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17025297 No.17025297 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the best sci fi ever written?
I thinks it's my favourite.
Post yours

>> No.17025313

He's a bit of a tryhard but that's not irredeemable. Too bad the sequel is.

>> No.17025335

I gotta say I love how he writes. Or do you mean his person?

>> No.17025434

And Ur fav sci fi?

>> No.17025469

Posted this a couple months ago but I'll try one more time

Not a big sci-fi guy in general, but I'm interested in checking out some more. I really enjoyed Ender's Game as a kid (read most of the Speaker and Shadow series) and I've already read some Asimov, Bradbury, Wells, Verne, all of Vonnegut (if that counts).

I picked up the Earthsea Trilogy and if I enjoy those I'll try some more Le Guin. Any other recs for someone starting out? Not sure where to start with Dick for instance

>> No.17025541
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>> No.17025553
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>> No.17025560

As the OP I really recommend Hyperion.

Dune if you haven't read it before. A classic for a reason, really good.

The Forever War. Nice and quick. Really fantastic and funny and exciting.

Currently reading A Canticle For Leibowitz which I am really enjoying. Don't know if it is a must read as of yet but pretty damn good.

I read heaps of different genres so I haven't smashed everything. But these have been my favourites so far I reckon

>> No.17025570

Oh yeah!? I've got this! Been putting it off. That good?

Just checked the synopsis. This sounds right up my alley. Thanks!

>> No.17025580

Cool, thanks. Do many people only read the first Hyperion or does it stay pretty strong? Same question for Dune I guess

>> No.17025588
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>> No.17025608

Dune is very much a standalone. I have only read the first one so far.

You kinda need the second Hyperion to have a proper ending. You will definitely want to go on to that

>> No.17025721

That isn't Book of the New Sun

>> No.17025732

Dick had three phases to his writing.
Pulp sci-fi tinged with weird ideas
Weird paranoic parables coached in sci-fi tropes
Full blown schizophrenic labyrinths

To sample each phase I would recommend:
The Game Players of Titan
A Scanner Darkly
The Transmigration of Timothy Archer

>> No.17025774


>> No.17025776
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>> No.17025790


>> No.17025805

It's my favourite too

>> No.17025912

It's really good but Endymion doesn't quite follow up with the same quality.

The two books about the post-humans re-enacting the Trojan War on Mars as Greek Gods has a ton of cool ideas but he basically wraps up an ending out of nowhere because the story is bloated and has no conclusion. Hyperion and the sequel are great.

Alistair Reynolds is a solid competitor. More hard sci-fi. Chasm City and the Prefect are the two best ones. Stand alones in the same world as hist trilogy. Kind of dark vibes. Pushing Ice is not good though.

Dune, particularly the first two, is great.

I really enjoy the early cyberpunk stuff too, Count Zero, Neuromancer, and Snow Crash.

Red Rising is good in terms of more fantasy/action sci-fi. The premise is dumb, but the characters and plot twists are very good.

>> No.17025947

the prose is trash

>> No.17025949
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>> No.17025955

Hyperion was amazing.
The sequel was a big let down for me, it's so completely different with the galactic scale politics and the fucking Keats clones or whatever.
I think I'd rather not have read it and just be left on the mystery of the ending of the first book's journey.

>> No.17025971

objective tales tier list :
priest >= scholar > consul > poet >>> soldier >>>>>>>> detective

>> No.17026165

Cool, thank ya

>> No.17026187

Not the "best ever written", but Death's End, the last of the Liu Cixin trilogy, was surprisingly great, after the cringy shit of the first 2.

>> No.17026217
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Also Shadow of the Torturer for prose.

After Party is a later cyberpunk type book where custom chemical printers let people get custom drugs. A team invents a drug that connects you to God, and shenanigans ensues.

Neuropath is also pretty good. More of a psychological thriller, but the premise is all based on recent discoveries in neuroscience and neuroimaging. It takes place is a dystopian near future and centers around a serial killer neurologist who kills people using changed to cognition that illustrate the illusory nature of the self and free will.

>> No.17026271

my brother

>> No.17026358

I’ve slogged my way through the entire Xelee sequence by Stephen Baxter. I now hate sci-fi in this genre.

Not because it’s bad, it’s just so alienating and such hard work to understand wtf is going on.

>> No.17026454
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This. The level of world building is insane. You are never explained a bunch of complicated shit. It is like you just slowly understand his universe by existing in it.

>> No.17026541
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For me, it's a Canticle for Leibowitz.

>> No.17026566


>> No.17026724

This is my favorite type of world building. It's a pain at first but more rewarding and feels more real.

>> No.17026849

Are there any good cyber punk novels you can recommend?

>> No.17027057

I have rarely seen such excellent tastes.
A Canticle for Leibowitz is unique, there's just something about it I've never been able to find in another book.

>> No.17027241

exactly the opposite.
with Dune you should read Messiah. it's quite short and completes Paul's story, don't stop at "he wins, the end".
the proper ending of Hyperion is total shit, sometimes it's better to stay in Plato's cave.

>> No.17027282
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Bad taste in this thread!
Triton by Delany if this isn't sci fi enough for you

>> No.17027302

>open the catalog
>another thread made by a Bikura
Jannies need to end Bikuraposting. No, Hyperion is not a good book. Yes, the Priest’s Story was the only good part. Did I read the rest? No, I don’t read smut