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16971648 No.16971648[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Turns out he's 100% correct.

>> No.16971661
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>a fucking austrian

>> No.16971677

He is one of the few libertarians that I respect. Based.

>> No.16971713
File: 44 KB, 1200x1204, 1200px-Flag_of_Malaysia.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"If one is to maintain a libertarian order"
What the fuck is "libertarian order"?

>> No.16971728

Ridiculously wrong. Where to start?

Libertarianism is communism and very much family centered. It does promote the idea that society, or the immediate community one is directly involved in, ought to be an extended family, but certainly not all this weirdly phrased crap. “Parasitism”? Homosexuality isn’t going to disappear because you disapprove of it or try to “remove” it, you absolute moron. And what the hell. Is wrong with trying to protect the environment? This lifestyle of the liberal/neoclassical liberal is unsustainable.
Hoppe is an airhead. Fuck your thread.

>> No.16971747

>Homosexuality isn’t going to disappear because you disapprove of it or try to “remove” it

Hard agree. Shit existed long before it was accepted. Will continue to. Nature-environmental worship? Is he referring to paganism? Or conservation?

>> No.16971778

Literally the dumbest mother fucking tranny on this website. Fucking unbelievable how much you miss the mark and fundamentally misunderstand fucking everything you try to talk about. you will never be a woman you disgusting pedophile.

>> No.16971788

Tranny tranny go away
Come to cope another day
Always shitting up my threads
Always shitting in your beds
Now you're wearing women's clothes
Soon they'll find you roped in those

>> No.16971796

>Says nothing
>Baseless accusation

>> No.16971806

>libertarian order
i.e. pipe dream that will never happen

>> No.16971807

>Libertarianism is communism and very much family centered. It does promote the idea that society, or the immediate community one is directly involved in, ought to be an extended family, but certainly not all this weirdly phrased crap.

>> No.16971825

You misunderstood him completely; environment worship, not mere preservation of it; in other words, an exaggerated protection of the environment, to our detriment. We can make homos disappear in another way. Parasites are freeloaders or welfare queens, likely.

Stop being resentful

>> No.16971841

>Homosexuality isn’t going to disappear because you disapprove of it or try to “remove” it, you absolute moron
That's not the point, he didn't say that it can be completely erradicated, but that it should not be accepted, and therefore, its advocates should be ostracized from society.
Also, enviroment worship is different from protecting the emviroment, even though I agree a bit with you in this.
And btw, you are an idealistic utopian retard, not very different from an ancap in that aspect.

>> No.16971871

Noooo. Don't prevent environmental catastrophe, that would be to societies detriment. How? It would likely create high paying jobs more than destroy them.
>We can make homos disappear in another way.
Citation needed.
Also, he seems to mean parasitism among families, considering the line directly preceeding it.
>advocates should be ostracized from society.
>enviroment worship
Give an example.

Guys a pseud

>> No.16971880

>Family-centered lifestyles
Does he even know what this means?

>> No.16971899

Only butterfag could make an accfag thread seem ok. Why and how butterfag?

>> No.16971917

This. Hoppe is wrong about everything.

>> No.16971925
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Don't worry butters. I would lovingly remove your homo ass from society

>> No.16971926

The fucking state of leftists lmfao

>> No.16971928

Because he considers them to be degenerators of society. This is pretty obvious, you can tell even from that quote.
About the enviromental worship, he refers to animalist-vegan-treehuger hippies and that sort of stuff.

>> No.16971931

Lmao strike a nerve? You parasitic faggot tree hugging hedonistic communist, you will never be a woman or libertarian.

>> No.16971937

The status of social cohesion slash belief environment that allows libertarians to be and remain.

>> No.16971944

Like libertarifags arent leftist

>> No.16971954

What I just typed. What are you having trouble with?

>to our detriment
To our money train’s detriment, he means.
> We can make homos disappear in another way.
>Stop being resentful
You and Hoppe first. Typical liberalism

No... and my ideal is to free people of capitalism. The exact opposite of these Hoppeheads, Randroids and sucdems

*shoots in face*
There. You’ve nothing to worry about now.

>> No.16971962
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>How? It would likely create high paying jobs more than destroy them.

>> No.16971963

Well, does he even know what a family-centered lifestyle even means? Or do you just want to type leftists btfo muh helicopter rides?

>> No.16971985

>No... and my ideal is to free people of capitalism. The exact opposite of these Hoppeheads, Randroids and sucdems
Can you even read? I said you are an idealistic utopian, and that's what makes you similar to ancaps like Hoppe or Rand, not that you are just like them.
You are only proving how retarded you are.

>> No.16971988

Oh shit. Lmao I forgot what argueing with ancaps was like.
>animalist-vegan-treehuger hippies and that sort of stuff.
Oh he means "stuff" I don't like is bad for society.

Fucking brainlets. All of ya. Enjoy

>> No.16972000

>proudly admitting that the only freedom he cares about is his own
Lolbertarians drop the mask almost as hard as communists, and they somehow manage to be so much more whiny about it.

>> No.16972004
File: 242 KB, 635x358, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*shoots in face*
I'll gladly return the favor

>> No.16972015

>an ancap
Lmao, I am not, but you guys don't even understand what Hoppe is about. Ancaps and lolbertarians are both utopians and idealists, things which I oppose.

>> No.16972032

When there are no parasites, nature-worshippers, or homosexuals

>> No.16972040

>Because he considers them to be degenerators of society.
The only "degenerators" of family and society are the very capitalism and individualism that Hoppe advocates. What a moron.

>> No.16972061

Haha imagine being able to choose any ideology to champion and brainwash yourself with and you choose the lamest most boring one. Pathetic creatures the lolbert

>> No.16972131
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>"hey guys, what if we did like... a neoconservatism... BUT IT'S LIBERTARIAN AND EDGY AND LIKE AMAZON CONTROLS EVERYTHING LOL THAT'D BE SO BASED"
Fuck off libertardians. You will never establish any "order" because all you people agree on is that the ravenous private interests of corporations precede the common good in importance.

>> No.16972132
File: 158 KB, 970x582, EEED2A51-C585-4008-90CC-7AD478FF48F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Rather than being inimical to liberty, it is a prerequisite for it. Hoppe was proactively refuted by Pausanias 2000 years ago:
>In Ionia and other places, and generally in countries which are subject to the barbarians, the custom is held to be dishonourable; loves of youths share the evil repute in which philosophy and gymnastics are held because they are inimical to tyranny; for the interests of rulers require that their subjects should be poor in spirit and that there should be no strong bond of friendship or society among them, which love, above all other motives, is likely to inspire, as our Athenian tyrants-learned by experience; for the love of Aristogeiton and the constancy of Harmodius had strength which undid their power. And, therefore, the ill-repute into which these attachments have fallen is to be ascribed to the evil condition of those who make them to be ill-reputed; that is to say, to the self-seeking of the governors and the cowardice of the governed; on the other hand, the indiscriminate honour which is given to them in some countries is attributable to the laziness of those who hold this opinion of them. In our own country a far better principle prevails, but, as I was saying, the explanation of it is rather perplexing. For, observe that open loves are held to be more honourable than secret ones, and that the love of the noblest and highest, even if their persons are less beautiful than others, is especially honourable