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/lit/ - Literature

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16773981 No.16773981 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, I Am Legend and Day of the Triffids were good. But those were written way before the zombie craze.

So I check out some aggregated top 10 lists. Two consistently at the top:

> World War Z. I thought this must be a prank about 1/3 through and gave up.
>The Reapers are the Angels. You're fucking joking right? Pure Mary Sue YA garbage. Lasted 2 chapters.

Surely there are some decent alternatives. Maybe I just need to branch out to 'post-apocalyptic' and read The Road, but I do have a desire for something zombie-esque and no just post-nuclear.

>> No.16773986

>omar comin yo!
don't be insulting omar like that

>> No.16773988

28 days later?

>> No.16773991


>> No.16773992
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There is.

>> No.16774050

Even if you hate WWZ it pretty much did everything a zombie novel could do and still be interesting besides default human drama in a zombie setting.

>> No.16774080

The Walking Dead comic is actually really based.

>> No.16774098

Fucking hardesty sucks, you shouldn't say her name in the same breath as Omars.

>> No.16774282

I... well you could either say I'm widely read or just that I have no taste? Or, have been so poor.. it didn't matter. I've waded through so much shit, anons, lol. Anyways, you'll turn your nose up but Walking Dead novelization want *completely* unreadable. I mean, I finished it and can still, ten years later, remember this one about him looking at his brothers mangly uncut toenails and getting sad. Lol. Thought that was a funny line. Hm, let's see... Zombies. Not "Zombie", by Joyce Carol Oates which was great, btw! (as was her Night-sides collection) hm, yeah I'm stumped. I can tell you a few decent post-apocalyptic ones... decent, not too terrible. Man v Nature Diane Cook... If you read past the political stuff lurking in the background, that story is good, collection is fair. Again, I don't expect this bunch to like Kelly Link *at all* but I like her. She's more mythic-fantasy or weird realism or whatever though. CivilWarland in Bad Decline might be considered post-apocalyptic. Station Eleven.. I completed. That one where they're in the airplane hangar (edit:Dog Stars)? I thought that was boring and didn't complete. Bone Clocks and Cloud Atlas, like most of Mitchell's stuff was very well written, but CA was chockablock with SJW garbage. Oddly enough, the movie had less overt political themes. I guess I don't have as many as I thought. If you look up this NYTs article, "The World is Ending and We Couldn't Be Happier" it has a few mentions of adult themed post-apocalyptic fictions.

>> No.16774311

There's so much pretention in the literary world that most "serious" authors would never let themselves to write about zombies. Kinda like the Sci-Fi / Fantasy "ghetto" that people complain about. Most is YA.

>> No.16774320

The most underserved area is not "+/- 28 days later", but "28 days immediately before". The days when the zombies are undeniable to anyone paying attention, but the media and gvnt are still pretending it's not serious.

Sort of like where the media is right now on the Dem election fraud.

>> No.16774341

Nigger you're on /lit/. Learn to section your inane ramblings into paragraphs.

>> No.16774344

>There's so much pretention in the literary world that most "serious" authors would never let themselves to write about zombies. Kinda like the Sci-Fi / Fantasy "ghetto" that people complain about. Most is YA.
It's akin to fantasy. I think "yes, I like fantasy" but what that really means is I love Tolkien legendarium, and most of GRRM's never-to-be-completed work. And not much else.

Maybe the ratio is the same as in any other genre. But fantasy so easily veers off into juvenile stupidity rather than allowing the fantasy to enhance enduring mythical themes.

>> No.16774360

I don’t like fags and love triangles, maybe if you’re a grill

>> No.16774362
File: 12 KB, 275x274, eddie_murphy_incredulous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are literally no zombies in The Day of the Triffids.
It's about walking killer plants FFS.

>> No.16774439

>There are literally no zombies in The Day of the Triffids.
>It's about walking killer plants FFS.
One day you may find a human friend if you can overcome your compulsion to autistically parse sentences for computer code logic.

>> No.16774446

And if you ever learn to parse English, maybe you'll stop looking less of a retard on /lit/.

>> No.16774478

That is a paragraph?lol
Well, they have bills to pay like anyone else I suppose? Probably not many adults "lower" themselves to read it or young adults that are discerning enough to care? Not the hundreds of thousands or however many needed to pique publishers interest to pay an advance, at least. I admit it, I went all in with the Game of Thrones / SoIAF cultural phenomenon. Roy Dotrice in the background for... years. The Pop Philosophy book Logic Cuts Deeper Than Swords (pretty good, surprisingly), etc. The books were... fucking horrible. Very hard to read. He has these great scenes, witty dialog, excellent mood, scenery porn, historical references galore, etc... And then I guess appeals to... someone... by having a charger say, "let's dance" before fighting. Or, pages of genealogy and multiple paragraphs of food and room descriptions. My theory is he was wacked out of his mind on painkillers writing it. I know I was reading it. Kratom and brandy, winter with the windows open under an electric blanket, Ahhh. But anyways yeah, you're right. Joyce Carol Oates is a "serious" author whose done good psychological (and just "straight") horror. Off topic I guess but I always bring her up when people start in on how "good" Steven King is. Hell, Clive Barker ran fucking rings around King, back in the day. So did Poppy Z Brite? I dunno... I was like 13-21 when I read those though. Fuck. Wish I could get a job just reading books. But only good ones not the submissions for anthologies lol

Oh yeah, Children of Men. The movie is totally different, and to me better, than the book.