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File: 15 KB, 250x352, sartre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16357065 No.16357065 [Reply] [Original]

Is philosophy just a cope for being ugly?

>> No.16357073

Sartre wasn't a philosopher.

>> No.16357074
File: 18 KB, 314x450, Jacques-Derrida.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a philosopher. And no - All philosophers are handsome with the exception if Socrates (pbuh).

>> No.16357082

Sartre was anti philosophy but yes philosophy is a cope

>> No.16357094

that's the brainlet take

philosophy is a for beta men to get sluts.

>> No.16357096

It's the opposite in a sense. Philosophy takes time and maturity, hence philosophers tends to shine best when they are old and therefore ugly or on their way to become ugly.

Being ugly is a almost a consequences of making it as a philosopher in that sense.
The fact that we have so many young and handsome philosophers (Derrida, Camus, Nietzsche if he shaved his moustache, etc.) in modern times is actually a bad sign.

>> No.16357113

>tfw you realize socrates being ugly is a slander by the sophists

>> No.16357730

None of those people are philosophers, though.

>> No.16357734

>tfw you realize sophist is in the word sophisticated

>> No.16357742
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>> No.16357749

I’ve always thought that if I ever got disfigured or disabled I could always just be a philosopher

>> No.16357751

the smell of your farts is not wisdom

>> No.16357786
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>> No.16357788

Is this cope just a post for being a brainlet?

>> No.16357806

Nietzsche looks pretty rad with his mustache desu

>> No.16357807

I read philosophy and I am handsome so no.

>> No.16357851

I wish I could wear his skin for a day... oh the things I would do

>> No.16358874
File: 103 KB, 993x662, Albert-Camus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16358888

Clearly not because Sartre is extremely ugly and his “philosophy” was shit.

>> No.16358907

behead those who insult sartre and existentialism

>> No.16358916

He also fucked. Sartre's appearance didn't seem to slow him down all that much.

>> No.16358926

Yes. No man ever resorts to questions like "what is the meaning of everything" if they get unlimited vagina.

>> No.16359255

explain literally every existentialist then. sartre and camus were drowning in pussy

>> No.16359716
File: 3.25 MB, 1340x1524, lit28868361318_d4e0fffc28_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

philosophy is cope for being unable to accept religion desu

>> No.16359724

>Its OK that your life is shit because heaven is real
Yeah, religion, where you get a pony for not masturbating, is definitely the more challenging school of thought.

>> No.16359763
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he fell for the leap of faith meme and committed philosophical suicide

>> No.16359807
File: 177 KB, 1436x1076, 1599957983584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most Christians probably can't think for themselves and would be appalled at some of the stuff that goes on in the OT, yes
That doesn't mean all religion is plagued by such things; hell, Christianity has a basic moral code in the Ten Commandments that's solid and has stood the test of time.
Let's also not forget that Milton did a great piece on Free Will when writing Paradise Lost; aren't philosofags all about that?

>> No.16359880

>10 commandements
>some basic things that were the law in literally every society like don't kill or steal
wow such wisdom much meaning

>> No.16359891

A lot of theology overlaps with philosophy. Socrates used to talk about our duty to the gods, and Augustine was a Platonist in his own right, but most religious people are not very well-acquainted with their own theology, and don't really know why they do anything.

>> No.16359903
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its all about inner beauty anon

>> No.16359910

It's not our fault we only got Christianity left after they destroyed everything else. The Christians turned the west into a wasteland of atheism and nihilism, not us.

Now philosophy is all we got.

>> No.16359929
File: 1.04 MB, 811x889, 98894ba6ef57ac45529ceaa4d9916acf6d815cddc4991d8e423f452bf3437509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello there varg

>> No.16360015

you say that as if philosophy doesn't turn tons of 15 year olds into hedonist faggots
also Islam though jihadist weren't actually in the Quran from my understanding

>> No.16360017

Religion is cope for not being able to accept life while trying to figure it out yourself. Religion is literally the biggest cope mankind ever created.

>> No.16360035

>he thinks teenagers weren't always hedonist degenerates
did you even experience youth anon?
what am I saying, of course you didn't this is boards.4channel.org

>> No.16360055

What makes Sartre not a philosopher ?

>> No.16360059

don't listen to opinions of pseuds anon

>> No.16360121

also plenty of 21 year olds here on /lit/

>> No.16360151

what part of "most Christians probably can't think for themselves" did you miss?
Are you afraid that I'm equating the average churchgoer with your precious Neechians?

>> No.16360606

what about them

>> No.16360906

being hedonist degenerates

>> No.16361195

You have to be 18 to post here

>> No.16361304

>Codreanu's hero from his childhood until the end of his life was Stephen the Great.[13] A vast legend was created around the womanizing Stephen's sexual powers, who had demonstrated his greatness as a man and ruler by fathering hundreds, if not thousands of children by women from all social ranks, an aspect of Stephen's life which the Romanian historian Maria Bucur observed "was never held against him, but rather used anecdotally as evidence of his greatness".[13] Despite his vehement insistence in public of the importance of upholding traditional Eastern Orthodox values, the charismatic Codreanu, who was considered to be very attractive by many women, often followed his role model Stephen the Great with regard to them. One awestruck female follower wrote: "The Captain [Codreanu] came from a world of Good, a Prince of the Lights ... a medieval knight, a martyr and a hero."[14] Codreanu's female followers consistently praised him as an intensely romantic, noble "white knight" figure who had come to save Romania.[15]

>> No.16361436

I just think philosophy would be much more fun if we started burning people with whom we don't agree at the stake. that was the real achievement of Christianity i think: making neoplatonic philosophy fun

>> No.16361998


>> No.16362066


>> No.16362077


>> No.16362403

he's not handsome