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File: 23 KB, 863x353, Incels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16432885 No.16432885 [Reply] [Original]

If the headline of this article is true, should we reasonably be expecting an incel-focused novel within the next couple of years?


The only post-2010 examples I can think of are The Feminist and My Twisted World.

>> No.16432913

Why do so many people misuse the term incel?
An incel is simply a person who desires sex from some sex class, but no one in that sex class wants to fuck them.
If you're a gay man but no gay men want to fuck you, you're an incel.
If you're a straight woman but no guy wants to fuck you, youre an incel.
If you're a straight guy but no woman wants to fuck you, you're an incel.
It has absolutely nothing to do with behavior, political ideology, misogony, or anything. It is PURELY an externally defined social condition that is solely about whether or not the sex class that you are attracted to, wants to fuck you.
You can be a ragin mysoginist woman beater, but if women want to fuck you, you are not an incel.
You can be the most hardcore feminist in the world, but if no woman wants to fuck you, you're an incel.
It's not hard to understand.

>> No.16432944

Because it got picked up by blackpilled lookists and became associated with their worldview. A retard drove into pedestrians, normalfags and the media took a closer look at the forums/subreddits and the rest is history. Got to find a new word.

>> No.16432968

People attach the term to any guy who is reclusive or quiet, it makes them feel better about being a cunt to people.

>> No.16432974

It's OK to be an incel.
It's NOT OK to be a woman.

>> No.16432984
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>> No.16432994
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Would you Dominique Sisley?

>> No.16433001

Anything printed by Vice is not only false, but intentionally so, so the premise of the question is flawed.

>> No.16433014

Anyone here a lazycel? I could probably get laid if I tried hard enough but it's too much work. I don't want to leave my computer chair.

>> No.16433016

If you can afford $500 and a plane ticket, you are not an incel, you're just a wuss.

>muh romance
The vast majority of incels would be content with hooking up constantly. They want to have sex, not romance.

>> No.16433023
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I really hope there is a good incel novel written that specifically addresses the new social trends directly caused by the skyrocketing of online dating.

>> No.16433030
File: 105 KB, 629x523, D_SPWRIWwAEA95o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops wrong pic

>> No.16433058

>Met through X
>Met through Y
What did the chart mean by this?

>> No.16433095

Roll tide.

>> No.16433113

>despite trying your best to find a girlfriend
But the dishonesty regarding this amongst self-proclaimed incels is ridiculous. None of them put actual effort into it they brood and whine about it while never putting themselves out there.
Elliot Roger never asked a girl out in his entire life.

>> No.16433127

your aunt's neighbor has a single daughter and she sets you up

>> No.16433128

Whenever a meme enters popular lexicon, it becomes distorted.

Think of cuck, for example.

>> No.16433129

uh oh

>> No.16433131

>should we reasonably be expecting an incel-focused novel within the next couple of years?

probably not because the only novels that will be published in the next couple years will be hagiographies of trannies and fictionalized BLM martyrs

the cunty art-hoes who deliberately misunderstand "incels" because of their resentments towards men gatekeep the publishing industry so good luck getting anything through on THIS topic

>> No.16433143


>> No.16433154

Bear in mind that the people who created this chart also point out that "Met in Bar or Restaurant" is also likely to mean "Met Online (but had first date in bar...") so Met Online is probably closer to 60% at this point.

>> No.16433159

>should we reasonably be expecting an incel-focused novel within the next couple of years?
Possibly but, if it's any good, it won't be just droning on about the blackpill for 200 pages.

>> No.16433165

I'm still not convinced the "incel movement" as msm outlets describe it actually exists. I've spent over a decade lurking this website and have only seen a handful of posters actually refer to themselves as "incels."
It's just another way to insult awkward young men, not any different from "virgin."

>> No.16433168

Yes. The world for a misogynist is "misogynist".
Pretending to be retarded is still being retarded.

>> No.16433175

Not entirely true. I don't imagine something like Wellbacks Whatever would be picked up by many publishers if it came from a new author today.

>> No.16433177

Just like someone that met their spouse in a bar in 1980 would have later said “met through friends” by some roundabout logic
They should really make an online v all other graph

>> No.16433182

ok incel

>> No.16433187
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>online dating gradually becoming the main way people find sex/romance
>get zero matches from Tinder and other apps despite numerous profile and photo revisions on advice from others

>> No.16433189
File: 291 KB, 1514x1205, 1583779211190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

men are unbearable in a different way, men are naive and idiotic, full of insecurity over their masculinity and incapable of seeing things that harm their egos. Constant dick measuring contest with most of them, and they just act confused if you dont play along. A minority of them arent like this at least to some degree.

Women are duplicitous and cowardly, prioritize their own feelings above everything else, and exhibit constant low level sadism. They can be very nice and fun to be around but they are little balls of irrational conflict and they just cause drama about literally everything.

>> No.16433194

Good point.

>> No.16433197

Didn't Houllebecq already write several of those?

>> No.16433201

>It has absolutely nothing to do with behavior, political ideology, misogony, or anything
Don't be so disingenuous. Except that self-described incels do often subscribe to those views and have spawned an entire grotesque hellish terminology around it "femoid, beta uprising, roasties, cuck." These are the same lost souls who rally around Eliot Rodger for blasting a couple sorority girls.

>> No.16433203

It was big on reddit and various forums. They definitely called themselves incels but they wouldn't have seen it as a movement, just an identity. You won't see many anons call themselves incels because of the reddit association.

>> No.16433204

He did. But he's also on his second or third wife.

>> No.16433205

I don't recall the source, but I read that Houellebecq struggled for I think a few years before having this book published, and he was already a prize-winning poet and published author.

>> No.16433206

>Women are duplicitous and cowardly, prioritize their own feelings above everything else, and exhibit constant low level sadism. They can be very nice and fun to be around but they are little balls of irrational conflict and they just cause drama about literally everything.
that's it in a nutshell

>> No.16433213

I thought this was a fetish thing, not related to incels at all

>> No.16433214

>Eliot Rodger for blasting a couple sorority girls.
never happened

>> No.16433218

"Incel" has always been a reddit word. Even before becoming popular on reddit, anyone adopting it as an identity was a spiritual redditor. /ourguy/s have always been robots or wizards or khvs

>> No.16433225

Sort of, but he hasn't talked about inceldom in its modern, post-2008 form which has been exacerbated by online dating and digital culture in general. The best story about this is The Feminist, in my experience.

>> No.16433227

By definition, I can not be an incel, because I have a girlfriend, and women are sexually attracted to me as a group.
>Don't be so disingenuous.
I'm not. Stop misusing terms.

>> No.16433239


>> No.16433246

You are not intelligent.

>> No.16433254


>> No.16433269

cuck was distorted by 4chan though

>> No.16433275

>/ourguy/s have always been robots or wizards or khvs

Literally not true, although it is a delusional form of hanging-on-by-the-fingernail-tier cope. Only a tiny handful of writers were virgins by the age of 30. Even Bukowski is considered to be an outlier for having his first sexual experience at the age of 24. Fernando Pessoa is an example though he did kiss a girl (Ofelia) and could have married her, but decided not to for the same reasons as Kierkegaard. No great novelist, for example, has been a virgin at the age of 30. In order to have the life experience necessary to write a novel which explores the profound depths of human life in both its timeless and contemporary form, the astonishing depths of the human psyche, the passionate and intimate details between human beings, it's simply a fact of nature that you have to have had penetrated someone with your erect penis before the age of thirty.

>> No.16433290

>/ourguy/s have always been robots or wizards or khvs
An /r9k/ stereotype only newfags believe. Yeah, no.

>> No.16433295

lmao at this non-virgin cope. go have sex, winner.

>> No.16433303

Fuckin lel what a fag

>> No.16433314

>anyone adopting it as an identity was a spiritual redditor.
I doubt it, most incels are virulently anti-reddit

>> No.16433316

Literally not true.

>> No.16433326
File: 51 KB, 853x480, 1357966863198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>biggest incel hotspots were r/incels and r/braincels

>> No.16433330

Abortions trigger me more than anything else.

Fuck, women can be evil.

>> No.16433334

More than half of women are against abortion

>> No.16433341

Yeah and didn’t they get banned for being a huge anomaly within reddit?
It sounds like zoomers are trying to apply “reddit” to newfags they figure migrated to the site recently but it’s not really what reddit means.
If you start describing misogyny, NEETdom and a bunch of alt-right shit as reddit nobody is going to know what you’re talking about

>> No.16433343

If you know, you know

>> No.16433378

Reddit being anti-incel doesn't mean that incels are anti-reddit. There's still a bunch of them on there at the moment.

>> No.16433388

Lack of sex leads to extremism. Inceldom has an ideological component.

>> No.16433410

Did anyone find The Feminist good? It hit too close to home (not because I am like the protagonist but I know few people like that and at one point I actually wanted to send them the story to see how self aware they are)

>> No.16433427

It's not only sex, since sexual release can be achieved via masturbation. I think the wider case of young men not experiencing any kind of intimacy, even physical touch ("touch starvation") really leaves them feeling adrift from human society in general, which encourages them to behave in the kind of way people who have nothing left to lose behave, i.e., motivated by resentment, with little thought for long-term consequences, etc.

>> No.16433438

>No great novelist, for example, has been a virgin at the age of 30

>> No.16433451
File: 45 KB, 512x288, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incel/PUA redpill/MGTOW/The Donald is all reddit trash and reddit tier. Imageboard equivalents exist but they are way less materialistic and more inwards. I haven't seen ANYONE on 4chan mention the term "wizard" in years, I only see it on smaller imageboards these days

>> No.16433452

I found it good for the style in which it was written, which is a little surreal in a way similar to DFW etc. It was extremely funny and articulates the perceived hypocrisies within modern feminism very well (the feminist girl who wakes up to a guy fucking her and jokes about how they'll probably end up marrying). In that respect it was a brave thing to write, and it's quite funny how the author posted a tweet along with the story simply saying "The narrator = bad, feminism = good" so people didn't think he was pro-incel. It reminded me a lot of MTW also, which is itself quite surreal (e.g., the orange juice super soaker scene).

>> No.16433472

Any evidence? He was married at the age of 25. Even so, his novels aren't really attached to reality, as is typical of the virgin perspective which only has enough experience to deal with abstract concepts and ideology which are then discussed by cardboard characters.

>> No.16433519

You know things would just be easier if we all could admit these about ourselves.
The thing is that feminism has ulterior motives to criticize the shitty aspects of male nature; When they complain about "toxic masculinity" its simply a tactic to reverse roles and get that power for themselves, they dont truly value feminity.

>> No.16433553
File: 134 KB, 1653x949, Bible way to Heaven with Prayer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask Jesus to save you if you believe the gospel

>> No.16433561

Then what do you call an open-mouthed, married-after-thirty-with-two-black-stepkids soiboy who always makes sure to #believewomen?
I don’t really see how both stereotypes can be reddit

>> No.16433566

>finally get gf and have a few more after this
>Rather just jerk it most of the time

Think I'm spiritually an incel

>> No.16433585

Itt: People seething over buzzwords being called buzzwords

>> No.16433586

Reddit isn't a view, it's a personality matrix. Both sides of the same coin

>> No.16433633


Who is she

>> No.16433644

In my experience with women, there exists very little solidarity between them beyond sentimental, superficial but often dramatically (and therefore suspiciously) announcements of their love for one another. Maybe it's the same for people in general, I don't know. Women, in my understanding, primarily view their pre-marriage (or pre-long-term-relationship years) as a period of immense stress and anxiety, in which they understandably try to take advantage of their high market value and youthful appearance to earn and retain the attention of a man they perceive both intuitively and analytically (there is obvious overlap between the two) to be of a high-status, both in terms of his social standing (praised by others, wealth, desired by other females) and also his potential to achieve a high social standing (handsomeness, physical dominance, intelligence, ambition). Older women, and women in solid relationships, tend to seem more trustworthy and decent to me, as they lack the intense anxiety about their own position in life which can and often does result in aggressive outbursts, resentful shaming, and so on. The efforts men and others go to in order to minimize female suffering also contributes to a sense of heightened (but deeply fragile) confidence and self-esteem in young women, because they aren't tested by life or subject to suffering, both of which should in any healthy person result in a more humble evaluation of the self and a more empathetic attitude towards others, as is evident in the kind of "grim", "dark" humour popular among men who have experience failure and defeat and remember what it is like to be in a position wherein they can't hope to compete with other men for women and other things. The respect men pay towards one another is a result of suffering and a tacit acknowledgement of one another's capacity to suffer greatly, and is displayed subtly and without exaggeration, while the respect women pay towards one another is often conditional and subject to immediate revision should one woman threaten or insult another's sense of self. Men tend to be solitary, taciturn and selfish (sometimes at the expense of others, but often just as a defensive position against the demands of others) while women tend to be highly communicative and sociable, until they are able to secure a mate and live securely within his shadow. I say this as a virgin.

>> No.16433656

It's your indifference which attracts women a lot of the time. She can tell you don't need her, which is sexy.

>> No.16433682


>> No.16433713

“Incels” were invented by journalists. “Darknet” was invented by journalists. “Alt-right” were invented by journalists.

Journalists sell sensationalist thrills and present their cursory understanding of little phenomenons as The Big Thing. Then hordes of idiots learn about them and choose sides based on those imaginary descriptions.

>> No.16433732

It is you who thinks in stereotypes, and wages imaginary wars.

>> No.16433777

>If you start describing misogyny, NEETdom and a bunch of alt-right shit as reddit nobody is going to know what you’re talking about
You're right that the archetypal redditor is none of those things. But I think you're the one misunderstanding "reddit". It's not about sharing the politics popular on reddit. Libtard politics are more widespread than just reddit, and 4chan already has more precise insults for leftoids. The essence of reddit is something that leaks through in their style of communication regardless of topic. Here are some ways it manifests:
>excessively verbose comments designed to make both writer and reader feel smart while saying absolutely nothing that deviates from the local consensus
>unnecessary references to one's own identity or credentials
>humorless copy-paste spamming of trending memes and references
>built in deniability if a comment accidentally goes against the grain ("unpopular opinion here", "it's almost as if", "edit: forgot the /s")
If your mind functions in such a way that the reddit interface with its upboats and downboats and automatic hiding of wrongthink feels rewarding to you, you're a spiritual redditor. Doesn't matter whether you actually use the site or how you feel about orange man.

>> No.16433834

there really isn’t any reason why incels should even exist in 2020, every other girl is a prostitute

>> No.16433835

fucking kek

>> No.16433856

Most incels want mommy gf. That's why they're incels and not going to brothels

>> No.16433869

Being broke goes hand in hand with being an incel, kek

>> No.16433872

You do realize we can't all afford to pay for sex, do you? I can't even pay for decent clothes, even less for a fancy date.

>> No.16433894 [DELETED] 

You just need to pay for 1 sex to not be an incel. You don't even need clothes to have sex

>> No.16433906

You just need to pay for 1 sex to not be an incel. You don't even need clothes to have sex

>> No.16433908

I mean probably. Absolutely expect lit that tries to explore the condition of the modern man though.

>> No.16433918

if that it what you take the term "incel" to mean, then it has lost all meaning.

>> No.16433921

incel isn't the same as virgin. there are non virgin incels. quite simply, if you want to have sex but can't for whatever reason, you are an incel. the vast majority of men will be incels at some point in their life. fucking a hooker wouldn't solve anything. it wouldn't improve their confidence, their relations with women, anything.

>> No.16433925

>every other girl is a prostitute
This is the main cause of incels

>> No.16433927
File: 33 KB, 1020x276, celibate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Philosopher AI says celibacy is GOOD FOR YOU.
Especially celibacy from having anal sex repeatedly.

>> No.16433932

I like 4channel so much better than reddit because I can say NIGGER here
Everything else is the same

>> No.16433943

Dude I literally get banned for 3 days every single time I use the n word on here or on /sci/. Do you not?

>> No.16433944

Also there needs to be made a distinction between voluntary celibacy and involuntary celibacy. The former is people who don’t want to have sex. For example, not wanting to have sex because they view sex outside of marriage as wrong

>> No.16433956

there isn’t even a “no” option for the hygiene question

>> No.16433977


find yourself a grimy girl in the trenches like yourself

>> No.16433983

If you want sex, but actively do nothing to get it, are you then involuntary celibate?

>> No.16433995

you're a lazycel

>> No.16434001
File: 116 KB, 825x800, 1600968688132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're me

>> No.16434045

No, but literally nobody will believe you so it’s worth talking about

>> No.16434047

if there's anything holding you back from even trying, like sloth or lack of confidence, then yes you are an incel.

>> No.16434064

Why would sex with a lot of partners be worse than sex with one partner in terms of wearing down your body

>> No.16434073

I used to do something but my version of something involved just being in the vicinity of and occasionally with interacting with girls and waiting for them to indicate interest somehow before I would make a move. They never did so neither did I.
Now I just do nothing.

>> No.16434101

Its just a statistical quirk.
Girls with one partner are likely to be with a white dude.
Girls with multiple partners have been permanently altered by at least one BBC

>> No.16434124

Is this the real argument against interracial marriage?

>> No.16434130

>The vast majority of incels would be content with hooking up constantly

>> No.16434137

Not against a stable one

>> No.16434169

nah, incels are the hopeless romantics who want a monogamous relationship. that's not how the game is played anymore though.

>> No.16434176
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>They want to have sex, not romance.
Hooking up is infinitely closer to masturbation than it is to what incels want (intimacy and validation/not feeling like a social-sexual pariah).

>> No.16434182

Haha maybe they are hopeless romantics but they couldn’t have casual sex if they wanted to

>> No.16434195

Not him
Some people want intimacy (and need it) but some are so misanthropic, Thai hookers are all they actually want or need.

>> No.16434210

no, the dating world is designed for neurotypical good looking people. there trying to fit themselves into a culture that isn't designed for them. that's why they're permanently miserable.

>> No.16434231

go to your local asian massage parlor for a $40 fuck

>> No.16434240

If you’re an incel who genuinely like; “no thanks, I don’t have sex before marriage” you are not an incel.
Incels can’t get laid, they don’t abstain out of high morals

>> No.16434250

You're both an incel and a volcel if you abstain from sex due to morally reasons but couldn't get it anyway if you changed your mind.

>> No.16434253

No, its just reddit being reddit and banning people for stupid reasons. And when people get banned from there they migrate here 4chan, and ruin this website by attempting to turn this place into reddit.

>> No.16434256
File: 256 KB, 1280x960, Bki451h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not an incel, I just want a harem of arthoes, goths, e-girls, cosplayer, asian women, black women, hispanics, arabics and some traps and fembois.

>> No.16434257

try 100€

>> No.16434259

No, you’re just an incel who has too high an opinion of himself

>> No.16434266

Is that why we have so many generals lately?

>> No.16434274

Imagine being too 4chan for reddit but also too reddit for 4chan

>> No.16434280

What parties? What the eternal normalfag doesn't realize (or rather, chooses not to) is that their whole life, the whole set of options available to them at any given moment, is contingent upon circumstances that they had little part in bringing about, and more importantly, circumstances that one can't just change on a dime.
Imagine this: you're a friendless NEET. You're told to go out to parties. Where are you going to find them? As previously noted, you're friendless, and strangers aren't exactly swarming the streets inviting random people to parties. Are you supposed to go on parties.com or something and find some that way? News flash: there are no parties on parties.com; it's just a parked domain name.
The normalfag says "just go to parties" because for him, it's as simple as just going to parties. The option is always present because there will always be someone texting him "Hey, Brad's throwing a party at his place tonight, wanna come?" and all that he needs to do is show up. Whereas for the friendless NEET, to get to that point, you have to make friends from scratch first, which is a task far from trivial. How do you make friends? Uhh, go outside I guess. What do you do outside? Go to parties and meet people.
I'm far from the blackpill event horizon. I believe that there are ways for anyone, no matter how far gone, to pull themselves out of whatever hole of friendlessness and loneliness they're in. But what I don't believe is that pulling yourself out of that hole is easy. In fact, it's usually paralyzingly difficult. It takes more courage and self-worth than most people have, and definitely more than your average NEET has. In other words, if a normalfag were to one day be transported into the body of a socially awkward, ugly, friendless NEET, I imagine that not even he would be able to cure himself by his own prescriptions.
I don't know. It's just so tiresome.

>> No.16434283


>> No.16434307
File: 67 KB, 236x154, 1600898874524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel your pain man. I had friends and went to parties but I fell into the friendless NEET existence and it feels impossible to get out of the hole. At the same time I question as to why I fell into the hole in the first place. I never liked hanging out with normies, having to pretend to care about certain things so as to appear "normal", the rat race etc. I just want to be comfy and read books man.

>> No.16434313

There are a hundred iterations of parties.com but most NEETs are too self-conscious to risk standing next to some weirdo they don’t want to be seen with (think of the infamous reddit meetup pics).
Just like how guys that claim to be normal and average looking or a little above average looking but can’t match on tinder are either lying or, more probably, only had a profile up for a single Friday night before they got anxious and deleted it for fear someone they know from school/work would see it and judge them

>> No.16434333

>Just like how guys that claim to be normal and average looking or a little above average looking but can’t match on tinder are either lying or, more probably, only had a profile up for a single Friday
I had it up for two weeks and didn't get anything, I think I'm ugly but my friends seems to assume I'm good with girls for some reason.

>> No.16434394

Anyone else notice gymcels starting to be a thing i have friend who's still a virgin in his later 20's and he spends a lot of time in the gym thinking if he could just bench press a bit more that will get him a gf... It's really sad conosidering he's actually trying out something but this is still so dellusional is there just a drought of women for young men?

>> No.16434417

>tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther. . . . And then one fine morning—

>> No.16434420

At that age, you have either come to terms with it, or you become increasingly desperate in your search for excuses as to why you are still a virgin. The dude may be doing it for the wrong reasons, but atleast he's getting fit and strong, which is worthy in and of itself.

>> No.16434428
File: 429 KB, 442x294, fit-virgin.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16434432

How much does he earn?

There is definitely a drought, hence the introduction of terms such as 'sex recession' and 'incel' into mainstream vocabulary:


I think it may have something to do with more people leaving their hometowns and failing to make enough money etc to establish themselves elsewhere (i.e., earning enough to live alone) and also women earning far more than in previous generations meaning their own dating pool of men they would consider dating is much smaller (since barely any woman wants to date a man who earns less than her). In my hometown, I notice almost every woman in her 20s or 30s is with a boyfriend, and they are often not tall, muscular, wealthy chads, but just local guys who they probably met in a local pub or something via mutual friends.

>> No.16434435
File: 91 KB, 640x360, 1489027313285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question: does one actually remain a(n involuntary) celibate if even ater one has copulated after payment with a whore if afterwards you still are not desireable?
celibate doesn't equal virignity, no?

>> No.16434456

You forgot:

>if you're an Indian, you're an incel

>> No.16434472
File: 449 KB, 1638x2048, hkkukyz2hic11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW literally 120 pounds, 5'11 virgin at 21

>> No.16434490

because nothing enrages women like unattractive men who insist that affection is a human right

>> No.16434497

I have had sex. But, being ugly and with cheap clothes, not so many girls are attracted to me (at the time, only one was to the point of having sex with me). I speak not so much for me but for people who have it worse.

>> No.16434504

What about volcels, gaycels, currycels, and ricecels?

>> No.16434508

>tfw 28, live with parents and still had sex in my car Saturday night

>> No.16434523

Beyond based

>> No.16434532

>incel means involuntary celibate
>has lost all meaning


>> No.16434539

If you literally don't ever leave the house, then no. But beyond just putting yourself out there, socializing and signalling availability, there isn't much you can actively do to get laid. Like friendships, sexual relationships tend to develop naturally in social settings. If they don't for you, you've got a problem.

>> No.16434550

So a variety of factors are conspiring against us.

>> No.16434565

you are just a dysfunctional retard

>> No.16434571

why don't you get one?

>> No.16434578

>posting on 4chins
>dysfunctional retard

well yeah

>> No.16434588


>> No.16434594

It's really pretty crazy.
>has aquired the use of language, mathematics etc.
>still unable to perform actions trivial to even the simplest living things on earth

>> No.16434600

Yup I made a mistake when creating the meme :(
Maybe you want to fix it

>> No.16434601

There is, it’s called Mgtow, there isn’t a classification for female gtow’s and I’m guessing it’s because they’re incapable of that

>> No.16434604


It doesn't say "met through family". It says "Family".

>> No.16434615

>women earning far more than in previous generations meaning their own dating pool of men they would consider dating is much smaller (since barely any woman wants to date a man who earns less than her).

This is a big one. Women are biologically and socially primed to find a partner of higher status and resources than themselves. As women overtake men in education and income, then a lot of men just become invisible to women. Secondly, women move to the cities while men stay out in the rural areas. Thirdly is online dating, which we all know about.

>> No.16434616

I'm also 28 at home. Can't save up fast enough to make a down payment

>> No.16434627
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For a multitude of reasons, it's a lot of work, the women would have to be okay with it, sexual diseases, it's unrealistic, ect.

>> No.16434629

There is no conspiracy per se, it is just no longer the case that men are by default granted positions of relative power and women are forced to pretty much settle for a guy and hope stockholm syndrome kicks in and makes her want to stick around.

This is another interesting article: https://ftalphaville.ft.com/2019/12/02/1575302514000/-thank-u--next---how-dating-apps-are-transforming-relationships/

It essentially argues that due to online dating, gender equality etc modern western society (post-2008, arguably) women are the "dominant force in the dating market for the first time in human history." What that means long-term for dating standards, fertility rates is therefore hard to predict, but what is clear is that the value of your average man in the eyes of women is decreasing year upon year, as fewer attend college, don't earn enough money to own a home, will continue to struggle with diversity quotas when looking for promotion etc.

>> No.16434642

What's interesting also is the contrast between the "boomer" generation and their Millennial offspring. Imagine a young millennial girl spending her childhood driving around with her daddy in his convertible mercedes and then having to consider settling to rent with a guy in a tiny one-bedroom apartment because housing and wage deflation have fucked things. She isn't going to want to do that, much of the time.

>> No.16434643


>These are the same lost souls who rally around Eliot Rodger for blasting a couple sorority girls.

Elliot Rodger killed more men than women. Its funny that your own example is actually a counterpoint to your claim. He hated popular and socially well-adjusted kids. Framing him as a "misogynist" is a clear example of people like yourself unjustly making being an "incel" about a political ideology or misogyny.

>> No.16434644

really makes you think

>> No.16434655 [DELETED] 

The only aspect of this topic worth interest is that the term "incel" has become massive coping mechanism for a society that has desperately tried to made promiscuity inti a virtue, even though it could never be so. By completely inverting and mocking the virtue of chastity, the common whore that is the modern female hopes to elevate herself above a status which she herself can never again reclaim. These women bought into a lie and gave up their purity. They are broken. They will never be able to truly love a man and, thereby, be loved by a man. Should they manage to get knocked up, they will ultimately end up as single mothers and failing to do a decent job raising their child because they won't have a strong father figure guiding them. Many of them will never even fulfill their greatest purpose as females and reproduce. We have basically have a culture of voluntarily barren women who have lost their primary purpose. They are but wraiths lingering among us, knowing in some deep level that they will merely fade away, hoping to find some small sense of value in the desire to be used as a fleshlight by men for a few short moments of pleasure that will never lead to anything of meaning. Make no mistake about it. The term "incel" is a loud cry of despair, echoes from ghost roasties who can never turn back.

>> No.16434661
File: 107 KB, 770x578, f400f82e47ea4bc6b0fc6122260ffa1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The scum life is the way out of inceldom. Having trouble making friends? Go hang out at a dingy bar.

You went and no one talked to you?
Go back a few days later. Working-class barflies WILL get bored, they WILL notice you, and investigate you for their own entertainment.

A weird drunk 50 year old man was the only person who talked to you?
Perfect, he's your friend now, you have a contact at the bar, and he probably sells weed to people your age.

Drugs are tools. Alcohol lubricates conversation, cocaine will make girls willing to fuck even the likes of you, hallucinogens cause intense spiritual experiences that make people feel close to you.

Considering suicide as an alternative to loneliness and celibacy? Just try doing some drugs.

>> No.16434664

at this point, incel has become some caricature and catch all term that people use to dismiss any sort of discussion on the topic modern relationship dynamics.

>> No.16434665


Funnily enough its to a large extent women driving the devaluation of men in this sense, as they are often most positive toward redistribution of income, diversity quotas, etc.

>> No.16434671
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>> No.16434672

Tragically, even worse is there are boomers taking millennial women for themselves since they have all the money. Pretty disgusting at a societal level.

>> No.16434673

boomer-reddit advice.

>> No.16434678

do drugs, incel

>> No.16434681

>it's a lot of work
True, but men being lazy is literally what ruins civilization every time. You don't want to do that right?
>the women would have to be okay with it
They'll be okay with anything they are told
>sexual diseases
modern medicine has pretty much solved this, just regular testing if you are paranoid
>it's unrealistic
not really

>> No.16434680

Great syntax.

>> No.16434682

Sex and the City was a mistake.

>> No.16434690

so on top of my social life issues i should also add a drug addiction.

>> No.16434691

all this cope to avoid the fact that problem is really a serious failure of masculinity

>> No.16434693
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She cute

>> No.16434695

>True, but men being lazy is literally what ruins civilization every time. You don't want to do that right?

That's an interesting idea, so let's run with it. Why have men become lazier?

>> No.16434698


>> No.16434702

It's quite funny that the feminist agenda might result in the manliest, tallest, richest men getting polyamorous harems leaving the rest with nothing.

>> No.16434704

>BUT IT'S NOT FAIR t. impotent zoomer
what next, communism?

>> No.16434708

what's so funny about that. women never liked average men they just couldnt show their disgust for them openly in the past. now they can

>> No.16434715

The only aspect of this topic worth interest is that the term "incel" has become a massive coping mechanism for a society that has desperately tried to make promiscuity into a virtue, even though it could never be so. By completely inverting and mocking the virtue of chastity, the common whore that is the modern female hopes to elevate herself above a status which she herself can never again reclaim. These women bought into a lie and gave up their purity. They are broken. They will never be able to truly love a man and, thereby, be loved by a man. Should they manage to get knocked up, they will ultimately end up as single mothers and fail to do a decent job raising their child because they won't have a strong father figure guiding them. Many of them will never even fulfill their greatest purpose as females and reproduce. We basically have a culture of voluntarily barren women who have lost their primary purpose. They are but wraiths lingering among us, knowing on some deep level that they will merely fade away, hoping to find some small sense of value in the desire to be used as a fleshlight by men for a few short moments of pleasure that will never lead to anything of meaning. Make no mistake about it. The term "incel" is a loud cry of despair, echoes from ghost roasties who can never turn back.

>> No.16434727


>> No.16434734

It used to be about the future. Future generations. "A better life for your children". Boomers, consciously or otherwise, inverted that.

>> No.16434737
File: 333 KB, 589x468, 3F10F142-277A-466C-B4E3-60E96EC98C2A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can’t be an incel if you don’t try to find a girlfriend.

>> No.16434743

Do you want to pay the incel tax for Chad's offspring?

>> No.16434748

Ultimately human beings are always as lazy as possible, culture and neccessity curtail it but a culture can get to a point where necessity is removed (for a period of time), then the culture starts to crumble and in the end no one keeps harems and beats women. Hence we get this mess until a functional culture comes around and puts us out of our misery.

>> No.16434751

It's funny that the anti patriarchy women are making a paradise for the most patriarchic men out there. Ironic situation. Of course the poor ugly men will not find that funny. But what can we do biologically women find them disgusting.

>> No.16434755

powerful men have always taken what they want, and so it will remain

>> No.16434761

>calls out whores for their cope
>"you're just coping"
And why would you assume that the author is an incel? Because the only way to cope with this truth put so bluntly before you is to assign them to this idea of an incel you have built to rationalize your shortcomings. You are completely incapable of digesting these words by their own merit >>16434715 It is because you know you are a worthless whore. I would even wager that you enjoy hearing the truth of it. I could call you a whore to your face while using you as a cum catcher and you would be grateful for the few moments of feeling like you have a purpose. My dick is your god, whore.

>> No.16434764

"The strong do as they will, and the weak suffer as they must".

>> No.16434766

i have no intention of being alive once my mother is gone so it's a non-issue for me

>> No.16434768


>> No.16434773

b a s e d

>> No.16434786

This is demultiplied by the technological powers afforded to the rich now. Next step might be them augmenting themselves genetically and bionically while feminists will augment themselves to be even more sexy to attract the most augmented man out there.

>> No.16434794
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Agreed, though I would argue this is mostly a middle-class phenomenon, which isn't to say it's a small one.

Pic related is the popular ideology pushed by the modern, upper-middle-class liberated feminist woman (who is currently on her third husband, all multi-millionaires).

>> No.16434800

Massive generalization, but certainly true in the wonderful melting pot of the modern United States.

>> No.16434811
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>> No.16434818
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>> No.16434823

It's not necessarily harems which are starting to emerge, but the same man marrying and divorcing multiple women and having children with two or more of them.

Look at Norway for example, where a quarter of men no longer reproduce, but females are still reproducing as usual; the explanation being that they are reproducing with men who are already or were previously married:


>> No.16434833

It's true everywhere and always.

>> No.16434834

kill yourself, worthless cunt

>> No.16434846

Anti-patriarchy women are often some of the most hypocritical. Look at any Asian or Indian woman in the west who spends her career attacking white males and then look at their chosen partner; he is often a tall, white male chad.

>> No.16434848

the value of the average man to society peaked long ago, might as well get rid of them completely

>> No.16434851

Because the women will be provided for either way. Either through alimony or welfare. Like someone said in a previous /incel/ general, Alpha Fucks, State Bucks.

>> No.16434857
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I don't know why, but women that remind me of Asuka are very attractive to me. I just like brats.
Of course I don't want to be the downfall of society but you are making this sound like I have to be a barbarian that has to literally conquer women for his harem.

>> No.16434865

How old was she?

>> No.16434867

>imaginary women in his head
rent free

>> No.16434881

>I don't know why
I do, I want to be aggressively mothered.

>> No.16434884

>I have to be
But you are, right?

>> No.16434892

>29 year old virgin
>no reason to expect this to change anytime soon

i've honestly stopped trying at this point. slowly coming to terms with being a statistic.

>> No.16434897

that's what mothers are for

>> No.16434921

Not everyone has good mothers. Most incels certainly don't

>> No.16434931

Same here, turned 29 a few days ago. I must say though that accepting things and becoming more humble has helped my mindset a lot and has made me much calmer, although another consequence is a diminished sense of ambition and expectation. Don't stop trying though mate, especially if your conscience is clean. One of the things which has messed up my life completely is a spoiled conscience, which no amount of money, sex etc can make up for.

>> No.16434933

>chase down female
>pin her down
>stick it in her
how hard can it be?

>> No.16434935

24 I think

>> No.16434939

t. Karl Ove Knausgaard

>> No.16434940

The feminist agenda includes destroying marriages, the nuclear family etc. Once every cultural aspects to love life is gone, biology is going to be at the commands. I've looked at the wish fulfillment novels on wattpad. The most common stories for YA males are about becoming the most powerful and getting a harem, the most common stories for YA females are about seducing the most powerful billionaire.

>> No.16434942

I don't want to fuck my mother though, that's weird.

>> No.16434953

Fuck it. Roll

>> No.16434958

It is a great shame for so few relationships to form today, and people succumbing to ideologies they eventually regret when it is too late. However, for the sake of nuance, I would argue that married life "back in the day" wasn't as peachy as some (not saying you) men seem to assume. Reading novels about women who just settled for a man for want of an alternative and put up with their shitty, bullying behaviour is very sad, so I wouldn't wish that level of dependence on any woman.

>> No.16434965

rolling for 0

>> No.16434967

>has made me much calmer, although another consequence is a diminished sense of ambition and expectation
yep. i've noticed this too. i've straight up rejected promotions at work because it's too much of a hassle. i just want my life to end as soon as possible.

>> No.16434980

nuclear "family" and the modern concept of a love marriage were invented by kikes for boomers so who cares

>> No.16434982
File: 328 KB, 1682x2048, 19800669-E40C-4C1A-8A03-FDCC16681C81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Born too late to explore earth
>Born too early to explore the stars
>Born just in time to become the first generation of men experiencing a massive sex drought, mass promiscuity, lack of suitable marriage prospects, declining wages, more expensive living, virtues and decent etiquette being eradicated, skyrocketing mental issues, a culture revolving around consuming mass media devoid of meaning to distract ourselves
Well, fuck.

>> No.16434990

>the first generation
read history, this is nothing new

>> No.16434991

pic related

>> No.16434993

still better than be born to fight in ww1

>> No.16434995

>Pretending to be retarded is still being retarded.
Don't distort the definition of ''being retarded''!

>> No.16434996

Great fodder for your novel though, eh?

>> No.16435005

Meant to write modern men

>> No.16435006

Don't forget the unprecedented scale of global psyops and wars on consciousness.

>> No.16435012
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>I do, I want to be aggressively mothered.
One girl I had a crush one reminded me of my mother, she looked like a younger version of her. Kinda like Saber with glasses.
Of course I am.

>> No.16435013
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it's all so tiresome...

>> No.16435014

And soon AI self-operating on algorithms competing and psyoping humans. I mean shit, it is already happening right now. Are we witnessing the great filter?

>> No.16435016

It's sad to think that way, but it is what it is. I hope you are comfortable at least.

>i just want my life to end as soon as possible

Reminds me of that scene in Elementary Particles where Michel meets his old highschool lover, who works as a librarian in Paris and tells him pretty much exactly the same thing. Sad.

>> No.16435022

>implying you are talking to humans

>> No.16435027

>global psyops and wars on consciousness
those are the worst, specially the latter

>> No.16435029

>One of the things which has messed up my life completely is a spoiled conscience
What do you mean by a ”spoiled conscience”?

>> No.16435034

why not just an hero and get it over with?

>> No.16435045
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things are never going to get better bros....

>> No.16435052

So the conclusion is that it will be better for those women to be part of a billionaire's harem. So this is what we are heading toward. But at this point many men are simply unneeded. And being unneeded is one of the saddest thing that can happen to someone. Should baby boys from poor families be aborted ? This seems to fit the feminist agenda.

>> No.16435057

Then get to it. The amount of chicks that want to be in harems is too damn high; I can only feed and accomodate so many.

>> No.16435059

Dw, you’ll eventually be happy to settle for more modest ambitions. That’s how it works, even the boomers who “had it all” dreamed of something even better in their 20s

>> No.16435062
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Yes because despite your best attempts to cope, your lack of action is rooted in a fear of failure/rejection. If you wanted sex and knew every girl would have sex with you if approached, you wouldn't actively do nothing.

Inb4 "volcels" try to claim they're virgins because they're intellectually superior and have overcome primitive desires for sex.

>> No.16435070

just become traps if you are not cut out to be men

>> No.16435077

Who is going to read a novel like that?

I am seriously asking, and not him. When you put aside the decline of attention spans, and gatekeepers limiting hetero white male literary expression, the chances of a novel featuring such a character, even if it were nuanced, very skilfully written, etc has a very limited chance of ever being published.

The three ways it may actually become published and widely read are:

1. Established writer offends existing liberal, left-leaning readerbase by daring to empathise and write about such a doomer-tier young man (e.g., Houellebecq becoming established and then offending his old comrades by attacking the '68ers)

2. Obscure writer published the novel in an obscure publishing house and somehow by word of mouth and a particularly open-minded judging panel it manages to win an award or become circulated within the dwindling number of real-life literary circles.

3. Anonymous writer publishes it online and it becomes initially popular within his echo-chamber-tier subculture (e.g., /lit/) and then somehow spreads (probably in meme-like fashion) to other subcultures, generating so much online interest that the mainstream inevitably has to take notice and allow it some serious literary attention.

>> No.16435078

t. incel

>> No.16435080

Their labor is still needed. Which is even more bitter.

>> No.16435081

If you are not a billionaire you might not be cut out to be a man either.

>> No.16435083
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>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.16435084

>incel thread
>half the posts are right wingers crying about the loss of muh conservative values
every time

>> No.16435087

just castrate them and sell em to the highest bidder

>> No.16435090

>Who is going to read a novel like that?
You answered your own question. Get to it, anon.

>> No.16435092

I've made mistakes which have not only tarnished my conscience, but done so in a way which precludes me from ever hoping to be a writer of even mediocre renown. Nothing can make up for that, and the only option for my life now is to live humbly and anonymously, trying to help others etc and hoping nobody gets too close to me.

>> No.16435093


>> No.16435095

Why did you make a post just to sign off as an incel.
We don't even know anything about you nor what you believe. Why would anyone care that you're an incel?

>> No.16435096

It's really not.

>> No.16435097

Good novelists are all really articulate normies who are very perceptive in their own human relationships. Nobody wants to read about the life of a socially isolated NEET, it’s the exact opposite of what makes good fiction.

>> No.16435105

inflation will take care of the billions, all I need is to be able to provide for harem

>> No.16435108

You realize Notes from Underground is one of /lit/'s Bibles right?

>> No.16435117

>socially isolated NEET

>> No.16435119

Agreed, probably the natural narrative for most vaguely ambitious men in history. Only today, delusions / quixotic ambitions are often encouraged to the point of financial (and moral) bankruptcy in the form of student debts and postponed investment in careers etc, and also the "fall back plan" of the average late-twenties guy who thinks maybe this music thing won't work out isn't a comfy-enough little job somewhere or a move into the corporate world, but a frantic effort to escape retail work.

>> No.16435135

What does this lead to for the future of society?

>> No.16435153
File: 1.28 MB, 800x1132, 76018175-953E-4F9C-9F88-17731119C1C8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds really sad anon. I hope you muster the strength for some boot-strappin’. I genuinely believe if you’re sad enough to be wanting to put yourself out of existence, you might as well try everything even if it hurts the deepest depths of your soul.

>> No.16435163

WTF I thought churches were a good way to meet women, I was lied to again

>> No.16435170

Big tech will invest in something which replaces physical, real life romantic / erotic relationships. Porn is already working overtime to keep people somewhat satisfied, but probably Virtual Reality will provide an ideal little life for men who can no longer compete in the real world. There they will be able to live on a comfy little ranch out in wilderness with their cute, gentle wife and small family, meanwhile his biological host body here in the "real world" will be obese, hairy and nude and spending most of its day sitting on a commode in a tiny, dim bedroom with a permanent semi-hard on.

>> No.16435171
File: 32 KB, 448x545, blyat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never snuggle up with a qt female () Thai prostitute and feel the impetus of a human connection the likes of which only poets have experienced, and even then, only when writing about an idealized, angelical woman

>> No.16435173

The far right is populated of many incels. Thus, it is the far right of inceldom.

>> No.16435174

how many women do you need to meet?

>> No.16435179

4% is not too bad. It's also approximately the percentage of women who are not total whores.

>> No.16435180

qt female (male)*

>> No.16435181

Thanks, genuinely, and I wish the best for you. Don't mean to blogpost, but a clean conscience is important. If your conscience is tarnished, nothing seems worth it because all achievements etc all lead back to you, a person you don't wish the best for or want to succeed. It is what it is.

>> No.16435185

2-3 at first to start my harem

>> No.16435192

At least someone who is NEETs but thinks right.

>> No.16435193

>sexual relationships tend to develop naturally
the fuck does that mean?

>> No.16435194
File: 260 KB, 1200x737, Thomas-Cole-The-Course-Of-Empire-Destruction-Highlark-Featured.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16435198

a church should be fine, after you get the first women, you make them to get more girlies

>> No.16435203

so just religion?

>> No.16435205

Just wait until sexbots are advanced and commercially affordable

>> No.16435209

normalfags have sex naturally

>> No.16435210

lots of guys going postal in the future. women refusing to take any responsibility for anything

>> No.16435218

literally just go to thailand

>> No.16435222

Shit, meant to respond to the other guy>>16435170

>> No.16435230

Yeah, for some reason everyone that identifies with this allegedly non-ideological label seems to have the exact same ideology. Curious.

>> No.16435231

they don't have the will

>> No.16435234

Not him, but I agree that forcing things isn't natural and contributes to the mess exacerbated by online dating.

Take a guy who is twenty-nine-years old, is a virgin, has never had a serious girlfriend, has no job, rarely goes outside, is depressed and thinks about suicide every day. Online dating may allow him to display himself in such a way as to seem like someone worth fucking, but it will be unnatural and insincere. His daily routine also doesn't allow for any natural relationships to form or develop. So in order for something to naturally develop, he should first establish a base, such as a job and investment (if he has the time) in some kind of hobby or interest (politics, a literary circle, etc) and then he is far more likely, should he establish himself in these realms, to meet a girl who looks at him and thinks "hey he seems like a good guy, I'm attracted to him, let's give it a shot".

>> No.16435237

sexual frustration is some powerful shit. i wouldn't be so certain

>> No.16435241

weak men want collectivistic "solutions"

>> No.16435242

Basically religion except heaven is unlocked so you don't have to join ISIS to get to your 72 virgins.

>> No.16435247

the vast majority will always pussy out

>> No.16435256

Reminder to judge all whores
They love it!

>> No.16435260

mass male suicides

>> No.16435264

>I say this as a virgin.
Stopped reading there, almost got me.

>> No.16435268

normalfag defintion of trying is
>remember to wash
>don't be too fat
>turn up to social events
Everything else just flows. If you're above the age of 18 and you're still thinking "how do I get laid/ a girlfriend," you're in deep shit.

>> No.16435269

a 29 year old depressed virgin neet is like 29 year old with with a psychiatric history spanning 25+ years, they are probably never going to make it

>> No.16435273

I don't agree. I can't stand normies meeting anymore. You have to train yourself to not give a shit, that's the hardest part. Then go talk to a lot of random women. Get sex. It's not that complicated. The hardest part is to be absolutely not scared, and behave in a nonchalent manner. That can be achieved in a various of way. Like talking to people until you don't give a shit anymore, or doing hardcore combat sports, or doing very stressful social events like solo public concert as a musician or singer. If you do this frequently, you won't give a shit anymore about talking to random people, strangers. But the vast majority of those incels will never get to this point. So they truly are incels i guess.

>> No.16435276
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>> No.16435278

Women don't want to be in harems, they dislike sharing and resent it. They settle for being in harems because it is the natural conclusion of what men with the power to attract many women will do. Women are submissive to the desires of the alpha male, but her desire is to have him for himself. She will be fiercely jealous of her fellow harem-mates

>> No.16435281
File: 492 KB, 697x566, ilIdXU7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Four more years lads and I can give up for good!

>> No.16435282

Although this prompt describes your average borderline bitch quite well, don't you die younger by staying single?

>> No.16435284
File: 2.74 MB, 498x372, 1587472500506.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already know that it won't be as good as I think it will be, and that after the passion wears off and I realize what I've done, I'll hear the devil's laughter...

>> No.16435287

I don't think sexbots will solve anything, for the same reason porn doesn't solve anything; they both lack sincere interaction and sexbots especially will be very expensive, cumbersome, awkward to have around your mom's house, etc. It's like virtual reality developers in the late 80s / 90s thought Smell-o-Rama's would make VR more realistic, but the things were absolutely huge, expensive, and ultimately not worth the trouble.

Within a decade or so I fully expect virtual reality and virtual experiences to be an everyday norm, both for things like work and education (e.g., visit the Somme from your school classroom), and to fulfil human desires such as romantic intimacy. If a brain can be encouraged to believe in a virtual world enough for it to at least invest in the outcome of its host body in that world then it will be a massive source of relief for lonely men. I think of dreams for example, where as far as I remember I can't taste, smell or even feel objects very well or not at all, yet when I am dreaming I am 100% committed to what is going in that dream as if it is my only reality (most of the time) and forget I even exist here in the shared real world.

>> No.16435289

this, it's not a matter of doing it's just existing. This shit is like not aquiring a language naturally as a child

>> No.16435296

No bully pls

>> No.16435303

What we would need is sex robots with good enough AI to act like ideal gf. Which shouldn't be that complex

>> No.16435306

"things that women want" doesn't even exist

>> No.16435312

so what

>> No.16435319

It's not complex. Just put on a skirt.

>> No.16435329

With computers able to process almost an infinite amount of data and learn from it, and construct something meaningful from it, it isn't absurd to assume that in a decade or so by uploading billions of hours of videos, movies, dramas etc into a computer, and hundreds of thousands of realistic novels, a computer could accurately generate a machine capable of holding a conversation accurate to a certain time period and gender, even going as far as inhabiting a virtual universe where that language develops over time and develops its own in-jokes, slang and regional parlances, which will only be understandable to its AI bots and the one "real" person who has chosen to spend most of his day in that virtual universe.

>> No.16435334

Neither do things that men want

>> No.16435343
File: 165 KB, 618x644, i-have-no-gf-and-i-must-scream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros I just want gf

>> No.16435347

that's a tall order bro

>> No.16435350


>> No.16435353

how the hell do I get a qt student buddy on my uni?
I see a lot of them in the library but I asking one of them out would just feels quite awkward

any books on this that arent pua trash?

>> No.16435356


>> No.16435358

I don't think incels are particularly angry, most are depressed and resigned

>> No.16435359

i've vented my anger ages ago

>> No.16435360

The book of time traveling back to the 80s

>> No.16435364

5 so you can become a wizardbro!

>> No.16435366

There's nothing a sex bot can fix that a prostitue wouldn't be able to and yet the problem persists. People want intimacy and a long term parnter to create a family with a sex bot will not provide you that.

>> No.16435367

Just get one
just go talk to one about something else, if they seem to dig you just ask them out

>> No.16435372

Human desire is impossible to satisfy

>> No.16435375

You can't keep a prostitute as just yours full time and not have any other men fuck her. You can do all of that with a sexbot. All we need is artificial wombs and they can make babies too

>> No.16435378

Well let's put it this way
>mens desires shape the world
>womens desires are completely inconsenquential

>> No.16435381

he's more of a precursor to incel culture

>> No.16435383
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Not him, but for having lived like this >>16434661
for a few years despite being your average channer, I can confirm it helps immensely in both the social and sexual areas to just be some low-life that does drugs and has low standards regarding who you hang out with.

Literally became a hikikomori when I stopped doing drugs and hanging out with retards.

>> No.16435385

you can though

>> No.16435389

Don’t worry, humanity will be filtered soon anyways be it a global economic collapse, an ecological collapse or a birth rate collapse

>> No.16435396

The desires of the strong shape the world, and the desires of the weak are inconsequential. All women are weak, but not all men are strong.

>> No.16435404


an incel is a person who continually acts in a state of sexual frustration, thus misogyny among other things

>> No.16435407

That's just a wife, and if incels could get one of those they wouldn't be here.

>> No.16435421

what is 'The Feminist'

>> No.16435425

I can live with this, I'd just define a man as someone who is strong. Might as well lump the rest up with women.

>> No.16435433

People are afraid of walking into a sting operation with prostitutes though
Thats why most people don’t do it

>> No.16435434

incels can't afford to keep prostitutes full time

>> No.16435445

nah, they are afraid of actually having sex instead of fantasizing about it

>> No.16435465
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This seems like it's related.

>> No.16435468

The difference is weak men can potentially become strong men through various means, while women cannot.

>> No.16435476

Post rationalization of refusing to take action. There are countries were prostitution is perfectly legal.
>incels can't afford to keep prostitutes full time
Incels can't afford anything.
The vast majority of rich men have sex, not only because they are rich, but mostly because they know

>> No.16435504

>Post rationalization of refusing to take action.
I’m not an incel lol
But flying to another country for a hooker sounds like a pretty big deal desu
I guess I would do it if I was a 28 year old KV but I I could afford it more than 2-3 times a year and it would be a huge chunk of my spending.
You have to be delusional if you don’t think prostitution being illegal reduces it’s popularity.

>> No.16435506

Self made rich men have lots of sex not only because they are rich, but also because they are used to struggle in life.
Incels absolutely don't know the first thing about the struggle. Except a few true autists, the average incel is not only a failure in the sex department, but everywhere. He absolutely has no talent, is bad a sport, doesn't study, doesn't work or maybe a shit job.
The incel is not only nothing sex wise. He is nothing in every aspect of his life.

>> No.16435507


>> No.16435515
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>while women cannot
this could be argued

But I wouldn't call someone powerful just because they have the potential for it. You wouldn't call a baby man. Either they are powerful, ie. men or they are not.

>> No.16435520

Is a woman who becomes powerful a man?

>> No.16435521

Why not? People traval for all sort of thing. Business men do it for business, roastie do it for the facebook wall, sportsmen do it for extreme altitutde training, or ascending a new summit. I don't see why incels couldn't travel in order to have easy sex. The reality is that they are even too weak mentally to travel.

>> No.16435530

why not?

>> No.16435544

Bad bait, try harder

>> No.16435845

Imagine giving yourself over to lust instead of trying to control it, Having sex is regarded, embrace celibacy.

>> No.16435848

This. There is no secret formula. No special approach routine that everyone but you is aware of.
It's all about looking half decent and talking to people. Other than that, there is no such thing as "trying harder". Anyone that tells you otherwise is trying to sell you something.

>> No.16435900

>It's all about looking half decent and talking to people
this fag is selling false hope

>> No.16435936

>The Feminist
Where can I read it? I searched in google but it's a common word, and attaching "novel" to it doesn't lead me to anywhere either.

>> No.16435959

Half decent no longer cuts it. If you aren't mesomorph don't try

>> No.16436073
File: 429 KB, 1026x1280, 1588532934239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we gonna have another thread?

>> No.16436155

make one then

>> No.16436161

Incels is the leftist equivalent of the word cuck

>> No.16436218


I did.