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16248656 No.16248656 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books about giving up on normal women and resorting to prostitutes instead?

>> No.16248665

nigger book

>> No.16248672

French literature

>> No.16248675

The big book for n*ggers

>> No.16248676

Crime and Punishment.
Catcher in the Rye.

>> No.16248678

No idea. Bukowski? Seems like very Bukowski kind of thing.

>> No.16248679

Synoptic Gospels

>> No.16248687

I saw some anons in another thread say you shouldn't lose your virginity to a hooker. Why not? It's nothing special.

>> No.16248696

I lost my virginity to a Russian escort.
It wouldn't work otherwise. I'm too autistic to be social person.

>> No.16248705

>I lost my virginity to a Russian escort.
Me too. It was a mundane experience. I'm not any less awkward or neurotic, but at least the thought of sex weighs less heavily on my mind now.

>> No.16248714

my diary desu
because they're usually sad faggots that never experienced youth love and are obsessed with it but now they're old and unable to get past their obsession and they want you to be like them

>> No.16248840

That's a stretch. A lot of idealistic people who experienced youth love also shun prostitute sex and think sex is supposed to be some harmonious affair between two consenting people.

>> No.16248993

>sex is supposed to be some harmonious affair between two consenting people
They're not wrong

>> No.16249091

Whores for Gloria by William T. Vollmann
The Rainbow Stories by William T. Vollmann (especially the story about the whore).

>> No.16249953

Sex is just sex.

>> No.16250533

Elliot Rodger - Manifesto/Retribution

>> No.16250561

the big book of reddit

>> No.16250582

I "lost my virginity" getting a blowjob from a hooker. I only go to Asian Passage parlors for handies and hookers for uncovered blowjobs and facials. I never have sex with them. I am in my mid thirties now.

>> No.16250800

ok boomer

>> No.16250858
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Doesn't sound like something worthy of writing or reading, but I'm sure some French literature covers this topic. The French really are obsessed with women, just like you.

>> No.16250862

this and notes from the underground

>> No.16250865

whores for gloria - William Vollman

>> No.16250869

why would plebbit posters hang around drug addicts and prostitutes? that sounds like the exact opposite of what they would do.

>> No.16250887

An escort seems to require less social interaction than a brothel, right? I probably don't have to make a phone call neither right?

>> No.16250923

>normal women
What's the difference?

>> No.16250933


>> No.16251091

You just text her, ask for the price, tell her what you want to do and arrange a meetup

>> No.16251105

Nana by Zola

>> No.16251318
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the diary of the average Only Fans e-thot
>but thats not prostitution!
it's still sex work
>they're not doing pornography
its still softcore pornography

>> No.16251406

My diary. I've been going to them since I was 19. Sometimes I wish I could live a normal early-mid 20s life with a wide network of friends and hookups but that just doesn't seem to be in the cards. I'm afraid I'll wake up in a decade wondering why I gave up so soon and lamenting the fact that I can never try again. Surreal.

>> No.16251932

You're not missing out

>> No.16251977

sex work is all the same, but through different mediums

>> No.16252625

Are you not in college dip fuck?

Literally eziest and cheapest way to fuck

>> No.16252767

I'm in grad school living alone in an apartment

>> No.16252774

Is Tinder better than an escort?

>> No.16252791

>normal women and prostitutes
Reminder that the difference is not of essence, but of a degree on spectrum

>> No.16252793


>> No.16252864

But all women are prostitutes, some just hide the price tag

>> No.16252893

losing it to a prosty is historically normal

>> No.16253522
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in Stockholm, Joyce was a bit of a brothel braplord

>> No.16254674

At least you won't have to pay, but it's less convenient if you're an autist with no game

>> No.16254993

It's romantic to think about for sure but it doesn't convince people who can't have sex.

>> No.16255003

If you think that women can be replaced with a prostitute, your troubles are grave indeed.

>> No.16255007

the phenomenology of spirit

>> No.16255037

This whole thread is a pretty screwed up way to think about this sort of thing, sex and relationships should come naturally, if it's not happening, take a good look at yourself and fix what you can fix but the lack of either of these things shouldn't be something that heavily weighs on your mind constantly.

>> No.16255058

Based and realitypilled

>> No.16255066

How do you determine if sex and relationship come naturally? do you compare it to the natural world? Also why do you think that people can just easily change themselves? Don't you think you're just talking from your own personal view and trying to push a key inside a lock that doesn't fit .

>> No.16255088

this, they definetely dont come naturally to me and i dont see anything special that im doing wrong

>> No.16255237

I look at my life, the natural world and human relations, both contemporary and historical, through that I've come to the conclusion that indeed, these things come about naturally unless we're consciously or unconsciously resisting it.
>Also why do you think that people can just easily change themselves?
I never said it's easy, at times it certainly isn't I even said there are some things you can't change. None of that should be an obstacle when it comes to ironing out your personal blockers that prevent you from engaging in a small part of the natural flow of life.
>Don't you think you're just talking from your own personal view
Sentience tends to do that to people, sorry.
>trying to push a key inside a lock that doesn't fit
As far as I can tell, no. Then again I can't completely rule out the possibility that this is false, I just think this is generally true based on my thoughts and observations. But if I'm entirely wrong about this then you still shouldn't get too invested in you lacking when it comes to these things, if you were able to come to the conclusion that things aren't this way and you're lacking then you should also be able to perceive that the lack of relationships/sex shouldn't be something that's a negative factor in your life you have to account for by getting a prostitute or an unpaid prostitute.

>> No.16255249

well in all honesty it would be positive to have a relationship, but i am too socially awkward and have too weird beliefs about sex and marriage for that to work

>> No.16255283
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>I'm afraid I'll wake up in a decade wondering why I gave up so soon and lamenting the fact that I can never try again.
I'm 20 and this is scary as fuck

>> No.16255291
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t. Oxytocin-deprived demoralized depressed pseudointellectual indie milennialls

>> No.16255296

It's special to me and I hate the idea of looking back and that being my first time.

>> No.16255300

I'm rooting for you Anon, but if you can be content in the present without sex or a proper relationship, that's not too shabby either, right?

>> No.16255315

>but if you can be content in the present without sex or a proper relationship, that's not too shabby either, right?
sure, ive never really expected to have a relationship and im perfectly fine
but i cant help but wonder what it would be like, the idea of it seems really alien to me,
like what does one even do with a gf if he gets her?

>> No.16255378

It depends heavily on the circumstance, the state of the standing relationship and the two people. With all these variables, it's hard to make generalizations beyond something like 'living' and 'sex'.

>> No.16255465

You're a bit presumptuous m8

>> No.16255537

I said: “Calpurnia, I’m going to buy you a pearl necklace while I still have the money. You’re as clever as you are beautiful. And I only hope you are as discreet.”

“I’d prefer cash,” she said, “if you don’t mind.” And I gave her five hundred gold pieces the next day. Calpurnia, a prostitute and the daughter of a prostitute, was more intelligent and loyal and kind-hearted and straightforward than any of the four noblewomen I have married. I soon began to take her into my confidence about my private affairs and I may say at once that I never regretted having done so.

―Robert Graves, I, Claudius'

>> No.16255570

Histories by herodotus

>> No.16255575

What are some books about giving up on women altogether and accepting/coping with dying a virgin?

>> No.16255820

What a nothing comment.

>> No.16255838

memorias de mis putas tristes

>> No.16255894

who is talking here?