment plan and you're quickly branded as manipulative and uncooperative

>> No.17038660

Sapiens by Yuval Harari

>> No.17038867

anyways books helloooo

>> No.17038886

my nigga

>> No.17038890


In general yeah. BPD women ruined my life for the fun of it or whatever their motivation is. On the other hand I know one BPD girl who is a really decent person, albeit very damaged - she would probably agree with your premise.

>> No.17038901
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>> No.17038918
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wtf is this the same chick I had a crush on from american pie back when I started jerking off?!

>> No.17039113

for real what is that book about. I see so many girls buying it

>> No.17039148

You are playing with fire. I'm talking innocent-man-goes-to-federal-prison fire. It's not depression or bipolar or even schizophrenia. It's an extent personality disorder caused by horrible childhood abuse in most cases. They will successfully ruin your life in ingenious, unexpected ways that you will never recover from when her mood turns on you

>> No.17039200

honestly this sounds hot any bpd men wanna ruin me?

>> No.17039210

Tara Reid

>> No.17039211

Sorry I'm not gay bro

>> No.17039248

Mental illness isnt real, and I want to kms every day

>> No.17039421

implying women can read

>> No.17039440

I went to DBT therapy sessions for people with this, even though I didn't have full BPD my therapist felt I had enough emotional problems to warrant it. I was the only male there. Maybe one or two chicks were actually hot. But going to group therapy to pick up women is pretty low, a lot of them have had abusive spouses, or suicide attempts, or drug problems. Or all three. They also tend to lie a lot, so I'm sure they were much worse people than they let on. One old nigger in that group would just come in and openly fantasize about slaughtering and raping her neighbors over minor transgressions every day.

I was the youngest and least crazy person there, so I tried being really positive to cheer people up. It might have pissed a few of them off, but I felt it was better than enabling self pity. The techniques they teach you in DBT will actually help you think less in extremes if you apply them. It helps to not have a substance abuse disorder, anyone with mental illness should not drink or use drugs.

Taking your meds is not that fucking hard bro.

>> No.17039578

Any book with F*ck or Sh*t in the title that sells you the idea that you can do things you want instead of just doing things that increase your social status

>> No.17039632

Would be very interested to see the BPD split by country and then internally by social status

I suspect this is Monkey in Captivity illness that doesn't exist in less industrialised societies

>> No.17039661

Be human
Be present at the right time.

>> No.17039800

This isn't a book thread assburgers.

>> No.17039816

>raping her neighbors
h o t

>> No.17040407

>there is no fixing what they have
horseshit, I and multiple of my friends have bpd and we work harder than anyone else to overcome our shit
yes some borderlines are stuck in learned helplessness or whatever but it's totally possible for it to go into remission

>> No.17040422

The first step to recovery is realizing that there is nothing wrong with you and in fact you're just stupid and without culture, so you do retarded shit people with no culture would do.

>> No.17040427


>> No.17040460

dialectical behavioral therapy is a placeholder for what a traditional society would embed within you

>> No.17040466

man, i know youre being edgy but my bpd ex made my life hell, fucked me over and cheated on me, lied through her teeth
its no joke, theyre huge narcissists

>> No.17040477

BPD is the reason why misogyny exists

>> No.17040491

The natural state of all women that arent taught anything aka trash

>> No.17040502
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Based fellow psychiatrist.

>> No.17040504

Do EMDR therapy, dig up all that fun trauma

>> No.17040519

You clearly are by your reddit reply. Imagine apologizing to the likes of a sodomite and by your tepidity you accept and normalize his perversion.

>> No.17040623

just give them attention lol

>> No.17040665

BPD is a meme. I'm a male who was diagnosed with BPD, and I let it become a part of me. Then I just realized I liked being an asshole, and I got off on fucking with people.
I'm trying to be a better person now.

>> No.17040673

fucking kek

>> No.17040718

Ada, or Ardor:;

>> No.17040729

i can save her

>> No.17040773

I like how he doesn't care about the black chick and is more interested in the white girl

>> No.17040865

>you're wrong because I have BPD and feel angry at your statement
fuck off

>> No.17040871

why would you like that?

>> No.17040909

You should be more empathetic

>> No.17040915

U can get help anon, i hope it gets better

>> No.17040954


>> No.17041115

this. also this is not a literature board. only psueds talk about books

>> No.17041163

>tfw diagnosed schizoaffective disorder which is bpd + schizophrenia
at least I’m a male

>> No.17041175

anything lewis carroll

>> No.17041220

Bld is just a list of negative stereotypes of women.

>> No.17041265

>bpd ofc i assume

>> No.17041332


>> No.17041354

Bpd bitches are insane, hysteria. Do NOT stick your dick in crazy.

>> No.17041355

liveblod by medan boyle
mira gonzalez collected works

>> No.17041360

Just wondering if it needs to be considered an actual disorder.

>> No.17041531

have you considered the possibility of you being retarded

>> No.17041661

Calm down psycho roastie

>> No.17042189

I honestly don't bother anymore with BPD patient unless I'm doing rounds inpatient and I'm forced to. They are fucking parasites that clog up time with manipulation and deceit. Most of them don't even get better with treatment. They don't want to get better. I would rather spend my time fixing medications for a bipolar patient who is seeking help or anything else to be honest.

>> No.17042280


BPD is borderline personality disorder, not bipolar disorder. Two very different things. BPD is basically pure and distilled evil.

>> No.17042439

bipolar sub type or depressive? :/

>> No.17042470
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And no anon it's not like Borderline Personality Disorder at all, I would actually want to help you and believe you could live a decent life with treatment.

>> No.17042476

You're fucking retarded

>> No.17043174


>> No.17043209
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Kys crazy person

>> No.17043226

>Adults with BPD" advocacy group right now, they would have 7 figure donations from pfizer, roche, novartis, etc.
How can you be so confidently ignorant you obviously don't know anything about BPD. There is no pharmacological treatment for it.
>an ultimately useless label
On the contrary it's a very useful label. It tells me my time is better spent helping someone else.
That's a girl probably misdiagnosed with BPD and instead more likely has CPTSD.
See a psychiatrist faggot, depression is the flu of psychiatry, we have a lot of tools to help.

>> No.17043233


>> No.17043268

I briefly was with a girl with serious bpd(like tenuous grasp on reality tier) and she wasn't capable of ruining anyone's life, she could barely even get herself to work every day let alone create devious plots. She was very beautiful and very affectionate, which combined with the bpd trait of abruptly leaving people and tending to choose crazy people, made her have a variety of insane/dangerous men surrounding her, but I never saw her do anything to ruin their lives or mine for that matter, even after our relationship predictably became a catastrophe. She became a bit vindictive, but her emotions were so volatile that this typically lasted for like a half hour and consisted of just phoning me and saying something mean after I had done the same to her, she'd be as likely to turn nice an hour later.

>> No.17043279

My ex had BPD and PTSD. She was loving, but in a smothering, alienating way. She was sexually abused as a child. One day she let it slip that she was "afraid of continuing the cycle." I gleaned from that what you think. Told her that was something she should've kept with her to the grave.
That was basically the beginning of the end. She ended up with another one of my friends who also had BPD, and I genuinely believe he jumped at that chance to cause pain to my life. He was always a very bitter, resentful person, you know the type that would viciously make fun of local art shows and whatnot. Not even in a benign Oh, modern art sucks sorta way; no, he actively let it stew and built up real resentment towards these people whose only crime was trynna make art.
I'm sure they both bonded over their shared resentment of me.
Yeah, pretty evil all around I'd say.

>> No.17043297
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Fuck them. At least you got us anon.

>> No.17043337

Thanks, anon. I love you bros. Kinda fucked me up for a few years. Made it hard to trust people.
Anyway, they've broken up now, and karma will probably fuck both of them up before long.
I just hope she doesn't hurt any children...

>> No.17043444

Imagine spewing all this hateful shit just because someone invalidated your feelies...

>> No.17043451

Is it possible to have a relationship with a BPD lady if you're normal?. I've moved on anyway but she was very sweet at times and had been dealt a bad hand in life. I just can't see a way you could possibly have a long term relationship with that. I was with her for a few months and she chewed me up and spat me out and moved onto another host. She was sexually abused and had family members try to murder her. She was drunk/on drugs 24/7 and was very sweet like that but when she would wake up sober she would be withdrawn, angry and not remember any conversations we had. I had to push her out the way of cars and trams and wrestle drugs out of her hands. She would be furious if I lied but I would eventually find out she lied all the time. Could I have done something different? Why does the only girl I've liked have to be like that.

>> No.17043479
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>> No.17043577

>Is it possible to have a relationship with a BPD lady if you're normal?
No and don't perpetrate that myth. They should be sterilized and branded on their forehead so everyone can avoid them and their lies disregarded in courtrooms.

>> No.17043594

Consider switching careers or suicide. It's no wonder psychiatry has such a shockingly high rate of abuse and negligence when mosy of em have similar attitudes to you

>> No.17043670

Help 10 people overcome their depression or get nowhere with the same borderline patient who yells at you.
After a year you meet a formerly depressed patient who thanks you and tells you how his life is better. The same day the borderline patient tries to beat you up.
It's not really a hard choice anon. My time is limited and valuable actual people need my help.

>> No.17043708

>t. a legitimate crazy person with BPD who never really followed their shrink's advice

Nooo! It's my pain! MINE, YOU HEAR?

>> No.17043796

No anon, I'm just someone that isn't devoid of empathy
I understand now anon, I'd probably want to cull a good chunk of the population too if I were a mutt
>BPD has no pharmacological treatment
>borderline patient tries to beat you up
If they can't be given drugs then why are you seeing them instead of a therapist, genuinely? Is this an american thing? Where I'm living psychiatrists are just 30 minute appointment drug dispensers, a therapist deals with the rest (except for inpatient clinics - psychiatrists do a bit more there)

>> No.17043814

Nah, you're a BPD who only has "empathy" when it pertains to something that affects your life. You're all so easy to see through.

>> No.17043909

>If they can't be given drugs then why are you seeing them instead of a therapist, genuinely? Is this an american thing? Where I'm living psychiatrists are just 30 minute appointment drug dispensers, a therapist deals with the rest (except for inpatient clinics - psychiatrists do a bit more there)

Europe, when they are sanctioned which happens all the time because they are attention seeking whores I'm forced to see them.
In my outpatient clinic appointments are 50 min, 20-30 min inpatient. I do both pharmacological and psychotherapy. I work with a team of psychologists and a social worker in my outpatient clinic so yes I mostly 'dispense drugs'.
I'm the physician so I'm responsible for the patient care and continuity so I see them regularly. I also treat co morbid conditions like anxiety and depression, because who wouldn't be depressed after ruining other peoples lives.
Just because there isn't any pharmacotherapy available doesn't mean I can't use medication to try to help them, but they get the assumption that pills will cure them defeating years worth of my psychologists work. Topiramate for example can be used of label to help them slightly with their unstable mood switching, but they need to learn real coping mechanisms.

>> No.17043922

have sex. you have no idea what these monsters are like. i hope your life gets ruined by one.

>> No.17044341
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Might as well share them here since I have no place else.
>be me last Friday
>on call for psych floor.
>get called at 11 pm woken up.
>unknown male with schizophrenia intoxicated and was having severe delusions and agitated
>poor soul need help I must hurry to help
>ok admit, give haloperidol, nighty nighty.
>no rounds on Saturday and Sundays.
>Get called again at 11 pm Saturday woken up.
>schizophrenia dude pissed himself in the middle of the recreational area to get attention to call the physician.
> Nurse says he doesn't want to be there
> tell her no one wants to be sick but not everyone is lucky to have good mental health.
>no he wants to see physician.
>Okey, he must be scared I'll come help.
>Drive to hospital
Turns out he's not schizophrenic but diagnosed borderline who was partying on ecstasy, cocaine and alcohol. Called the cops on himself. Told them he was schizophrenic, was harassing the girls in the ward and got scared when a depressed bipolar patient knocked him out for harassing a anorexic girl, that allowed him to puzzle with her, so he decided to piss himself. You can't make this shit up. Needless to say I kept the punching out of my notes and called the cops.

>> No.17044439

Interesting, thanks anon

>> No.17044441


See how that works? I still make the big bucks and you have no power regardless of what I say. Now take the pills, cattle.

The reason why this works is because I'm not cruel. You really are mentally ill and a freak, and no one in society wants to deal with you. Not the police, not prisons, not your job, not your family even.

Thus, maybe you really are a fucked up lunatic and maybe you actually are the bad guy. Psychiatry isn't mean to you. You're just in denial about what an asshole and a freak you are. Seriously your own fucking family hates your guts.

>> No.17044483

Not the guy your replying to but I'm now concerned that this is what my psychiatrist thinks of me when he listens to me ramble on about my poor understanding of jung and parapsychology.

>> No.17044487

He just thinks you're a pseud.

>> No.17044515

I can live with that.

>> No.17044545

Not the guy your replying to but I appreciate my patients philosophizing, I did extensive medical ethics in med school and took some extra phil classes. I have always had an interest in philosophy but that doesn't mean I'm an expert and you should definitely not look for moral guidance from me. I'm there to fix medical problems not moral problems.

>> No.17044592


Psychiatrists in general tend to hate BPD patients and so does almost anyone who interacts with them. There's a level of nastiness you can't understand until you're around one. And they just have to deal with them as patients, try being raised by one.

>> No.17044607

>calling someone insane based on an internet disagreement
Who's the unhinged one here anon? Get a life

>> No.17044614

Can you share what it is about BPD that urks you the way it does? What have your experiences been? I worked in retail awhile back with a girl who was supposedly diagnosed with BPD, DID, and CPTSD. She was a mess. I have a great amount of experience dealing with psychopathic and malicious people, but I just pitied her.

>> No.17044925

based. I couldn't imagine having a job like that.

>> No.17045109

>13 years of school.
>I don't get payed enough for this shit.
I would really like my job if I didn't have to deal with cluster b personality disorders.
>who was supposedly diagnosed with BPD, DID, and CPTSD.
That's probably just a BPD larping they thrive on attention. Most people are unjustifiably ashamed about their mental health. DID isn't a real disorder. Unlike BPD, CPTSD has hope and is worth treating.

>> No.17045358

Its worse when you're not an autist yourself. All the people defending borderline itt are obviously nerds who were manipulated by these people and don't even understand it happened. You can see it so clearly. "She wasn't a bad person just misunderstood and she needed help :(" t. some pseud who thought he might get a crumb of pussy because she flirted with him for manipulation purposes.

Read between the lines. The white knights here are PROOF of how malicious this disorder is.

>> No.17045996

My partner apparently has BPD, this was a diagnosis given when she was around 13 or 14 (Which apparently, is very young.) she was taking drugs at this age etc. which is maybe why they were so quick to give a diagnosis.

I'm not convinced she has it, she's mostly reserved, reads good /lit/ etc. and doesn't seem to match any of the crazy stories I've heard online.

Is it possible she had a misdiagnosis?

>> No.17046083

>Is it possible she had a misdiagnosis?
If you haven't noticed erratic behavior most likely. Age 13-14 she might have been slightly anti social and thus misdiagnosed. you can check out 'Stop Walking on Eggshells' or 'I Hate You--Don't Leave Me'. But if you are married and don't see the traits in her she probably doesn't have it. It doesn't hurt to check out what it entails since she was diagnosed after all.

>> No.17046097

Well either she doesn't have it, or she does and there's something wrong with you for being ok with it and not seeing it. Either way you were meant to be together

>> No.17046121

First post itt, I only met once a girl who claimed to have BPD, she seemed quite reasonable and self-aware, and pretty well-read too (we talked all night, but no flirting and sex and no desire for it on either part). Worst I could say is she was sometimes rude, but I tend to be a snob/pussy with rudeness, so it might just have been her being a poorfag with a tough upbringing (I've noticed poorfags with really shitty lives are sometimes more spontaneously than the average, unsurprisingly). More strikingly I she displayed no craving for attention, she was just open to talking with stranger (as I was).

>> No.17046132

Man I feel bad for people with BPD, cause it's not their fault and it's almost always a consequence of trauma, and they're not without empathy but their behavior often leaves a massive amount of human wreckage in its wake. On one hand I've known some people with BPD who are some of the most self-aware people I know, fundamentally good people who are constantly warring with themselves.
But shit, I was literally just friends with, not dating, one girl with BPD over maybe a 9 month period several years ago during which I think I would fall into the category of "favorite person" that a lot of people with BPD have and that one relationship has left me with more trust issues and and negative thoughts than any other bond I've had in my entire life. They tend to put you on a pedestal and you become close with them faster than anyone else, and little by little every divergence you make from this idealized version of yourself they have in mind is met with gentle disapproval that stings so fucking much, gradually getting worse and worse until the tables turn and you fall from grace, because it's often very black and white with them, and you become this horrible person in their eyes because you fail to meet whatever unfair expectations were set early on. It became kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy, because I hated the part of myself that was so concerned with what they thought of me, and I realized the only way I was gonna win was by not playing, so I ended up ghosting her and cutting her out entirely, thus making me complicit in her pervasive fear of abandonment and making her growing disdain for me all the more justified in her eyes.
Like, I wish people with the condition all the luck in the world, because they don't deserve to feel the way they do, but I've been fucked up so much over the years from knowing people like that that when I detect those personality traits in new friends, I have to slowly distance myself before I become too entrenched in their lives because I just cannot go down that road again.

>> No.17046187

>thus making me complicit in her pervasive fear of abandonment and making her growing disdain for me all the more justified in her eyes.
but that's what she wanted. Its performative. She can't get off unless she orchestrates a reliving of her trauma. You HAVE to leave so the cycle can be complete or she will get you jailed or kill you or have someone else kill you in the end to make sure you finally leave. Oke way or another she will complete the dance. The only question is how damaged will you be.

>> No.17046253

We are together nearly three years. There has been no erratic behavior.

If anything, this has been the most stable relationship I've been in. And from BPD partners online I feel like I should be feeling the opposite. After reading some pieces online, I sometimes get scared that one day she'll flip, but it really doesn't seem likely.

I was with a bipolar girl and she abused me, cheated on me, played me and so on for years. Who would say she hated me 1 minute and the next she loved me, I feel like she had way more BPD traits than my current GF. Idk, I'm not a psychiatrist.

>> No.17046270

imagine being this scared of a girl lol

>> No.17046278 [DELETED] 

This. You should trust the 4channel life advice and break up with her.

>> No.17046357

I knew a typical BPD, she was talking a lot about this shit, and also liked star wars episode III, like many BPD.

>> No.17046420

>cause it's not their fault and it's almost always a consequence of trauma
Might not be their initial fault but it's theirs to deal with. We all get problems we didn't create ourselves. They avoid their own problems blaming others and think someone else will solve them for them. It's the most jewish disorder. Don't enable them.
With out much information it doesn't sound like she has high trait borderline, you can read 'I Hate You--Don't Leave Me' to check if it fits. I think it would be more important to forget a label put on her long ago and just live your life. If you have any problems in your relation boundaries by Dr. Henry and Dr. Cloud will do you more good. If she actually has BPD you should only continue the relationship if she is willing to actively seek treatment and practicing her DBT, even if you think DBT looks stupid support her.

>> No.17046525

I'm not gonna defend my low self esteem high school self, I'm confused about what a big imprint it left on my life too, there have been toxic people in my life I've known for way longer and in much closer proximity that still, somehow, haven't left nearly the same imprint on me than this one instance so long ago

>> No.17046534

why would they like that stars wars in particular? thats a bit specific?

>> No.17046544

Okay, friend. Thanks for the advice. I'll check out the literature you recommended.

>> No.17046576
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No problem anon, I hope you will have a happy family.

>> No.17046790

Because Anakin skywalker is BPD, and they relate to him. I didn't read war an peace. But i guess their mindset is indeed, war and peace.

>> No.17046814
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24 hours!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.17047080

probably the stupidest question in this thread but what exactly is BPD?

I once was forced to go to a therapist due to behavior of cutting/suicidal ideation and shit like that and the therapist diagnosed me with BPD. I didn't look up the term or ask what it is and I didn't take a prescription for the medication she offered to give me. I felt like she was putting a lot of words in my mouth so I simply didn't trust her.
But reading the posts here it seems to be more of a relationship thing? And speaking as objectively as I can, I don't really have that sort of relationship issues. I'm lonely sure, but there's never been a point in my life where I've flipped out at some friend of mine or pushed one away. Usually I just direct all my anger inward. So what. the fuck is it?
>inb4 just look it up

>> No.17047095

just look it up megafaggot

>> No.17047102


>> No.17047118

Im not a psych but it's a personality disorder(just as much a mood disorder really tbqh) in which people have very unstable conceptions of themselves and of other people. They will switch between adoration and hatred of themselves and of others. They have constant crazy mood swings, paranoia, attention seeking and histrionic behavior, fear of being abandoned, often self-harm, abuse substances, etc.

I don't think they're quite as evil as the people in this thread are making them out to be but I guess it varies.

>> No.17047159

>I don't think they're quite as evil as the people in this thread are making them out to be but I guess it varies.
They are. Stay away from them. You've been warned. If someone told me people like this existed, if would have thought he was exaggerating as well.

>> No.17047171


>> No.17047176

I already posted about my experience with a bpd girl, which is why I don't think they're that bad. I was probably worse to her than she was to me, I suppose I should mention I also have a disorder though it's not bpd.

>> No.17047216

All psychiatrists in this thread check out this article I wrote and see what you think. feel free to critique it if you like by leaving a comment there or here


>> No.17047265

your greatest revenge is to just let them have each other. I know it doesnt seem like it at the time because you hate the idea of someone getting the good parts you cherished that were just for you. But you can bet everything you own it doesnt even out with the hell those bitches will make someones life rofl. They will always repeat the same pattern, they can't stop. They are a record on auto play that never changes tracks

>> No.17047373

fuck a crumb of pussy I only eat a whole cake my nigger

>> No.17047415

stfu BPD roastie you should have been smothered at birth whore

>> No.17047701

Im berber and you dumb n*ggers say the same about the moors. stfu you dumb n*gger you people never did anything but shit their pants and sell you to arabs and jews. You smell like monkey

>> No.17048400

I'd honestly be surprised if both of them make it past 30...

>> No.17049219

Ngl that works for pretty much all women