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16878225 No.16878225 [Reply] [Original]

So winter's coming up /lit/, what will you be reading in bed with your gf on cold winter nights?

>> No.16878241
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>> No.16878274

Read The Bible to her yesterday after having sex for 5 hours.

>> No.16878312
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I found this subreddit group on Reddit where they make small groups for book read-alongs and parallel discussions, the book list for the upcoming month has been posted. I plan on going full-on prolix analysis sperg for literally every single page of those books. The group has a couple of (supposed) girls in it. I am well armed with a decade-old lit trivia and loneliness-brewed rage. They won't know what it hit them.

>> No.16878321

The Magic Mountain
Les Miserables
The Charterhouse of Parma are my winter stack

>> No.16878322


>> No.16878347

i used to have a girlfriend that i would read with while in bed or snuggled on the sofa. we would read all kinds of stuff. ghost stories like m r james were a favourite. she was kind of wild, smart and funny. but she was like a little girl while i was reading to her.
my current girlfriend isn't into reading. she also complains when i want to read in bed, she bitches about the light being in her eyes even if i turn the lamp so that it only shines on the pages of my book.
sometimes i miss the first girl :(

>> No.16878429
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>> No.16878535

A LittlePrincess, The Secret Garden, Castle of Wolfenbach, Clermont, Mysterious Warnings, Necromancer of the Black Forest, Midnight Bell, Orphan of the Rhine, and Horrid Mysteries.

>> No.16878550

I don’t come here to be reminded of my loneliness. Why would you do this anon?

>> No.16878554

The Alexander Romance

>> No.16878558

*looks into camera in my car* I am in my mid-20s and I'm STILL a virgin. I've never even kissed a girl.

>> No.16878594

I want to suck on her nipples and toes

>> No.16878637

I’m a girl, 25, thin, and kind of cute. It’s bs that I don’t have this by now. I should be reading to my kids already. My ex only read Stephen King and thought he was deep and spiritual. I hate going out to meet people and ever time I meet a redditor or douchebag it discourages me from thinking about dating for at least a month. Anyway I’ll be finishing LoTR and Sexual Personae and Durant’s Story of Philosophy snuggled up ALONE and it’s my own fault.

>> No.16878647

Marry me please I'm not a redditor I'm based

>> No.16878652

I will read comfy Dickens and my gf will read her Facebook feed.

>> No.16878658

Wife and I started reading Moominfamily in November last night.

>> No.16878659

Based Laurus-anon

>> No.16878775

Fuck off, Roastie

>> No.16878865

Ok anon, do you live in the US? What are we going to be reading?

>> No.16879027

No I'm European but you can move and live in a stone cottage on the Alps with me. We'll be reading The White Goddess and Aesop's tales to our kids

>> No.16879041

please be my gf

>> No.16879058

She broke up with me a month ago. She got over it like it was nothing. I miss her.

>> No.16879062
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>> No.16879070
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Were I in your shoes I'd take Anon up on this. Having a family in a stone cottage in the alps sounds much nicer than having a barren womb in a New York apartment.

>> No.16879087

I'll marry you. I'm a pseud and you could probably tell me what my reading list looks like. My requirements for you are that you must be willing to move into the wilderness with me. It's fine if you're ugly or a man but you need to figure out why you aren't married yet (it's you) and write me a report on the matter before we get married. Reasonably expect to establish and feed yourself before you can bear children. Pastoral lifestyle preferred but I am willing to compromise and go agrarian if you're too connected to subsistence farming.

>> No.16879099

I'll be reading the final installment of Knausgaard's My Struggle books. Nearly 30 and I've never had a gf.

>> No.16879146
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>Nearly 30 and I've never had a gf.

>> No.16879288

You will never be a woman.

>> No.16879535

You oughta just become a eunuch and take up life in a monastery at this point

>> No.16879545

Winter? I live in Florida.

>> No.16879555

>become a eunuch
I honestly wish there was a temporary way to kill all sexual desires without permanently damaging your body or getting rid of testosterone.

>> No.16879609

Same brother. Same.

>> No.16879636

You've truly exited the game when you could buy a King sized bed, but you get a full- because it's enough. Won't get fooled again, cat ladies!

>> No.16879685

Cant wait for that

>> No.16879715

Are you guys ugly? Do you have some mental issues?
I'm not trying to shame you, I'm just curious. It's a bit scary to me, I haven't had a relationship with a girl nor been meeting any new people in three years.

>> No.16879739


>> No.16879902


>> No.16879921

Not especially ugly, though I can't say I'm good looking. I'm just painfully shy. But there's no need to be scared. My (>>16879099) life is not so bad, maybe because I don't know what I'm missing out on.

>> No.16879948

>Having a girlfriend

What are you, gay?

>> No.16879952


drop the sub name

>> No.16879990

I enjoy more when i'm alone.
No girlas in muh life

>> No.16880018
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But you have us.

>> No.16880044


Jesus Christ.
To put things in perspective, I'm a 5 foot 3 inches 125 pound dude of the same age and I've had about a dozen or so gf.
Put some effort into it and it will happen.

>> No.16880057
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That's nice but not indicative of reality for most men on the planet. We were born to compete and, oftentimes, fail.

>> No.16880106

>That's nice but not indicative of reality for most men on the planet

I guess so. But at least take it as a sign that you shouldn't listen too much to people's advice on dating on this site anyways.
Also, soft tiddies are nice to rub your face against.

>> No.16880109

Do normalapes really?

>> No.16880125

He’s going rogue

>> No.16880128

shy awkward and stay in my room most of the time, like I don't have hobbies that let me meet people and my awkwardness prevents me from making friends

>> No.16880130
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I'm 6'3 (no meme) and I've had a few gfs. I'm not saying that shit is fucked because I've been burned, I'm saying shit is fucked because shit is fucked. It's really important for my brehs on /lit/ to see this information and situate themselves accordingly. That doc I linked is nice deathpill for 80% of men on this fine Thursday afternoon.

>> No.16880169


Being French in an Anglo country is nice, what can I say?

>> No.16880172

Do you live in an Asian or Latin American country?

>> No.16880215

I don't get it ; most people meet online, yet there are very few women on online dating apps compared to men... Do the other women not meet men at all? But men are the ones staying celibate? I just don't get how the numbers work (because I'm retarded with numbers).

>> No.16880223


Leafland, Alberta specifically.
But I'd be lying if I pretended a good chunk of the gf I had weren't colombians or asians...
The other white girls, those were mostly a bit taller than me, and would chunk it up to me being French and just different from everyone else.

>> No.16880246

Relative to men there are very few women who are unable to find romantic and/or sexual partners. The women not on dating apps or social media (what few there are) meet men in different ways.
French Canadian or Europoor French? Ma famille est Acadienne.

>> No.16880255


>> No.16880261

Same here.

>> No.16880291

To take a pragmatic approach to that, does this mean making an account on social medias is the efficient way for men to meet women? I don't mean dating apps, but regular social medias.

>> No.16880324

lmao no.

>> No.16880341
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However I went to private school all my life so I don't have the bloody horrible accent most Quebeckers have in English. Very few people I meet can tell I'm from Quebec, when they ask, I ask them what they think and I usually get something weird like German or South African.

>> No.16880349

Isn't it what the statistics say? If most people meet their partner online, but dating apps are particularly shitty, isn't it logical to think that regular social medias are where it works most of the time?

>> No.16880391

she loves the culture of narcissism!

>> No.16880437

Sort of want to jump off a bridge tbqh

>> No.16880447

I am certain that almost no man has ever met his gf on Instagram. You'd have to be incredibly attractive or famous for that to work. The best hope for most /lit/cels is meeting girls at university or maybe work. That said I (the 6'3 guy) met my last girlfriend on tinder after getting ~20 matches over a week or two. When the topic came up with her a few months later she revealed that she had something like 4000 matches after a month or so. She wasn't even overly good looking either. It's hard out there for my dudes.

>> No.16880452

26 y/o here and I'm starting to realize how weird I am.

>> No.16880466

ah that's pretty fortunate. Quebecois get shit for that accent lmao. Fortunately/unfortunately I was raised speaking A*glo because my grandfather never taught my dad French.

>> No.16880475

I guess "efficiency" would really just be trying out everything, but I think that's quite a pathetic prospect. I don't even know how you managed to make a tinder account. The very idea makes me want to puke, and I'm not an antisocial or shy person.

>> No.16880497

>I don't even know how you managed to make a tinder account
I was 18 and had just moved to the provincial capital for university. Though I'd try it like the normans do. My GF was cute but incredibly mentally ill so I realized after that relationship that I was done with online dating.

>> No.16880545

>Quebecois get shit for that accent lmao.

Deservingly, desu. Most of us sound like we've dropped 30 IQ the second we switch to English.

>The best hope for most /lit/cels is meeting girls at university or maybe work.

Libraries, cafes, work, university. Girls in service jobs you see often and realize she smiles at you that sweet sweet way. Get a small sailboat, start sailing. Get into skiing, meet cute girls and learn the joy of after ski.
Stop identifying with this board or what this board says.

>> No.16880549

That makes sense. Since highschool I used to have a network of friends, so I sometimes met girls I could flirt with, and kind of took it for granted (although I never had a real long-term relationship), but I too moved to a big city three years ago, and I think I now have a good grasp on the incel/r9k autist mindset. I haven't made a single friend eventhough I've tried. I clearly notice the change in my mood and view of things. At least it's made me more hard-working, so it's not all bad. Still, it's kind of frightening to consider this type of everyday solitude will become more and more widespread in the next decade.

>> No.16880618

>Libraries, cafes, work, university. Girls in service job
Nah these only work if you're really really good looking. We need some kind of semi-structured environment that forces some level of interaction (like a classroom, workplace). Nobody here is going to spontaneously strike up a conversation with a bookish /lit/ gf in a library. We need some kind of push factor.

>> No.16880658
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>I haven't made a single friend
I had a handful of (online) friends in high school but haven't made a friend (beyond people you casually know from classes) in something like 8 years, even in uni. People disappoint me so I'd rather stay alone. That said I would love a harelip wife like Inger to be a my companion in hermitage. Despite my bad experiences with girlfriends I can still acknowledge the warm, life-affirming presence of a woman to whom you are attached. Waking up to her cooking breakfast in her underwear and your shirt that looks much too big on her, having her cling on to you after a tiring day. These kinds of experiences can make you forget about years of blackpill mgtow incel shit in a single moment. We shouldn't feel too bad though; it's build into our DNA.

>> No.16880688

I don't know how any man can really be "blackpilled" in the sense of suddenly not wanting to be with a women anymore, but on the other hand, I get just not putting any effort into trying to meet a girl.
I still have real close friends I made in highschool, I simply don't see them a lot. I don't know you manage living absolutely alone. If I didn't know that at any point I could live that city, go to wherever my old friends are, and have a social life again, and if I didn't have my family, I'd probably go crazy. I'm happy for you you manage it but I think many people are like me. I really fear a lot of people are going to suffer a lot from this solitude that's becoming more and more common.

>> No.16880689

i don't really want a girlfriend, never have

>> No.16880710

>I don't know how any man can really be "blackpilled" in the sense of suddenly not wanting to be with a women anymore
A part of me thinks that it's just layers upon layers of cope for these guys.
>I'm happy for you you manage it
Yea I'm doing more or less fine for now. I still have hope and there are things in life that I'm looking forward to and working towards. I think for the time being I've channelled my natural desires to have friends or lovers into working towards a time and place where that will be much easier and more enjoyable.

>> No.16880730


Once again, you are talking to a dude who is shorter and weights less than most 14 years old.
I ain't ugly, but I can definitely not use my looks to get girls the same way a 6 foot 3 inches tall dude does. And I've had plenty of luck meeting girls in cafes.
Most men are absolutely shit at picking up signals from women.

>> No.16880731

>I think for the time being I've channelled my natural desires to have friends or lovers into working towards a time and place where that will be much easier and more enjoyable.
I think that's exactly the reasonable thing to do. And if things don't work out in that aspect of life, without pretending not to care about, that doesn't mean there aren't other things that matter as well. Spending all your efforts trying to date or socialize and ending up both alone and having done nothing with life is actually the worst option.

>> No.16880741

so you're a predator who manipulates "Signal" to get in bed with confused girls?very wrong if so...

>> No.16880742

Not that other Anon but so, what do you, you walk up to a girl, tell her she's cute and you'd like to talk to her? I get that's nothing absurd (I've done similar things), but the average /lit/ user is not going to do that.

>> No.16880747

kek nice bait

>> No.16880761

>Spending all your efforts trying to date or socialize and ending up both alone and having done nothing with life is actually the worst option.
Honestly this is worse than LDAR. You need to be a person before you can attract someone worthwhile. READ BOOKS YOU FUCKING COOMERS!!!!!!!!

>> No.16880768


Usually, I'll notice that a girl is looking at me, so I'll catch her glance and smile at her. If she returns the smile, than yeah, I walk up to her and introduce myself. Cafes are good because you can strike a conversation about whatever either of you is reading or working on.

>> No.16880779

I don't have much to say, I agree that's doable and people should try it. But I'll repeat ; a lot of people here would actually die of shyness before even attempting the step of that process.

>> No.16880783

you sound like a sex pest to be frank

>> No.16880808
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>I think for the time being I've channelled my natural desires to have friends or lovers into working towards a time and place where that will be much easier and more enjoyable.
This is why I refuse to shit on "loser" men who go to places like Asia or places like that to live and marry a local woman. What really matters is not the nation, the race, m'uh God, etc. It's the self. It's how your life is. It's whether or not you want to keep living. If you know that you're going to have a grim time in your western country (you don't even have to be a fat ugly incel, there are more than a few regular-looking all around decent guys who are FUCKED in the current dating landscape) then I tip my hat to you brother. Do as all animals do. Go to a better environment.

>> No.16880832


Being shy isn't that much of a problem. If that's all that is stopping you, eventually things will fall into place on its own.
Self-defeating yourself before it even starts, as by listening to this cunt >>16880783 for example, is what must be overcome.

>> No.16880845

yes you must bury your self loathing at being a manipulative pervert if you want to be a PUA

>> No.16880861

Let's bite ; where is the manipulation here?

>> No.16880886

you touch women who should maintain their purities. a gentle touch on the elbow at first... then their shoulder or waist... (you lick your lips...) but eventually you pluck their flower like a rogue... all PUAs are the same: hearts black as coal

>> No.16880889

lmao this is great stuff...

>> No.16880950


Lol what the fuck never even fucked a virgin...

>> No.16881207

Op I must be mistaken but I thought you said 'girlfriend' what you meant to say was 'wife' since she is in bed with you.

>> No.16881516

What even happened to her? Did the prophecies get fulfilled?

>> No.16881729

My GF (or whatever) and I have been reading "Silence" together; it's taking forever, though.

>> No.16881738

>My GF (or whatever)

>> No.16881755

Well, we live in different towns and traveling from one place to the other is practically impossible due to COVID restrictions; I'd have to take a full two weeks off work every time I visited and returned. In practical terms we're still dating, but I hate the whole idea of long-distance relationships. I'd rather have it be "whatever" until we're back in the same location.

>> No.16881934

After some time I started doubting myself if I could sustain a close relationship.I spent too much time alone,I dont think I would manage to.I also realised I never liked a girl I got to know,only the ones I admired from afar ,once I talk to them or when one of them showed interest in me I couldnt help but find a relationship with her offputting
I read the first and second novels by Houellebecq recently and they put me in a bad mood too

>> No.16882239

Which country?

>> No.16882360

oOoOo she's considering it

>> No.16882556

Always end up missing the first one

>> No.16882965


>> No.16882971

it's gonna be summer soon, mein negger

>> No.16883816
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>> No.16883827

I will impregante you and get you citizenship please marry me.

>> No.16883829

Winter starts in January in Sweden, this year it didn't start snowing until February.

>> No.16883899
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>> No.16884338

Hey, Swedeaboo here.

>> No.16885082

it gets better anon

>> No.16885903
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Hubert Selby Jr. whilst I turn out sum boipussy.

>> No.16885938

I'm "only" 24 but for some reason I've kind of stopped worrying or caring, feels kind of good actually to simply accept my fate.

>> No.16886039

Mira Gonzalez