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File: 59 KB, 489x349, jesus-temptaton-desert_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16479196 No.16479196 [Reply] [Original]

Why did Jesus never come back?

>> No.16479200

What makes you think he didn't?

>> No.16479218

cuz he brings the apocalypse with him and well..that hasnt happened

>> No.16479223

Jesus was a delusional rogue rabbi whose mother Mary was an adulteress and father Joseph a cuckold. His whore mother put into his mind since he was a young child that God was his "real father" and that he was a very special boy. Jesus grew very knowledgeable about the Old Testament, began to believe that he was the "Emmanuel" whom Isaiah spoke of and so he sought to fulfill the prophecies as the Messiah which he studied.

He was an apocalyptic preacher whose teachings were never meant to be written down, in fact, he announced the end of the world as being imminent and told people to give up everything and follow him; he stated that his generation was to witness it all. He was crucified, died and, of course, never rose from the dead, but his closest and most faithful followers convinced themselves of that lie and went on to preach, converting many.

For several decades following the decomposition of Jesus' corpse, stories and legends about him were spread by word of mouth before some of them were selected and written down, thus leading to the Gospels whose anonymous authors mostly copied each other. Then came Paul, an energetic and zealous repentant ex-hunter of Christians who claimed to have a vision, joined the apostles and wrote the bulk of the New Testament, introducing many teachings of his own, hence the term "Pauline Christianity". Without him, Christian theologians would be helpless.

Since Jesus appealed to the uneducated, illiterate and lowly people which constituted the overwhelming majority of the Roman Empire, his death cult spread like wild fire. The roman government, being opportunistic, eventually made it the official religion thus cementing and validating its existence. Due to this, nations grew culturally with Christianity at their core and so it has lasted to this day, aided by theologians' relentless mental gymnastics, colonialism, as well as teachings of repentance, redemption and paradise after death which attract the emotional human mind.

>> No.16479258

The yuga hasn't ended yet

>> No.16479273

Because apocalyptic thinking is pure bullshit

>> No.16479279


>Why are there two comings of the Messiah, and why was the Second Coming delayed?

One reason Jewish people reject Jesus of Nazareth as the Messiah is because “nothing changed” after he came. Jesus didn’t immediately usher in peace for all mankind and didn’t end suffering forever. What Christians believe happens at the Second Coming, Jews believe should have happened at the First Coming if Jesus truly was the Messiah. Why are there two comings, and why was the Second Coming delayed?


The Church’s traditional understanding is that at his First Coming Christ came as Suffering Servant who redeemed mankind and made salvation possible (cf. Is 53); at his Second Coming, Christ will arrive as Conquering King who will make a new heavens and a new earth (cf. Is 11).

Why has there been, in human terms, such a long “delay” between the First and Second Comings? One possibility is that Christ is allowing us to participate in his work of salvation by our efforts to build God’s kingdom on earth in union with his perfect work. Only Christ could make atonement for the sins of all mankind and win for us universal redemption. But we can and must apply the fruits of his work to our lives and make them available to those who have yet to receive them. And, by God’s grace, the work of the Church on earth repairs the brokenness of mankind and this fallen world. In short, God does what only he can do; but he does not relieve us of the obligation to do what we can do.

This concept is similar to a Jewish religious obligation called tikkun olam, which means the “repair of the world” or the “perfection of the world.” While many understand tikkun olam in a purely ethical sense of creating a just society here and now, it also has a messianic component: It is believed that performing mitzvot (following the commandments and doing good deeds) and thereby participating in tikkun olam will hasten the coming of the Messiah.


>> No.16479310

I wonder if you know that people stop reading this the moment they recognize the first four words.

>> No.16479320

I don't understand why you people bother with an irrelevant Jew from the deserts when someone as wise as myself exists. Why don't you follow my teachings instead? Why waste your time with a despicable Jew? I am much better than Jesus.

>> No.16479325

he did. he is literally with you and within you right now bro

>> No.16479714

The world has not yet ended.
There is still time for a rapture.

>> No.16479776

the ninth planet comes every 3000 years or so

>> No.16479793

This one always make me laugh, fucking biggest cope I've ever heard.

>> No.16479849
File: 6 KB, 210x240, soyboy-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why isnt life so laid out for me? I NEED assurance. Like right now.

>> No.16479857


>> No.16481361

He did. This is the entire reason the Book of Mormon exists.

>> No.16481385
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he read Dostoevsky


>> No.16481609

Probably saw what happened to Joan of Arc

>> No.16481675
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>jesus laid out our salvation for us now we play the waiting game

>> No.16481692

He will, but he will be carrying a sword of fire amd come to exact heavenly judgment upon the living and the dead

>> No.16481708

Well it took him thousands of years to come, no reason to believe it wouldn't take him thousands more to return.

>> No.16481731

I honestly think we're living the times of the Antichrist. I doubt we reach the end of the century without witnessing His coming in majesty and glory.

>> No.16481761

>cuz he brings the apocalypse

That'd be fine at this point. People are getting phenomenally stupid and there isn't much of a future.

>> No.16481834

Maybe the real second coming was the friends we made along the way

>> No.16483066
File: 87 KB, 250x250, jesus_sermon_mount.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not fret senpai here I am what's popping lads

>> No.16483240

He never left.
Its literally happening rn. Open your eyes.
We are in free fall. Just waiting to hit the ground.
Stop being a hylic. If he isn't dead then hes among us. Behold, the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
>If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.

>> No.16484185
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He will anon and we all want to be on His side when that happens

>> No.16484192

Has anyone become less spritiual and connected to Christ during the corona crisis? I am sad because I feel like I fell off the wagon again right as I was beginning to hit a religious stride.

>> No.16484270

Because people don't come back when they die
>Queue the raging LARPing butthurt

>> No.16484301

> "Jesus was a Jew"
Peak brainlet right here. Why do they let the acephalous like you post on the intertubes?

>> No.16484343

He never left

>> No.16484354

i'm jesus.
hi guys, it's me.
i'm back lol.

>> No.16484390

This but unironic.

>> No.16484418

Because its cope. Almost every religion has this. The Norse had ragnarok, the Hindus have Kalki. There were several times throughout his history when Christian's thought it was the end of the world and nothing happened. Attila the hun, genghis Khan, the protestants, the failure of the crusades and the muslims taking over most of their holy places. Nothing happened, nothing will happen. If you're waiting for christ to come save you, you're coping. If you want the world to be better then go outside and do it instead of shitposting in this shithole.
>inb4 atheist brainlet hurr durr

>> No.16484434

you would be monky without religion.
and no, that's not a good thing.

>> No.16484437

Secular society seems great at doing this kind of shit too. Why do humans want their own end so bad?

>> No.16484471

He already came back in the future

>> No.16484479

Because they can't cope with existence. Its meaningless. You can delude yourself that there are no modern barbarians or people worse than them but they're there. You know it anon, if you're on this site you've probably seen some of the worst humanity has to offer. Normal people would rather live a comfy lie. Hell, I wish I was stupid and a brainless consoomer so that I can just be happy with what my leaders tell me, work to the bone and die

>> No.16484669
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Because this. A tad difficult to come back when you're dead.

>> No.16484682

the real jesus was the friends we made along the way