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/lit/ - Literature

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16293552 No.16293552 [Reply] [Original]

>last book you read
>what you are reading now
>which languages you speak

>> No.16293556
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>i don't read
>i don't read

>> No.16293559

This image is forbidden. All the people who reply to your thread will get aids.

>> No.16293563

the idiot, by dostoevsky
monkey, by wu cheng-en
only english

>> No.16293566

>the nmaster and margartia
>nicomachean ethics and antifragile, will probably start another novel soon
>english, ein bisschen Deutsch

>> No.16293569

that guy is Russian, though.

>> No.16293574

>Lords and Ladies by Terry Pratchett
>Lords of Finance: The Bankers Who Broke the World is a nonfiction book by Liaquat Ahamed
>German, English, French

>> No.16293583

Le tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours
Too embarrassed to say
English, French

>> No.16293641
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>Captain's Daughter by Pushkin
>Russian, English, French

>> No.16293651

>Three Farmers on Their Way to a Dance
>Voices From Chernobyl
>English, German, Dutch

>> No.16293655
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>Great Expectations
>Infinite Jest
>The only language anyone needs to know

>> No.16293674

>House of Leaves
>Trying to get back to Lolita after not reading for a week.
>Russian, Armenian, English, in that order. Trying to learn Spanish.

>> No.16293677

>Elementary logic
>Middle school logic
>English and symbolic logic

>> No.16293704
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> Vers la féminisation ? - Alain Soral
> Abécédaires de la bêtise ambiante - Alain Soral
> French and English

>> No.16293711

Just finished main dresden files books yesterday. Currently not reading anything. Language russian.

>> No.16293716

>Plato's Symposium
>Laclos' Liaisons dangereuses
>French, English, Spanish, Latin (can also read ancient greek, but not speak it)

>> No.16293727

Dis-nous espèce de lâche

>> No.16293741

>Notes from Underground

>> No.16293743

>Robert Graves's Greek Myths and legends
>The Odyssey (transl. Victor Bérard)
>French, English, Spanish, on my way to adding Hebrew to that list, and hopefully Italian later

>> No.16293750

The Possessed aka demons aka devils

>> No.16293765

Va lire la traduction de Jaccottet, pour ton propre bien

>> No.16293778

Incel Faust
Decline of the west (reread)
spanish, german, esperanto

>> No.16293784
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Harry Potter

>> No.16293788

zen mind beginners mind
english, starting to learn russian

>> No.16293792
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>Romancero Gitano by García Lorca
>Women Poets of Japan, a beautiful anthology. Also re-reading Four Quartets. Might start reading some Mishima or Tsevateva today, who knows
>English and spanish, perfectly. Currently learning japanese and french

Of course

>> No.16293796

No longer human
Alexandre le Grand (Racine)
French, english, spanish, german and, most importantly, the language of love <3

>> No.16293805

I am not reading the BOOK, I am not reading the BOOK, I am not reading the BOOK.
>hngh opoga booooooogaaaaaaa !!

>> No.16293810

Je l'ai déjà lue y'a deux ans, c'était assez décevant. Pas de défaut particulier mais ça ne m'a fait aucun effet, celle de Bérard me touche plus pour le moment.

Il faut dire que j'avais fait l'erreur de lire la traduction de Jacottet juste après avoir passé des semaines englouti dans un roman de Dostoïevski. Le contraste était sans doute trop grand. Je relirai Jacottet à un moment sans doute, mais pas cette année (il me reste toute la littérature grecque archaïque à lire).

>> No.16293813
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>Dreams of a Better World
>Finnish Fascists
>Finnish, English, Swedish, Japanese

>> No.16293827

>Might start reading some Mishima or Tsevateva today, who knows
No wonder you can identify a pseud, you are a pseud yourself!

>> No.16293922

>Crime and Punishment
>English/ some Spanish + studying Koine Greek (and will study Hebrew later)

>> No.16293928

>gravity's rainbow
>the peregrine
>english french spanish
just mine my data senpai

>> No.16293981

>Bandamanna Saga
>Eyrbyggja Saga
>Icelandic, Faroese, Old Norse, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, English, Old English, French, German, Latin, Koine Greek, Ebonics

>> No.16294019

>the plague
>storm of steel (in stahlgewittern)
>english, german, french, latin, mandarin

>> No.16295501

>Heart of Darkness and a bunch of short stories by Lovecraft
>The Iliad and The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath
>Russian, English, currently learning Latin and Spanish

>> No.16295513

Go read Dostoyevsky or Sun and Steel like the rest

>> No.16295523

The Diversity of Life
Constant slow boil on complete Plato, and Between the Woods and the Water
I read Latin, I don’t know if it really counts as speakable
I read and speak french but poorly, same for Spanish and Italian only for them it’s VERY poorly
English, obviously

>> No.16295524

>The Origin of consciousness... Jaynes
>literally fucking one single language

>> No.16295702

>The adventures of tom Sawyer
>Swanns Way

>> No.16295715

>Energy and civilization a history by Vaclav Smil
>Modern man in search of a soul
>English, B1 German

>> No.16295946


>> No.16295998

>Last book
Huis Clos by Sartre
>currently reading
Blood Meridian by McCarthy, Poemas de Álvaro de Campos by Fernando Pessoa, The Poems by Yeats, Discourses/Fragments/Handbook by Epictetus
>languages I speak
English, Portuguese. Can read Spanish and French but rely on a dictionary sometimes for the latter.

>> No.16296007

>Man and his symbols
>In the Buddha's words
>Serbo-croatian, french, English, learning moonrunes

>> No.16296149

Red Pill by Hari Kunzru
The Denial of Death by Ernest Becker
English, French, some Spanish and Russian

>> No.16296285

roadside picnic
brothers k

>> No.16297041

>last book you read
The whole book? A collection of some short stories from Isaac Babel, but the translation was terrible.
>what you are reading now
A collection of some short stories from Akutagawa.
>which languages you speak
I can't even speak my native language properly. ;_;

>> No.16297220

>Moby Dick
>Yiddish and English

>> No.16297237

>lord of the flies
>english and German

>> No.16297249

>The Royal Game by Stefan Zweig
>just finished it so nothing rn, I'm about to read Don Quixote tho
>Spanish, English

>> No.16297339

>last book I read
Sleepless nights by Elizabeth Hardwick
>Reading now
Death on the installment plan
>Languages spoken
Dumbass monolingual

>> No.16297918

including you

>> No.16297957

Don Quixote (Part One and Two)
Anna Karenina
Norwegian, English and German

>> No.16298019

>Epictetus discourses, fragments and handbook
>The first philosophers: The presocratics and the sophists
>Only English

>> No.16298021

>Very short introduction on postmodernism
>Dosztojevszkij - Devils
>Hungarian, English.

>> No.16298135


Just finished Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King."

Still reading Berman's Twilight of American Culture(although I haven't read much of it in the last couple of weeks despite nearly being done with it), Kate Chopin's The Awakening and Selected Stories, Tolkien's The Silmarlllion(nearly finished reading) and I just started Cervantes' Don Quixote(sort of started it, and it's the Walter Starkie translation.

I only speak English and have difficulty learning other languages. Took Japanese(high school and college), Tagalog(college and have tried learning it on my own while staying with relatives in the Philippines and I keep failing) and Chamorro which is the language of the Pacific Islanders on Guam and they teach the language during elementary, middle and high school. You could also take courses in the colleges here on Guam.

>> No.16298172

>Paradise Lost
>On the Heights of Despair
>Polish, English, Russian - in that order

>> No.16298186
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>Isonomia by Karatani Kojin
>The Origins of Totalitarianism by Arendt
>English, German, Arabic, and Japanese

>> No.16298200

Wesele by Stanisław Wyspiański
American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis, Im about to drop it cause its incredibly annoying to read a detailed description of every item in Batemans house when I have no idea what all the brands are.
English, Polish

>> No.16298209

>The story of the eye, Bataille
>Hunger by Knut Hamsun
>English, German and Spanish

>> No.16298220

>CS Lewis Space Trilogy (i.e. That Hideous Strength)
>Infinite Jest

>> No.16298294

The Iliad
English and Japanese

>> No.16298316

>Jason and the Argonauts
>Viaje del Parnaso
>Spanish, Catalan, English

>> No.16298321

Based and Greekpilled

>> No.16298332
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>The language of love
Oh, anon

>> No.16298354
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>East of Eden
>Spoutnik sweetheart
>French, English, Spanish, italian.

>> No.16298422

>last book you read
"How to Lead a Life of Crime". I gotta study the market yo.
>what you are reading now
Nothing. I'm too fucking tired and when I recover, will use the energy on writing.
>which languages you speak
Russian, Ukrainian, German, English. Had Latin and Spanish back in school too but struggle with either beyond the basics. (Although I somewhat understand Spanish rap)

Jesus, /lit/ has lots of Russian bratans.

>> No.16298473

>Ride This Night by Vilhelm Moberg
>Anna Karenina
>Swedish, English

>> No.16298485

>Good Omens
>The Psychopath Whisperer
>English, Ebonic english (NY), some french

>> No.16298499

For Cujo, you like the book or movie better?

>> No.16298501
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>Butcher's Crossing
>The Balkans by Misha Glenny
>French, English, some German and nipponese

>> No.16298597

>Night: Night Life, Night Language, Sleep and Dreams
>Nothing,looking for something to read for now
>English,spanish and i've been trying to learn japanese

>> No.16299833

Crime and Punishment
Iliad, Birth of Tragedy, Presocratics
German, English

>> No.16300144

>Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion by Hume
>Does L'Incal count?

>> No.16300274

>The Sound and the Fury
>The King in Yellow
>English, Farsi, Urdu, Pahto, Japnese

>> No.16300638

Infinite Jest
Me by Elton John
English, a little German

>> No.16300652

>First Love
>Door Into Summer
>kurwaspeak, krautspeak, bongspeak

>> No.16300661

How'd you like IJ?

>> No.16300685

>The Name of the Rose
>The Book of Disquiet / Don Quixote
>German, English, Russian

>> No.16300901

> Kafka, metamorphosis
> Deutschland deine Denker
> English, German, Bulgarian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, all fluently.

>> No.16300933
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>I'm thinking of ending things - Ian Reid
>Prey - Graham Masterton
>English, Welsh, bit of German, bit of Italian

>> No.16302261

Joseph Andrews
Richest Man In Babylon
English and a bit of French

>> No.16302435

> Decapitation - Kubikiri Cycle: The Blue Savant and the Nonsense User
> Strangulation - Kubishime Romanticist: No Longer Human, Hitoshiki Zerozaki
> English, Italian, Romanian, a bit of German and French

>> No.16302440

I finished A Gentleman in Moscow yesterday.
Not sure what to read next. Maybe Enders Game or The Gods Themselves
English and a little Spanish.

>> No.16302545

>no longer human
>Odyssey (Fagles)
>German (native), french and english

>> No.16303470

>Can’t remember (I just started reading again)
>How to Win Friends and Influence People
>English and a little bit of French

>> No.16303604

>The Pale Horseman and Templars

>> No.16303814

>The iliad
>Protagoras and Meno
>English and Spanish but my spanish is shit because my mom didn't bother teaching it to me so Im learning it formally. After that plan on learning italian, then Greek, and last language ill learn will be chinese

>> No.16303993
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>some stephen king short stories
>murakami - after dark
>spanish, english

>> No.16304104

>A commentary on Being and Time
>Portuguese, English, Italian

>> No.16304129

>Fell for the "start with the Greeks" meme

>> No.16304161

>Peer Gynt by Ibsen
>Cynical Theories, which is an unconvincing critique of "postmodernism" in critical theory
>English, some French, some Japanese

>> No.16304322

>politics of heroin in SE Asia/Temporary Autonomous Zone/Windswept House

>the luminaries/bratton, the family/ed sanders, the cosmic game/stan grof

>english german vietnamese

>> No.16304379

>Coin Locker Babies
>Teatro Grottesco
>English, Japanese

>> No.16304448

I haven't watched the movie. Is it good?

>> No.16304619

>Finnegan's Wake(7th reread)
>Infinite Jest
>Latin, Ancient Greek, Koine Greek, Medieval Greek, Modern Greek, English, Middle English, Old English, Old French, French, Sanskrit, Spanish, Old Church Slavonic, Japanese, Xhosa, Classical Arabic, German, High Middle German, Malay, Indonesian, American Sign Language, Proto-Uralic

>> No.16304689

- The Burnout Society by Byung-Chul Han
- manuscript of my next book, that's going to get published
- Czech, English (B2) and French (basics)

>> No.16304737
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>Wretched of the Earth

>> No.16305121

We would make good friends

>> No.16305153

> Discourses on Livy
> Sallust
English, fuck other languages. (I'm learning Arabic slowly).

>> No.16305163

>A collection of Gogol stories
>A slightly different collection of Gogol stories translated by a different person
>I try not to speak

>> No.16305219

Dune Messiah
Magic mountain, Mann
Serbian (Croatian and others by proxy), English, Italian, recently started learning German

>> No.16305231

>Figures in a Landscape by Paul Theroux
>Trade Wars are Class Wars by Matt Klein
>English but learning German at a basic level

>> No.16305292

>The anarchy
>Runaway Horses
>Finnish, English, officially B1 but actually A1 Swedish, learning japanese

>> No.16305323

Doctor Faustus
To the Lighthouse and Critique of Judgment
Spoken: english, danish
Read: norwegian, swedish, german (poorly but learning), spanish

>> No.16305326

The Drowned World


English and Spanish.

>> No.16305359

>Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
>Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

>> No.16305446
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>Never Let Me Go by Ishiguro
>Hungarian, English and German, I'll be learning Latin from next semester

>> No.16305450

whats ur main/first language and if German is not it, did you find it hard learning it cuz im thinking of getting fluent at it

>> No.16305467

Arabia Felix
The Leopard
If English was good enough for our lord and savior Jesus Christ, it should be good enough for the rest of the world

>> No.16305482

>last book you read
Italian Chroniques (Stendhal)
>what you are reading now
Complete works of Plato
>which languages you speak
Spanish, english, some italian

>> No.16305488

I'm a native Hungarian, and when I started learning German I was already fluent in English, and it wasn't too difficult. The biggest struggle with German (at least once you are at a level good enough to read the news, or simpler books without consulting a dictionary) is just consistently finding content to read. With English being everywhere, general practice of the tongue doesn't really take any effort. I feel like for German I needed that year working in Austria to really grasp how the language works. Not sure that helps, but Viel Glück man!

>> No.16305501

forest passage by ernst jünger
the forgotten language by erich fromm
dutch, english, can read french and german

>> No.16305776

It’s an amazing book desu, but I can see why people talk shit about it. I listened to it via audiobook so it was not nearly as grueling of a task reading through all that maximalist unnecessary detail, and I must admit there are parts written absolutely beautifully. The art/messaging of it is very special too.

It is definitely not some “upper class white cis male bible” like the general pseudo intellectual internet kids portray it to be. 90% of its criticism is a cope by adult Harry Potter readers getting pleb filtered, or women who would never understand the loneliness/addiction/wageslave themes.

>> No.16305795

>war and peace
>livro do desassossego
>portuguese, english and spanish

>> No.16305810
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>coin locker babies
>ghosts of my life
>german, english, a little bit arabic and french

>> No.16305861

>Cat's Cradle by Vonnegut
>The Trivium by that nun lady
>German, English and a tiny bit of French

>> No.16305890
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>last book
Read the Sword of welleran and other tales and some of kafka’s short stories
>currently reading
Goethe’s Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship And essays of elia
English and Romani, I know a very very small amount of Hebrew, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin and German but they’re basically all technical terms from religious-philosophical systems.

>> No.16305896

>last book you read
The Gift
>what you are reading now
Modern Man in Search of a Soul
>which languages you speak
English, Russian, Ukrainian

>> No.16305949

>H. P. Lovecraft Collected Stories Vol. 1
>H. P. Lovecraft Collected Stories Vol. 2
>Romanian (native) and English (C2)
I also studied French at school for 8 years :), I guess I only have myself to blame for still not knowing the language.
Any advice on learning Japanese, weeb bros?

>> No.16306054

>the red and the black
>war and peace
>portuguese, english and spanish
might read o livro do desassossego next

>> No.16306095

>Mine Were of Trouble
>No Colours or Crest
>English, Spanish

>> No.16306121

>The Fourged Coupon
>Moby Dick
>Albanian, Italian, English

>> No.16306160

>trip by tao lin
>metamorphosis by franz kafka

>> No.16306168

>the name of the rose
>for whom the bell tolls

>> No.16306211 [DELETED] 

Absolute brainlet board, even if your "hallo ich bin john ich bin amerikaner" miraculously passes as speaking the language. This pathetic thread is a great reminder to anyone who actually reads that /lit/ and 4chan in general are to be avoided. Good riddance.

>> No.16306260
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>Gustav Meyrink 'The Golem'
>Michael Ende - The Neverending Story
>russian, english, polish

>> No.16306267


I’m thinking of reading the Golem, how was it?

>> No.16306280

>I don't remember, it was too long ago
>Not reading anything currently
>French, english

>> No.16306288

You already said french

>> No.16306297

>protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism
>economic philosophy
>english and learning japanese, i don't care if it makes me a weeb fuck you you're not the boss of me

>> No.16306332

This is a really interesting story: a lot of alchemical symbolism, allegories and mysticism, legends of Prague. The atmosphere is generally similar to that of "Crime and punishment", but more symbolic, full of parables, etc.

>> No.16307063
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>Lo demás es silencio - Augusto Monterroso
>Demanding the Impossible: A History of Anarchism - Peter Marshall
>Spanish and English, some Japanese

>> No.16307264

>Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone
>English, French, Spanish, Swedish, German and a little bit of Greek

>> No.16307314

> Modern man in search of a soul (C.G. Jung)
>1984 (Orwell) and Fabric of Cosmos (Brian Greene)
>fluent in slovenian and english, otherwise a bit of german and croatian too