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File: 516 KB, 2126x1264, 1599062022734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16274026 No.16274026 [Reply] [Original]

What do I need to read to stop being this guy?

>> No.16274035

Not Dostoevsky.

>> No.16274050

>full head of hair
Lucky, I thought for a second this image was about me

>> No.16274075

>has friends

>> No.16274091

What would happen to me if I read him anon?

>> No.16274107
File: 153 KB, 1000x1195, 1506219145164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has friends but doesn't feel fully a part of the group
>Never had a gf, has finally given up their optimism
>Has a psychologist, helped initially but realized they can't fix their lonely life, just the feelings
all too real

>> No.16274108
File: 103 KB, 894x894, 1574117788573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am LE SAD
>I'm totally handsome I swear I just have never had a gf

>> No.16274114
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>> No.16274115

normalfags love self-pity too, makes them feel important

>> No.16274129

I know a guy that fits this perfectly. It would be so easy. Idk how he can‘t see it. Oh well.

>> No.16274246
File: 24 KB, 500x344, cotumblr_obcy67i6DE1u1bxt2o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was this guy but then I read Interview with the Vampire and at first thought I was gay but then realized I want to be a vampire and started LARPing
I've also recently taken up smoking and nightwalking

>> No.16274251

Holy based

>> No.16274277
File: 54 KB, 600x604, cat gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's unironically me. Which one of you fuckers read my diary?

>> No.16274320

I remember reading this and finally accepting that women can and will never know what it's like to be lonely.

>> No.16274326


>> No.16274335

Why? What pages did you skip?

>> No.16274343

It's unironically most people who frequent this board, it generalizes the socially inept narcissist who would do just fine in the real world if only they knew how to have a normal conversation with a normal person

>> No.16274372

>full head of hair
>has friends
>above average dick

Least relatable 2X something chart yet

>> No.16274380
File: 31 KB, 704x396, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this gay earth

>> No.16274483
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>I'm so fucking important

>> No.16274491

>above average penis
Phew... that one saved me

>> No.16274522

Tony Robbins.

>> No.16274556
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>secret porn addiction

>> No.16274571

You portrayed OP very accurately well done. You just know hes average if not below average and lol at referring to himself as handsome thats what coping uglies do lol

>> No.16274600

exactly me but 29
it just stays the same

>> No.16274606

no thanks aleady read that shit . I don't wanna be a fetishiesed ubermensch, I respect nietche tho.

>> No.16274608
File: 7 KB, 251x201, 1598324480958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i may not be hot like some of those models you see but instead I'm handsome

>> No.16274609
File: 452 KB, 245x245, gonnabebig.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically this. Be the change you want to see.

>> No.16274615

Lots of incels are handsome though, no homo

>> No.16274620

>are handsome though
ugly person cope keep telling yourself that

>> No.16274626
File: 93 KB, 1000x637, Pepe+no+_4eaa514c19e04776665fbe12bb723ae2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there must be a way
read him when i wa 20 and I've give up on my goals.

>> No.16274632

Why not? Seems like he could help one understand what needs be done to improve their life
t. Only read C&P and BK

>> No.16274633

perhaps, what books to read for narcissism then?

>> No.16274645

Reading Crime & Punishment led to me doing an angsty Raskolnikov impression for a good couple of years

>> No.16274647

So you stayed in your room for years and refused food while fantasizing about how great you could be?
Soundin based

>> No.16274653
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>> No.16274768

Start excercising, get good diet, and good sleep.

>> No.16274858

interesting will give it a go

go back to /fit/

>> No.16274886
File: 312 KB, 1200x1200, LOOMER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's not a Loomer

>> No.16274902

Okay, the other details are very generic, but how the FUCK did you know I have a full head of hair and an above-average penis?

>> No.16274930

it's like a kafka story

>> No.16274945

oh god I'm looooooooooooooooming

>> No.16274974

Is this kinda shit going to be the new nerd horoscope after that Myers-Briggs bullshit?
>What kind of "oooomer" are you?
>OMG I'm totally in that pic!
>take this online test to find your type!

>> No.16274978

Type of dude to have ridiculous standards too

>> No.16274985

Isn't this just SPD?

>> No.16274991

You need to be able to see the future. Right now you try to look forward and you see nothing, like fruit withering on the vine. Read books about full, complete lives, about loss and regret, and happiness too. Read Heller's Something Happened or The Book of Ebenezer Le Page or Stones of Summer. Think about those characters, why they are the way they are, how they came to be that way, and consider whether you are following similar trajectories. Hell, I sympathized enormously with Coover's depiction of Dick Nixon in the Public Burning, endless ephemeral epiphanies that seem to mean something but really don't, the feeling of being alone in the crowd, a perpetual victim complex, and the propensity for making connections and using big ideas to intellectualize your problems away. He gets raped by the deified persona of Uncle Sam at the end, so maybe that ought to tell you something. It certainly tells me something.

At 25 you have reached an inflection point in your life. You're more than a quarter's way to the end. I do not sanction excessive introspection, as that often justifies self-serving inaction and inflates the ego. There is truth in fiction that goes beyond facts. Get to it or you'll be asking the same questions in a decade.

>> No.16274993

horoscopes are different because you can't pick which one you are

>> No.16274998

can you go back to posting the schizoid ones this one feels too generic

>> No.16275454

Should I read it? I want to be mysterious and cool, and I’m autistic enough to larp.

>> No.16275524

You can be gay pretty easy, anon

>> No.16275528

That's a normal modern human being except the virgin part, that part is very unusual for people over 20yo

>> No.16275536


>> No.16275546

Actually made me kek, that's so funny, it's like going back to childhood when you pretend to be a myriad of things kek
I should do similar

>> No.16275565

You don't need to read anything. The only reason you are lonely is because you don't want other people enough. Solution: deepen your loneliness to make you crave other people more. This will increase the strength of the drive, and thereby allow you to overcome more of the fears standing in your way, giving you a greater advantage and satisfaction than you would have otherwise.

>> No.16275581

This increasing of the strength of the drive also allows an acceleration in the developing of your mind as a tool to satisfy these extroverted goals, since you are willing to experiment more, and thereby willing to edit and isolate negative and positive factors faster due to your increased emotional flexibility.

>> No.16275591
File: 330 KB, 1000x752, guston.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YOUR diary desu. Keep a journal, read i back to yourself and learn what in you is so fundamentally broken.

>> No.16275611

This creates an expanding spiral starting from nothing, where the acceleration of the development is proportional to the growth of each ring. Every iteration is a process of experimentation, isolation, and editing which leads into the next. This spiraling creates a hyperbolic explosion of skill.

>> No.16275630

same here but 35, never gets better

>> No.16275695
File: 171 KB, 640x503, s3_V0036000_V0036040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Never gets messaged first, still tries to reach out occasionally but always ends up left on read
Okay.... that one hurt... :'(

>> No.16275717

If you showed me this a couple of years ago, I could totally relate. But now it's definitely unrelatable right now(23 yo atm).

OP, your problem stems from your guilt of leaving an unfulfilled life. The guilt causes fear and other related insecurities to take action. You fear opening up to people and being honest with the world and with what's really in your mind. You feel guilty for just being yourself basically. Along with this, there's probably a lot of resentment towards people who did you wrong, be it your parents, the school system, your country, women, bullies, friends, etc

I say this because I went through the same thing written above. The only thing that really helped me was getting into Zen meditation and understanding the mechanics of the mind. The reason for your issues is that your ego and the thoughts associated with it, places too much empahsis on just thinking about how bad your life is, such that there's no space for objective thought and an alternative solution. True understanding resides where there is no thinking, which gives open space for creative solutions for your life engineered by yourself and not spoonfed to you by some book.

The reason one practices meditation is not to achieve some useless "woke-guru" like mentality to impress people or whatever, but actually to dissolve the ego such that one is able to think more clearly. The issue with Western philosophy and Fiction books in regards to ailing the anxieties and problems to life is that it's far too cerebral in nature. Although they may be quite interesting, all it really does is entertain you with ideas which you, unfortunately, forget after sometime, especially when you're in the midst of your daily existential mental breakdowns. The mind is not your friend, you must work in getting control over it through practice. Exercising is also a form of meditation and so is your job/work, when done selflessly. You'll soon see that all pleasurable things are actually a form of meditation in itself. Seek to understand this aspect, it'll take a lot of work, however, you'll be liberated from comparing yourself to your past and others, and find a unique solution for your problems by yourself.

Check out "The Way of Zen" by Alan Watts, "Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind" by Shunryū Suzuki. Read these books slowly, don't rush. Good luck OP! Life is long, it's not over for anybody unless they believe it is.

>> No.16275759

Also, sites like 4chan which have community members, have an unofficial ideology that runs through the entire site which gives it an identity.

When you come here seeking for solutions or presenting alternative points of view, you will be bombarded by groupthink of some kind. You cannot escape it. Understand that when you come here to get some relief from your loneliness, you are also being programmed to become one like the herd here in order to fit in and feel a sense of community.

You basically sacrifice characteristics of yourself to become someone else to fit in here, otherwise nobody is going to like your ideas and bump up your thread.

It is false. It is not you. There's nothing wrong with being lonely, you were born alone are going to die alone eventually. Seek to understand your loneliness and ego.

>> No.16275775
File: 6 KB, 225x225, UG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nigga

>> No.16275827

Three Kingdoms, Water Margin, Mishima, cinema of King Hu and Chang Cheh

>> No.16275961

Special kind of pain, the fuck is it with ghosting anyway does no one have enough spine to be honest anymore?

>> No.16275998
File: 146 KB, 917x871, sad_pepe__feels_bad_man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>premature baldness
feels bad man

>> No.16276022

>addicted to being on a computer all day since age 10
>can't find him on the internet
What's he doing on the computer bros?

>> No.16276036

Being anonymous or so he thinks

>> No.16276063


Basically in this guy's situation but am becoming fat so I guess no longer handsome. Have a good 7-8 / 10 face when lean though. My issue is being thrust into entirely miserable social circumstances (father was a mentally ill bum) and basically having no social capital / connections to build a life off of. My father would literally chase off friends when I was a kid, threatening them, he was also an abuse alcoholic. Showed up drunk to my school once and made me into a laughing stock. It's gg at that point. I could of pulled myself out of it, but I didn't. Living life with 0 friends and 0 contacts is extremely difficult and I'm not sure how many anons really understand how difficult it is to build relationships totally from scratch as an adult. You meet people through other people, with occasional exceptions through work and and school. Additionally, you need to be lucky enough for somebody to look past whatever redflags might be apparent if they realize how void your social life really is, lack of social media, lack of deep stories to tell, it all sends cues that you're an untouchable. We live in a low trust society and spontaneously going out and meeting people is not socially apropos in most contexts

>> No.16276076

Stop reading

>> No.16276077
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>This is accurate.
Should I just kill myself?

>> No.16276085

Can't you just find people with similar interests and ask if they want to be friends?

>> No.16276093

Sounds like your average poster on 4chan

>> No.16276099


Mild schizoid, may have other problems like being born into low status or critical problems during certain developmental or social sorting periods (e.g. adolescent loneliness or college admissions). This guy's situation is ultimately salvageable


This guy has severe dissociation / aspergers, might qualify as severe schizoid too depending on your perspective. This guy is fucked, maybe he will luck out and experience some extraordinary conversion experience and get his life together

>> No.16276147

You my friend, need to be more human
More human!
more human

>> No.16276232
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I'm perfectly human and I've made a serious effort to be normal and I can talk to people easily. I just share no interests with normies at all. It feels like there's some barrier between me and others that just makes it not worthwhile. I feel like I'm looking for a very specific person or type of people and they're looking for me but I have no idea where to look. This loneliness is unbearable and it makes me seriously consider if life is worth it. Or anyways that's my blog post.

>> No.16276242

This. Whatever archetype we all are is fundamentally unhealthy.

>> No.16276249

You realize you are just thinking in jewish memes? I'd love to see psychology used as an actual science instead of meaningless labeling.

>> No.16276250

What kinda interests anon?

>> No.16276287

every single one applies to me. what the fuck is wrong with me?

>> No.16276289

Stop reading my fuckIng diary

>> No.16276301


>> No.16276326

If you are actually handsome you won't struggle to get a girlfriend. Literally just be blunt, you dont need to be suave or anything because good looks give you a lot of leeway you wouldn't have otherwise.
Getting girls to go out with you is way easier than retards think.

>> No.16276495
File: 56 KB, 720x696, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f7132677654385755506c696271673d3d2d3333323531343535302e313438356439303562616663633131333438303532393636383130392e6a7067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb shit like 4chan, Human psychology, horror, history, esotericism, politics, video games, the paranormal, youtube, learning about music. I know that sounds like really general shit but for the life of me it seems like no off the internet cares about any of this. It's just sports, sex, work, TV, and social media.

>> No.16276504

Yeah but they’re not the most popular friend, and not handsome enough for women to approach them in the streets :( such a tragic life!

>> No.16276541

>falling for the therapy jew

>> No.16276546

yeah i always think it's funny how in a ton of these posts there will be some reference to how they're actually attractive or have a big penis

>> No.16276579

I don't wanna minimize what you're feeling or anything, but a lot of people have similar interests to you. You might just be bad at bringing them up yourself or drawing them out of people. Which is fine! Small talk doesn't usually have a lot o talk about personal interests.

Just talk about your interests with people. Even if you don't know if they like that stuff too. I let my friends tell me about fuckin website coding or obscure music shit that I don't know anything about. I think most normal/mildly well rounded people have the capacity for second hand excitement/interest. It's nice to ask people questions about things they like.

Anyway, you sound pretty cool based on your interests. I think you can find people who share those at least eventually. It suck that now is a rally bad time to meet new people cos you can't go hang out somewhere that you might meet those who share your interests.

>> No.16276632

The rational male trilogy

>> No.16276637

Anyone here who really thinks that these dumb memes are describing you to a T....hear me out for a sec

#1, stop feeling sorry for yourself and wallowing in a puddle of shit.
#2, realize that practically everyone you know has the same negative thoughts about themselves. Are you sad that you don't have a gf, or that you think your friends aren't as close to you as they should be? Well, I guarantee your friend with a hottie gf is not as happy as he tries to pretend that he is. They probably have nasty fights when you're not around, and they just put on a show in front of you to seem really happy together. Don't forget, our generation has been raised on reality TV and social media. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, is all about keeping up appearances.
#3, do what another anon has suggested. Do 15 minutes of meditation twice daily, realize that your thoughts are just thoughts and nothing more, some meditation gurus refer to it as "monkey chatter." Realize that the negative shit is totally natural and to be disregarded. Focus on improving yourself, treating your loved ones and friends well, and doing things you love. Not vidya and drugs and other useless shit, do productive stuff. Exercise regularly, the body and mind are inextricably linked. These are things I'm sure you've heard many times before, but actually do them this time. If you sleep good, exercise regularly, and eat cleanly, your confidence and positivity will steadily rise.
#4, at this point, ideally you can begin to self-actualize. Read philosophy, think deeply, figure out what you want from your life and pursue it. Be a moral person, have ideals to aim for, and slowly, you will see that the people around you will be amazed at how much you've changed for the better. And just keep it up, frens. You can absolutely do it. This is one scenario where it's good to be a bit autistic: draw out very concrete plans and schedules and stick to them. Focus on doing each little thing well, and before you know it, you will be an admirable human being, even without a gf and whatever else you're imagining is needed to be happy. Realize that you are living your one life pursuing your goals and dreams, and hopefully those around you will be uplifted in the process, or you may even meet new people. This is what it's really all about. Positivity and productivity. Politics and drugs/vidya/mindless consumption contain no positivity or productivity at all in them, and so you can discard them. That stuff is for people who are mentally like children who wanna shove half their Halloween candy haul down their throats every day for the rest of their lives. That stuff never leads to lasting satisfaction. But when you can look around yourself and see that you are surrounded by people who are likewise motivated and moving towards their goals, and you see yourself doing the same, feeling and looking as well as you've ever felt, grateful for being alive and wanting to make the most of it, you're doing it right.

>> No.16276649

go fuck yourself boomer

>> No.16276660

I'm 23 you faggot

>> No.16276680


>> No.16276682

iktf bro

>> No.16276695

you'd be reading a book? reading a book doesn't change who you are completely you fucking 14y/o

>> No.16276699

you need to turn 25

>> No.16276715
File: 379 KB, 1440x1440, Loomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 26 year old Loomer

>> No.16276724

embrace it. you're not a normalfag. you never will be.

>> No.16276777
File: 470 KB, 1175x1755, 816z6h33PpL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want gf bros

>> No.16276811

>Knowledgeable in a few specific things he doesn't really care about
How? I love literature and still struggle to sit and read. How could you study so much a thing you don't care about?

>> No.16276813

>I'm lonely
>What solitary pursuit can I engage in to stop being lonely?
You're doing this wrong, mate.

>> No.16276824


There is a type of person who compulsively daydreams and feels detached, or who does not feel sufficiently emotionally involved in the reality of his own life to engage in it successfully. This can be a result of an antipathy towards their own life, or a callousness to social expectations, or I suppose there is a variety of causes. But a person's inability to fully engage in practical real life matters and have a personality and sense of self that is tied to their circumstances is the common thread here. Society is meant to mold you into a certain type of person and integrate you into some kind of role within it. Unless you're astonishingly intelligent or lucky, you're not left with any option but to conforms, besides obscurity and death

>> No.16276831


How will any of this allow you to acquire status, money, and that devilish glib superficial charm needed to ruthlessly compete against normies?

>> No.16276834

When did this board become so full of normies. Why don't you guys seriously just go out and stop using this website?
I'm not saying this because I hate vapid people like you (which I do), or because I think it would make the board better (which it would).
But if there is someone who could literally just go outside and stop overthinking shit and just live a fucking normal life is a normie like OP describes.
Stop being fucking idiots. It doesn't get any better moving forward if you waste your time here. Stop having unrealistic expectations for dating, go out a couple times with some girls even if they're not your first rate dream.
You might be surprised how much you like them, or how much confidence this gives you when you finally decide to ask out the girl you actually wanted (and then you realize she is not like in your fantasies and is just as insecure, if not more, than the unatractive ones).

If you're not chronically ill with some debilitating disease or something drastic like this, you have absolutely no fucking excuse besides being a fucking moron. If you legitimately OP's image and you use this imageboard I can't begin to understand how stupid you are. This place was not created by or for people like you. This place won't do anything for you. Just fucking live an actual life you fucking normie pieces of shit.

>> No.16276836



>> No.16276837

Dealing with that secret porn addiction might be a start.

>> No.16276842


>> No.16276862
File: 25 KB, 300x452, 1595485420524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my friend is 186cm tall and looks like a literal model in the most generic way possible, super thick brown hair and a perfect face. He is still a virgin and has never had a single girlfriend or anything even remotely close to it. Pic pretty related, looks very close to him

He just literally doesnt interact with women. He is definitely straight, just doesnt do anything about it. He doesnt meet them on accident or on purpose, just sits home and does things in his room or hangs out with me

>> No.16276870

>He doesnt meet them on accident or on purpose, just sits home and does things in his room or hangs out with me
based. sounds like a bro

>> No.16276876

I think you are the only normalfag here.

>> No.16276924

It's so unfair that women will never be able to experience what loneliness really is, even tho they are the ones who most victimize themselves over it. Imagine how easy life would be as a girl. Just fuck some dudes and get what you want.

>> No.16276939
File: 124 KB, 1080x830, 5da60b8ede00808c5950d97c3fbf43ada28cc825a07d65cd314b8268d0e5dc58_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16276945

>victimizes himself the most
>says others who do that aren‘t really lonely
>can‘t distinguish between shallow sex and real connection

Yeah i‘m thinking retarded.

>> No.16276955


This describes me. Raised on the internet, bachelor in philosophy, never had a job or gf or friends. At 22 started dish washing and through luck and I’m guessing intelligence, I climbed up some stairs. Ten years later living in a great city I never thought I would, living in cozy apartment with cute marketing gf, may be going for beers Friday with a guy friend I’ve had for about two years.
The guy relationship is still weird. I had a fucked up childhood and I treated childhood friends too friendly and they left me. I have a problem with boundaries and respect and am a bit traumatized. Dad in and out of life with no guidance. I’m 30 something and just a couple days ago I determined to learn to shake people’s hand and try to speak with more confidence.
I’m the autist that looks away, slurs words, and sometimes does shit that pisses you off and you bite your tongue because you know I’m retarded. Sorry.
What these anons say is true but at the same time getting out of it doesn’t leave you with much resource. You always feel like walking on eggshells and being authentic. I may not realize how crazy I am but I can’t explain to people how I maneuver through life but I seem to be doing good. Everyone around me thinks I’m crazy or a little off. I recently came back to 4chan because I feel so lonely.
Just posted to say that it may get better but it’s always a struggle. It’s learning to deal with the struggle.
1. Always exercise. Lift, run, bike, swim, play sports. at least 30 minutes two times a week
2. Appreciate nature, walk through parks
3. Learn how to extrapolate important lessons from books, music, film
4. Don’t be creepy, don’t hold grudges, don’t seek revenge but feel comfortable being ridiculed and thought of as an idiot. You can’t control society around you. They’ll react negatively to you if you counter them. Yes, there is controlled opposition and they’re annoying. Ignore them too. Whenever you have an opportunity to be cordial or nice, try your sincerest.
5. Never expect anything in return unless it’s been explicitly agreed upon by both parties and both parties have confirmed each other’s agreement.

>> No.16276958

lmao get your head out of your ass. there are plenty of lonely and alienated women out there.

>> No.16276988

You could torrent some rsd (tyler says he was autistic too) and rollo's books (explains the micros of interaction) to improve social skills.

>> No.16276993

Rational > the game

>> No.16277034

fuck you

>> No.16277072

They are gross and fuck other men.

>> No.16277079

They deserve it. Discarded concubines if whoremongers are incapable of loving or being loved

>> No.16277082

That‘s how you get a fuck toy, not a gf.

>> No.16277085

>there are plenty of lonely and alienated women out there
how do you know? Have you ever seen one?

>> No.16277089

what does he reads?

>> No.16277091
File: 254 KB, 820x838, 1594615340119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They deserve it. Discarded concubines if whoremongers are incapable of loving or being loved

>> No.16277114

If this wojack supposed to be a boy or a girl

>> No.16277121

You decide

>> No.16277194

It's not about sex, but about having chances. Any girl will have the chance of getting a man her league by opening her legs. Men, on the other hand, will have to cope with being alone or getting a girl a lot under his league just because average girls are entitled for more.

>> No.16277209

False as fuck. I've met some girls who could fit the description of a female incel, and all of them had boyfriends - or at least a couple of guys drooling after them.

>> No.16277214

Getting a man to love you and getting a man to fill you with his cum are on entirely different levels. One is easy, yes. The other is not.

>> No.16277217

Yeah, girls cope differently. But as you probably know, one can be surrounded by many people and still feel completely alone and unloved. Feeling desired by some pathetic worms isn‘t going to cut trough that.

>> No.16277236

If you told me your story I would have feel empathy for you
But you post a "lolz im so depressed" image
Hope yourself

>> No.16277247
File: 70 KB, 735x734, girl-im-so-loonely-closing-door-full-of-admirers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have partners and people after you
Choose one.

>> No.16277251


>> No.16277252

Are we all the same person? This is so eerily accurate except for the handsome part.

>> No.16277263

This is the mentality that makes you unfuckable, faggot

>> No.16277279

me pre-hrt 100%

>> No.16277280

But I still want to hug with qt gf. if this is whole purpose then dissolving ego does not look like a solution

>> No.16277466

Thank you anon. I really appreciate you hearing me blogpost and giving advice to help my situation. Have a wonderful day and God bless you.

>> No.16277474

>he thinks having people after him would make him feel less lonely

>> No.16277477

Based volcel.

>> No.16277482

Failed normalfags are the worst I swear

>> No.16277526


Why are you using this gender-neutral shit when it's an exclusively male phenomena?
Women are never lonely
Women are never awkward
Women never contemplate
Women never self-reflect

>> No.16277533


This is quite based. You get to wear SLP, silver jewellery, take nightwalks and sneak into a gothic church or a château to sleep during the daytime, perforate the neck of a virgin girl with your fake maxillary canines and delight in her warm blood contrasting with her cold palish skin.

>> No.16277543

you missed

>> No.16277559

You'll be and look little more than a LARPing weab who wants to be a samurai with swords and dresses in black.

>> No.16277567

Are you retarded? Many anons can talk just fine such as myself, and enjoy being the focus of social attention as I often am when with people, but you get in a rut that you can't be with people and you enjoyably browse this place anyway so you come here more often with less time.

>> No.16277593

>go back to /fit/
Not him but trust me anon, doing exercise will allow you to get beyond so much pointlessness like "le depression" or feeling sick or sluggish-- You also just generally feel better and healthier, with more energy and will to go out in the world, socialise, and to exercise more.

I also found my concentration improved.

>> No.16277609


>> No.16277616

Believe in yourself anon.

>> No.16277625

>penetrating the secret society of pickup artists
They thought this was clever marketing.

>> No.16277626

how does something that's supposed to be self-deprecation end up being so self-aggrandizing?

normies are such immense narcissists that it fucking disgusts me

kill yourself OP

>> No.16277631

Wow bro your friend is literally me.

>> No.16277654

No one is a inherently a slave to society anon; you become a slave when you accept the role. I for one resisted all its influence and turned out better for it. I don't see anything pathological in what you described. If anything, your schizoid lives an honorable life, perhaps too honorable for our world. I stand by my initial proposition that you are only thinking in jewish memes.

>> No.16277664

this wojak just needs to chill and be himself and stop falling for normalfag propaganda. nothing wrong with him really. could maybe get a bit more exercise and jack off less

>> No.16278101

Stop watching porn and jerkin off, read the Bible

>> No.16278129
File: 184 KB, 1140x915, chortler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who here chortler with animal like stare

>> No.16278141


>> No.16278144

Fuck i feel called out

>> No.16278205


>> No.16278210

That's not how you're supposed to react to Dosto.

>> No.16278217

it's all good I found God again

>> No.16278258

these are just horoscopes for men

>> No.16278266

Everything is just horoscopes for men tbqhmdf

>> No.16278437

I would disagree with you citing myself as exception but I'm still here in 2020 so how much contemplation and self-reflection am I really capable of

>> No.16278458


>> No.16278461

Stay lit senpai.

>> No.16278470

You're not a real woman
But even if you were, the exception proves the rule. Even if there were a million of you, it'd only be a minor statistical outlier.

>> No.16278646

Will check 'em out. Cheers, anon.

>> No.16278679

based, but I'll probably cling to what I have. Considering that you are saying I should inflict more "pain" on myself.

>> No.16278698

>Not ugly, not attractive, not "average" either
holy shit

>> No.16278700

tried to do something like that with a stoic twist by putting some quotes from stoic philosophers. Might do it again without the stoic part, maybe it contaminated the diary.

>> No.16278715
File: 44 KB, 720x663, bye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16278716

You're not a real man

>> No.16278759

>You fear opening up to people and being honest with the world and with what's really in your mind

Perhaps, this is why I started reading a bit of soren Kierkegaard.

>True understanding resides where there is no thinking, which gives open space for creative solutions for your life engineered by yourself and not spoonfed to you by some book.

I think this is based and woke, read a two books from Ekhart Tolle about it. but after a year I fell out of meditation. Perhaps, it is time to grab some other book from that section, been a while.

>> No.16278763

Sounds like a strong man, not gonna lie.

>> No.16278776

Right, you snuffed me out. Quite a newfag here, never the less it's a good site which I guess why you are here too. Will keep this in my mind.

>> No.16278781

No idea who he is.

>> No.16278799


>> No.16278893
File: 496 KB, 1772x1198, Toomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16278949

perhaps that's why we are on /lit/

>> No.16278973

Fair enough, since you span it as concetration will improve, gunna guess it's for reading books

>> No.16278979

>just be confident

>> No.16278986

hue hue

>> No.16279043

So basically an insecure 4chaner?

>> No.16279118

>open space for creative solutions for your life engineered by yourself and not spoonfed to you by some book.
This sounds so true

>> No.16279227

Some people perceive it as a profoundly sick society. They feel that the entire West is going down and will be hostile to Western culture and European people for more than 100 years. I'm not saying it's true or false. But having that perception, is it the best strategy to focus on fitting in?

>> No.16279264

That's the thought I had. At least 50% of this board feels like they are strongly represented by the OP image and the loomer except the handsome part

>> No.16279288

>makes you bald
The chemo makes you bald, not the toomer

>> No.16279299

wow your friend sounds exactly like me except for the not being ugly part

>> No.16279327

I'm in this situation as well. But I bear the loneliness since I was a kid. I had only one friend ever in my life since primary school. But I never tried to reach out to anyone to befriend. My life sucks but I've also become very distrustful in many people nowadays. So I've learned to cope and be happy being lonely.

>> No.16279371

Do you really want to stop? Only thing lackning in his life is a gf, Maybe. But even a gf isnt the end all be all of life.

There is nothing wrong with solitude.

>> No.16279383

He needs a little push

>> No.16279399

op blown the fuck out desu the image reeks of incel cope

>> No.16279500

These sad cases always pang me and I imagine a lot of people here because they're generallised. Still, it hurts to see this reflection. I don't know what my problem is, avoidant with negativisitic features is my optimisitic take but maybe I am just a low functioning austistic, or worse theres nothing wrong with me and I'm just a fucking loser with no excuse

>> No.16279552

What else are you supposed to fucking do even you're presented with the absurd?

>> No.16279677

I genuinely think I have schizotypal disorder. Weird, anhedonic shit, paranoia, occasional, fleeting instances of mystical thinking, family history of schizophrenia, fear of intimacy, but also an aching need for it, lack of emotion

>> No.16279699

To what end?

>> No.16279711
File: 21 KB, 257x387, The_Peaceful_Pill_Handbook_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16279766

Frighteningly accurate. Is there a way out? Can former ‘loomers’ give us an account of how they escaped this rut? Short of rewiring my brain, I don’t see a way out.

>> No.16279780

>former ‘loomers’

You're funny.

>> No.16279802

I mean, it’s a really dumb name. Might as well just call a spade a spade and refer to it as schizotypal/schizoid personality disorder from here on out.

>> No.16280228

how do people actually come to believe this shit

>> No.16280287

very based. People on 4chan think way too much about women.
It's a normie trap and gets in the way of my connection with God

>> No.16280310

not being properly socialized. probably the fault of those taking care of them in early childhood not noticing that he wasn't interacting with other kids or showing signs of anti-social behavior. it really does start that early. like how if you fuck up teaching your kitten bad behavior its just fucked forever.

>> No.16280315

you can learn to have a "normal" convo even being that guy but its ultimately a simulation. Took me a few years to get there but if i m too tired or whatever npc_interaction.exe will quit unexpectedly. Had to learn this basically to make money.

>> No.16280319

I was more laughing at the "former" part, as though it ever can be overcome.

>> No.16280345

Yeah this is the actual incel. They never joined groups that intermingled with girls and just have no outlet for meeting them beyond tinder or some other superficial fuck fest.

>> No.16280403

If you identify with this image, you're not just a failure, you're an insufferable, narcissistic failure.

>> No.16280565

It’s nice to imagine you are nuerotypical individual who diverges from social norms by pure virtue of his ‘quirkiness’ and ‘intellectuality’, but the truth is that ANYONE who can genuinely relate to this infograph likely has a personality disorder, specifically a Schizotypal one. Defective, not unique.

>> No.16280976
File: 67 KB, 770x404, IMG_1787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and Christpilled

>> No.16281283
File: 30 KB, 500x239, areyouconnectedtoyourself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are some of the posters who frequent this board so frightened of themselves? What can one who ignores one's own interests seek to read, and for what purpose?

>> No.16282792

painfully accurate

>> No.16282867

I identify with this and I don't like it

>> No.16282925

This motherfucker right here

>> No.16282948

Why are so many guys like this today?

>> No.16283241

Lack of dads.

>> No.16283252

>haha i swear i have a big penis, its society's fault im a failure
kys fag

>> No.16283254

t. dicklet

>> No.16283257

>its society's fault im a failure

>> No.16283275
File: 89 KB, 700x634, thank_god_the_good_guys_won.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lift weights 3 times a week
no, seriously
it boosts testosterone, and self-esteem
that, and try to cut back on the corn & onions
it's in everything btw
(also stop eating shitfood but you probably already knew that)
but yeah
eat red meat, eggs, fish, and some sort of fiber
instead of drinking onions and killing your body
and sleep enough
huh I guess there's more than nothing to feeling good about yourself, nvm

>> No.16283298
File: 149 KB, 625x400, fat_atheist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is just a fat atheist making up stories about how his gaming addiction somehow makes him cool
that, and all the people claiming to be this -oomer is pretending they're this guy in order to feel somewhat relevant

>> No.16283310
File: 79 KB, 550x424, Optimal_Testosterone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop identifying as something and fix the core issue of you being a yes man
just fix your testosterone
it's mainly because of stagnation, pornography usage, eating frequency, eating corn/onions/shitfood, and ingesting plastic

>> No.16283318

lmao this thread is filled with neckbeards, fucking cringe

>> No.16283350

What's up with corn and onion anons? Is it a US thing

>> No.16283384

This has been me all year

>> No.16283577

It’s over

>> No.16283845

No it's true, I'm not an incel but lots of these people look totally normal or even kinda good. Inceldom usually lies in the psyche

>> No.16283883


>> No.16283982

>and consider whether you are following similar trajectories

This is the redpill, it's the journey - not the destination.

>> No.16284007

Agree, I think that's where the mental "I am entitled to fuck these roasties" come from. Weak framed pretty boys the load of em.

>> No.16284362

Most incels are ugly and can’t get laid because we don’t possess physical features that women find attractive. The reason why incels feel “entitled” to have sex with women is the same reason why all other men feel entitled to have sex with women and why women feel entitled to have sex with men. Everyone feels entitled to a sexual partner.
You just saw some prettyboy post a picture on an incel forum because he wanted to troll the users and decided that all incels must look just like him.

>> No.16284379

most "incels" are just socially inept and unlucky autists who never ended up having sex because of their path in life, youre delusional if you think the average mediocre or ugly man who is having sex has learned some magic tricks to pull it off. They socialized in schools and other potential gatherings and ended up into groups and situations that leads to them having sexual partners. Its easier than ever for "incels" to exist because they live in the internet perpetually bombarded by what other people are doing while they themselves dont do anything at all. Ugly and mediocre men have been having sex for an eternity

>> No.16284400

There’s no magic involved, it’s rather well known that ugly men are willing to throw away their dignity and betabuxx for a girl while she fucks Chad on the side.

>> No.16284406

This is me except I do have very strong political views. I'm literally listening to American Dissident Voices right now.

>> No.16284414

Are you retarded? Youre crying about "incels" and how they supposedly are INVOLUNTARILY CELIBATE. Dont shift your whining into not being able to get a perfect girlfriend if all you want is sex or see it as the problem

>> No.16284464

Those ugly men are still incels it’s just that they’re willing to give away their money for a modicum of female attention.

>> No.16284481

Keep coping, youll switch the ruleset about what "counts" and who is an "incel" forever to make yourself look somehow better and dignified. You have absolutely no clue on the topic because youre a smelly seething autist with zero life experience especially when it comes to humans interacting

>> No.16284488
File: 187 KB, 1974x1730, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vague enough so that it describes me
>not precise enough so that any mistake could mean that I am not this loomer joomer soomer ploomer peepeepoomer

You are all fucking retards.

>> No.16284497

Coping betabuxxer

>> No.16284519

I dont pay anyone for anything. I have 2 girlfriends and the most money ive sunk into them directly is when I bought the other one an under 20e bottle of liquor

>> No.16284675


>> No.16284699

Something self-flagellating recommended by a nerdy Christian rightoid that makes out wanting to enjoy being alive is pathetic

>> No.16284934

Stop reading, go outside

>> No.16285140

Stop reaching, go inside

>> No.16285142
File: 29 KB, 496x270, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all seem to dwell on your negative toughs. When you start your thinking process with "depression is/this/that... " you'r already placing your foot on the wrong road. And this is the precise moment where you loose.

You need to find things to do.I.e. As for me i'm on course of becoming firefighter. Two weeks into the course, 6 weeks to go(short course). guaranteed state job(where i live) after course with very low pay. Still better than being neet. Ye so just do ANYTHING. I'm gonna repeat, once again, cuz this is important - Do something, anything. You will become what you eat. If your not on par for decent job go do collect your unemployment cheque and go for intership. Life is fucking short man. I'm 34 and sex isn't cool anymore.

Or continue reading 4chan, bout depression and continue to be sad. Your choice.

>> No.16285189

This sounds like a solid plan

>> No.16285198

Is this book interesting even if you're not american?

>> No.16285248
File: 152 KB, 640x480, 1509968166994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The longer you're alone, the weirder you get, the harder it gets to socialize normally; also the more you try to socialize (desperation), the less people will want to talk to you.

>> No.16285353

>failed normalfag
Where does this meme come from and what does it mean?
Isn't every NEET and freak that browses 4channel a "failed normalfag"?

>> No.16285357

is it me?

>> No.16285391


>> No.16285395

Just tell me how to stop being an incel. I'll do whatever you tell me to do, assholes. Just stop making fun of me and tell me what I need to do!
I want to have friends, I want to have a life, I want to get a gf. How do I do that? If you are so wise, tell me!

>> No.16285424

I will let you in on the secret to success with women, a social life, and a productive and fulfilling career... do you really want it?

>> No.16285453

>What do I need to read to stop being this guy?
A gf and some hobbies

>> No.16285479


>> No.16285571


>> No.16285618

maybe you have a romanticized view of the normal person. maybe you need to step outside yourself and help someone else. most people in fact are like this to some degree. they doubt themselves, think they're weird, have insecurities about their body, intellect, struggle with their self esteem, feel out of place, wonder if they're an imposer and if their friends really like them, etc. there are plenty of people these days, especially men, who are insecure about their sexual inexperience, whether relative or total, and feel alienated for it. just understand that all this shit is pretty normal and will be a memory one day and that things will improve, hard as it might be to believe. but they will only improve if you actually want things to improve.

>> No.16285764

Make some friends

>> No.16285824

Just be urself bro :)))

>> No.16286069

define "normal conversation" retard

>> No.16286105

Notes from the Underground helped me when I was that guy. just sayin.

>> No.16286277

tee bee cue aitch, if you're the kind of person to view all potential suitors as "pathetic worms", you deserve to feel lonely and unloved

>> No.16286514

>Stop reading, go outside
I went to the town center, what now?

>> No.16286528
File: 94 KB, 750x625, 1594498758058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this is bullshit
Pic rel is the real deal

>> No.16286530

>Stop reaching, go inside
>>Stop reading, go outside
>I went to the town center, what now?
Shit I already fucked up

>> No.16286537


>> No.16286557

Put your phone away and enjoy the walk

>> No.16286592

>female incel
>all of them had boyfriends
the fuck do you think an incel is

>> No.16286607

First step is to stop browsing 4chan. For your own good, and for the good of the boards as well.

>> No.16286630

>never had a gf, finally given up optimism
felt this today after binging omegle last night. Girls would say I’m cute and handsome, famous, out of their league, etc. but they usually skip me because all I can do is stare and say “hey what’s up” and hope that they keep the conversation going. All that’s been on my mind this morning is “I’m a weirdo, so what’s the point?”

>> No.16286727

Organize events, invite people to your life

>> No.16286961

I’m 6’2, decent face, and haven’t had a girlfriend in three years. I’m just a loser is all.

>> No.16286995

Routine of cardio and internet girlfriend?

Maybe books?
Maybe turn off all "self pleasure technology"?

I dont know, but Im that fcking guy

>> No.16287723

Are you?

>> No.16287744

no, just asking if I am famous

>> No.16287802

Real answer: https://thelastpsychiatrist.com/
Stop being a narcissist. Part of narcissistic behaviour is to identify with pre-determined characters, as though you're a character in a movie or novel. You are not a "25 year old loner", you are your actions.

>> No.16289082

any good book that concentrates on the individual? preferably one that would help me identify my narcissim and its point and then overcome it?

>> No.16289133

Hairlets should off themsleves.

>> No.16289155

I don’t get why porn addiction is always in these. Am I the only one who doesn’t masturbate daily? I gave up on sex related activities in my early 20s, had no more drive for it. I can’t even get turned on anymore. I feel disgust when people post their shitty whore images on here.

>> No.16289234

wow there are so many people in here similar to me in this thread that I feel disgusted
Turns out I'm not special at all even in being aware i'm not special at all
Fuck you faggots I will kill you if i recognize any of you irl

>> No.16289251

>I can’t even get turned on anymore
>early 20s
Don't mean this as an insult but you should probably see a doctor about this

>> No.16289284

kill yourself
or volunteer at something

>> No.16289302

Its a meme. baka

>> No.16289359

The years 20-40 for women are a harrowing evolutionary journey where biochemistry takes them for a ride through a house of horrors, populated by repulsive men- they have little or no choice in the matter.

For Men, 20-40 is the same carnival of horrors except trapped on the other side of the glass.

40-death is like the end of the ride where everyone is spit out. If you made it, you won. The victory is Pyrrhic, proportional to the direct biological or financial damage done. If you survived, now all you have to face is mortality. If you survived, but are also broke because you had to pay alimony for 4 kids, then you've really lost (and evolution's won!)

No one is unhappy about their lives at 50, because they know all the missed opportunities were really just dodged bullets. Regret no longer serves any purpose. So generally happiness begins to ascend in later years. And a bunch of good dog-gone sex is being had in every nursing home in the country. A heart-warming conclusion to this fine post.

>> No.16289368


Reading books doesn't change your life but that doesn't stop authors trying to sell self help books from telling you it does.

Just watch more Jordan Peterson videos on youtube and stop shitting up the board with threads like this you fucking piece of shit

>> No.16289369
File: 25 KB, 464x463, 8kwps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 thread gets (re)moved.

>> No.16289373


>> No.16289398

The rules have completely changed but you're like standing on the 50-yard line crying in the rain about a game you thought was being played but they changed the schedule and the format and you're scared the game will never start and all the time you've spent was wasted. And then, you wake up next to your anime pillow and realize that everything you ever wanted, was right here, in your arms, all along.

>> No.16289649
File: 47 KB, 500x375, oomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros.... this is me to a tee, am I NGMI??

>> No.16289793

I get morning wood so I can still get erections. I just don't get turned on by the "coomer" shit that gets regurgitated on these boards.

>> No.16289815


>> No.16289829

what's a 'decent' face?
if you never got complimented by a woman you're just ugly man

>> No.16289888

>everyone is literally me, and if they do what I did, they'll become better: like me

>> No.16289924

matching some hambeasts on tinder wouldn't make me feel any less lonely

>> No.16289938

embrace that you are a freak and just go out and try anyway. you'll be amazed at what you can get away with. not sure if this is "overcoming" but i see my life as awesome

>> No.16291637

>#2, realize that practically everyone you know has the same negative thoughts about themselves. Are you sad that you don't have a gf, or that you think your friends aren't as close to you as they should be? Well, I guarantee your friend with a hottie gf is not as happy as he tries to pretend that he is. They probably have nasty fights when you're not around, and they just put on a show in front of you to seem really happy together. Don't forget, our generation has been raised on reality TV and social media. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, is all about keeping up appearances.
GIGA cope
how about just focus on yourself instead of mentally putting everyone else down. since your outward appearance is a reflection of your inward outlook, perhaps people that look happy are happy. you'd know this if you ever went out and talked with real people

>> No.16291642

>not allowed to be a loner because I'm going bald

>> No.16291652

>perhaps people that look happy are happy
how naive are you?

>> No.16291675

fuck you and your fucking advice

>> No.16291704

>how naive are you?
i dunno bud, i guess when I see people that are happy and make the judgment that they are happy i'm not talking about the 0.5 seconds i see pass them on the street or the 30 seconds i see the happy person in a commercial on the television.
it's called character judgment
again, you'd know this if you went out and talked with real people my friend. but i guess you wanna live in some narrative where outwardly happy and warm people are "just faking it" and "must go home to their miserable partner and argue" as if those statements are not a statement about you whatsoever

>> No.16291722

>just faking it
a lot of the time they are though. there are genuinely happy people obviously but a lot of people are just putting on a happy face to get through the day as efficiently as possible. that isn't a cope it's just reality.

>> No.16291727

being polite and having boilerplate statements to say to people you don't really know isn't "faking it", anon, but I understand you're autistic

>> No.16291732

I'm a loomer but I have been complimented by women in the past and even asked out several times

>> No.16291741

>but I understand you're autistic
taking a persons outward appearance and behavior literally and as absolutely indicative of how they actually feel is pretty autistic anon, keep projecting though.

>> No.16292202

Personally I think the movie is much better.

>> No.16292237

That chart is so fucking wrong

>> No.16292245

When does this fucking thread die

>> No.16292266

Fucking fat chicks is one of life's finer pleasures

>> No.16292277

Like 4 more posts, let's get it there bros.

>> No.16292305

reeee tranny

>> No.16292322

>OP, your problem stems from your guilt of leaving an unfulfilled life. The guilt causes fear and other related insecurities to take action. You fear opening up to people and being honest with the world and with what's really in your mind. You feel guilty for just being yourself basically. Along with this, there's probably a lot of resentment towards people who did you wrong, be it your parents, the school system, your country, women, bullies, friends, etc
I’m 3 years behind in college and don’t know what I’m doing. Parents think I’m set to graduate next fall. Friends I ignore due to insecurities. I make up lies about why I am not studying and instead at home 24/7 and doing anything to progress with my life. Cursed with several physical insecurities. Constantly in a maladaptive daydreaming trance of a what if situation in which I had my life together. Whenever I see a normie I am set into that trance and begin daydreaming of how I could be better than that person in some regard. I blame my parents for not doing anything to help my situation and resent them because it’s the easy way. You think those books you listed would introduce some topics on why my brain thinks this way and how to fix it.

>> No.16292363

>the 24 yr old narcissist
literally me. why do i identify with this so much?