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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 3.53 MB, 1860x3044, 20200828_002809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16230435 No.16230435 [Reply] [Original]

Bookshelf Thread.

>> No.16230446


>> No.16230465

Cool cat skull

>> No.16230478
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>> No.16230480
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are you retarded?

>> No.16230484

Found a dead cat innawoods with grandfather, he showed me how to clean and bleach it

>> No.16230502

Perhaps, but how is pic related?

>> No.16230504

Nice. I have a skull collection myself, all stuff that I either found or killed

>> No.16230517

seems fine or better than mine at least.

>> No.16230527

Sweet, my Grandpa is also an avid skeleton and skull collector, mostly just stuff he finds around the forest, though.

>> No.16230583
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>> No.16230594

this is from reddit though

>> No.16230653

nice bowie

>> No.16230663

Ok Consoomer

>> No.16230669
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>> No.16230675
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>> No.16230683

>TFW doesn't even learn Russian so as to truly appreciate the Greats

>> No.16230781
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>> No.16230841

>has a russian translation of guns, germs, and steel
We're reaching levels of pseud that shouldn't even possible

>> No.16230892

Not bad, could use some Funkopops

>> No.16230917

I usually don't like when people put skulls on shelves but the story behind yours makes it cool.

>> No.16230924
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>> No.16230925

you can't even see the books.

>> No.16230948

Honestly can't tell if that is a person or a Sim

>> No.16230973

dont need to

>> No.16230987
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>> No.16230989
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>> No.16230996
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>> No.16231003
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Plz tell me that I am based. Thank you.

>> No.16231016
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What do I win?

>> No.16231260

You win thickest neckbeard, but lose at life

>> No.16231463

Where is the non-fiction?

>> No.16231489

Non-fiction is for losers.

>> No.16231504
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>> No.16231805

>Ayn Rand
Ultra tier cringe bro
nice meme, but is Brandon Sanderson any good? I've only ever read non fiction and I'm thinking about getting into fantasy.
I have those Barnes and nobles editions for Dracula and the Art of war and I regret it so much.
>Ayn Rand
>Dungeons and Dragons

>> No.16231817
File: 3.70 MB, 4032x3024, 20200820_115530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This mine, a few are on loan;
>Lost Horizon
>A Month In The Country
>A Canticle For Leibowitz

>> No.16231827

Зaчeм тeбe Библия в aнглийcкoм издaнии? Хoчeшь пpaктикoвaть чтeниe cтapoaнглиcкoгo?

>> No.16232225

is this a sex doll

>> No.16233203

Nice Kierkegaard volumes. How is Joseph and His Brothers?
We have very similar taste and own many of the same books. Similar size collection, too, except I grew out of Palahniuk in high school and I didn't hang on to my kids genreshit. Nice collection though, in spite of having fucking Eragon on your shelf as an adult.

>> No.16233211

cursed picture

>> No.16233213

You are all faggots born in the 90s. Every post without fail is you vaunting unread covers trying to be 'so well read' while stacking your books like anyone but your mom sees them. Just stop pretending this is a thread about books please. It is attention whoring like I've never seen before. Of course most twenty-something boys motive is just to get their dick sucked, and it probably blew your little mind that someone like you, someone so invisible and small, probably only 5.5 inches (14cm), can amass (You)s, but only if you pose your books in front of the camera making blurry and sideway pictures people might ignore that you have no personality, nothing to say, no self-esteem, no talent. You use books to escape. You use books to amass anonymous likes. You use books for anything except their only purpose, to enlighten, to educate, and to enhance; to offer a sincere emphatic experience. The way you use books is just another capitalist method of material consumption for clout, no different than data mining and booktube threads. Do you finally see a chance to be like the tripfags you so despised but did not hesitate to emulate when you saw the avenue to be like them?

>> No.16233214


I'm jealous. Only have a couple skulls and a couple stuffed birds and a weasel. Need more carnivores, and some of the bigger skulls.

>> No.16233215

I hate it.
That's the type of bookshelf that people have in their house to show "hey I read. Look how qwirky I am. Oh yes I've a games of thrones book " type of bullshit

The dust on the shelf makes me sad

>> No.16233217
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>> No.16233232

I would let you

>> No.16233247
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>> No.16233278

A good collection but I am rather annoyed at you leaving shelves with space in them and then stacking the books sideways in front of that space

>> No.16233287


>> No.16233295

>being able to speak a superior language

>> No.16233306

reddit gold

>> No.16233320

I will admit, I'm a bit of a messy person and don't reorganize my bookshelf until my semester is over because I'm constantly grabbing books from the shelf for references, ideas, and general enjoyment. After my crazy semester I tend to organize it.

>> No.16233362

I have the first volume of the scott hermetica whats actually in the latter ones, is it renaissance stuff?

>> No.16233392

Volumes 2 and 3 are notes on the Asclepius and some Renaissance stuff, yeah
Volume 4 is pretty much one big book of citations and further reference information. It's pretty worthwhile to have, and A Suggestive Inquiry Into The Hermetic Mystery, and, especially, Meditations on the Tarot are great sources to read for further inroads into researching Hermeticism if you're interested

Thank you

>> No.16233421

thats wild 1000 pages of notes, thanks. I think Jean Hani and Algis Uzdavinys are adjacently interesting

>> No.16233433


>> No.16233438
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Sorry lads, it ain't looking good

>> No.16233443

It's a very weighty subject. And I've never heard of either one of them, but I will have to look into them. Elias Ashmole is a great author to look into for some of the more opaque works in the Renaissance Era Hermetic sphere. Guenon's writings on perennialist symbolism provide a great 'reference' dictionary for alot of things present. It's weird how symbols become their own kind've language when reading into the esoteric, isn't it?

>> No.16233491

I only learned about Ashmole recently, I want to read some of his stuff but the only stuff if can find is dodgy print on demand stuff i dont really know where to start. Jean Hani follows Guenon, his symbolism of the christian temple book is short but probably gave some of the most non obvious insight, to me anyway about geometrical symbolic thinking.

>> No.16233514

His best work is the Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum. It's a collection of poems related to alchemy and the Christian-Hermetic view of God. A Suggestive Inquiry Into The Hermetic Mystery is a sphinx when it comes to information, but is very well written for how many other authors and their specific works it gives to research. It's how I found out about Ashmole.
And Jean Hani sounds like a good read, thanks for the plug. Also Roob's Alchemy and Mysticism is a powerful visual dictionary

>> No.16233607
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>> No.16233617
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>> No.16233630

>he owns the paper back Modern Library set of In Search of Lost Time

>> No.16233647

And please, do tell, what is the correct English translation I should own? And if your really is:

>kek! Translations! Just learn French and read Proust in its original

Yeah, that ain't happening. I ain't got time for that shit. So I'll be dependent on translations

>> No.16233787

>Ayn Rand

>> No.16233972
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different anon but i always found this addition pretty

>> No.16233980
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someone read me a bed time story so i can sleep

>> No.16233990

Time to return that intro to stats to the uni library anon.

>> No.16234282

i like your coin jar

>> No.16235472

Ok, now this is a good collection. What are the hardcovers on the top left?

>> No.16235526

could you link this to me, please?

>> No.16235583
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>> No.16235644
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>> No.16235853
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>> No.16235985
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not pictured:
>the death of ivan ilyich
>hegel's lectures on aesthetics
>the poetics of space
>on photography
>plato complete works
>keats selected poems
>critique of judgement
neat, how's that wilde collection?
bretty gud
>What do I win?
a lobotomy
those lovecraft and poe hardbacks are really nice, where are they from?

>> No.16236196

>Everyman's Talmud
>History of Poland
>Native New Yorkers
I'm connecting dots and I don't like what I'm seeing.

>> No.16236219

dont forget Anti-semite and Jew!

>> No.16236234

Where did you get the Viking GR? I know it's easy to find online but I feel like it'd mean more if I found it in a thrift store or something.

>> No.16236267

gets all of his recommendations from /lit/: the shelf

>> No.16236276
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>dont forget Anti-semite and Jew
are you saying that you are a jew who hates jews because that is the most based thing i heard i a while.

>> No.16236292

unironically kinda yeah

>> No.16236323
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BASED jew, here's a coin

>> No.16236345

>Nice Kierkegaard volumes.
Thanks. I got them ca. 2002 from an online seller in the US (I'm in Canada) for USD $200 including shipping. They arrived in a box in a big canvas mail sack which I kept for years and used for my laundry.

>How is Joseph and His Brothers?
I liked it a lot, as has been the case so far with every Mann novel I've read. I know there are people who say that the Russians are the greatest novelists, but for me it's the Germans.

>> No.16236382 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16236402
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>> No.16236420
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>> No.16236427

i actually only got 4 from here desu, most were from looking at influences of authors and recs from friends

>> No.16236437

Protestantism gives off the most depressing vibe.

>> No.16236461

those are some comfy tomes on the top shelf

>> No.16236485
File: 3.43 MB, 640x1136, Photo Aug 28, 3 16 41 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine reading Jewnut Dios unironically. Had to read Drown in school and it's literally just some overpayed guy LARPing about "muh dick", "muh poverty, "muh stupidity", muh Dominican heritage. Made for some good memes though.

>> No.16236488

oh shit I kinda didn't expect them to be expensive. That sounds cool.
Yeah I asked about the Mann because I've only read The Magic Mountain. I read it over a two week period while I was in Germany and I loved it. Very comfy times. I'll have to read more.
>The Sexual Offender and His Offenses
I kind of want to read that

>> No.16236496

>depressing vibe
it's sterile
utterly devoid of intellect, spirituality, and beauty

>> No.16236497

She bought the entire Barnes and Nobles classics section...

>> No.16236498

I tried to read that Brief Wonderful Life book and it was awful.

>> No.16236508

look at the fingers and the bone structure in the face. it's a male sex doll.

>> No.16236512
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I'm a big fan of the classics

>> No.16236515

cute cat

>> No.16236524


>> No.16236608

fuck im jealous; I only have one skeleton and skull

>> No.16236661

Based Bookcase and Books. Nice asthetics. Love the look and feel of those older books. Tips on how to amass a similar collection?

>> No.16236734
File: 3.97 MB, 4128x3096, 20200828_124821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of my books are in storage but this is my current shelf, bottom has been read
Second shelf is my reading list and
Im currently reading The rise of Theodore Roosevelt.

I know i have a bad copy of the oddessy
And I've already read the kingkiller books.

Can anyone give me suggestions to fill the top shelf?
Interested in sciences, history, maybe even a easier to consume mathematics book.

>> No.16236816

we won't give you suggestions until you learn how to phone post.

>> No.16236819

>t. has never read any of the great 17th century English Divines

>> No.16236863

Thank you fren

>> No.16236895

>church of england
unfortunately your fake church was autofiltered friend

>> No.16236979

Some of them are suspiciously wide and some are suspiciously thin, what's up with this series?

>> No.16236984

Your loss. Maybe one day your pride will let you.

>> No.16236995

They abridge each story to be in simple English and add pictures, and try to standardize the size

>> No.16237001

not pride
just reason

>> No.16237011

They must have added a lot of pictures to Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde.

>> No.16237016

>abridge each story

>> No.16237021

they're for 6 year olds

>> No.16237046

I found it at a used bookstore. It's like 6th printing lol. It's nothing special.

>> No.16237074

How so?

>> No.16237280
File: 2.85 MB, 4032x3024, C40476AE-41D4-4416-916E-C9BA12A40624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading chair finally came in

>> No.16237304

Any Hitlerites willing to share their bookshelf? I am working on my WWII collection as well.

>> No.16237332

Don't wanna make a new thread, so I'll ask here.
What are some extensive websites akin to RYM where you can add books on wishlist and add read books?

>> No.16237341

goodreads. it sucks.

>> No.16237351

goodreads is the only functional one but every feature is terribly implemented

>> No.16237388
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>> No.16237398

>shitposting irl
i can respect it

>> No.16237409

based and brainwashed-pilled

>> No.16237441

Marxist-Leninist, Trot, Jucheist, or Maoist?

>> No.16237478
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This is dangerously based anon.

>> No.16237631

I have one of pic related but I have been on the lookout for a Viking paperback

>> No.16237643

I read several of those when I was in second grade. I only sort of regret it

>> No.16237939

based Mcgowan, Friedman and Katz translation of Fathers and Children anon

>> No.16237963

based Babbitt, don't listen to B&N edition haters, they're clearly bargainpilled

>> No.16238031

unironically a great gift for young readers
>solid hardbacks
>nice illustrations
>enough to grasp the story

>> No.16238132
File: 96 KB, 317x475, classicsillustrated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my opinion it's better to give them pic related or actual classics for small children. Pic related are written at a similar reading level to the actual work and teach kids how to visualize while they read.

>> No.16238152

Any humans?

>> No.16238158


>> No.16238161

cheers anon, never heard of the Ray Collection--will check it out as i've got a few friends' children to buy for

>> No.16238173

It's called Classics Illustrated, not Ray collection. They are comic books, though, be forewarned. Seriously great for little kids and much better than capeshit nonsense.

>> No.16238178


>> No.16238213
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>phoneposters phonepost to convey a sense of personality.
This post grants such a false insight into the psychology of phoneposters that is alarming.

Akin to schizophrenia, even! Of the worst degree. I do recommend to one such gentleman, say, sir, that one should consult one's doctor and return to one's prescribed tract of regimens and medications at once.

>> No.16239394

I'm pretty sure I follow you on twitter

>> No.16239541
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I wasn't thinking about how they looked like when I bought them, actually I bought most of those paperbacks in bulk and didn't spend more than 50 USD. I did some research and found out that most of them are being sold on eBay for 10 USD, so I guess I was lucky (actually I wasn't, I live in Japan and used foreign books are very cheap). Check your local e-commerce or second hand shops.

>> No.16239553
File: 2.27 MB, 2144x4032, ec17aef1-9935-4c8b-a297-9e05d4fe6567_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought it (not pictured) because it pissed me off too much to not have each volume separated. It's pretty nice and it's the best translation so why not

>> No.16239925
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Currently living in a shitty barracks room so please excuse the sketchy stacking. I still have bunch of other books in a bag too.

>> No.16239930
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>> No.16240060


A gloss as peevish as it is wrongheaded.

>> No.16240096

you just know there's trace amounts of cum on those books and on that shelf.

>> No.16240120

i remember reading these as a kid and fucking loving them.

>> No.16240992

something to dust off your shelf

>> No.16240994
File: 1.36 MB, 4032x3024, uvgetwwte0r31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16241004

>Cabin Porn
you dirty, dirty man

>> No.16241283

I wish I saw a bookshelf with the entirety of KECW

>> No.16241588

> The Complete Calvin and Hobbes
Finally some real literature

>> No.16241762

>books near window

Enjoy your sun bleached books, anon.

>> No.16241774


How are those books on Hitler?

>> No.16241837
File: 9 KB, 262x192, 2d1f90578032e12bf29f15292f0b5d0c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're all Reich.

>> No.16241860


Delete this.

>> No.16243039

>ayn rand
No, redditors hate the concept of personal responsibility enough that the neckbeard shit isn't enough to elevate him

>> No.16243109

can you give us a closer look on that lovecraft one? looks nice

>> No.16244135


>> No.16244165
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>> No.16244201

this guy has the 100 USD leatherbound sandershit editions surrounded by mass market airport editions of everything else. lmao.

>> No.16244496

Why the fuck is 'Shadows of Self' so fucking tall?

>> No.16244562

>I have those Barnes and nobles editions for Dracula and the Art of war and I regret it so much.
I bought the Barnes and Noble version of Dune and once I wanted to read the sequels I was like "fuck"

>> No.16244713
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>> No.16244720

Yikes but also hows the Jon Savage JD book, have you read any others?

>> No.16244916

cringe bro ngl

>> No.16245053


Quite jealous of some of those volumes, my man.

>> No.16245102

looks comfy. that room is really empty though anon, get some paintings in there

>> No.16245137
File: 38 KB, 750x878, 4d5cb56b9b649e7d255258b59617ffb9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only wall you can see is barely a wall, it's probably drapes over a window

>> No.16245608

There's some SERIOUS cringe here but I highly respect your development of your own taste and interests. Also +1 for Gore Vidal, Julian's a great book

>> No.16245657

Where did you get the copy of Sot Weed Factor?

>> No.16246273

Can I ask, why’d you choose the oasis instead of the paperwhite?

>> No.16246321

Why do you say "innawoods"?
Is it like saying "vidya"?
What is the meaning behind these?
Tell me the innameaniya.

>> No.16246339


>> No.16246346

post bookshelf based boomer

>> No.16246372

i hereby sentence you to one additional year of lurking before you may post again

>> No.16246375
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My happy place

>> No.16247482
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>> No.16247923

Absolutely based.

>> No.16248045

>Jules Verne
Used to be a favorite of mine growing up, I wanted to travel like his characters.

>> No.16248689


>> No.16248701

Looks clean.

>> No.16248715

load it with more kitsch

>> No.16248721

do nazi historians put large swastikas on the spines/covers to sell more copies to fascist and make a quick buck?

>> No.16248746

>managed to find the one book out of a thousand with a gorillion year old traditional symbol on the spine
>gets so triggered by it he makes this post

>> No.16248929

A used bookstore

>> No.16248980

theyre all on nsdap related history or haknegreuts symbolism?

>> No.16249207
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>> No.16249534


>> No.16249545


>> No.16249566

>My Struggle
Oy vey

>> No.16249650
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>> No.16249700
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>> No.16249980
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>> No.16249989

What're those Coplestons?

>> No.16249995

History of Western philosophy series 1 to 11

>> No.16250207


Nice history collection, bud.

>> No.16250914

based penguinbro

>> No.16250945

People keep recommending james s a corey to me. Based on the rest of this shelf it looks like I should avoid him at all costs.

>> No.16251036

yeah i feel bad effectively buying into a publishing monopoly (although a good chunk of classics are now in the public domain, so it doesn't really matter who publishes them) but they more often than not seem to have what i'm looking for, and the best introductions/translations at that desu

>> No.16251072


>> No.16251073

Last time I checked those Nabokov editions run for quite a pretty penny.