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16410672 No.16410672 [Reply] [Original]

Best way to study multiple major topics for a two day exam consisting of essays, short answer, and multiple choice happening in 18 days?

>> No.16411852

are you preparing for the UBE portion of the NY exam by any chance, OP? Sat in February and passed with a really high score, despite cramming last minute.
I have a lot of tips for you, but I need to know how prepared are you at this very moment. 18 days is a lot of time, but you must use it wisely.

A piece of advice that is applicable regardless of any data you are willing to share is: don't neglect to prepare for the MPQ, that part can literally make a difference between pass or fail.

>> No.16411904

>not having diploma privilege
The Bar is such a scam

>> No.16411907

Texas online in october. Third time taking it. Failed by 1% both previous times.

This time around I'm chugging away at practice MBE questions through adaptibar and right now I'm reading and copying out the rules of law in the sample essay answer books of the barbri books I have left over from last time. I feel like before when I went through the program I spent way too much time going over material in the abstract and didn't spend enough time doing practical review of sample questions. So that's what I'm doing right now.

Please based anon, I don't want to ever have to do this again. Help.

>> No.16411998

Law school in the US is a scam, the NY Bar exam as an institution is actually alright in my book. As an international lawyer such as myself being a NY Bar Graduate is basically a seal of approval, a guarantee of the quality of my services.

OP, you are on the right path. But don't mindlessly copy the rules of law for the MEE, but ponder on each any situation that they might appear in. Remember, there is only so many ways that they can test a rule. Also, with some MEE questions there is no right answer and you have a lot of room to debate, so make sure you touch on any points you might feel to be relevant (they usually are). Focus on the areas that are usually tested (or had been tested at some point), and try to think of novel scenarios. Reading out loud some rules might help you better memorize them. If you have the Barbri materials, the lecture outlines are very good for MEE CIVpro. You can sum up a chapter on a couple of flashcards.

With the MBE, there is no better way to do it, just make sure you read at least thrice (once out loud) the explanation for any of the questions you got wrong (or got right but don't master).

As I said, be sure your MPQ game is strong, because it can make the difference between a pass and a fail.

Also, I might have summaries for Wills and Trusts on my computer, would you be interested?

>> No.16412094
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Thanks anon. All good points. I gotta meld a little more with the material I think. The results of my past scores indicate that for essays I either crushed them or totally bullshitted my way thru it. Multiple choice I think I just read em' too fast.

I appreciate the offer, got lots of outlines and materials (stole some themis books from an old job) as well as the barbri stuff and all the things friends gave me (outlines and critical pass flashcards etc.)

I will read rules outloud and talk to myself more. Been lazy in that regard. If I'm only passing by a small rule once I need to do everything I can to make it stick. If anything else comes to mind, please let me know. Having a thread on /lit/ to remind me to get off /lit/ is actually kinda helpful.

>> No.16412181
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>going into the legal field

LMAO I hope you enjoy throwing your life away working long hours while defending large corporations

Fucking hell I'm doing legal patent work and everyday I want to KMS, I'm going to grad school fuck this shit

>> No.16412201
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>tfw took on too much debt
>tfw only time I ever legitimately wanted to off myself was working for a big firm
>tfw don't even want to be a lawyer i just want to pass this stupid fucking test

>> No.16412244

Legal field is a horrible field of work if you aren't a sociopath or work for the underdogs (but then lol enjoy no money). Godspeed amigo...

>> No.16412264

Im a public defender with zero debt from law school. Pay is good along with my work-life balance. Could not be happier. In two years I will be applying to federal public defender positions, so I can focus on my interests in terrorism and national security-related charges

>> No.16412324

>paying well

doubt. jpeg but whatever, good 4 u if not a LARP

>> No.16412341

How is that dubious? When orgs like The Bronx Defenders exist, or Metropolitan Public Defender, or Colorado Public Defender? Not every PD works in Missouri nor is most PD offices run like certain shithole states.

>> No.16412356

Because 90% of PD positions don't pay shit lol. If I decided to do law I'd look into that, but I'm much more of a STEMfag than I thought and absolutely hate legal writing

>> No.16412430

I have friends in various PD offices across the South and most of them say that their quality of life would improve if their caseload went down -- not if their pay was raised. But generally you are right. For example, Louisiana funds their PD's from the monies collected from traffic violations, so when quarantine was implemented in the State and no one was driving, no PDs were getting paid but still had to work. These shithole states actively make the pay shit for PDs.

>> No.16412465

>give prosecutors access to an entire system of police, detectives, clerks, assistants, and paralegals
>lol PD
At least it’s not texas where it’s a wheel system. Jesus Christ if attorneys were to ever unionize here there would be so much hell.

>> No.16412785

Good luck, anon, I hope you do well. Just remember, the next 18 day no 4chan, no social media, just study all day, save for 3h a day in the evening when you do something you enjoy: read, play a game, watch a movie, anything that will help you recharge. 18 days is a lot of time to study, but also enough time to be burned out on the day. I structured my study days as follows:
>8 am rise and read some materials I decided on the previous day (usually something where I was lucky)
>9 am - 12pm do MEE questions, or revise materials relevant to.
>12-1 Lunch. I would only it and have a couple of cigarettes
>1-4pm MBE
>4-6 pm review MBE.
>6-8 revise Miscalionia &plan the next day.
I usually go to bed at eleven, but fall asleep at around 1pm.
This is just what I did, but I found that studying 2x3h at a time really primed for my exam.

This is such a meme, but honestly, I am happy that a lot of people still fall for it, otherwise, it would be more crammed in here than it already is. Maybe in the US, it is more applicable than in Europe.
Working for Big Law entails long hours, but if you can make it to partner you only work as much as you want to (might not be universally applicable, but usually you can pile the work on the juniors and only revise their shit). But you don't even have to do that. Personally, i make three figures and work 3 days a week. But I am not going to tell you how.

>> No.16413242
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good to hear your doing well, Anon. How's your day like? I am writing a story of a ruthless corporate lawyer that becomes a public defender. so any insight would be useful.

>> No.16413383

OP here.
>ruthless corporate lawyer
I'd suggest watching the movie The Firm. While it isn't totally accurate, the attitude those attorneys have is spot on. The work is constant. You bill all the time. You take your work home with you. You start doing stimulants. You want to die when you wake up, but you have to go iron your suit. You get to work and everyone is fucking awful and standoffish and "professional" except behind closed doors when the partners meet, and you can hear them cackling before they drop more work on your desk or fire the one friend you made. Everyone is clawing at each other for more work. No one wants a dry spell. The work itself is tedious. If you do it too fast, there's errors and you didn't bill enough and you get yelled at. If you spend too much time on it to make it perfect, you billed too much and you get yelled at. If you lose a case or a motion everyone basically disowns you. If you win, you basically take the rest of the day off and start the grind all over the next day.

People at the court house fucking hate you. Everyone smiles, but we all know the gaudy suit is a compensating mechanism. We all fucking hate that guy. The judges don't like him. We know he got his assistant to write the majority of the draft. It's such fucking bullshit. It's big money pushing big money. And then you have the pity cases the firm takes on to make it feel as if they are "helping people" when in reality its a fucking landlord or a white collar crime case. It's all so fucked up. I hate it. I hate that those people exist. GAHHHHHHHHHHH.

Oh nice, another lawyer rant, gonna save that for dialogue.

>> No.16413599
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you shouldn't be allowed to make threads on /lit/ unless you have AT LEAST a BSci

>> No.16413615

I'm literally a doctor.

>> No.16413635

practice questions and flash cards are the only way to prep for these fucking things