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/lit/ - Literature

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16415492 No.16415492 [Reply] [Original]

Most nonfiction authors like making big statements about little subjects, or small statements about big subjects. I'm looking for those that make big statements about huge topics, and change your whole viewpoint on life. Nassim Taleb has changed my whole viewpoint on life, religion, and has given me a huge number of useful mental models to use while decision-making.

Here are a few more examples to make my point clearer: Rene Girard, Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell (The Power of Myth), Yuval Noah Harari (Sapiens), Nassim Taleb (The Black Swan), Robert Greene, Matt Ridley, Jared Diamond, Freidrich Nietzsche, David Graeber (Debt: A 5,000 Year History), and Julian Jaynes (The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind).

These people (and especially Nassim Taleb) have totally flipped my worldview, and I want to be amazed again. Do you have any recommendations for authors that make huge statements about grand topics?

>> No.16415535
File: 1.59 MB, 1067x1600, Anti-Tech Revolution w drones_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related. Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How
by Kaczynski is chocked full of grand statements backed up with solid argumentation.

>> No.16415771
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It's the 10 000 hour rule except directly from the horse's mouth. It goes through the evidence and makes the case that the top performers are determined by the quantity and quality of mental models they are able to build through practice, and not by any innate talent in the actual subject matter. In fact talent might hurt your chances of getting to the top, because by the time you need to start practicing to get better, you are already habituated to just coasting by on talent alone.

>> No.16415804

Incerto is a great influence on my thinking as well, I cite Taleb in my forthcoming book, which by the way marks a major advance in human understanding.

But to answer your question I would cite Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung. Few works of philosophy present such a comprehensive view of life, reality, the unity between subject and object, the content of consciousness , the meaning of every possible conscious experience, deep pre-Freudian insights into the unconscious, than Artie in this book. It is not only a great work of philosophy but a classic of literature.

>> No.16415841

Take grand subjects and seek to understand them of your own volition. Sucking on the tits of a greater mind than yours ensures you will never be greater.

>> No.16416908

Taleb is the best philosopher of our time, Kaczinsky being second. No one else resonates with modernity as well.

>> No.16418194


The Clock of The Long Now. A book of essays on time that radically shifted how I view it.

>> No.16418205

the origin of consciousness in the breakdown of the bicameral mind

>> No.16418226

>I cite Taleb in my forthcoming book, which by the way marks a major advance in human understanding.

>> No.16418237
File: 91 KB, 2000x2000, 4532A2E8-687E-426E-A3A7-CE4C94CEC34B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>” What is democracy? It is hardly a political regime and even less a program; it is a unique engendering of the political—less a seed and more a soil. It is an aesthetic-existential relation to reality—a particular and highly-resilient human uptake of the contingent and unknown. What it constitutes, at core, is a “machinery of life”: a type of self-ordering pragmatism that forever spills outward and out of itself; a type of lived rendering, full of contradiction and pregnant with self-undermining tendencies; a type of cauldron for nascent life-worlds to germinate and be born. Whitman, James, Schmitt, Hesse—each in turn penetrated to the core of the problem and disclosed the essential non-form of democracy—or rather the all-form, the mold-cast that is capable of embracing virtually any form and absorbing it fully. Democracy is, in short, the technology most suited to the creation and care of the human world-home.”