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/lit/ - Literature

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16845507 No.16845507 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw grandma will die
>mfw at least I will inherit her massive library

Is your family /lit/? What kind of books do they read?

>> No.16845515

they all read my diary desu :(

>> No.16845541

My grandpa was. He didn't have a lot of books, but he had good ones. But, what I inherited from him that was better than that, was his rock collection. There are some awesome rocks in it, a lot that he found himself (even cave bear bones) and when I buy another and put it in the vitrine, I like to think I'm putting it in there for him, too.

>> No.16845581

My grandmother is a literal retard. I doubt she's read a book since grade school.

>> No.16845583

I may inherit one of her ashtrays, or "collectible" Coca Cola cans, or maybe I'll get really lucky and get one of the Dale Earnhardt Wheaties boxes she displays in her curio cabinet.

>> No.16845594

It's all over the place. My family library is full of both modern schlock and classics (mostly soviet-published). I've also inherited a few theological books from my great grandfather, published before the commie revolution. He was a peasant, so his taste in literature was quite limited, it seems.

>> No.16845598

my mom reads crime novels

>> No.16845602

My grandmother had an immense library that my abusive grandfather made her get rid of, saying 'you've got no use for such things'. I felt joy when he died of a massive stroke.

>> No.16845615

Sorry for your grandmother, OP. Lost one of my grandpas last year and it hurts like hell sometimes.
My family is /lit/ as fuck. I come from a long line of intellectuals, my great-grandfather and his father before him were literature teachers. My only living grandfather is a civil engineer who loves literature and can cite long poems from memory. Both my parents have a love for reading, my mother being the first person in my country to order books from Amazon. I am also related to early 20th century experimental writer who died young, before he could reach his peak, still he is highly respected. As to to what do they read:
Maternal Grandmother - French teacher, loves detective fiction, Balzac and Flaubert
Maternal Grandfather (departed) - academic, loved history and non-fiction
Paternal Grandfather - loves our national literature, fiction and poetry. Nothing post 1965z
Paternal grandmother- biology teacher, doesn’t read anything else except for orthodox theology.
Mother & Father - everything, though dad likes fiction more, whereas my mother prefers non-fiction (psychology related stuff)
Proud of my lit family /lit/

>> No.16845629

Sounds like a bunch of coping pseuds.

>> No.16845646

same bro

>> No.16845651

based /lit/ obliterator

>> No.16845654

oh nonononononono

>> No.16845670

Based family
Seething pseud

>> No.16845682

My dad has read some classics here and there, but nowadays he mostly works and doesn't have time for reading. My mom reads quite a bit more, but more crime/biographies/hostircal stuff.

I think when you read a certain age you stop feeling the need to prove yourself and read the "must-reads", so you just chill and read whatever you feel like.

>> No.16845692
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mother: nothing
father: nothing
grandmother: bible
grandfathers: nothing (one is illiterate) (also both are dead)
brother: ancap shit

>> No.16845736
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My grandmother is an impressive person considering her upbringing. She was born in a third world country (Philippines) and had to leave school before she was 7 to work in a factory for most of her youth. Despite this she became a translator for Japanese and Spanish, worked in the courts, and worked in a hospital. She raised a massive family and community. She always praised me and talked about how I'd become a judge one day and my mother would always show her all my academic achievements. The sad part is my life is starting to go tits up so my grandma is going to pass away just as she becomes aware I'm never going to achieve what she thought I was. She can't even do basic mathematics but she's very sharp for her age—never repeating her stories nor forgetting things. Both my parents are bright but they haven't read since highschool. My brother tried to become /lit/ like myself but ended up just reading self help books and a few entry level text: he dropped the hobby though. One of my dad's brothers apparently reads a shit ton but I've never met him. Please hold on grandma, I'll make things right.

>> No.16845796
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Nobody in my family reads anything, as does everyone in this country except college pseuds.

>> No.16845886

She had some nice books about the history of our town. The cunt didn't gave shit.

>> No.16845931

Got a complete Dickens and Dumas from my great grandma but ended up selling both, which I regret. Have most of the former in Penguin paper now.

>> No.16845945
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I'm sorry, anon

>> No.16845952

My grandfather is a reverend with a ThD and has a study in his house with about 4,000 books mostly relating to scripture but also history, sociology, and psychology and pretty much always hands me something to read when we're over. He gave me one of the three hardbound copies of his dissertation on counseling the dying in hospitals when I went away to college. I'll keep it forever. My dad used to run a barnes and nobles and also had massive stacks of English and German literature and a lot of polisci and legal books too. My dad is the kind of DFW fanboy that I believe causes women with MFAs to bitch about on twitter

>> No.16845988
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The death of my grandma last year has only caused discord in my family because of inheritence disagreement and stuff. Shit's still not settled.

>> No.16845997

None of them read anything. My dad has some biography books about rockstars but he doesn't read them either.

>> No.16846025

Mom is pretty patrician, loves Russian classics. Dad reads a lot of obscure books and biographies, he always has something interesting to recommend. My siblings don't read at all.

>> No.16846070

Based, where are you from bro?

>> No.16846076


>> No.16846397


>> No.16846422

Why do poor people collext mass produced garbage and think of it as valuable lol

>> No.16846434

what a nerd

>> No.16846447

>still have the hundreds of books from my grandparents (quite intellectual special ed teachers) in the cellar since 16 years because we never had the space to unpack them.

>> No.16846459

My only /lit/ family member was my great uncle: a published author who lived in France. When he died, his entire library—thousands of books—was left to my family. But they had no means of transporting them back to the UK (or so they say— I was child), so the vast majority ended up in the skip. All that remains is the complete works of Dickens and a 1904 print of Tristram Shandy, both of which I have. Still haunts me to this day.

>> No.16846762


>> No.16847613

He himself is a rock now. You could display his bones.

>> No.16848680

as my grandma ages more, she´s clinging harder to religion, it´s pretty sad, it doesn´t help either my religious zealot of a mother is encouranging her in the religious delusion, i was thinking gifting her apology by plato in order to ease her anxiety about death

>> No.16848963

My grandpa has hundreds and hundreds of books all stacked up in a room, mostly science and mathematics stuff that he doesn't completely understand but still enjoys reading and talking about immensely. I don't want him to die but it will be cool to have all those books, since he's had multiple books I've asked him about that I needed for learning/school/hobby.

>> No.16849077
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tfw my grandpa literally died this morning and he has a nice library I can look through
>overall it's a bad feel

>> No.16849146

Deep. Could make a nice picture book.

>> No.16849299

My grandpa has two massive libraries he built on his property in Tampa to store all of his books. Mostly classics with a fair portion of rare pop up books too. I get the feeling he’ll leave them to his boyfriend though, and not me. I don’t even think he knows I read

>> No.16849344
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All of my dad's books are neocon jew loving propaganda :(

>> No.16849442

My grandfather had thousands of books. When he died my parents sold them all. Actually not all of them, but most of them. I was too young, so I still wonder about all the books I never knew.

>> No.16849487

My dad hasn't read a book since he dropped out of Jr high to get a job on the docks. Thank God too, I grew up rich instead of never being born cuz my dad was some fart sniffer pseud.
I got my mom to read Meditations and then On The Shortness of Life after Nana died. Other than that she used to read Danielle Steel and Joel Osteen garbage books.

>> No.16849549
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My mom has read the most books of my immediate family. She's read every novel in the house, which is a lot. Including most of Dickens twice. My mom is my hero.

>> No.16850486

>mfw my abuelita stopped school in 6th grade
>mfw she asked me if Greek was a language today
I still love her tho

>> No.16851790

>What is sentimentals

>> No.16851800

>Tristram Shandy

>> No.16851819

jesus christ, theyre fucking minerals anon

>> No.16851828

What a cunt.

>> No.16851853

>ever knowing your grandparents

>> No.16851872

I know, Imagine not being a deracinated bugman.

>> No.16851877

yes. cool ones.

>> No.16852122

imagine not being black