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/lit/ - Literature

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16270425 No.16270425 [Reply] [Original]

Handheld and handbook thread? Last one was successful.

Post what you are playing and reading

>> No.16270429
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>> No.16270433

Il barone Evola ti avrebbe ucciso personalmente, lurido frocio

>> No.16270437

Ride the Tiger is a good book, but his takes on Nietzsche are bad and his takes on art are beyond fucking retarded
Still like Evola overall

>> No.16270444
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>> No.16270453
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>aristocrats of the soul

>> No.16270468
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I have now uploaded 6 out of 8 parts of my read-through of "Ride the Tiger" on my youtube channel... I can post the links if anyone wants to give it a listen.

>> No.16270552

Do it

>> No.16270560

>fascists larpers are man children who play video games
who knew

>> No.16270601

Good taste, I downloaded the remake of DQ VII months ago and I haven't played it.

>> No.16270626


Post a picture of yourself and your room. It’s our turn to pass judgement

>> No.16270642

>Society of the Spectacle
It's kinda shit ngl

>some zoomer-tier chup-a-chups brand soda
It's not bad, but sweetness gets less pleasant the older you get

>I don't have a handheld, but CKIII on PC
A rather mediocre game, but promising in design. Will be great after DLC and patches.

>> No.16270645

Evola isn’t a fascist

>> No.16270674


>> No.16270718

Based book, and even more based choice of drink

>> No.16270721

Voice is comfy, diction is good. Mic and overall quality could be better. Iron Pill is pretty oldfag by current standards.

Overall seems pretty solid, ngl.

>> No.16270892
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Not sure I really understand everything that's going on but I'm enjoying it

>> No.16270902
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I like those drinks, but they stopped selling them nearby...

>> No.16270907

Immaculately based trips and choice. How far you up to?

>> No.16271249
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>Please give me (You)s, this is the 5th time I post this thread

>> No.16271262


>> No.16271281

Thanks for that comment Anon. I will be working to improve the mic and recording quality in following videos.

>> No.16271291

omg literally ME

>> No.16271335

Holy shit your voice is perfect. Good work bro.

>> No.16271407

Pokémon red
Black coffee

>> No.16271467
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>> No.16271478

Man I like you.

>> No.16271499

that's a pretty cool looking town. got any more pics?

>> No.16271511

Lol seethe.

>> No.16271519

You must be over 18 to post on this board

>> No.16271544
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>aristocrats of the soul
>nintendo ds

>> No.16272142

>that book
I mean, it really should be "Presentation", not "Representation", but still, otherwise based translation.

>> No.16272155
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>Last one was successful.
Dear lord, help us

>> No.16272184
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I feel particularly based today

>> No.16272207

Why? He's using "Vorstellung" and he's writing from the Kantian tradition. You can argue that *for Schoppy a Kantian representation is actually a presentation* but the word Vorstellung is still Representation.

>> No.16272244
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its all so tiresome

>> No.16272277
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>> No.16272278
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>mfw I started this trend

>> No.16272280

I like u anon

>> No.16272306

what's your party in DQMJ2 breh
why aren't you using the DQMJ2 Pro version with english translation patch? I think I'm aware its unfinished but its a straight up improvement throughout

>> No.16272591

Jesus fucking Christ you must have the worst taste in living life. Get the fuck back to /v/.

>> No.16272611

Literally just finished the first lecture.

>> No.16272684

>In the introduction to his translation with David Carus (first published 2008), philosopher Richard Aquila argues that the reader will not grasp the details of the philosophy of Schopenhauer properly without rendering Vorstelling as "presentation." It is the notion of a performance or theatrical presentation – of which one is the spectator – that is key in this interpretation. The world that we perceive can be understood as a "presentation" of objects in the theatre of our own mind.[8] Vorstellung can refer to what is presented or to the process of presenting it. Schopenhauer argues that what does the "presenting" – what sets the world as 'presentation' before one – is the cognizant subject itself. The primary sense of Vorstellung used by Schopenhauer, Aquila writes, is that of what is presented to a subject: the presented object (qua presented, as opposed to what it is "in itself"). Aquila argues that translating Vorstellung as 'representation' fails to "bring out the dual notion of that which is 'set before' a cognizant subject as its object, and the presentational activity of the subject therein engaged"[9] and is potentially misleading from Schopenhauer's principal point.

>> No.16272697
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goose is he who decides on the exception

>> No.16272779

The word is inherited from Kant, every philosopher from Kant has used it in his sense (the transcendental sense) with or without there being an object-in-itself being represented. Fichte, Fries, Schelling, Hegel, etc, all use the same Vorstellung as Kant.

This idea of changing the word because it would "help the reader grasp the details" is retarded. For one in the preface Schoppy says you must have read Kant before reading his work- the entire edifice of transcendental philosophy would be known to the reader, and for two, he makes it clear how his usage of representation differs from Kant's within the text. Why attempt to rescue a reader who can't understand him in the first place?

It's a text in the Kantian tradition and uses the same terminology as Kant. Using "Representation" makes it flow from Kant to Schopenhauer seemlessly. I would say changing it to "presentation" would do more to confuse the reader as they may think Schoppy is introducing here an entirely different concept, but he is not, he's enhancing and expounding the same.

>> No.16272819

Writing my own fantasy self-insert novel.
Crystal Light packets for water bottles.
I only play lengthy and challenging (or pornographic) pokemon romhacks on my cellphone.

>> No.16273045
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This is a dragon quest thread

>> No.16273120


>> No.16273924

Dragon Quest V is a more enthralling and wholesome tale with more nuanced themes than any Final Faggot game.

>> No.16274322

>dragon quest
>muh dragon ball rip off

>> No.16274482

playing DQ11 rn what do you guys think of it. What are /lit's favorite dragon quest games

>> No.16274547

you sound like a faggot

>> No.16274553

One of these things is not like the other.

>> No.16274596

Uhm...what are some of these lewd pokemon hacks? Asking for a friend of course.

>> No.16275385

Bumping and asking for myself.

>> No.16276600
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Be kind, 4chan :D

>> No.16276607

One of those books that it just keeps getting better and better, enjoy it anon. And you want to read more of Carlyle I recommend Sartor Resartus after it, which is his major philosophical work.

>> No.16276656


>> No.16276748
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>> No.16276826
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This thread needs more diversity.

>> No.16277411

would be perfect with a good mic, still nice

>> No.16277467

Based vitanon