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/lit/ - Literature

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16824520 No.16824520 [Reply] [Original]

Okay dudes I need your help. I love to read, but I can't help but feel like I'm a brainlet and I'm not absorbing or fully grasping the content of what I read sometimes. Is there a book I can read to teach me how to read? I want to read like a scholar.

>> No.16824561

Bump I have the same problem

>> No.16824562
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>> No.16824693

>cold sore on lips
Hard pass

>> No.16824694
File: 75 KB, 536x630, 9780062307811_p0_v1_s1200x630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"How to Read a Book" is the common recommendation on here. Pic related

>> No.16824716

Ukrainian I guess. Russian alphabet doesn't have 'i'.

>> No.16824719

Lol exactly what I'm looking for.

>> No.16824729

You're trying to absorb the books, but a good reader gets absorbed by the books.

>> No.16824847

after i read i'd like to explain the concepts to my close friends.enforces it...
i filtered many globohomo atheists after explaining Spinoza.

>> No.16824896


>> No.16824937

Yeah anon that sounds great but my friends are pretty stupid if I'm being honest. And my girlfriend isn't conventionally intelligent either but I'll be damned if she doesn't make a great life partner. I know it's a cliché but my intellectual endeavors are pretty isolating for me.

>> No.16824983
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depends on what you are reading, OP, and your goals. Don't be afraid to consult a reader or a companion if you are reading a canonical book, be it philosophy or fiction. Don't be ashamed to read slower and reread, many books require you to do this.
Another piece of advice is to read physical books that you underline and mark upon. If you use an e-reader, then you must have a reading journal in which you write down what you want to remember.
This is very good advice when dealing with non-fiction (and even some fiction, ie Borges)
So cringe it's pathetic

>> No.16824995

Thank you man. I can't explain why but I have this autistic need to keep my books in great shape so I have the hardest time marking them up but I think I'll do it on my next read.

>> No.16825009

If you want to read like a scholar you need to consult many secondary sources. But to be frank with you, you will never read like a scholar unless you actually go to grad school and work closely with scholars. Just be happy with your surface level knowledge and continue reading. You might understand things better over many years of practice. But reading like a scholar will never happen unless you actually work with them.

>> No.16825021

Wait am I being trolled? There are a few books with the same titled and the picture you shared is a children's book I think.

>> No.16825069

1. Start using spaced repetition. Anki is a good start. Supermemo is best. Spaced repetition can be used to memorize facts, concepts and ideas. If you do it right you can even chunk information (which automatically leads to mastery of a subject). It does require daily usage however. Combined with incremental reading in supermemo it is even more powerful

>> No.16825105


>> No.16825153

write a review and summary after each book

>> No.16825306

I wish I could but I have yet to find anyone that ACTUALLY uses these methods to actually read anything, especially the Anki crowd who is wholly devoted to only languge learning and med school cramming, with the occasional guys who use it to memorize other random stuff like math or perhaps programming functions, or any of the other random decks can find online. Which anki is certainly good for, dont get me wrong, but not applicable to this thread or board in general.

As far as chunked learning and incremental reading goes though, I'm beginning to think not even Wozniak himself actually does incremental reading rather than just like (shilling) the idea of it.

>> No.16825361

I've been doing it for the last couple of years now and it's been amazing. There is a fairly active discord channel where supermemo users talk about this stuff. I do think it requires a certain type of personality to get into it as well as get past the learning curve so it is not for everyone.

Anki and a lot of other srs communities tend to learn things for the sake of trivia such as world capitals or something which is a terrible idea

>> No.16825370
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>> No.16825380

I have been using it for a couple years now. It's been amazing. There is a discord channel of about 500 supermemo users that discuss this stuff and some guys even teach the program to people for free. I think it is not for everyone and it requires a certain personality to get into

>> No.16825420
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>> No.16825442

Is this Italian? Please fuck off, you pasta-eating retards

>> No.16825450


>> No.16825457


maybe she's a ukrainian escort

>> No.16825468

Do you use supermemo or anki?

>> No.16825480

lmao the fucking Amerilards

>> No.16825498

Supermemo. You can't incrementally read in anki only spaced repetition. Plus the algorithm is better in supermemo.

>> No.16825508 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 575x620, E075F8DB-FCAE-4BC6-ACA4-65B28707E9AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off nog

>> No.16825543


>> No.16825551

hmmm, I heard the programming sucks and is the furthest thing from user friendly possible.

>> No.16825566

>coping this hard for eating shit food

>> No.16825600

There is some truth to that. The learning curve filters out a lot of people from sticking with it and it looks like an older program but it is easy to use and quite intuitive once you get the hang of it and learn shortcuts.

I think dendro and buboflash are more streamlined versions of incremental reading

>> No.16825716


>> No.16826243
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>> No.16826264
File: 165 KB, 598x574, Boobablue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I find more-

>> No.16826267
File: 202 KB, 598x574, Boobaorange.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-pretty women reading in their underwear?

>> No.16826269

Milana B from femjoy

>> No.16826296
File: 9 KB, 226x258, 1601344445631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh God that pucci is grotesque. I'd prefer clothed women reading. Leave something to the imagination.

>> No.16826346

Pretty gay post teebeeaitch.

>> No.16826394

This is /lit/, we're feign being cultured homosexuals here. This means TECHNICALLY CLOTHED women reading books- not naked women.

>> No.16826903

holy SHIT i wanna fuck those milky THIGHS
shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.16827217

The problem is you're reading as a means to an end. What you want, probably, deep down, is not read, but be respected intelectually. This makes you anxious, probably, and that's why you're not absorbing things. As paradoxal as it sounds, and as simple as it looks: read for pleasure. You'll retain information, then, and you're gonna be surprised to see that your mind, wheever you need it, will be able to access it.

>> No.16827307

Stolen from a philosophy youtube channel:
1. Take notes on your thoughts and highlight. You go slower and remember more.
2. Reread if you have to.
3. Read two books at once, chapter by chapter.
4. I try to read two hours every day.

>> No.16827571

Wrong. I want to grow intellectually and learn from people. I could care less about being respected. Thanks for the internet psychoanalysis though.

>> No.16827582

can you edit out the cold sore?

>> No.16827600

holy shit, considering that huge outtie and the cold sore, she's seen a lot of hot dogs down her hallway

>> No.16827805


You want the one by Adler/Van Doren. Full disclosure I could barely finish it.

>> No.16827962

I will do my best

>> No.16827997
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>> No.16828013

annnddd now my dick's flaccid.

>> No.16828031

tbf that is a particularly disgusting vagina. It literally looks like the incel roast beef meme.

>> No.16828048

Same here

>> No.16828267


>> No.16828285

You're a fucking dumbass

>> No.16829870
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>> No.16829886

Illitterate burger spotted, he never gonna make it

>> No.16829892
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Read it again in a few months

>> No.16829894

>>>cold sore on lips
cant unsee

im glad coomers like op still value her though

>> No.16829899

How to read a book by Adler

>> No.16829924

>tfw you start syntopical reading

>> No.16830201

8/10 made me laugh

>> No.16830218

Vagina shape is genetic