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16771540 No.16771540 [Reply] [Original]

Give it to me straight, /lit/

Is God real?

What're some books that'll make or break my belief?

>> No.16771545

No. I met him. He's fake.

>> No.16771546

More so about experiencing the sublime through you everyday interactions with the world than reading some sterile book. Find the subtleties which arise in the multi-faceted wavelength of reality to pick up the trail of esotericism.

>> No.16771712

On the Origin of Species

>> No.16771725

Darwin wasn't an atheist.

>> No.16771754

Corpus Hermeticum

>> No.16771816
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>Is God real?
>What're some books that'll make or break my belief?
none, go to a church and talk to priest

>> No.16771826

He may be an american, the churches their are god awful

>> No.16771849

Nope sorry.

Books to read. The Bible. Then read The Odyssey. Then read the Tractatus Logico Philosiphicus. Then compare religion to quantum physics.

>> No.16771875

Ask >>>/x/

>> No.16771907

Ask yourself why does it matter if God is real or not and why do you want to know if he's real or not. Try to do so without repeating something you heard

>> No.16771915

>Is God real?
God is the only thing that is real.
>What're some books that'll make or break my belief?
Why would you want to believe when you can *know*?

>> No.16771982

Thomas Aquinas, Aristotle, and Plato to know that God must exist. Augustine is very solid after this. Then read literature which has a full Christian understanding of reality, such as Dostoevsky.

>> No.16772217
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The collective unconscious is real, and God lives there, as a projection of the totality of your potential self, so, that's real enough for me.

>> No.16772221

Start with the Gathas.

>> No.16772230

any more photos like this?

>> No.16772321

of course not. he's no different than zeus or atum or kepri or hermes. the fact that there is more than one religion immediately invalidates christianity anyway. bunch of fool's acting like their religion is the only true one.

>> No.16772602

That all depends on what you mean by "god".

>> No.16772737
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And read the King James Version of the Bible. Read the New Testament first, then the Old Testament also watch this video:

>> No.16772747

The strongest proof of the inexistence of God is his priests.

>> No.16772752

surprised our resident troon hasnt shown up and derailed the thread yet

>> No.16772784

Who that? The guy thats always screaming?

>> No.16772813

The strongest proof of your stupidity is your post.

>> No.16772816

God is a chad

>> No.16772828
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The monadology

>> No.16772833

hey its me god sorry I'm late, ask me anything

>> No.16772980

Do I have permission to kms?

>> No.16772999

kms is botnet, install gentoo

>> No.16773005
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God is real and he's my enemy.

>> No.16773131

if youre looking for a god that has any human qualities at all (will, personality, intention, intelligence, judgement, existance within time/logic) than no. its obvious projection by humans.

>> No.16773140

Trips command it.

>> No.16773142

>Tractatus Logico Philosiphicus
wittgenstein? why?

>> No.16773191

A hint of Light in the dark...
Enough to keep from giving up
If I could go back to the Start
and break the pattern forming between us.

>> No.16773216

I dont even know u

>> No.16773240
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>> No.16773847
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>Of course god is real, it says so in the Bible
Yeah, that's sure to answer OP's question. I bet he never heard that before.

>> No.16773867


>> No.16773901

Of course I am real

>> No.16773904
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>> No.16773911

is the world real are there things you dont know cant explain or quantify? then yea god is real but org. religion is total shit

>> No.16773916


>> No.16773963

He was paraphrasing St. Catherine of Siena. Do as they say but not as they do.

>> No.16773967

More compelling is CS Lewis

>> No.16773977

Yup. Our priests are babbling Indians cause all the cool Irish ones died, and our god is Coca Cola

>> No.16774020

Personally, I was set on my path to conversion when I studied Aristotle's Metaphysics, and then Aquinas expansion on that. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_kd4Kgq4tP8e1BBGrC-eFlp86fqyvGex is a good introduction for the Aquinas part, but some things might be lost if you don't understand Aristotle

If you're looking more for apologetic stuff, then
>>16773967 is great, also Chesterton (not as good)

>> No.16774053

Listen to Bach to convince yourself there must be a God and read the New Testament with an open heart to confirm it

>> No.16774063

won't listening to Bach make you a Calvinist though? careful

>> No.16774115

No he isn't. It's a cope. A lot of the religious people here are converts because they were depressed and wanted to believe. That's it.

>> No.16774119

Who is this cute boy?

>> No.16774132


>> No.16774135

> Is God real?
He is, and you know it. (Or you wouldn't be asking this question.)
> What're some books that'll make or break my belief?
'Belief' doesn't matter. Trust does.

>> No.16774150

You utter fucking dolt he was a lutheran he owned three copies of the lutheran bible and wrote chorales for the lutheran church
Bach is still my favorite musician and God is still real, but hes lutheran my guy so dont slander him
This is a cope actually

>> No.16774166

>He is, and you know it.
This, its an unbearable question that people either embrace or revolt against, but never are unconscious of. From the very first ritual evidence half a million years ago men have been pulled and changed by the experience of the divine upon them. Its the basis of existential crisis, the wrongness of being both in the natural world and outside of it. There have been many many errors in response and prophecy (from the temples of moloch, the aztecs, etc), but the best and truest understanding of The Word was proclaimed during the Sermon on the Mount and in John 1:1-5.

>> No.16774168

How is that a cope? When did you become religious? After a depressive episode?

>> No.16774191

>Then compare religion to quantum physics.
The only religion that stands a chance against QM is Islam

>> No.16774217


I know it sounds like new agey reddit trash, but scientists being confused by finely tuned universe or the holographic principle or contemplating Boltzmann brains seems to be awkward cope for coming to grips with obvious deism or theism.

>> No.16774221

Daily reminder that the only reason you're Christians is because you were raised as Christians.
If you'd been born in another country you'd be evangelising Islam, Buddhism or Shinto with equal zeal and ideological blindness.

>> No.16774225

6th century warlordism with huge gaps in theology that have to be plugged with threats of death against those are anathematized cant deal with basic metaphysics.

Thats why Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons have exploding numbers and Koreans immigrants become absolutely nutter christians.

>> No.16774236
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This is the best book of 2020. Not only does it address your ever-urgent question, it does so in a way no other could—by contextualizing it in the cesspool we really live in right now and in years to come.

>> No.16774251

>6th century warlordism with huge gaps in theology that have to be plugged with threats of death against those are anathematized cant deal with basic metaphysics.
That's where you're wrong.
"In the Name of Allah—the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful."[1:1]
All praise is for Allah—Lord of all worlds,"[1:2]
Clearly compatible with the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, where it mentions that Allah is the Lord, ie., ruler and creator, of all worlds, not just this one, but infinitely many

>> No.16774259

Why don't you go explain it to them then?

>> No.16774276

Based and truthpilled

>> No.16774291

>Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons
Cults prosper in the internet age. You should see how those Scientologists are doing.

>> No.16774325

>Is God real?
The issue is that the term God is kinda ambiguous.
Are any of the God(s) of the worlds religions real? No.
Could some other conception of God be real? Maybe, but I don't care for it since it would lack all the things that people really want out of God. A clean distinction between good and evil, a purpose and of course an afterlife. These things are all either not real or unknowable until we die.

>> No.16774430

If you can understand the concept of 'God' without anyone explicitly explaining it to you or catechizing you, and then can imagine a being or force that corresponds to that concept, then it could only mean that God exists (for you)

>> No.16774449

>then it could only mean that God exists (for you)
it might be extremely painful

>> No.16774582

>If you can understand the concept of 'God' without anyone explicitly explaining it to you or catechizing you
>Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally. Schizophrenia may result in some combination of hallucinations, delusions, and extremely disordered thinking and behavior that impairs daily functioning, and can be disabling.
All around me.....

>> No.16774627

You're a big guy

>> No.16774683

>Implying the book didn't make me believe in an omnipotent God that uses a violent struggle to create order

>> No.16774695

Read Mere Christianity

>> No.16775625

Who's winning?
What lvls are Ezekiel's demons?
What kind of skill is YHWH using against Ezekiel?
What path Ezekiel chose?

>> No.16775884
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Who gives a shit either way?

I read a lot of shit, now I don’t even care
Let the universe reveal itself to you, you’ll get it

>> No.16776024
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unironically pic related
people only hate on it because it's popular, it's a damn compelling little novel with a mature viewpoint of the church

>> No.16776199

I became religious and than i had my depressive episode
Take a good hard look at life and you realize its not great
Religion hates ignorance its about knowing as much as possible
Go ahead try and disprove it with more knowledge, at the bottom of science you find God waiting for you. I paraphrased louis pasteur? Or maybe it was heisenberg

>> No.16776255

I legit thought it was Pasteur too, weird. It was Heisenberg.
>The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.

>> No.16776269

I remember as a kid when everybody in church was talking about this book and they all read it and discussed how it was misrepresenting Christianity. In hindsight it was a hilarious marketing angle, props to Brown.

>> No.16776295

everything that is shares the quality of being. so whoever, whichever source, is the master of being must be behind everything that is

>> No.16776318

So many christfags in this thread.Mudslimes, kikes where are you?

>> No.16776547
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>> No.16776604

the 40 year old SIINER

>> No.16776613

Yes, He is. Check out the Spiritual Writings of Soren Kierkegaard harper perennial edition

>> No.16776631

I'm danish, here a lot of priests are "cultural christans" so agnostics who find importance in the bible

>> No.16776651

>>16776631 here
What texts do you recommend? i can read it in the original

>> No.16776658

>prot rant

>> No.16776723

>God exists?
It's personal. If you feel him and feel his call/presence, then yes, of course(maybe you would call it energy, or anything else, it doesn't necessarily is the christian God. It depends of your culture/civilization).

If not, you doubt. Maybe yes, maybe not. That's part of life. For me the question is t if there is something or not. It is why some people feel it and others not.

>Books that create faith or destroy it
"Small Gods" from Terry pratchett and Scott Adams "God's debris".

>> No.16778023

The Bible and my diary desu

>> No.16778035

Daily reminder that the only "arguments" you soulless convictionless clumps of cells can come up with is fantasy scenarios that are not founded in reality, retard atheist.

>> No.16778051

Yes, but it is not an Abrahamic demon that is God. Look to Nature, it will all make sense

>> No.16778088

>Is God real?
Yes, as an interpretation.

>> No.16778106

>what is conversion

>> No.16778111
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>evolution disproves God

>> No.16778112

>Is God real?
>is Yhwh real
No, lmao, kys cryptojew.

>> No.16778119

It doesn't disprove it, but it makes the idea pretty ridiculous.

>> No.16778129

Evolution has nothing to do with a creator, brainlet

>> No.16778144

Not on its own, but you can easily extrapolate from evolution the idea that your reality is set up this way because you were evolved into interpreting it as such, which means the idea of creation is just that... an idea.

>> No.16778168

Because he believed in God

>> No.16778170
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No it doesn’t, and people who say it does have an autistically limited conception of what God is that betrays their only exposure to the divine as being the dogma of Semitic desert cults. It absolutely does nothing to damage the concepts of The One, the Logos, Natura Naturans etc.
Evolution doesn’t even truly impact anything but religious literalism any more than any natural process because those natural processes by any theistic logic would be beholden to the ultimate power.
Study some philosophy rather than limiting yourself to the dogma of Christians and militant atheists.

>> No.16778183

>Study some philosophy
Already did, see >>16778144

>> No.16778208

Daily reminder that you belong to one of 10000 existing religions that claim to serve the "one true god".Get you head out of your ass christcuck

>> No.16778226

Literally so braindead that you can't handle abstraction

>> No.16778302

You’re right, anon. Don’t worry, high intellects are often misunderstood. But here I am, and here you are; at least not everybody is stupid.

>> No.16778368

>the age old "You cant prove that it doesnt exist" """argument"""
Classic keep it up

>> No.16778433

Read "The Great Divorce" and then "Mere Christianity," and then you will believe in God (maybe not forever though but for a bit)

>> No.16778510

I hope this thread is a joke, but in case even 1 underaged poster hasn't figure that out yet: no one knows, and it doesn't really matter all that much. Never focus on if he is real or fake, focus instead on all the different things and ways of being god could be. It is a much more interesting question that will take you much further. Personally, I don't think the question even can be answered, because it is really a hundred questions each with a hundred answers. What God? Which God? Who's God? What is "real?" are we real? etc

>> No.16778563 [DELETED] 



Can't tell

Based AND Cringe

Doesn't-know-what-religion/spirituality/abstract thought-is-tier

>> No.16778568

>consciousness cannot be reduced to matter
>the interaction problem proves dualism is false
>the combination problem proves panpsychism is false
>therefore consciousness is all there is
>therefore idealism is true
>therefore the universe is a cosmic mind
>that cosmic mind is God

>> No.16778576

That proves that you haven’t studied any metaphysics pertaining to the concept of a God that isn’t just demiurge dogma, the idea of God in the examples I gave you does not figure some stern watchful man in the sky, it figures an ultimate truth and fundamental property of reality.
>the age old “nuh uh you can’t point out that what I said didn’t demonstrate what I said it did” childish sophistry
I’m not a Christian and I don’t believe in that kind of superstitious “god” but the point of the argument was that evolution does not disprove those beliefs, when it had been argued by a retard that it could and he gave no explanation as to how. Evolution does not demonstrate the non-existence of a god even if there isn’t one.

>> No.16778579


>> No.16778591
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Yes. This is a relatively easy read on Aquinas' Five Ways.

>> No.16778597

>it figures an ultimate truth and fundamental property of reality
Yes, that's what I addressed. I didn't address the idea of "some stern watchful man in the sky" even remotely.

>> No.16778601

Cringe genetic fallacy "You're only religious because you were born into it"

>> No.16778624

Well I guess if you interpret god as some great collective mind/abstract concept or whatever and not as a singular human like entity, it cant really be disproven

>> No.16778799

God is a nourishing reality of life (read the Bible).

>> No.16778971
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A couple of anons suggested Mere Christianity. I second that; it's good.

My suggestion is to couple that A Severe Mercy by Sheldon Vanauken. Vanauken was a student of C.S. Lewis's at around the time Lewis wrote Mere Christianity. Vanauken was a staunch atheist (as Lewis had been as a young man). This memoir chronicles his gradual conversion. It's a very fine and charming book. Highly recommended.

I also recommend The Seven-Story Mountain by Thomas Merton. This is another conversion story, by a young skeptic who is gradually won over to belief in God, then Christianity, then the Chuch. Merton eventually became a monk, and he wrote most of his books while living a monastic life. He was a very gifted writer. This book surprised everyone by becoming a worldwide bestseller. It remains a wonderful book.

Last but not least, a short conversion story by Jean-Rodolphe Kars, a French pianist of Austrian Jewish origin, who became Catholic priest. Attached. Source: https://www.hebrewcatholic.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/THC90.pdf (p. 11 ff.)

>> No.16779004

Aquinas actually refutes Christianity if you pay close attention to the arguments he employs.
All cosmological arguments for the God of Classical Theism completely destroy the idea that the universe is finite, for the simple reason that they are incompatible with the divine attribute of immutability, which is central in Classical Theism.
Basically, if God is the cause of the universe, he gains a new property when he freely decides to create the world. Before God made the universe he was not a creator, but he became so after the act. But God cannot gain any new properties (otherwise he wouldn't be Immutable).
You have to drop either Christianity or Classical Theism. Choose.

>> No.16779324

God is not an idea
real things are ideas
therefore God is not real

>> No.16779459

This is such a retarded interpretation of Ezekiel's encounter. I'm impressed someone could fuck up God's throne that bad.

>> No.16779473
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The Bible, it worked for me.

>> No.16780178

How is God not an idea? Are you retarded or just pretending to be?

>> No.16780393

God Delusion :DDDDDDD

>> No.16780437

Nice reading comprehension, I like your selfie too.

>> No.16780447

I want to know what caused a human intelligence to write these words. Like how does one collect the knowledge required to name these terms without ANY adjacent information about any of them?

>> No.16780465
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Enneads by Plotinus and the Elements of Theology by Proclus. I've never met a person who has done a deep dive into Neoplatonism and wants to retain their materialistic, atheistic beliefs.

>> No.16780520

Yes. Read the Bible, try talking to God, you'll see

>none, go to a church and talk to priest
Typical. Read the Bible anon. Please, read it

>> No.16781085

>Is God real?
>What're some books that'll make or break my belief?

>> No.16781476

Fucking hell so many bible thumpers.Really gives credence to the >>>16774221

>> No.16781529

Hinduism says hi

>> No.16781544

>implying human concepts of time apply to god

>> No.16781567

I had a mystic experience on psychedelics that eventually led to me converting to Christianity from atheism. God is most definitely real and alive in everything.

>> No.16781587

Faith is a gift from God, if you lack it you'll get to know him in Hell. Be thankful for that.

>> No.16781592

I personally don't believe in Hell as place, but rather a state of being. A total separation from the Light.

>> No.16781609

i see it a little differently, because one of the aspects of light is heat. in other words, some people can only learn the hard way.

>> No.16781613

Based and redpilled

>> No.16782104

You’re both right. Heaven and Hell are both the light of God. His presence is a blessing, but remember that it was also the light which dealt with Sodom and Gomorrah. If you love and accept God, then His presence is a heavenly gift. If you hate and resent God, only loving yourself, then the light is torture.

>> No.16782201

>eternal torture for refusing him
Fucking hell, the christcuck god really is absolute.An absolute narcissist psychopath

>> No.16782235

it's you torturing yourself though

>> No.16782611

Is this type of gaslighting also part of the eternal torture, or just something done to everyone?

>> No.16782793

the meme word of the week has no theological significance lmao

>> No.16783606

Damn nigga this is the type of excuses you hear in a Saw movie from the antagonist
Also, victimblaming

>> No.16783624

I dont really think a book can do much more than break the dogmatic, cramped hypocrisy of secular thought which are heads are crammed with nowerdays. Everyone has the ability to become a friend of God, but theres no easy and quick way to do this. Try to be conscious of when your ego is leading you to be dishonest with yourself or hurt the feelings of others. Admit, and bravely admit, your worst vices and what they imply about you. Always look for a chance to be kind. Spend time in contemplation and pray sincerely and not self consciously, try to have genuine communication. Dont shy away in prayer from criticising God or questioning him. Ask and you will find that eventually he will answer. Love is a two way street, open your heart to God and he will pour open his to you.

>> No.16783717

> break the dogmatic, cramped hypocrisy of secular thought
Ayy lmao the irony is palpable
Also, I will spare you one reply and mention that Im not an atheist.There is a "god" if you can call it that but the sand nigger version is not it

>> No.16783758

The irony is all yours. The entire foundation myth of todays world is breaking from opressive, constrictive religious dogma- and now secularism has done the exact same shit.

>> No.16783843

Yeah both extremes are cancerous desu, thats why I added the not atheist part.Religion is not bad if it is applied correctly to a community, but the abrahamic way does more harm than good

>> No.16783977

my mistake then, I shouldnt have gotten so defensive

>> No.16784037

The one true God is the same in all religions.
Why do internet atheists lack vision to such a depressing extent? You people are incapable of seeing past appearances, of grasping meaning beyond what is immediately apparent.

>> No.16784100

>What're some books that'll make or break my belief?
How could creations of mere men make or break your belief on something like God?

>> No.16784157

>The one true God is the same in all religions
I guess all the religious wars ,discrimination etc. were all for naught.Thank you enlighten one
All memes aside, if there is only a singular "god" entity and he decided to introduce itself as different being to different people all over the globe, it is either ignorant/retarded or a full blown psycho.Either way, good look worshiping(and pleasing) that

>> No.16784214

literally more than half of /lit schitzo posters and schitzo threads should be moved there

>> No.16784223

>incapable of seeing past appearances, of grasping meaning beyond what is immediately apparent
Thanks for proving my point, dull one.

>> No.16784310

>incapable of seeing past appearances, of grasping meaning beyond what is immediately apparent
Thank you for repeating yourself like an idiot without saying anything meaningful.Always appreciated
Also, you are acting as if atheists are the only ones who made this mistake.Not all the important religious leaders and their following masses
I accept this thinking from a new agey type of spiritualism, not from fucking christcucks and abrahamshits

>> No.16784321

>you are acting as if atheists are the only ones who made this mistake

>> No.16784339

> atheists lack vision to such a depressing extent

>> No.16784351

Yes. This doesn't imply that they're the only ones who do.
However, being devoid of vision is obviously more common in people who reject spirituality

>> No.16785202

My ex-Buddhist friend moved to the US and became an evangelical Christian despite being raised Buddhist. Several of my close friends are ex-Atheists and ex-convicts turned Christian as well. Speak for yourself fampai.

>> No.16785388

You can trade up as most people do. From the lower (non)religions like Buddhism and atheism to higher such as Christianity, but the reverse doesn't happen often. The only other way you can trade up is Islam - being a step higher than Christianity.

>> No.16785539

what metric is this list built on

>> No.16785638
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>> No.16785673

God damn I didnt know you cant be religious if you are/were in prison lmao

>> No.16785684

>The only other way you can trade up is Islam
Based.Christfags will be wiped out in a few generations anyway

>> No.16785686

I was responding to the guy who said people are only religious if they were raised religious. I was referencing my friend who came from an awful background and converted in prison as an example of how this isn't the case.

>> No.16785698

>Neoplatonism is pozzed

>> No.16785725 [DELETED] 
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>The only other way you can trade up is Islam

>> No.16785727

>Where is the proof of God?
John 20:29
20:29 Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

There isn't any proof.

>> No.16785743

People gravitate towards hope,even if its fake or not.Color me surprised

>> No.16785748
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>The only other way you can trade up is Islam

>> No.16786386
File: 178 KB, 800x1380, 1590617601936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

el seethe

>> No.16786899

Not really.Not yet

>> No.16787169


just use ur brain for like 2 minutes, dude come on

>> No.16787211

They 'convert' in prison because it's useful for getting parole

>> No.16788148
File: 208 KB, 800x1125, 1596970330536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
