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File: 56 KB, 600x844, 09bookwoodward-articleLarge[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16325856 No.16325856 [Reply] [Original]

Will you be reading it?

>> No.16325935

how did he get such a good picture of doanld trump?

>> No.16325962

>"dude look at how evil Trump his, he intentionally admitted to downplaying how dangerous covid-19 was all the way back in February"
>"so you heard him say this and didn't think to publicly warn everybody about covid-19 to save lives?"
>"uh.... don't ask questions just buy my book...."

>> No.16325992

I hope he loses, thousands of liberals will end up living under a bridge.

>> No.16326013

Trump will be reelected because everybody wants to fuck him in abject ballardian fashion, even the "opposition" propaganda seems to focus exclusively on priming the viewer to fuck donald trump

>> No.16326021

>dude come on bob woodward you journalist, you should have taken to the airwaves of course people would believe you over the president, woodward it's actually YOUR FAULT coronavirus happened in this way, not donald!

>> No.16326036

Woodward is making a specific argument that the loss of life was greater because of Trump's inaction/not taking the virus seriously enough. If he actually believed that, why wouldn't he publicly raise the alarm bells? If nothing else, MSNBC would have 100% believed him over Trump.

>> No.16326044

As someone who has had COVID19 and recovered fine I can say that this is a nothing burger. I didn't even know I had it until I had to get tested during a border crossing for work. I'm 27 and smoke half a pack of cigs per day. We need to remove our aging population. If you're over 70 and were born before the 50s you've lived long enough, time to give someone else a turn. I also had childhood asthma and almost died from it several times. Cull those with weak immune systems. Cull the fat. Cull those with lifestyle induced diabetes. Cull those who are afraid of death, as they have never lived.

>> No.16326054

Did trump want to potentially ban travel back in like feb and march?

>> No.16326110

Remember when wanting a travel ban with China was racist back in March, wew lad. They actually got me with the narrative fakeout this time, I thought the lockdowns seemed like a good idea at the time especially if they were dumb enough to spin travel restrictions as racist.

>> No.16326170

Donald J Based. Blacks are whiny privileged failures that blame their inadequacies on everyone. Pathetic race

>> No.16326180

Journalists should round him up and publicly execute him. I'm tired of sitting in my house and I want entertainment

>> No.16326541


>> No.16326558

No. It is better to read books about events that are far enough in the past that they don't massively sway the author's bias.

>> No.16326592

This, but actually because Biden offers jack shit other than 'get fucked, I'm not orange'

>> No.16326613

I hope that maturity eventually helps you free yourself from those racist thoughts that oppress you.

>> No.16326972

but journalists have been raising alarm bells like that since march?

>> No.16326998
File: 57 KB, 600x400, palin-trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for the Trump presidency to end so we can here all the tapes. If he truelly is the buffoon it looks like he his, there will be way more and way worse stuff coming out. Not from democrats or the press, but his own inner circle.

>> No.16327796
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No one who remotely possesses Woodward's prestige.

If he had revealed that information, it would have cost him the big scoop that now, with the release of the book, will earn him huge bucks.

He chose money over lives.

The holocaust of death thus rests, in no small part, on Woodward's silence.

>> No.16327845

i know it´s a tired metaphor but

he´s just a human turd flushed up by neoliberalism which doesnt allow children of rich people to fail properly anymore even if they try.

>> No.16327965

I will
If it got translated to my language

>> No.16327982

Resistance porn is such easy money.

Middle aged childless women need something to keep them busy,

>> No.16328025

Couldn’t he had released the audio?

>> No.16328070
File: 103 KB, 876x1024, obama-economy-quotes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only point to the whole treating the Wuhan Flu as if it was something out of the ordinary was to hurt DJT. People I talk to all know that actual flu deaths are six percent of what CNN says, the rest are misreported so hospitals get the corona cash. So that leaves the crashed economy to fix, and who was able to get the country on its feet after 8 years of Obamanomics after all? All dems do is ship jobs and money to China... We need DJT to get the economy going again, as he did before.

>> No.16328121
File: 28 KB, 329x500, 41nVH1daFpL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, but I'll read this, unsarcastically

>> No.16328202

>Look at me I'm wearin' blue jeans and an unflattering top from Ann Taylor Loft just like you
Democracy was a mistake

>> No.16328537
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>Advocating for medicare and a Green New Deal
>jack shit

but hey the alternative is a useless Wall!

>> No.16328581

Yes and Pelosi called him racist towards immigrants.

>> No.16328599

I don't trust books written about someone during their tenure because it reeks of trying to wring money from a trend -- either praise or criticism, both are just trying to profit off of their audience and whatever is in vogue.

>> No.16328662

Not paying for your job or healthcare fatass

>> No.16328688

Woodward has been a reputable journalist for decades, its not just for profit. If you want to see scum who wrote a book for profit, see John Bolton's

>> No.16328697

lets see what the millenials say about that kiddo

>> No.16328698
File: 86 KB, 1024x650, jderf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but you're content to pay for a Wall that is for all intents and purposes...absolutely useless?

>> No.16328724

>He thinks Biden is actually going to deliver the GND and Medicare for all.
Sorry kiddo, if the DNC was on board with that platform they wouldn't have screwed Bernie yet again.

>> No.16328746

I'm not putting a lot of hope into the DNC given their track record, but as the alternative is too dangerous to consider. If anything, I would hope that pressure from the younger groups of the party would push harder for those changes.

>> No.16329586

>Ann Taylor Loft

>> No.16329604

>implying he'll actually do that
Lmao. Is this your first election?

>> No.16329608
File: 88 KB, 920x666, 403-4033325_r-retard-wojak-brainlet-robot-chan-png-4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too dangerous to consider

>> No.16329622

Everyone in the media was already warning people about Covid, numbnuts. Trump decided to "downplay" it because he's a retard.

>> No.16329641

Everyone in the media was also downplaying it calling it a bad flu.

The second Trump reacted and shut down travel from China they called him xenophobic and reactionary and setup parties in Chinatown and told people to make sure to use public transit to get there.

>> No.16329645

Are you fucking retarded? "Alarm bells" aren't what was needed. The media was well aware of the threat. Trump is the one who didn't take the early action that would have saved thousands of lives.

>> No.16329654

>Everyone in the media was also downplaying it calling it a bad flu.
No, only retarded Trumpkins said that. They also opposed mask-wearing because they're morons.

>> No.16329680

I think I might. Haven't read any books about Trump but considering the interviews Woodward got with the man himself I may give it ago. The best reason to buy it is to read the Kim Jong Un letters. That shit will be golden.

>> No.16329703

Trump stopped traffic from China and the entire media shit their pants about xenophobia and "it's just the flu." Do you people really not remember longer than three days ago?

>> No.16329710

You have the memory of a goldfish if you don't remember that in February the entire press was downplaying it. Italy held a 'hug a chinese' event to combat racism against them and called quarantine fascism. There were constant articles calling it no worse than the flu and nothing to worry about.

For reasons unknown to me around March the sides flipped politically everwhere(except bizarrely in Sweden)

>> No.16329753

We do need a wall, but we need it decades ago. Now, with fifty million illegals in the country, what we need is death camps.

>> No.16329766


>> No.16329801

Shitting on China isn't the solution, you fucking idiots. Once the virus is present in the population, the only solution is full-on nationwide quarantine, then nationwide mandatory mask wearing. If Trump had taken the appropriate early measures, we'd be in a completely different place now.

>> No.16329807

Hello goldfish brain. When Trump stopped the travel from China, the virus was still in early stages here, and it was indisputably wise to prevent importing new cases. The media frothed about it because they simply oppose Trump in every case, which is why once Trump later started downplaying the virus, they immediately flipped to treating it like ebola.

>> No.16329857

You are full of shit. The virus has been in the US since at least December of last year. Cutting off travel to China is a joke. What you need to do is cut off *all* commercial air travel -- foreign and domestic.

>> No.16329858

I didn't say anything about China... Anyway Trump made mistakes for sure, but the US is not the worst off country per capita, and the blame in the US cannot be put all on Trump, the NY governor is responsible for a lot of the deaths. Also quarantine is not necessarily the best option, we will see in the long run whether Sweden had the right idea or not.

>> No.16329872

I will be voting for Trump in 2020 as I am not a cuck.

>> No.16329945

I always forget there are literal fascists on this site. Fuck you are dumber than a bag of rocks

>> No.16329954

>US is not the worst off country per capita
It's by far the worst when you take population density into account. There is no reason the US covid death rate should be anywhere near where it is given how sparsely populated the country is. Not to mention the medical advantages of being a first world country. Trump navigated us to the worst possible outcome by not doing anything at the federal level.

>> No.16329964

Yes, he should have gone further and stopped all travel. But he stopped it to China and the media said "xenophobia" and "just the flu." He was an early responder, and he didn't even go far enough.
Btw, the virus "being here since december" doesn't make it bad to stop importing new cases, retard.

You're having an emotional response. Try breathing into a bag or crying into a pillow.

>> No.16330026

Emotional response to literal fascism is acceptable because fascism is unacceptable

>> No.16330062

>“I have built a nuclear — a weapons system that nobody’s ever had in this country before. We have stuff that you haven’t even seen or heard about,” Trump told Woodward.
>“We have stuff that Putin and Xi have never heard about before,” Trump added “There’s nobody — what we have is incredible.”

Why is everyone just mentioning the covid stuff about 6 months ago ?

>> No.16330076

Uh, who mentioned fascism? Only Mr Meltdown here. I was talking about illegal immigrants, try to control yourself.

>> No.16330096

>Guy mentions death camps for smelly brown people
>That's not fascism

>> No.16330109

"Smelly" and "brown" are once again, hallucinations you've introduced. I was talking about illegal immigrants. And that's called law enforcement.

So, what do you think fascism is? Give us a coherent definition in your own words, right now.

>> No.16330139

not him and don't really care what his definition of fascism is, but to me an emotional response is acceptable when someone proposes death camps for innocent people..
also, slightly unrelated, but can you elaborate on why exactly "emotional responses" are wrong, and what differentiates them from supposedly non-emotional ones..

>> No.16330166

>death camps for innocent people..
That's another hallucination on your part, anon. Their crime was clearly specified
> why exactly "emotional responses" are wrong,
Because it's usually you reacting to a hallucination you had, as in every case here so far.

>> No.16330197


>> No.16330203

so calling a human being "illegal" simply for being born on a different stretch of land is in no way at all emotional, makes sense

>> No.16330208

>Guy mentions death camps for illegal immigrants coming from the border
>Other guy points out how that is a fascist thing to do
>"It's a hallucination"
You've got very poor reading comprehension

>> No.16330428 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.16330608

They are not "illegally" human.
They "illegally" crossed the border.

Trying to associate valid criticism of their unlawful behavior with their human identity is an emotional argument.
There's no moral or ethical judgement behind accurately identifying them as illegal aliens.

We know why they come here, and we know we have the right to protect our public and private resources.
Same as you have a lock on your door at home.

>> No.16330816

I am pro-Trump so I appreciate your support...but you my man are a sociopath

>> No.16330834

Would be funny.

>> No.16330844

That's not why. They're illegal for crossing the border illegally, not to mention all the other crimes they commit here. Are you a bit "simple?"
They aren't innocent people - they're criminals - so he hallucinated that. He also hallucinated anyone talking about "smelly brown" people, lmao. Dumbass.

>> No.16330852

All journalists should be murdered

>> No.16330944

>be bombarded with Trump shit 24/7 on every single media platform
>spend my free time reading about even more Trump shit

>> No.16330968

Yet another in a long line of books created solely to profit off Donald Trump. Like him or not, he's certainly made a lot of people very rich

>> No.16330988


>> No.16331069

It's impossible to tell whether Drumpf exposés are making shit up because with him there's nothing too surreal.

>> No.16331129

Liked and subscribed

>> No.16331176

Does anyone here actually believe half the shit the media says about Trump or covid?

>> No.16331186

>Dude Trump is the best
>Just trust me bro

He's neither as good as 4chan says nor as bad as leftists say

>> No.16331211

yea, why wouldn't you?

>> No.16331221

No. Nor do I believe much Trump says

>> No.16331303

It's all very partisan. CNN does everything they can to discredit him and paint a very slanted picture of what's happening. Fox does the same for the liberals. Usually the only way to find balanced coverage is to go to foreign news outlets, but even most of them are pretty partisan these days (BBC, Al Jazeera).

>> No.16331323

You're kicking a dead horse. Tell me something different. This is easy pickings. A book that says something supportive of Trump, now that would be interesting and unexpected.

>> No.16331693
File: 51 KB, 370x351, 222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't believe anything anymore
I have accepted the fact that everything I have ever seen or been told has been propaganda

>You can be anything you want to be!

>> No.16331702


>> No.16331705

There is no way to find balanced coverage and believing there is will just blind you, you have to view everyone with extreme suspicion and just notice when they slip up and contradict themselves, it is in those contradictions you can glean bits of truth.