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16776799 No.16776799 [Reply] [Original]

I'm thinking of reading Revolt Against The Modern World, and I was wondering if there is any supplementary texts I should read with it or if the book overall should just be ignored or not.

>> No.16776951

If you don’t like esoteric spiritual talk and interpretations of ancient symbolism you’re not going to like this book

>> No.16777038

Second this.

>> No.16777055

>muh Kali Yuga

>> No.16778045

Depends, what do you expect out of it?

>> No.16778060

Stop reading LARPers, read Marx and learn about Scientific Socialism.

>> No.16778068
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>read Marx and learn about Scientific Socialism

>> No.16778073

>muh Kali Yuga

>In Kali-yuga, wealth alone will be considered the sign of a man’s good birth, proper behavior and fine qualities. And law and justice will be applied only on the basis of one’s power.

>Men and women will live together merely because of superficial attraction, and success in business will depend on deceit. Womanliness and manliness will be judged according to one’s expertise in sex, and a man will be known as a brāhmaṇa just by his wearing a thread.

>A person’s spiritual position will be ascertained merely according to external symbols, and on that same basis people will change from one spiritual order to the next. A person’s propriety will be seriously questioned if he does not earn a good living. And one who is very clever at juggling words will be considered a learned scholar.

>A person will be judged unholy if he does not have money, and hypocrisy will be accepted as virtue. Marriage will be arranged simply by verbal agreement, and a person will think he is fit to appear in public if he has merely taken a bath.

>A sacred place will be taken to consist of no more than a reservoir of water located at a distance, and beauty will be thought to depend on one’s hairstyle. Filling the belly will become the goal of life, and one who is audacious will be accepted as truthful. He who can maintain a family will be regarded as an expert man, and the principles of religion will be observed only for the sake of reputation.

>> No.16778077

>never worked for a single day
>emotionally manipulated his parents into providing for him
>pretends to be the saviour of the working class
Who's the larper again?

>> No.16778085

>As the earth thus becomes crowded with a corrupt population, whoever among any of the social classes shows himself to be the strongest will gain political power.

>Losing their wives and properties to such avaricious and merciless rulers, who will behave no better than ordinary thieves, the citizens will flee to the mountains and forests.

>Harassed by famine and excessive taxes, people will resort to eating leaves, roots, flesh, wild honey, fruits, flowers and seeds. Struck by drought, they will become completely ruined.

>The citizens will suffer greatly from cold, wind, heat, rain and snow. They will be further tormented by quarrels, hunger, thirst, disease and severe anxiety.

TL;DR the rishis revealed all this shit hundreds of years ago. The Kali Yuga is real.

>> No.16778094

if you don't read both you're low iq.

>> No.16778097
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Avatarfagging is against the rules, incel.
Ad hominems will not disprove his materialist conception of history and his analysis of society. A swing and miss!

>> No.16778099

Correct, but I never said not to read Marx, just that he was a larper

>> No.16778107

See >>16778099
I never said anything about his theory, I simply stated he was more of a larper than Evola. Marx had a few decent insights in all honesty.

>> No.16778117

>implying it’s possible to be a bigger LARPer than some incel baron who LARPed as a god-king and spent half his life shitting himself in a wheelchair

>> No.16778148

Is this book just as dense as ride the tiger ?

>> No.16778180

I've already read marx
Sounded interesting to me, guess I'll find out

>> No.16778195

>I've read wikipedia
what a surprise

>> No.16778222

Evola lived his works, for the most part.
He partook in sex magic, he fought in battles, a walked through bombing raids, he rejected graduating from a university as to not have a modern degree.
He isn't a LARPer.
Marx did nothing to live his philosophy.

I'm not looking at the merits of either one, just simply comparing their lives to their philosophy.

>> No.16778248

I'd probably read the Metaphysics of War before Revolt Against the Modern World.
And probably a few of his other short works like Fascism Viewed from the Right and A Handbook of Traditional Living to understand his world view better.
The esoteric stuff is quite strait forward really, or maybe it simply flew over my head.

>> No.16778270

>never worked for a single day
You’d expect people on a literature board to recognize that journalism, writing philosophy, and writing political-economic theory are, in fact, jobs.

>> No.16778273

>I'd probably read the Metaphysics of War before Revolt Against the Modern World.
>A Handbook of Traditional Living
These are good recommendations, OP. Both are fairly short but also accessible.

>> No.16778278

>and a person will think he is fit to appear in public if he has merely taken a bath
What did he mean by this?

>> No.16778282

Marx was central to organizing the first international labour organization.

>> No.16778292

My point was that he hadn't been in the position of the people he advocated for. Those are bourgeoisie jobs, not working class jobs. Evola at least actually lived the lifestyle he advocated (until he was paralyzed).

>> No.16778296

lol no.
Those are hobbies to do once you retire or along side your profession.
'Professional' journalists, philosophers, and their ilk deserve to be arrested.

>> No.16778303

My great-great grandparents did more to organise labour movements than Marx ever did.
May he rot in hell.

>> No.16778304


>> No.16778328


>> No.16778337

>t. deserves to be jailed

>> No.16778347
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>> No.16778374

Don't use this chart OP, it gets posted often but it's pretty bad.

>> No.16778406

The first volume of the Hand for Traditional living is a summarized Evola.

>> No.16778670


I would suggest reading Mussolini's "Doctrine of Fascism" first - assuming you've read Mein Kampf.

Mein Kampf is a political argument.
Doctrine of Fascism touches on the spiritual argument.

Revolt finishes the spiritual argument.

>> No.16778675


I'd agree, I've never seen a good /lit/ chart yet.

>> No.16778718

What the hell does Mein Kampf and the Doctrine of Fascism have to do with Evola, let alone with Revolt?

>> No.16779226

I don't care much for Evola but the way he makes marxtards seethe is always amusing

>> No.16779240

It's probably because he correctly points out they're as spiritually devoid of substance as, and are therefore essentially no different than, capitalists.

>> No.16779386

There is no spirituality you tiny brained cretin

>> No.16779393

t. triggered consoomer

>> No.16779677

Says the guy who idolizes the "I am not into monogamy" pseudoguru

>> No.16779686

t. triggered coomer

>> No.16779815

That's literally how all Leftists think. They believe they are superior and therefore know better so they must dictate how the lower beings live. All to the benefit of themselves.

>> No.16779959

>Evola at least actually lived the lifestyle he advocated (which inevitably led to him becoming paralyzed)
Here you go

>> No.16779974

I mean the man climbed mountains without gear, walking outside during a bombing raid wasn't that spectacular in comparison. He lived by his word though, something Marx never did.

>> No.16780002

Okay thank you

>> No.16780071

Reading Guenon is a must if you want to understand the Traditionalist welanchuaang.

>> No.16780078

The point is that he was an idiot who thought God would protect him from the Alliance bombings. Living by your word won't do you any good if you are as dead wrong as Evola.

>> No.16780087

bless you!

>> No.16780102

That's not what he believed, but I'm sure you enjoyed reading his wiki page.
How was he wrong? He didn't compromise his views after.

>> No.16780188

Do you think he would go out on a walk during air bombings if it wasn't for his spiritual beliefs that completely destroyed his common sense? What exactly did he gain from being in a wheelchair the rest of his life?
>How was he wrong? He didn't compromise his views after.
Not revising your ridiculous views after reality literally punches you in the face is an intellectual vice, not a virtue.

>> No.16780226

>Do you think he would go out on a walk during air bombings if it wasn't for his spiritual beliefs that completely destroyed his common sense?
You obviously have not read anything about him apart from memes and wikipedia.
>What exactly did he gain from being in a wheelchair the rest of his life?
It was his greatest trial since it hit him at his most vulnerable, but he overcame it and remained steadfast.
>Not revising your ridiculous views after reality literally punches you in the face is an intellectual vice, not a virtue.
That you're too dense to understand them doesn't mean his views are ridiculous.

>> No.16780430

>You obviously have not read anything about him apart from memes and wikipedia.
I don't need to read his garbage writings, I am making a claim about his biography. What is there to dispute, he was a nutjob that used to take strolls under the WW2 air bombing. Are you expecting me to buy that his spiritual beliefs had no role to play in this?
>That you're too dense to understand them doesn't mean his views are ridiculous.
We are talking about a guy who literally believed in God, the Soul, and the afterlife.

>> No.16780435


>> No.16780460

>I don't need to read his garbage writings
Lmao what a pseud, you're like the people who criticize Marx without having read him
>Are you expecting me to buy that his spiritual beliefs had no role to play in this?
No, but your bird brain can't properly understand his motivations. Read his philosophy if you want to understand his person.
>We are talking about a guy who literally believed in God, the Soul, and the afterlife.
It's more nuanced than that. But really any sensible person would. Only midwits are materialists.

>> No.16780490

>It's more nuanced than that. But really any sensible person would. Only midwits are materialists.
You don't say. What is your argument for the existence of God, the Soul, and the Afterlife?

>> No.16780515

>Do you have a source on that?
If you're actually interested in my answer I suggest you read Revolt Against the Modern World.

>> No.16780658

Does he actually give any *arguments* for the existence of the God, Soul or the afterlife or it's just 100 pages whining about teh decline of western civilization? My experience with Evolafags suggests that a lot of them have a cult of personality around him and uncritically buy into whatever shit he says.
Is there actual rigorous, tight argumentation in the style of say Thomas Aquinas or Alexander Pruss? If there are no arguments I don't care to read him. I don't mind reading Theists if they actually argue for their positions but I don't want to waste my time reading trash.

>> No.16780663
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What is the traditionalist stance on lolicon?

>> No.16780688

Just read the book, you have so many assumptions that are based on your prejudice, memes and wikipedia. Even if you don't buy his arguments you'll have broadened your horizon, you could use it. Say what you will about Evola but he was very well read and his writing style is enjoyable.

>> No.16780696
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>> No.16780701

They burn you at the stake

>> No.16780703

>The point is that he was an idiot who thought God would protect him from the Alliance bombings
Well he didnt die

>> No.16780707

Don't forget the tiny penis
Source? That is highly, highly unlikely.

>> No.16780712

People go out for strolls during BLM riots and get rekt. Are you expecting me retard leftist beliefs had no role to play in this?

>> No.16780728

You're so obsessed with it I couldn't if I wanted to

>> No.16780731

But you keep forgetting to mention it

>> No.16780746

I don't have to since you'll do it for me anyway

>> No.16780761
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So what is the traditionalist stance on lolicon?

>> No.16780777
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>> No.16780781
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>So what is the traditionalist stance on lolicon?
Go get 'em tiger

>> No.16781222

Of course

>> No.16782229
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>no puberty
>no hijab
>before marriage

you are going to get stoned, anon. that is my stance.

>> No.16782496

He probably wished he did when he realized now he'll really never get invited to orgies.

>> No.16782525

You're aware he did those in his youth right? Not just any orgies, but sexual rites.

>> No.16782533

ya everything that came before that

>> No.16782536

I recall him saying something he wished for more data on his research in sex, so his adventures in youth weren't enough.

>> No.16782588

do not ever contradict me like that ever again, you piece of shit

>> No.16782705

Perhaps, but you implied it never happened which is untrue.
Wow so edgy, why don't you make an actual good chart instead of posting that shitty one?

>> No.16782741

I don't know all the details of his sex life, I heard he did a lot of women on individual basis, while some anons claimed he never got invited to group fun.
Frankly, I never saw the appeal, one on one gives off a more spiritual vibe, creates a deeper connection.

>> No.16782762

The details are murky, but he seems to have done both. He definitely did group fun though. His book Eros and the Mysteries of Love is about this subject, it was a very interesting and well-researched read.

>> No.16783518

Maybe it's about how looking the part is more important these days than having knowledge about it. Things are given more importance and judged regarding their face value alone.