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16369973 No.16369973 [Reply] [Original]

Why do schools insist on forcing kids to read about the social nicities of wealthy adults from decades ago when they have zero frame of reference and realistically won't grasp most of it, thus being bored and unappreciative?

>> No.16369990

Because the writing is excellent and the tragedy is universal. There's more to books than just plot and setting.

>> No.16370001

You're right, they should read books like "White Fragility" and other books that convince their young impressionable minds to hate themselves, their race, and their culture. Good point!

>> No.16370026
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because it was written at a high school reading level and teachers are lazy as fuck
seriously, what fucking 17 year old is going to sympathize with Nick being depressed that he's turning 30?

>> No.16370122

>Nooo don't make me think of race relations!
kek, talk about white fragility lmao

>> No.16370160

for fuck's sake, I was going to agree with you but then I remembered I'm 24, so 30 is just around the corner. Just fucking yesterday I was 20!

>> No.16370298

the parts kids miss are not the plot or setting

>> No.16370330

Here's what I think of race relations, pal. Every good thing your non-white race has, is because the white races gave it to you. You're welcome.

>> No.16370339

>everyone that disagrees with me is non-white
Kek, you are so shrouded in your emotional biases that you literally cannot fathom something that breaks your worldview.

>> No.16370358

If you're white, and hold anti-white views, you are mentally ill and should be treated as such.

>> No.16370366
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>being anti-racist is being anti-white

>> No.16370371

The emotions they feel could exist in characters of any class; there’s nothing particularly upper class about Gatsby’s pining for his personal version of the American dream.
The contrast between the reader and the characters heightens the effect, it doesn’t detract from it.

>> No.16370376

These are synonyms.

>> No.16370389

Racism is just the reality that one race is better than other races, and if you were historically literate at all or even just generally aware of world events, you would come to that conclusion pretty easily. The white race IS better than the other races. That doesn't mean the other races should be mistreated, but they also shouldn't be artificially propped up out of some misplaced sense of "equality".

>> No.16370394

How fucking stupid and weird were you in highschool where didn’t have a frame of reference for liking a girl or wanting to be rich?

>> No.16370433
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So you're saying that Anglos came up with maths and philosophy, right? No way that the Indians and Greeks, those filthy non-whites, figured it out while you were still living in mud hut.

>> No.16370456

We elevated it beyond counting past your fingers and toes anyways.

Non-white philosophers do not, and have never, existed in any substantial capacity. Some Asian philosophers popped up in the mid-1500s, but they were derivative of the Greeks.