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File: 43 KB, 800x600, Bible_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16847991 No.16847991 [Reply] [Original]

So wait a second...it's ALL allegory? Then what's the point?

>> No.16847997


>> No.16847999

Only atheistic or deistic pseuds say it's all allegory. Bad thread, bad bait, please kill yourself at your earliest convenience.

>> No.16848003

Then what should be followed and believed literally? Whenever you confront a th*istic retard about passages, they always jump to "muh allegory" and liberal interpretations based on a 21st century mindset

>> No.16848011

The Ten Commandments and the moral teachings of Jesus Christ, of course.

>> No.16848023

It's all real and an allegory on top

>> No.16848062

>“Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law— a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household."
>many other instances like this
Jesus seems like a dick in many cases. But I'm sure you'll say that's just another allegory/parable.

Jesus was just a character used to combine other folk tales, the Brothers Grimm of its time

>> No.16848067

What a retarded post. Not a shred of truth and just new atheist bable.

>> No.16848076

No Argument: The Post

>> No.16848079

That's called a metaphor, you retard. Are you literally, unironically, I am genuinely asking you this question in earnest, suffering from autism or Asperger's Syndrome? Inability to correctly interpret figures of speech is a common symptom of those developmental disorders.

>> No.16848089
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>> No.16848113
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>> No.16848120

Jesus sounds based. Only the physically-weak and those with low testosterone would read that and say "man that person sounds like dick"

>> No.16848143

Kek, right back at you anon

>> No.16848158

What about the parts that you don't like, and say are just allegories?

>> No.16848172

Allegories are only bad when OTHER PEOPLE say things are allegories. When I say things are allegories, it's a good thing.

>> No.16848176

Why don't you go ahead and cite one?

>> No.16848189

I can't read your mind, anon.

>> No.16848204
File: 584 KB, 1288x1732, Jesus was not nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I apologize that the illusion of Jesus being a guy did nothing but say "just be nice" has been broken.

>> No.16848208

You make constant reference to Biblical scholars calling everything allegorical, yet you can't think of a single example of something Biblical scholars call allegorical? Are you asking this question in good faith, or are you an autistic teenager making provocative anti-religious statements online as an ego trip?

>> No.16848211

Nah many retards take it literally

>> No.16848253

You're an allegory.

>> No.16848307

No, it's not an allegory or metaphor. It's true. Genesis is the only part of the Bible that's primarily allegorical.

>> No.16848366

the point is its pretty much public education before public education, it delivers important wisdom to the masses and gives them incentives to follow the rules

>> No.16848386

The Church Fathers make use of four interpretative methods - the literal/historical, the moral/spiritual, the anagogical/eschatological, and the typological. Not every method is appropriate every time and the Fathers often disagree on which ones are fit for which parts. There's really no single approach, just a pool of acceptable interpretations from the saints, although keeping in mind that when they comment on the Bible their concern is primarily pastoral and so they're mostly concerned with weeding out problematic practices and beliefs in their own context.

As for the Christian scriptures themselves they might be put in the genre of "historical myth" (see Fr. Stephen De Young and Jonathan Pageau). So they do describe real events, yet in such a manner that extrapolates their meaning. In this case, a strict division between a "literal" meaning and an "allegory" doesn't make much sense. Some, to recapitulate everything I said so far, try to speak of the Bible as being "symbolic" although in the classical sense (not in the modern sense where symbol, metaphor and allegory are synonymous).

>> No.16848921

if I can defend it, it's literal
if I can't defend it, it's allegorical

>> No.16848930

If I post it, it's based
If (You) post it, it's cringe

>> No.16849050

No, my point is that I don't know what YOU say is allegorical. Every time I've ever seen someone get butthurt about how the Bible is 100% literal and there are no rhetorical devices such metaphor, parable, simile, or allegory in it, they immediately turn round and handwave away anything they don't like as just being a rhetorical device. Sometimes it's the stuff against homosexuality, sometimes it's the stuff about Jew and Greek, or when the Second Coming is coming, it varies person to person.

So, what stuff do YOU think is allegory?

>> No.16850326

If it agrees with my already-established secular values, it should be read literally
If it disagrees with my already-established secular values, it should be interpreted through the lens of my secular values

>> No.16851667
File: 13 KB, 600x600, DuneBait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not an allegory just because of the book of Genesis. Get a brain
