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16939722 No.16939722 [Reply] [Original]

What's the point of reading or caring about anything at all if my consciousness ceases to exist when I die and the afterlife is just a giant cope? Life seems so meaningless and pointless now.

>> No.16939727
File: 210 KB, 954x625, CHURCHOFSUBGENIUS5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm thinking you need some "Bob" up in ya, anon!

>> No.16939738

because its fun

>> No.16939763

The atheist pathway to suicide.

>> No.16939768

>What is the point of eating tasty food if it’s just going to go and smell like all the other poo?

>> No.16939773


>> No.16939774

You’re obviously reading the wrong books with this pathetic attitude

>> No.16939778

What is this image

>> No.16939787

how do you know that there isn't an afterlife?

>> No.16939799

A propaganda leaflet from a self-confessed UFO Death Cult.

>> No.16940247

Why am I conscious of this specific person? Why am I not someone else entirely?

>> No.16940254

Why does life not being permanent take value away from the present moment? If anything the finiteness of life is what gives it meaning and should push you to live every day like your last

>> No.16940279

This is only true if you accept that there is no afterlife, however anon, there is indeed an afterlife. Do not give up so easily.

>> No.16940282

One does not come from a state of carelessness, and then rationally chooses what one ought care about

Rather we are pre-theoriticaly caught up in a life where we care and value and strive towards things we desire etc.

It is only through some breakdown, something going terribly wrong that one can reach OP attitude.

You're not going to reason yourself into caring about things again, because caring isn't rationally decided in the first place.

Might in suggest instead of wallowing in contemplations like yours, you instead go get some exercise, go for a long walk up a hill with a goal to reach (the top). Whats the point? I hear you ask. Just do it, force yourself to do it, and you'll feel better. And then do it multiple times a week, feel stronger and fitter, be more confident and attractive.

Life doesn't seem meaningless because you have discovered that it ends. Rather you are focusing on its inevitable end because you are living a meaningless life. Live more meaningfully, and by definition you will care and see the point. Start with exercise.

>> No.16940320

sounds like you need some plotinus, op

>> No.16940344

You're just furthering his point, sir. If you're a materialist, you should be eating 100% nutritional meals to maximize your short life in order to experience the max possible pleasures. And although healthy doesn't mean bland, you're certainly going to be avoiding most of the typical "tasty" foods that you're thinking of. But of course, when you think this through, it becomes a giant facade and well you know where this goes. I'll give you a hint: God

>> No.16940352

>Rather you are focusing on its inevitable end

But that's the problem. The inevitability of it all is what makes it seem all pointless.


And this guy here thinks that Neo-Platonism is going to help out when its just wishful thinking.

>> No.16940360

You miss the point. Your focus on death arises from a lack of meaningful engagement with the world, not the other way round.

>> No.16940428

near-death experiences have been well documented; materialism is wishful thinking.

>> No.16940478

I see threads like this on /lit/ all the time and I really, really, really don't understand this way of thinking. If someone offers you a piece of cake, do you say "Why bother? When I finish eating it, it'll be gone. What's the point?"

>> No.16940482

Nutritious food tastes good.
The point was that the poo fertilizes and goes back into nutrients for someone else’s food.
The OP is bemoaning the action of life itself. A typical degenerate mindset, unfortunately.
>Life ends someday! Well then, I ought to die now.
Not logical thinking at all.
>Brings up “god”
The death cult? Fuck that mind-rot

>> No.16940485

You're writing in a thread that will cease to exist very soon. Doesn't mean it's pointless, and neither are you.

>> No.16940488


>> No.16940491

Just have fun :)

>> No.16940495

there is no point
if you kill yourself, you will not be remembered 100 years from now. If you don't kill yourself, you're still unlikely to be remembered 100 years from now. The huge majority of literary works from ancient times are lost to us, and will never be remembered. Do you want to be remembered OP, or do you want something else.

>> No.16940503

Its all cope.
However it will probably soon be possible to radically extend one's lifepsan. This is the only worthwhile goal if you come to the conclusion that life is a giant devilish meme if we just cease to be forever in a meme 80 years (if you're lucky).

>> No.16940526

>implying life is like eating cake
Life is mainly suffering bro. The islands of joy are surrounded by oceans of torment. People more often than not want to feel their struggle and suffering is not in vain, and the thought that it may be is natrually distressing to some.

>> No.16940528

you can literally suck on milkers all day if you really wanted to, anon.

>> No.16940531

>You miss the point. Your focus on death arises from a lack of meaningful engagement with the world, not the other way round.
Atheist have an easy time of accepting limited meaning. Others require infinite meaning. The typical stance for most humans is that it's good to be a creature, despite their slavery because they can find enough meaning which satisfies them and justifies the shity parts of their life. there are people that are a certain way in which it makes them have a harder time of deriving meaning.

So it's not only trying to find meaning that helps but also finding enough meaning that you require in order to feel satisfied.

>> No.16940551

Just read up on this and well...
Imma pass

>> No.16940562

>the afterlife is just a giant cope
More like the idea that there is no afterlife is a giant cope.
There is work to be done in this world, and work to be done in the next. Will you be a warrior of the creator of all? Or will you perish and be forgotten?

>> No.16940601

Don't go into the light

>> No.16940603

There obviously is an afterlife although religions do a very poor job at attempting to grasp it

>> No.16940608


>> No.16940611

People think like OP, and then go on and have children.

>> No.16940616

I want greatness,most people do right. Most logical step I can see is to live in the present, form goals and work towards them. No one has answered the question of existence till now, who am I to answer it when intellectuals came and went away with eh arguments. Everything around is there for a reason. The concept of business,art, architecture and shit,our ancestors worked hard to think of these concepts and ideas and make shit out of them,as a distraction,no doubt,they understood that they can't find an answer to it,so they did something worthy with what they had. Might as well follow in their footsteps

>> No.16940617

Do you seriously believe this?

>> No.16940623

Yes, why?

>> No.16940801


>> No.16940806

I tried this four times and it did absolutely nothing

>> No.16940811

What else are going to do?

>> No.16940940

Play ghamez

>> No.16941197

Why is it not logical? You sound like you're coping. Do tell what fallacy he's committing?

>> No.16941199

By that reasoning, would that make your current consciousness and autonomy even MORE valuable?

>> No.16941222
File: 28 KB, 702x478, 1607069693281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life, meaningless, death, meaningless. Being alive, meaningless, being dead, meaningless. What is meaning to you? Why do things appear meaningless to you? Why is the frog depressed at the thought that everything is meaningless? If nothing is meaningful, why does it hurt? Implicit in despair is the thought that not all is meaningless, things previously having been meaningful. It's not meaninglessness that causes despair, but loss of meaningful structures. The blackpill is blacker than you think. It's not that things are meaningless, but that you make them meaningful or meaningless in accordance with what you will. You think yourself subject to circumstances which rob you of the meaning you had, the purpose you served, and then despair when you lose it. What reason is there to despair? Against what measure are things known to be meaningless? Why should your current loss of meaning imply that meaning is impossible? "What's the point of anything?" Is the question you're asking. You haven't realized that things are meaningless so much as it had occurred to you that the purpose you once served wasn't for you. Asking questions is an act, just as much as finding a solution is. Asking "What's the point of life?" is not a magical invocation pointing to the essential pointlessness of nature and life, but a re-orientation, and more properly speaking: a re-evaluation. The being is an exponent of despair and angst only when it is re-evaluating the world.

>> No.16941230

>Materialism implies utilitarianism
Frig off

>> No.16941239
File: 1.43 MB, 498x286, wh89dqwe98yrwe8rhw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If nothing is meaningful because we die at the end why wouldn't you shot your shoot? Why wouldn't you GO FUCKIN' HARD, CUNT?

>> No.16941240


>> No.16941242

it's the either/or psychological fallacy. Not necessarily illogical, but highly unreasonable. Similar to the "Caesar or Nothing"

>> No.16941246
File: 13 KB, 365x284, Bongo cat sion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, you as an individual "dont matter" in the long run, but humanity as a whole does because we are not finite. To consume, incorporate, and expand is the goal of the cancer that is humanity. To further humanity's goals as a part of a system is the only meaning I see in this life. My personal view being the expansion of our collective knowledge and subsequent use to expand into the universe as far as possible. Expansion is the goal of all life since it came into existence. Maybe you need some depersonalization.

>> No.16941251
File: 113 KB, 800x600, Pisha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16941258

op, let me ask you this. What is meaning?, if you suddenly were able to live forever, would life stop being meaningless? what has changed? What is the end-goal that you're striving for?

>> No.16941348

Take the buddhism-pill. We can't cease to exist if we never existed in the first place. Personal continuity is a transcendental illusion.

>> No.16941353 [DELETED] 

I'm not OP but what is the end-goal for everyone dude? Entering into some state of being that is more preferable than past states . Since the end state is dead state which is something he doesn't want he views his actions as ultimately pointless.

>> No.16941355

Don't worry about it anon, just be happy :) The fear of death is more frightening than death itself.

>> No.16941373

Do you post more when you're gushing blood?

You seem to post with higher frequence once a month

>> No.16941394

>"Why bother? When I finish eating it, it'll be gone. What's the point?"
huh yeah. you don't even know why you eat each day, wtf??

>> No.16941400

there is no we outside the feeble mind of the atheists desperate to avoid thinking that the human rights dogmas are responsible for individualism.

>> No.16941414

retarded take

>> No.16941420

Depressing tbqh

>> No.16941433

Maybe, but everyday depression is better than manic frightenedness.

>> No.16941446

Which is why escapism is the right choice

>> No.16942685
