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16434198 No.16434198 [Reply] [Original]

Also can anyone vouch for the book selection in pic related? I’m going to pick up Mythology for sure but I’m curious if you guys would consider the other books here good/essential

>> No.16434298
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I tried reading mythology but just got so bored with it even though anons told me to keep going as they said its only a slog in the beginning. Now as to the chart in general i wont pretend i am a expert as Ive only read Plato and Aristotle but keep in mind you can at any time read a different translation or forgo reading some books on there and be better off replacing others, like replacing The First Philosophers with G.S. Kirk & J.E. Raven - The Presocratic Philosophers.

>> No.16434321
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Oh and for Plato translations go with Thomas Taylor.

>> No.16434324

of course the watered down mythology isn't going to be terribly interesting but it all comes together once you reach the Tragedians

>> No.16434422
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>> No.16434584
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This is the only "chart" you need

>> No.16434893

S Class: Illiad, Odyssey, and Histories are great and worth reading. I don't mind those translations, some people care a lot.

A Class: The death of Socrates series and The Symposium of Plato are great literature. I would recommend the translation in the picture. The Peloponnesian War is amazing but very intricate and complicated, make sure you have a solid understanding of ancient greek history and culture before you read it, you should read the Cambridge translation, not the one in the picture. Sophocles is pretty good, both the one pictured and the one in the text are easy and enjoyable translations.

B Class: The First Philosophers, the rest of Plato, and Aristotle only if you are interested in philosophy.

C Class: The Euripides translation mentioned in the text next to Sophocles is trash, and a lesser collection. Find a different collection. Hesiod is fine but really only enjoyable for historical purposes.

D Class: Companion to Greek and Roman Theater is pretty unnecessary but fine. Same for Greek Fragments, both are too expensive for what they are.

F Class: The Trojan War by Barry Straus is the worst book I have ever read and it should avoided at all costs. It contains 7 pages of loose evidence for the Trojan War and 120 pages of an embarrassing modern retelling of the Illiad.

>> No.16435111

Xenophon's Anabasis and Cyropedia are also A class.

>> No.16435254

I agree Anabasis is great. Haven't read Cyropedia yet, but I am looking forward to it. Lots of other great stuff missing from the chart as well: Pindar and Aristophanes not being here is criminal. I assume this chart is mainly for people only interested in philosophy.

You don't have to read Edith Hamilton specifically. It is only there so you get a basic understanding of the Gods, Heroes, and Myths that would be common knowledge to all greeks at the time. Wikipedia works just as well, though I think it is nice to have a book right there for reference. Plato pulls from the myths and Homer a lot, sometimes subtly, so even if you are only interested in philosophy you still gotta read Mythology, Illiad, and Odyssey.

>> No.16435292

Read Iliad, Odyssey,Aenied, Ovid Metamorphoses, Bible, some of Plato's dialogues if you want philosophy

>> No.16435417
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what to read to BTFO an Analytic

>> No.16435720
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i fucking hate analytical philosophy, it's the most souless shit. disregard all atheist thinkers.

>> No.16435736

Nous ne parlons pas francais ici, culgarcon

>> No.16435749

It's a good chart. Consider carefully which Homer you want to read though. Lattimore, Fagles, and Fitzgerald are the most suggested, and are good at different things.

>> No.16436003

can I get a reference for the church fathers thing?

>> No.16436729
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>> No.16437001

ta geule

>> No.16437446
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>> No.16437461
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>> No.16437479

I've read exactly half of these

>> No.16437680

I've read all of these

>> No.16437710

Ive read 9 of these

>> No.16437740

Anyone have the giant nazi/anti-semitic that starts from the middle? Curious who made the chart and it was listed on there.

>> No.16438242
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