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16886746 No.16886746 [Reply] [Original]

>heaven and hell
>people actually believe in this shit
We are in the early stages of this universe's life cycle, and in the next incarnation we will be reborn in unimaginable ways, closer to perfection each time

>> No.16886756
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>heaven and hell
>people actually believe in this shit
Haha yeah lmao, actually imagin-
>We are in the early stages of this universe's life cycle, and in the next incarnation we will be reborn in unimaginable ways, closer to perfection each time

>> No.16886763

I don't necessarily believe in "heaven and hell." I believe in Olam ha-Ba. And I believe we have no idea what is in store for us because everyone who's been there hasn't lived to tell the tale.

>> No.16886798

You're a kid that never had to work hard a single day of his life. Go outside and do something, transvestite

>> No.16886808


>> No.16886811

Huh? Ask me how I know you haven't lived a tough life.

>> No.16887996


>> No.16888300
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Feeling called out ? Refute me

>> No.16889152

who the fuck believes in Obama? fuck off with your retarded scientology

>> No.16890440

>heaven and hell are bullshit
>reincarnation is real
Ever though that heaven is a positive reincarnation and hell a negative? Especially when there's probably multiple liveable planets, universes or dimensions.