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File: 24 KB, 207x263, Nietzsche-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17024470 No.17024470 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: we try to guess an author's IQ based on their physiognomy

>> No.17024497
File: 234 KB, 1527x1081, Wagner profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17024512

130 iq incel
120 iq schizo chad

>> No.17024584


>> No.17024600
File: 181 KB, 452x572, Hegel_portrait_by_Schlesinger_1831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17024603
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>> No.17024610





>> No.17024612
File: 296 KB, 1920x1441, Arthur-Schopenhauer-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17024628
File: 408 KB, 1080x1440, Goethe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17024634


>> No.17024650
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>he thinks someone with the same iq as Hermann Göring could have created the Ring cycle

>> No.17024658

>da nashe badf n' sheeeet

>> No.17024667
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>> No.17024672
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>> No.17024674

I gave him the highest ITT. Also I don't score past 165. Although, I could be way off on him. He may have been a 165+

>> No.17024679
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>> No.17024696

Content Creator - 165.

>> No.17025478


>> No.17025485

200+ with the stache

>> No.17025489

160 IQ

170 IQ

170 IQ

160 IQ

180 IQ

125 IQ

>> No.17025492
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>> No.17025493


>> No.17025498

Scrap that

increase all the ratings by 10 points, and bump BAP down by 10. That's ny final rating

>> No.17025509
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>> No.17025517


>> No.17025530
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>> No.17025531

Most of these guys probably had IQs of over 140.

>> No.17025534

literally yoda incarnated. how can one man be so ridiculously ugly?

>> No.17025543

you know how common an IQ over 140 is? I would say most of them had an IQ over 160-170. If not we would have an abundance of Hegels, Wagners and Goethes running around today

>> No.17025546

physiognomy should basically just be renamed to incel power

>> No.17025551

You are right I was being too liberal. They say Goethe was one of the smartest men of all time you know.

>> No.17025552

Junger cute

>> No.17025561

This, I'm quite surprised how little anon's know about iq. Though of course genius isn't just high iq, if we're to say it's partially interdependent of something that iq measures which it most obviously is, then these figures are as you said at least 160-170 and far over.

>> No.17025573

>If not we would have an abundance of Hegels, Wagners and Goethes running around today
we probably do, they just get bullied in school and treated like retards so they get depressed and a psychiatrist finally destroys their brain with SSRIs or they kill themselves

>> No.17025576

>If not we would have an abundance of Hegels
We do. We have quite a lot of grifters in fact.

>> No.17025579

Wagner and Goethe at least were chads and definitely not bullied

>> No.17025601

700 IQ

>> No.17025603

They came from aristocracy like virtually every philosopher.

>> No.17025606

Or you can think of it this way: we live in the most prosperous times in human history, with the sum of human knowledge and writings at our finger tips all for free. Guys we are discussing in this thread literally had to buy printed books, were poor or had dieses that could easily be remedied with modern medicine AND not to mention, we are billions of more people on this planet in terms of population compared to these guys from 100-200 years ago. Given all of this, we should have 10 Goethe's living right now, in our timeline, but of course we don't because we are literary slaves to technology and genetically weak compared to the intellectuals of past times.

>> No.17025610

we would have an abundance of fags like them if we would receive the same classical education as they did, crystallized intelligence must have plummeted since then.

>> No.17025614

Socrates came from nothing though. In ancient times, it was far easier to make something of yourself from nothing.

>> No.17025617

>genetically weak compared to the intellectuals of past times.
genetics have nothing to do with this, kids being completely inundated with consumer shit and becoming retarded consumers by the age of 5 is why we will never have great thinkers in the future. If a kid doesn't like the merchandise there's immediately a kike psychiatrist who claims he's depressed and gives him some "therapy" that destroys his brain so he can be just like all the other retarded consumer fetishists who populate this stupid fucking society

>> No.17025619

Some rich kids still learn greek and latin and whatever in school, but they don't seem to be producing anyone like that.

>> No.17025620

what would constitute classic education, is there a chart for this?

>> No.17025632

Yeah, start with the Greeks.

>> No.17025637

true, but today its all about keeping up a tradition, there is no substance. We are also bombarded by almost unavoidable distractions while all these fags had to do in their life was to sit in a room and think.

>> No.17025644

In the past parents would have 7 children and only 2 would make it to adulthood. Today pretty much single kid that comes into this world makes it alive to 18, so parents have no need to create more than 1-2. Because of this, we are probably missing out on many geniuses who were not created because modern medicine will help the weak make it to adulthood.

If you have 7 children and only 2 survive, those two are probably the strongest of the bunch and they could have been child number 4 and 5 respectivly but today these 2 children would not have been born

>> No.17025665

Overall intelligence has increased dramatically due to better nutrition, lifestyle, medical care. The majority of those litters of 7 were bound to be semi-retarded. You're talking as if every 200 IQ genius born in a peasant family would learn to read. He would not.
Rich people are not exempt from consumer fetishism, learning latin or greek doesn't mean shit if you are trained to worship money and products and hedonism since you are born.
You're talking as if rich people today were some kind of cultured aristocracy.

>> No.17025667

>strong immune system=high iq

>> No.17025668

Wagner didn't come from aristocracy and was in fact bullied as a child for having a big head; which they at least say led to him reading much in his uncle's library and becoming the artist he was.

>> No.17025674

also women had kids in their 20s instead of 30s

>> No.17025679

>Overall intelligence has increased dramatically due to better nutrition, lifestyle, medical care.
That's a misconception. The ceiling of intelligence hasn't increased at all, the only thing that has increased is people's ability to reach their potential IQ (genetic potential limit) due to peasants being able to get an education from a very young age.

>> No.17025681

>You're talking as if rich people today were some kind of cultured aristocracy.
Well they're certainly no match for the old aristocracy, but they are much better educated, at least some of them, and they tend to be smarter as well.

>> No.17025686

True, and we today know that women who have children later are more likley to produce retards and low functioning autists.

>> No.17025688

>bullying used to make geniuses because atypical children would take refuge in culture, now it just creates school shooters
absolute pottery

>> No.17025717

They are certainly better educated in terms of getting into better schools, but I doubt their education amounts to anything but crunching numbers at daddys big firm. I'm very confident that I, with a middle class background, is much better in philosophy and literature, than those who study at Ivy League right now. The only thing the aristocracy is concerned with today is defending it's wealth. Culture is not even on their top 5 concerns.

Literature, Philosophy and Culture in general seems to me to be a concern of the middle or upper-middle class rather than the upper class.

>> No.17025810

Except those school shooters are intelligent and have peasant souls.

Also Wagner became chad after his childhood.

>> No.17025820


>> No.17025882
File: 243 KB, 516x778, Klossowski.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can his brain be so big, Anon?

>> No.17025920


>> No.17025929
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>> No.17026005

The richest people I know (who are very rich) are more similar intellectually to the illiterate hicks I have met than they are to a middle class with a college degree.

>> No.17026013


>> No.17026020
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>> No.17026026

That's today, though. That's because wealth today is luck and some psychological traits, reshuffled generations after generations. It's no longer linked with the codified transmission of "high-culture", an identification with the deep doctrinal and aesthetic norms of society.

>> No.17026032
File: 402 KB, 523x625, 1597674284804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't quite put my finger why I can't stand these two. Could it be the "I fucking love science!" shtick? Or perhaps the naive progressive takes like this one?

>> No.17026034

It seems even in the past it wasn't the absolute richest noble families that produced the culture, it was the more middling aristocratic families. A lot of that is probably just a numbers game, the very upper crust were not numerous.

>> No.17026036

NO clue
I can't see his face
110 consued drugs to become 95 animal abuser

>> No.17026037


>> No.17026038

Imagine repressing your most innate instinct to have a unique connection with someone to fit your society's degraded sexual (ew) norms.

>> No.17026048

103 coper

>> No.17026049

Having "acess" to all human knowledge doesnt mean anything when the environment in wich modern people exist is literally designed to break their brains.The whole point of post WW2 society is to make sure that great men like those of the past dont exist.

>> No.17026058

Best response to his faggotry I've read so far.

>> No.17026068

You guys need to tell me what you actually mean when you say "breaking" or "destroying" someone's brain?

>> No.17026077

Yes, I agree with you, it's number games. I'd guess the very upper crust of medieval France is a much smaller proportion of this society than the very rich people you're thinking about. These people had pragmatic needs. And even then, considering how much responsibilites Kings, Marquis and Counts had, the necessity for them to patron and have a grasp on high culture was much stronger than today. Imagine today's technological level with the cultural pressures of that time. Bezos could fund two renaissances by himself.

>> No.17026101

t. based corporation, redpilled unit

>> No.17026111
File: 57 KB, 612x408, gettyimages-464294624-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Culture is technology. Bezos funding wouldn't amout to anything more than diversity self-expression "art"

>> No.17026121

My point is that John Green is repressing this instinct within him, by pretending not to prefer sharing with someone something they've never shared with anyone else.

>> No.17026131

That's your determinism, I think it's wrong. Industrial society can't reproduce the content of other societies, but it can have many different contents for itself. I have no doubt industrial technology could have produced turbonazism and Bezos could've thus be funding turbonazi culture right now.

>> No.17026143

I know, I agreed.

Interestingly John Green married his wife when he was young and I guarantee you she was a virgin then

>> No.17026243

he could have gotten a qt wife if he just learned to smile a bit

>> No.17026259
File: 19 KB, 220x301, 220px-Max_Weber,_1918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody in Germany smiled then.

>> No.17026330

>I'm very confident that I is much better in philosophy and literature
I dunno man

>> No.17026522

Faggot here. Junger is the only one that's remotely aesthetic. everyone else is physically revolting

>> No.17026533

Nah, we don't bully enough. Low wits should bully midwits to make them kill themselves. Usually the school shooters are low wits being bullied by low wits(read one of their manifestos lol).

>> No.17026668

I didn't know he had the Haaland physique 150IQ

>> No.17026680

well they're usually teenagers and my point was exactly that there is no cultural outlet for kids these days except star wars, what the fuck do you expect them to write you absolute mongoloid?

>> No.17026800


>> No.17026857

>the life of children should be horrendous, that'll make them strong
Historically, that's rather how you treat your slaves if you want them to behave. Elites give their kids all they want, only making them face meaningful hardships they can overcome ; this way they grow confident, happy, and capable.
Do you think children's lives aren't miserable enough already? Having tons of consoomer shit doesn't qualify as a nice childhood when you're brainwashed 24/7 by TV and school and your parents have no empathy.

>> No.17026874

In photos anyhow. William James looks no nicer in his photos but was one of the most nice, charitable and polite people to ever live. Arguably the most.

>> No.17026891

If you are smart, you don’t react in a way that is gratifying to bullies.

>> No.17026899

>food analogy
I also like the assumption that men don't like women who've slept around because it makes them feel less special, when really its just because its disgusting.

>> No.17027146


>> No.17027159

Has transcended iq and has warped back into grug brain

>> No.17027176
File: 585 KB, 1060x1600, St-Thomas-Aquinas-poplar-tempera-Demidoff-Altarpiece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17027180


>> No.17027264

hahaha holy fuck christians actually care about this dude?

>> No.17027278

Got something to do with the fact they lived in Germany

>> No.17027325
File: 7 KB, 148x204, Jzangwill2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Israel Zangwill

>> No.17027495

>tfw pea sized brainlet head

I hate how small my head looks and I fear for my intelligence because my cranium is just not large enough for a well developed brain, I
don't think.

>> No.17027531

I dunno what is the IQ of a neanderthal, 64?

>> No.17027566

Why does he look normal in some pictures? is that just the painter trying not to offend him?

>> No.17027584
File: 319 KB, 1276x1840, 49e39eedbbc16b81a567507d9ab619a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose you mean this picture, but that's not actually him. It's actually a portrait of F. H. Jacobi that for some reason Google Images thinks is Kant

>> No.17027596
File: 44 KB, 416x599, Immanuel_Kant_(painted_portrait).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then in this painting there's clear angle manipulation to make him more aesthetic

>> No.17027629
File: 41 KB, 510x600, Kant_nach_Vernet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks really unfortunate in this one

>> No.17027634
File: 283 KB, 1280x1620, Immanuel_Kant2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this one...

>> No.17027641

Yeah that one

oh I see so it's google's fault, for ages I thought that was him

>> No.17027658
File: 55 KB, 456x477, kant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really doubt he looked like this. These are either fabrications or the works of bad artists. He probably looked like pic related.

>> No.17027667


>> No.17027671

the kant goblin

>> No.17027685
File: 76 KB, 497x728, AKG6351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is his death mask

>> No.17027693
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>> No.17027698

Well, his chin doesn't look nearly as bad as that painting. As I said more looks like that 3d rendering.

>> No.17027772

I must admire his cranial structure.

>> No.17027799

Classic mistake. You are confusing IQ for ability to produce things of worth. Most of these men probably had mediocre IQs. Nietzsche, for instance, couldn't understand basic mathematics and horribly failed at stem subjects. I have no doubt that his measured IQ wouldn't be over 110, given an actual test. What differentiates these people is pretty much always other factors, such as character combined with the confidence to question the established. Or do you think Wagner could compose operas because he could solve a few shape puzzles and repeat numbers backwards?

>> No.17027820

Most of the people posted are known for philosophies that are flagged with basic rudamentary errors and contradictions. I doubt any one of them with the exception of Goethe, had an IQ over 160.

>> No.17027833

Wagners Jew father hung out with maria von weber, whose cousin was married to mozart. Trust me, Wagner was part of the family.

>> No.17027835

Didn't Goethe make an embarrassing go at optics and color theory that was totally wrong? Goethe only got famous because this first book was a meme with angsty teens in the Sturm N' Drang scene

>> No.17027842

Nietzsche seems like someone with low math IQ and high verbal IQ

>> No.17027848

Well, of course. There has to be some way to keep the talentless children of the elite in all the top positions.

>> No.17027877

Math is a poor proxy for "IQ" since it's entirely taught and depends on your access to education. Anyone in the pre-historical world would have a math IQ of like 5 since their math knowledge would consist of counting things on their fingers, but they could track animals across the jungle and identify all kinds of medicinal plants and navigate with nothing but the night sky.

>> No.17027904

t. literally retards

>> No.17027913

IQ is bullshit, but claiming Goethe is some kind of mega genius is also bullshit and could only be believed by some kind of Germanic protestant.

>> No.17027928
File: 26 KB, 185x230, Carl Wagner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wagner's father wasn't jewish lmao what are you talking about? They sometimes try to claim his mother was jewish but no one says his father was.

Also Wagner wasn't "part of the family" you nonce, this isn't the marfia, but being theatre people they surely had some connections.

>> No.17027943

Oh, but the mega genius is here right in front of me...

The reason people completely misunderstand Goetheian science is because they think of science only in the materialistic modern usage of the term.

>> No.17027944

Based faggot.

>> No.17027957
File: 40 KB, 738x415, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17027964

Imaging simping for Goethe in the year 2020

>> No.17027980

poor coping attempt frend

>> No.17027981

So you don't even know about Wagner's "step"dad? Educate yourself ignorant man.

>> No.17027986
File: 37 KB, 437x513, OttoWeiningerspring1903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17028016

Goethe was a modern renaissance man. I dont see how you could say he wasn't a genius.

>> No.17028021

Who could not think of Goethe as a kind of mega genius? If either of you understand the role of the poet, and the truly originary poet such as Goethe who well-night sets a new age, then you would too see him as such.

Also, what's wrong with his theory of plants? It entirely preceded the Darwinian theory of evolution as well as its later counterarguments. And is really, because of his setting the Urphänomen or "prime phenomena" before it, is so much more philosophically.

>> No.17028025

t. literally dumb and stupid dumbhead

>> No.17028037

I think it is you who needs the education, any comparison between these two fathers of Wagner will shows biologically that Carl Wagner was his biological father, and Ludwig Geyer wasn't jewish.

>> No.17028044


>> No.17028055
File: 104 KB, 367x512, unnamed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the truly originary poet
come on dude

>> No.17028063
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>> No.17028090
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>> No.17028099

Your point? It's like saying Homer wasn't the birth for Greek culture because he told the story's of the Greek myths.

>> No.17028106

People obsessed IQs remind me of short guys. The y are the only people that care about height. They want you to know they are 5'9" and THREE QUARTERS! They also always ask how tall you are. I've never been asked my height by someone taller than me, nor have I asked anyone their height myself, as I simply do not care. I believe the same phenomenon is on display with IQ.

>> No.17028396


>> No.17028518

Classic mistake of conflating Verbal Intelligence with Spatial. I bet you couldn't write a single line better than Nietzsche to save your life

>> No.17028538
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>> No.17028543

Nietzche was Jewish

>> No.17028567
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>> No.17028736
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>> No.17028901
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>> No.17028920

110, 120

>> No.17029157
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>In a work published the year he died, Kant analyzes the core of his theological doctrine into three articles of faith: (1) he believes in one God, who is the causal source of all good in the world


>> No.17029184

What's the work called?

>> No.17029210

Opus Postumum

>> No.17029236

I considered that, but I thought it was published posthumously and wasn't even read immediately after his death? And wasn't even finished?

>> No.17029253

>I’ll just give higher scores to those I like best

>> No.17029405
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>> No.17029415

i think its just called "metaphysics", it cant be what the other anon said because that was published long after he died, while the information being referred to was published on the year he died

>> No.17029429

That's what I thought, but I couldn't find a work called "Metaphysics," as I found the site the anon was quoting and it said "Metaphysics" but again, I couldn't find such a work published the year of his death.

>> No.17029449

Lol "verbal" intelligence. Reminds me of EQ. Maybe next there will be CRIQ (car repair intelligence quotient).

>> No.17029454

Thats why they use pattern identification through shapes and numbers to gauge IQ and not arithmetic.

>> No.17029460

Nietzsche is german. That is enough to btfo his writing.

>> No.17029462

He's right though, you're barely verbal

>> No.17029474

Ludwig geyer was jewish.

>> No.17029476

He was not.

>> No.17029531

I see you have a very low IBPIQ (image board posting intelligence quotient). High cringe, deadly levels. You might want to improve that. Your GIQ (grammar intelligence quotient) is also lacking, not even to speak of your EIQ (expression intelligence quotient). What were you even trying to say with your post? I am barely verbal? Maybe you just have a very high NLIQ (neanderthal language intelligence quotient).

>> No.17029544
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>> No.17029548


>> No.17029571

He was not just gey, he was geyer.

>> No.17029578

You realize the fact that he can write well directly supports my initial argument that what makes great men is not high iq / high pattern recognition but character and confidence?

>> No.17029582

Hush, bitch

>> No.17029592


>> No.17029601

>pre-historical world would have a math IQ of like 5 since their math knowledge would consist of counting things on their fingers
I don't see how this is relevant, since we are talking about someone trained to do a basic task that can easily be comprehended by anyone with fairly low pattern recognition abilities, yet still failed, whereas your pre-historical people have no training at all and as such are not even relevant to the conversation.

>> No.17029608

sorry hunny

>> No.17029697

Geyless than you two.