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16284943 No.16284943 [Reply] [Original]

>had had

>> No.16284954
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>qu'est ce que c'est

>> No.16284964

>that that

>> No.16284965

get got

>> No.16284967
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>that that

>> No.16285040

>qu'est ce que c'est que ça

>> No.16285043
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>ching chong

>> No.16285045

what a joke of a language

>> No.16285058
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>elephant is not assaulting a woman

>> No.16285084

You can always ask "c’est quoi?" or just "qu’est-ce?" or, if you are feeling clever, you can go all the way and say
>qu’est-ce que c’est que ça que c’est?

>> No.16285100

>then then

>> No.16285121

it's the writing equivalent of painting yourself into a corner without realizing it, just sloppy work and then you gotta redo the whole sentence

>> No.16285124

In Québec we say: Quossé ça?

>> No.16285129

>had he not had

>> No.16285138

>y a-t-il

>> No.16285156

n'y avait-il pas?

>> No.16285175

Bob, where Alice had had 'had', had had 'had had', 'had had' had had a better impact.

>> No.16285208


>> No.16285214

>Дa нeт, нaвepнoe

>> No.16285243

>se se

>> No.16285257

>nous nous
>vous vous

>> No.16285266

>iam iam

>> No.16285274

>je ne vous en veux pas
>I don't blame you
what the...

>> No.16285315
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God likes elephants, and I like elephants

>> No.16285324





>> No.16285336

Ce que j'ai fais, ce soir la
Ce qu'elle a dit, ce soir la
Realisant mon espoir
Je me lance, vers la gloire, OK

>> No.16285348

>te sers-je ?

>> No.16285480

>that that had had

>> No.16285495

>it's the writing equivalent of painting yourself into a corner without realizing it
no, english language just lacks proper past tenses

>> No.16285905

had had had had

>> No.16285948
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What it is is what I had had.

>> No.16286074

>te sers-je, Serge, ces asperges ?
>oui, asperge moi

>> No.16286102

What's the worst sentence you can write with had had and that that, while remaining grammatically correct?

>> No.16286142

James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacher

>> No.16286164

what the fuck this actually makes sense

>> No.16286176

I know I got the following from some cringe reddit or I fucking love science type thing but here it is anyway:

Buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

"Annoyed bison from Buffalo, NY annoy other bison from Buffalo, NY."

>> No.16286412


‘had’ in this case is the abstract form, such as “he had her” or “this is where it was had?”

>> No.16287570

As the another anon said, English is deficient in inflections, and you'll occasionally try to express a thought naturally and realize the tense, case, whatever you need doesn't exist mid sentence, and sometimes you end up with bizarre constructions like had had. If someone uses it in writing they're a brainlet, because there's always a better wording, but it is the natural construction you would try to use during speech.

>> No.16287625

English is perfect. If you think there's a tense you need but don't have, it must be because you were too stupid ever to have learned it for later.

>> No.16287630

Can someone to whom this makes sense post a vocaroo of it?

>> No.16287646

What's the direct replacement for "had had" or "that that," then?

>> No.16287650

Who the fuck cares if you're saying a word twice as long as context and the logical limitations of your language still allow whomever is listening to infer your meaning?

>> No.16287764
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>> No.16287836

I don't get the butthurt. Are you underb&? From what I recall kids nowadays are butthurt about some less common words/constructions (e.g. there was a time they were seething about 'whom').

>> No.16287859

>have to have had
Bros, is there seriously anything wrong with these sorts of statements? If they're the most concise way to say something, why choose some retarded roundabout way of saying the same thing? They sound fine to me.

>> No.16287868

that that had had had had ought to have had had had

>> No.16287912

Based, this is how languages are, this is what makes them beautiful.
>Niwa niwa niwatori ga iru.
Or that chinese story that is entirely made up of 'shi'.

>> No.16287916

>die die

>> No.16287920

>nigger nigger

>> No.16287926

>how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood

>> No.16287935

>ought to have been

>> No.16287947
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>Uraniwa ni wa niwa, niwa ni wa niwa niwatori ga iru.
>Translation: There are two chickens in the back yard, and two in the front yard.

>> No.16287980

Arabic superior language can't find a flaw
الزنوج يلعقون شرجي

>> No.16288004
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spurdo coming through make way

>> No.16288006
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>> No.16288012
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>> No.16288015

So what's really going on here? I assume most of those words are some kind of compound or something?

>> No.16288023
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>> No.16288043


>> No.16288073

>If someone uses it in writing they're a brainlet
Infinitely better writers than you have used "had had." You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.16288087


>> No.16288099

Such as? Care to give an example?

>> No.16288102

>I'd had
ez hack

>> No.16288105

different anon but do you even know what past tense means?

>> No.16288161 [DELETED] 

Macie anony, jedyne "trick your GF" gdzie choć przez chwilę baba udaje speszoną.

>> No.16288626

>Au jour d'aujourd'hui

>> No.16288641
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>> No.16288653

>had had
Already had, if you must.
>that that
Never even seen this arise.

>> No.16288753

I believe that that happens infrequently.

>> No.16288765

Would read this book tbqh

>> No.16288777


>> No.16288788

Babbys first agglutination

>> No.16288797

very nice

>> No.16288832

What's the problem with that?

>> No.16288852

de quessé?

>> No.16288860

You typed the word "that" one too many times. Simply delete one.

>> No.16288868

those autistic fucks use 20 cases

>> No.16288876

will have been going to

>> No.16288891

It won't then convey exactly the same message as he intended to.

>> No.16288899

He didn't though, 'that' just is used both as a conjunction and a pronoun. According to the MW page I'm on it's also an adverb as in 'i didn't like her that much', and it has 3 different pronoun usages

>> No.16288901


>> No.16288905

It will. Don't fear.
I understand. Delete one, it will work fine.

>> No.16288907

>to be about to be led

>> No.16288915

>According to the MW page I'm on it's also an adverb as in 'i didn't like her that much'

Can we go even further and get 3?

>> No.16288920

ειμί ή γυνη. ειμί προσ τον οικον
What were the ancient Greeks thinking by making the verb to go/come in the future tense almost identical to the present to be?

>> No.16288937

Can't hads just be added ad nauseum?

He had an icecream

He hadn't had an icecream

He had had an icecream

He hadn't had had an icecream

He had had had an icecream


>> No.16288961

que qué?

>> No.16289038

>That that that quickly moved through the
yeah that's 3 different ones, pronoun, conjunction, adverb

>> No.16289043

wait no, that's two pronouns I think
>I believe that that that that quickly moved
There's 4, conjunction, pronoun, pronoun, adverb

>> No.16289304
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>> No.16289663

Fucking zoomer.

>> No.16289710

Does this just work in written language, can it be understood when they talk?

>> No.16289728

Yes, I know, you have no riposte. It's going to be okay. Find peace.

>> No.16289730
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>do do

>> No.16289853

You have no fucking point to refute, zoomer.

>> No.16289917

Sure I did, it was the one that made you mad to begin with.

>> No.16289993
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>Will will will it

>> No.16290326

Nah, your arbitrary butthurt claim that it's bad has no merit. As if some fucking tween's opinion meant anything. Maybe read a book, then you will get used to it in time, kiddo.

>> No.16290333


>> No.16290423
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>I concur

>> No.16291030

I'm not the one trying to change the language. Seems to me you are the one in impotent fury that English isn't to your liking. Do you also post zoomer memea about "whom"?

>> No.16291043

These parts of the french language drives me insane

>> No.16291107

>From what I recall kids nowadays are butthurt about some less common words/constructions
And they love shit like "on accident"

>> No.16291268

I'm not trying to change anything, what are you talking about? I said the language is perfect. Cope.

>> No.16291432 [DELETED] 

C'est ce que c'est! Tu sait?

>> No.16291536

Chinese works on vocal ranges, the tone and pitch and if you start on a low or high note or have a high or low note in the middle. So the same word means many different things depending on how you pronounce it, so the story can indeed be understood audibly.

>> No.16291891

Mr. Hadley had had haddock.

>> No.16292085

you only speak one language. do not comment on language disaparagingly ever

>> No.16292109

>qu'est-ce que c'est que c'est-y

>> No.16292128

cringe as fuck

>> No.16292155

Chinese tongue twisters are on a whole new level

>> No.16292182

I miss him desu

>> No.16292973

If it's perfect and 'had had' is part of the language then how can you be against 'had had'.

>> No.16293092

I mean they only have a few tones (four in Mandarin?), so unless these words also have slightly different pronunciations the story is chock full of words that are indiscernible from each other (I hesitate to use the word 'homophone' since I'm not sure if it only means same pronunciation or means same pronunciation and tone). Therefore I wager it could be hard to understand from speech, kinda like "John, where Bob had had 'had had', had had 'had'; 'had had' had had the examiner's approval".

>> No.16293122

I speak 4 though

>> No.16293600

>vous vous couchez
>nous nous couchons

>> No.16293996

>voulez-vous vous avouer voué à vivre

>> No.16294008

You're getting confused (probably happens a lot). There's always another way to construct the sentence, because English is so flexible. "Had had" is the other tripping over his own feet. It's not an indictment of how feet work.

>> No.16294350

>"Had had" is the other tripping over his own feet
its not the speakers fault english doesn't have tools for expressing past tenses properly

>> No.16294369

>He had had sex before that
>He had sex before that
It makes no difference. You will say, the former encapsulates [had sex] under its own had, while the latter merely encapsulates [sex] under had. But here's the thing: it's all in the past. It's no difference. It's the kind of abstraction that only lit autists rack their brains to express. It does not matter. Cut one had out. Live your life.

>> No.16294393

James, while john had "had", had "had had"; "had had" had had a much more impressive effect for the lesson.

>> No.16294401

but my native language has more granular past tense control and they're there for actual reasons

>> No.16294407

>But here's the thing: it's all in the past.
Burger education

>> No.16294437

it should be "he had sexed before that"

>> No.16294459

>he had a bike but it was stolen
>he had had a bike but it was stolen
In the second it's clear that the event of stealing was in the past. In the past scenario he has already lost his bike, further in the past

>> No.16294498
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How do Finnish spellcheckers work?
>inb4 "they don't"
Do they have a huge list of known sane words (or anything that isn't a hapax legomenon)?
Do they use a set of rules and suffixes to validate each word?
Would I get a big tiddy Finnish gf/qt trap Finnish bf or become a better shitposter if I learn the language?

>> No.16294886

I believe that that that is necessary.

>> No.16295014

lol BTFO

>> No.16295037

many of those never get used anywhere except in memes like these

>> No.16295056
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>based off of

>> No.16295060



>> No.16295066
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>> No.16295074

It makes total sense until you lose your place. It's buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo, but long.

>> No.16295082

Do you know Chinese or are you assuming? Did you read it first or hear it first?

>> No.16295094

I'm glad that I'm speaking with a greater writer than Shakespeare. Care to share your works, anon-chan?

>> No.16295111

Read up on past simple and past perfect.

>> No.16295166

A little of both. When you read, your brain looks at the overall shape of the word, compares it to the shape of the prior word, and then actually looks at the letters. Similarly, when you hear speech, your brain compares the "shape" of the word to the prior word(s) to make sure it fits, then actually checks the specifics.

There's also little bits of information that we communicate when speaking (in English, verbal stress is a good example of this, which is why you can tell what's going on when you present a present), such as how long certain words are, or the gaps between certain words ("Buffalo buffalo buffalo... BUFFALO... buffalo buffalo buffalo).

Mandarin has a lot of homophones (it actually uses only like two thirds of the sounds the language can make, for example "pe" just goes totally unused), but certain initial-final-tone combinations can only mean certain things, so it's legible up until a point. As the amount of shis build up, the possibilities mount, until eventually you get lost.

Mandarin tries to avoid these kind of situations (this is sort of related to why "a" and "an" both exist, and why "the" has two pronunciations) whenever possible, so this is a specific case. It's also totally legible in Chinese languages other than Mandarin, which has experienced a drastic increase in homophones (there's actually seven phonemes in that poem, independent of tones, in Cantonese, for example).

>> No.16295775

I'm a little late but here you go anon

>> No.16295814


>> No.16295968

>that that

makes me cringe
German is worse

>> No.16296250

>what is this that it is

>> No.16297422

>Started toward

Fucking hate this, and every cunt uses it.

>> No.16297498

that that is the same as that which
>The man had eaten pizza before bed last night, but it wasn't that that had had such a measurable effect on his bowel movement

>> No.16297501
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>and but so
>using defenestration to denote removal of window(s)

>> No.16297515

I miss him too

>> No.16298339

i wish i had sex once