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/lit/ - Literature

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16650694 No.16650694 [Reply] [Original]

What book will turn me into a chad?

>> No.16650699

NOT my diary

>> No.16650701

None, gym.

>> No.16650708

Pride and Prejudice

>> No.16650709
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>> No.16650718

Even gym won't help much, chad is more than just physical appearance, it's something one is simply born as.

>> No.16650738

manga in general

>> No.16650797

solid kek.

great teacher onizuka

>> No.16650825


>> No.16650833

Think /fitlit/

Solitary Fitness by Charles Bronson & The Trivium by Sister Miriam Joseph

>> No.16650834

I know that I cannot truly achieve Chadhood but I firmly believe that I can help my future sons to ascend by providing them with the right guidance and genes.

>> No.16650875

Benvenuto Cellini's autobiography

>> No.16650923

Interesting choice


>> No.16650933

Chads are born, not made

>> No.16650948

Emulating Julian's behavior in The Red and the Black has made me a lot more assertive and domineering.
Though I'm pretty sure overall Stendhal meant to discourage anything of the kind.

>> No.16650952

Chads are born, not made.

>> No.16650955


>> No.16650968

You are extremely dumb and extremely useless.

>> No.16651095

its all looks

>> No.16651127

Lol coming from a guy who believes Chads are real

>> No.16651131

Divine Metaphysics.

>> No.16651166

Fuck being alpha/chad, embrace being sigma/creep

>> No.16651663

no gym for your face

>> No.16651827

The Bible

>> No.16651889
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You cannot outlift autism. This is a fundamental conclusion that I have seen many distraught young /fit/posters reach as their crippling inability to interact with other people in spite of their gargantuan delts.
This isn't to say don't lift or improve in any regard, just beware the delusion of lifting your way to chadhood.

>> No.16651986


>> No.16651989

jordan peterson 12 rules for life

>> No.16652055
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Start with this
Continue with this
Do exercise
And force yourself to had more social interaction every day

>> No.16652315


>> No.16652332

Probably biographies of great people to inspire you and anything that can give you an insight into the wymn mindset

>> No.16653163

the big book of reddit

>> No.16653185

Whatever you say, virgin.

>> No.16653210

Not looking for answers and living

>> No.16653365

retard chads are ultra confident because in their developmental years of establuihing your personality (high school) they were worshipped and loved by everyone because of their looks, basically everything they said was respected by men and women, simply because of the their physical appearnce, naturally when everybody is agreeing with you and likes everything you say you become confident about what you say

look at somebody like prince andrew guy was ultra confident because everybody respected him for being roylaity all his life, but as soon as he was put on the spot in that interview, the one time he was ever challenged he was a wreck and couldn't get a single sentence out

>> No.16653501

Once a subhuman, forever a subhuman. Chad never has to ask mongolian basket-weaving forum for advice. If you are asking this question, you will never be. Just read manifestos and try to remain inspired in the clown world.

>> No.16653520

Born to Run by Christopher McDougall
>Get in shape (specifically lose fucking weight through cardio)
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
>be social, do well in social situations
What Everybody is Saying by Joe Navarro
>body language, how to read people. How to use your body language to communicate
The Game by Neil Strauss
>pick up chicks
>For riding the high once you achieve chadom & justify ruthlessly stomping on people
The Stoics
>When you start to wonder what it all means, but still want control of your life
>When you realize there is no meaning and you just want to love life

>> No.16653553

Link? Sounds hilarious

>> No.16653850


how the hell didn't you hear about this?

>> No.16655363

Art of the Deal - by Donald J. Trump

>> No.16655366

So true...but you can work hard to become Chad adjacent

>> No.16655388

trying to learn body language from a fucking book is the height of retardation.
Listen to your inner intuitive reading of people and slowly improve it. Focus on your own body posture and your intuitive understanding of what it radiates. If you lack a base intuitive instinct for that then maybe read a book, but if you're an aspie it won't help you too much.

>> No.16655395

they also tend to have an intuitive social comprehension and charisma. If they decide to smart up and become a CEO or something they're like social sharks.

>> No.16655415

The Rational Male
How to Win Friends and Influence People

>> No.16655434

you still need to be good looking, if you're ugly its a waste of time, find other pursuits

if u still relatively good looking, u can dress good and workout to get to your peak lookswise

>> No.16655452
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>> No.16655496
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>Influence – by Robert B. Cialdini PhD
>How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big: Kind of the Story of My Life – by Scott Adams
These are probably a good substitute if you want to replace a few of the entries you mentioned.

>> No.16655514
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Fuck all of the answers in this thread.
The answer is the Iliad.

>> No.16655525

Flowers of evil
Pascal's Pensées
Montaigne's Essais

>> No.16655532

>this generation bases their worldview and ambitions around dumbed down, false caricatures of real life they saw online

>> No.16655561
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look at this face
now look at it again
stare at it
give it a good look

do you think he reads?
No, obviously not. Chads don't read, period.

>> No.16655571

you cannot become a "Chad: but the Bible will make you interact with people easier simply through the fact that you will be willing to love

>> No.16655573

surely chad is not illiterate

>> No.16655594

he has never heard of of the Iliad
names of famous philosophers sound like foreign chocolate to him
he certainly doesn't read "literature"

>> No.16655620

Life imitates art imitates life, only difference is historically it used to be some gay shit like goethe they imitated

>> No.16655656

That's the opposite of chad

>> No.16655667

So the good thread got slid for this nihilist shill shit

>> No.16655769

49 minute. I am not going to watch all that. Timestamps brother please

>> No.16655809

The Kama Sutra

>> No.16655824
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more like the coomer sutra

>> No.16655832

my autobiography

>> No.16655856
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unironically this
it looks clickbaity but contains some really solid advice on dating women.

>> No.16655968

Plato's Statesman, Republic, Laws.
And the rest of Plato.

>> No.16656265
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>> No.16656781

The how to live your life portions are actually the best portions of the book. The sex stuff can be useful too but only idiots skim it for that.