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16376514 No.16376514 [Reply] [Original]

What book makes the most convincing case against marijuana?

>> No.16376530

Maybe the best book against marijuana is not actually a book a bout marijuana at all. Maybe it's an unrelated book that helps you consider the best decisions for your life.

>> No.16376534

>do you have a book that fits my world view exactly
>I can't google anything
>frog poster
You /pol/ faggots are the worst.

>> No.16376548

Smoked weed every day for 2 years. It’s psychologically addicting and I completely fucked myself over because of it. Weed is for fags.

>> No.16376554
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Infinite Jest. Got me to realize my addiction and kick it.

>> No.16376564

Peter Hitchens writes about it a bit.

But also you should experience it for yourself and figure it out.

>> No.16376568

you don't need a book. just look at people who smoke weed, that's enough

>> No.16376578

>just look at people who smoke weed, that's enough
who DOESN'T smoke weed in 2020?

>> No.16376590

>I completely fucked myself over because of it
>It’s psychologically addicting
you're just a beta

>> No.16376596

Maybe some kind of medical journal that explains why you shouldn't inhale ash that consists of burnt plant matter and other things/chemicals) into your lungs. Try educating yourself about how lungs work, and just how delicate of a biological mechanism they are. Inhaling ash is literally the dumbest thing you can do to your lungs.

>> No.16376605

The Great Gatsby

>> No.16376644

that's the thing

>> No.16376653


>> No.16376722
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I don't think everyone should use marijuana (literally no one is forcing you, loser), but if you think using marijuana should be illegal and carry a jail sentence you're a fucking asshole.

>Freedom for me, but not for thee
Seriously, if you're like this fuck you. Take your Boomer-tier anti-drug propaganda back to the Nixon era.

>> No.16376738

This. After recognizing Hal's compulsive behavior I put the bud down and never looked back. Lots of good meditations on the nature of addiction in that, too

>> No.16376744

Anyone who wants to live and participate in a civilised society must not use drugs. It is absolutely fine if one chooses to leave society behind and go and live in some lawless shithole jungle where there is no functioning civilisation and shoot up fentanyl daily.

>> No.16376759

I'm sorry the popular kids that smoked weed made fun of/ignored you in highschool. Time to move on, anon.

>> No.16376764

Nah, society would probably be much better off if it were illegal

>> No.16376766

Smoking weed has been totally normalized. Nowadays the counter-cultural thing to do is abstain from drugs

>> No.16376768

Stoner by John Williams

>> No.16376772

Better for the private prison industry and pharmaceutical corporations, sure. Not so much for the individual freedoms of American citizens.

>> No.16376774

>the popular kids that smoked weed
Niggers? There were no niggers in my school.

>> No.16376779

Nah, the football chads and popular kids. You know the ones who threw parties you weren't invited to. Those popular kids. Time to let go of your animosity, anon.

>> No.16376804

>That guy who literally can't have fun unless they smoke weed.

Hope I don't get like this

>> No.16376806

Weed is good once in a while, but regular use makes you dull and complacent. Good luck making sense of a complex work of literature when you're stoned. Prolonged regular use has definitely had a negative effect on my memory. That said, I think it is way less harmful than alcohol or cigarettes.

>> No.16376808

I am not american, there were no "football chads", also no one smoked weed, it seems this is mainly an american thing.

>> No.16376810

Are you non-white?

>> No.16376817

>no niggers in my school
Based. But sadly I can’t relate.

>> No.16376825

The cool thing to do is to be physically fit and socially active and Weed just happens to be very counterproductive to that lifestyle

All the cool kids in my Highschool smoked like twice a year. The white kids who smoked multiple times a week or even every day were creepy little weirdos.
Pretty much the same thing in college

>> No.16376827

I am white.

>> No.16376833

>I am white.

>> No.16376852

>All the cool kids in my Highschool smoked like twice a year. The white kids who smoked multiple times a week or even every day were creepy little weirdos.
I'm not advocating everday usage. Everything in moderation, just like alcohol. However, can we agree that having a dime bag on you shouldn't result in a year or more of prison time? Using a plant, no matter your intention, should not be a cause for government intervention or imprisonment. Period. I don't give one God Damn whether you want to use marijuana or not, but your decision should not have any merit on my same decision.

>> No.16376853

>What book makes the most convincing case against marijuana?
One with good faith arguments? There literally isn't one. Remember that study that "proved weed causes heart problems"? 98% of people in it were tobacco smokers

>> No.16376862
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>All the cool kids in my Highschool smoked like twice a year.
They just didn't want to give any to a fag like you

>> No.16376870


>> No.16376883

Oh, okay. I should've mentioned this before, but third world countries don't really get to have an opinion on this topic...

>> No.16376898

>Oh, shit there's anon. Hide the blunt or he'll rat us out.

>> No.16376901

northern Europeans have used cannabis longer than they've been Christian

>> No.16376910 [DELETED] 

Well, it is a problem we do not have, I guess it is not very relevant.

>> No.16376918

My diary desu, particularly the last 6 months

>> No.16376920

It isn't a "problem" you loser. Marijuana has a ton of benefits, both social and medicinal, and it's illegalization is fucking criminal.

>> No.16376927 [DELETED] 

They didn't smoke it though.

>> No.16376931

You won't find it, because weed smokers are like porn enthusiasts: ubiquitous and self-righteous. Their addictions prevent cancer and you're a prig if you disagree.

>> No.16376936

They did, including turning the sauna into hotbox

>> No.16376944

unironically this.

>> No.16376953


>> No.16376966

They did so much weed that they completely forgot about its existence for centuries.

>> No.16376982

so in a normal sauna you heat rocks with a fire and toss water on rocks to get steam, they're hot enough to vaporize all the psychoactive ingredients in cannabis buds

>> No.16376991


>> No.16377003 [DELETED] 


Why would anyone have cannabis inside a sauna in the first place?

>> No.16377004

>they completely forgot about its existence for centuries
Nope, around here they were growing the stuff in large industrial scale right up until the end of 1960s using seeds from genetic lines introduced here around 700s by the Scythians and farming hemp has been re-legalized recently

>> No.16377010

That's different from using it as a drug, anon. Psilocybin grows just about everywhere, but it was barely understood as a psychoactive until the 20th century.

>> No.16377013

>Why would anyone have cannabis inside a sauna in the first place?
Before 1960s it had no stigma attached here

>> No.16377025

The people growing it knew of its recreational use and it had no stigma attached before 1960s here, you could even buy the damn stuff in pharmacy in tincture

>> No.16377026
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smoking weed is fine but it allows you to ignore your problems.
solve your problems then get high and do whatever.

Used to vape concentrate. Been "clean" for 6 months but it's not like i ever had a dependency. I just buy in bulk.
An ounce of rather pure stuff will cost you 300 bucks. It'll last you half a year. Much less than what people pay for alcohol.

>> No.16377075

>An ounce of rather pure stuff will cost you 300 bucks.
If produced industrially it should be some cents like same amount of grain

>> No.16377127


>> No.16377139
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>> No.16377153

Don't do this op save your frontal lobe and yourself from the inevitable gay phase every pothead goes through

>> No.16377158

yo this nigga started sucking dicks and he thinks its because of a plant

>> No.16377159

>he’s a /lit/tard who drinks but shitposts on the internet about how weed needs to get banned
Can someone be any more cringe? Go convert to Islam or something if you want to be a teetotaler

>> No.16377164 [DELETED] 

Why do you speak like that? Are you a nigger?

>> No.16377174

Yo this nigger started sucking dick and he’s blaming a plant lads

>> No.16377180

yo this nigga mad as hell. smoke a weeed nigga

>> No.16377237
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There's nothing wrong with weed, just don't be retarded and leave it for the weekend or at least until you're done for the day. Nothing better than a cheeky smoke, some coffee, and a good book.

>> No.16377259

No, honestly campaigning in the internet for Cannabis Rights or whatever like a 16 year old is a lot more cringe

>> No.16377316

I learned from Huxley's "The Doors Of Perception" that there is this thing thing called carbogen, which is a mixture of carbon and oxygen that can cause anxiety and even mild psychoactive effects when inhaled. This got me thinking that people who combust weed are inhaling carbogen. How can marijuana cause anxiety if it is a depressant? It's the carbon you're inhaling! And if you're lighting this material at a high temp, then there is probably some carbon monoxide in the mix too.

So the best way to use marijuana is to first eat a grapefruit to potentiate the effects, then either vaporize the marijuana or consume it orally. People who smoke weed and complain about it don't realize that when you combust the plant, 95% of what you're inhaling is essentially carbogen. OF COURSE that's going to cause you to feel dumber!

>> No.16377339 [DELETED] 

>So the best way to use marijuana is
The best way is not to use it at all.

>> No.16377370

Okay Father O'Malley. Better not use coffee or aspirin or natural honey either, since all of these are drugs too.

>> No.16377382 [DELETED] 

Those are fine, but weed is not. Don't use it.

>> No.16377397

Tell me about your porn use, my child.

>> No.16377419

>inevitable gay phase
Uhhh should be tell him?

>> No.16377431
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Weed gave me anxiety problems and depersonalisation/derealization, which basically led to the worst year of my life and the most terrifying and horrible experiences of my entire life.

>> No.16377453

No, those are fine just don’t smoke weed

>> No.16377476

Weed makes you an NPC

>> No.16377489

Can you refer me to a chapter or three in IJ that gets into these issues?

>> No.16377496

anti-weed is anti-POC

>> No.16377509
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>> No.16377528
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>anti-weed is anti-POC

>> No.16377535

yo, my dad hates niggaz, bu i think they is kinda neato

>> No.16377544

Who are some great authors who have smoked weed or advocate using weed?

>> No.16377548


>> No.16377557

If that was the case, the Jews wouldn't have worked so hard to keep it illegal.

>> No.16377605
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distillates? I don't think so.

>> No.16377609
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>> No.16377649
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Your mom suck me good and hard through my jorts

>> No.16377656

John Barth

>> No.16377664
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> GRRRR these drugs are BAD but not the drugs I take

>> No.16377670


Well then how 'bout text accompanying notes x, y & z

>> No.16377675

If you don’t like weed then don’t smoke it. Weed is still a psychedelic, and as such you risk mental disorder if you do not back off when problems begin.

>> No.16377691
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Fuck /lit/ it full of loser nerds larping they're intellectuals.

>> No.16377724

lul this. If you can't quit smoking weed to pursue something more substantial than you're just a midwit and genuinely don't have anything better to do. Once something worthwhile comes along and weed interferes, the ladder hits the road.

>> No.16377811

I don't want to live.

>> No.16377894


>> No.16377896
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Just read the fuckin book bro lmao.

>> No.16377899

Back to the grave Nixon, you absolute failure

>> No.16377907

Weed is a nonissue because every normal person stops after college, only losers do it afterwards. The smokers in this thread are obnoxious because they are under 22 and think they will still do it afterwards (they probably won’t). It goes out the window with college-level alcohol consumption

>> No.16377921

That’s probably because they spent ten years of their lives smoking every day like a piece of shit and never developed any skills or hobbies. Weed made them midwits by being their hobby and socialization tool

>> No.16377931

Lorane, my daddy said you's a niggra and I can't play wit you anymore.

>> No.16377943

Ernst Junger, believe it or not.

>> No.16377957


>> No.16377958
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It's too friggin long, and I hate endnotes (why couldn't he have used footnotes?), but yeah, i'll read it someday, but today i just want to read his riffs on weed addiction.

>> No.16377980


>> No.16378083

infinite jest

>> No.16378092

I've tried weed a few times and it just isn't that fun. Every time it wears off, I realize I didn't really experience anything novel and I wonder why I did it in the first place. All it's good for is making incredibly boring, mundane shit seem interesting, which is why people who smoke every day and make it a permanent part of their identity are such boring, mundane people but consider themselves the opposite.

>> No.16378104


>> No.16378112

i smoke it because it dampens my anger that i wouldn't know how to channel elsewhere (plain ol' "exercise" doesn't work). the downside is it also ruins my attention span and ambition.

>> No.16378124

You have such serious problems with anger that you fucking tranquilize yourself?

>> No.16378123


>> No.16378161
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>You have such serious problems with anger that you fucking tranquilize yourself?

>> No.16378297

There is nothing medically wrong with smoking marijuana; the only ones who are anti any medically nondetrimental psychedelic drugs are: traditionalists, and: individuals who have/had underlying psychical deficiencies; regardless of that, stability is always optimal, therefore, unless one is forced to lead a creatively unstable life, psychedelic drugs constitute suboptimal stimuli, debasing the body, and disrupting mental equilibrium.

>> No.16378340

what a shitty post

>> No.16378370

This board is so full of pseuds. Who gives a shit if someone smokes weed? People who do nothing but get high all day would still be worthless idiots if they didn't smoke marijuana.

>> No.16378729

I smoked weed everyday for a year and ended up becoming a trap/bottom for a bit. After a few months of quitting I was back to normal

>> No.16378731

Infinite jest

>> No.16378747

Literally any book because stoners can’t read

>> No.16378753

i want to dock anuses and exchange sharts with you

>> No.16378803

too much weed

>> No.16378846

bam by bap

>> No.16378860

what does it say

>> No.16379086

get fit etc

>> No.16379272

I used to smoke a lot of weed and actually did go through a gay phase. Stayed the butt okay with my ex gf , and escalated quickly

>> No.16379992

smoked from 13-23, nearly daily from 15 onwards
27 now, haven't smoked at all in four years and while I don't feel it's affected my mental capabilities as much as some people I know, my adolescence and early adulthood was filled with complacency and superficial relationships
I'm mediocre at everything due exactly to what this guy said
One thing I did do frequently during this time was read every night, kinda funny that now I have a graduate degree in literature and recreational reading doesn't happen nearly as often.
Anyway, feels bad bros develop your hobbies while you're adaptable, it only gets harder to gain proficiency as you age

>> No.16380074

me as well

>> No.16380160

2 years is nothing. My friend did it for 5 years and now he's a schizophrenic

>> No.16380480

Post ass.

>> No.16380485

>Who gives a shit if someone smokes weed?
People who aren't Libertarian hyper-individualists.

>> No.16380508

THC is nigger tier that slows down your thinking

>> No.16380512

The hatred for drugs many 4chan users stems from the compulsive need to feel superior to those who are more liked than them. They associate weed with partying and partying with the popular crowd in high school so they lash out at it. This neurosis of inadequacy is also crucial to the various racial and "trad" religious ideologies parroted here.

>> No.16380577

Nice cope

>> No.16380594

or maybe it's the fact that some of us have seen weed turn good people into retards

>> No.16380645

>Water is wet

>> No.16380652

pseudo-psychoanalysis is truly one of the worst trend

>> No.16380704


>> No.16380733

God I’m so glad I’m not one of the anti-drug anons in this thread

>> No.16380742

Based weed smoker

>> No.16380764

He did everything though

>> No.16381209

If I read Infinite Jest should I read the rest of the books in the series? I am autistic about stuff like that and will feel funny if I only read the one book.

>> No.16381239
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>> No.16381585
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>Drug use outside of nicotine, caffeine and biannual use of a psychedelic.

>> No.16382227

>who DOESN'T smoke weed in 2020?
Depends how old you are, most people grow out of it by their late 30's though some don't. It's pretty much a juvenile practice without much of a long term merit to it.

>> No.16382285
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Not a book but listen to pic related.
Also the Bible.

>> No.16382309 [DELETED] 

I've smoked weed 5 years, completely addicted and I don't care about stopping.

What's interesting is I've been high so long I can read high perfectly. I prefer reading poetry/philosophy high and fiction sober, my memory isn't effected and sometimes I get so deep into reading that when my mind follows a particularly self immolating thought it causes me pain/internal crindging.

>> No.16382336

I've stopped smoking weed for 2 weeks after smoking it pretty much daily for ~10 years. I'm about to turn 25.
One day I just had a realisation that I hold so much fucking potential, and all weed did for me was make me complacent and happy with what I had, which isn't entirely a bad thing but it does make you flacid and unambitious.

2 weeks in and it is honestly easier than I thought it would be. My initial sleeps were difficult and I had incredible sweats, after about 3 nights I could sleep normally and I'm getting dreams again after years of no REM sleep. I seem to be getting more done as well

Any bros ITT thinking about it, no better time to start than now. You just have to want to do it, rather than feel like you should. E.G. I knew I would 100% stop quitting weed, there was no: 'okay I'll try cut down or stop for 2 weeks and go from there' I knew I was going to go cold turkey completely.

>> No.16382508
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I vape it as part of my big dumb cope with a lifetime of trauma (I have trouble feeling relaxed and "normal", been that way well before I ever took up weed in the first place), I just need to get that addressed somehow and not use dude weed lmao as a crutch. Maybe your anger stems from trauma, but I hope you find peace, fren

>> No.16382581

Wow, is this real? Just take it easy, dude! Not gets out of here alive.

>> No.16383926

How does it feel knowing you've permanently fucked up your brain structure smoking pot? Your frontal lobe is fried

>> No.16384024

you know what.. .
weed is based. if you can't handle it there was never anything up there to begin with

>> No.16384095

>clinical studies
>measurably reduces working memory/active recall for short term tasks
Your brain is not developed until ~24, and your lexical/verbal acuity is impinged on by indulging in weed. Weed beyond the small amount required for active music listening enhancement (or very occasional peak/ritual experience) is not /lit

>> No.16385354

>ideologies parroted here
you sound like a fucking nihilist
fuck you
why are you attacking these fucking autists who just want to maintain tradition and are trying to save their humanity? kill yourself\

t. smoked weed for 10 years, still smoke every day, have quit for up to 6 months before but still a user despite myself rather not being one. I exercise, I read, I have numerous interests, hobbies and I probably make more money than you. I have fucked too many sluts and am a sex addict as well. Yet, I don't feel the need to try to bully 4channers for not wanting to be degenerate.

What's your excuse for attempting to use your inside knowledge of incel culture to attack the users of this entire forum for not being drug users? Because you need a good fucking reason to defend narcotic use in my book.
I'm assuming all your reasons are quasi-nihilistic at best, and gay/empirical/subversive at their worst

>> No.16385405

It's not a series, it's a standalone novel.

>> No.16385611

protip: they were retarded anyway if that happened