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/lit/ - Literature

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16228761 No.16228761[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You never did the Kenosha, kid.

>> No.16228771

You never did.
t. The Kenosha Kid

>> No.16228783

what books does he read?

>> No.16228810


This kid is a hero.

>> No.16228817

He is not. He didn't do anything bad himself, but what he did will bring bad consequences.

>> No.16228820

seriously. what the FUCK even is this timeline.

>> No.16228824

>doing good is actually bad in the end because bad people will get angry and do more bad stuff
this is why utilitarianism is completely bankrupt. kys

>> No.16228851

I kind of feel bad for this kid. He probably spent too much time on /pol/, thought a group of corporate-backed LARPing Marxists were dooming civilization, and then went out and ruin a few families lives and his own.

>> No.16228869

idk about that even the NYT are basically admitting it was self-defense because of how much video footage there is. All I see this doing is maybe making Antifa throw a tantrum somewhere in the next couple days, which they do all the time anyway.

>> No.16228871

Is it legal for a 17 year old to have a weapon?

>> No.16228881

yeah the dude burning down buildings with a bunch of niggers wasn't responsible at all for his own death or ruining his family's lives.

>> No.16228900
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soft acceleration is a necessary evil and the ultimate good is full of them

>> No.16228902
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>> No.16228928

From what I've gathered, he has read the complete works of Homer, Pindar, Plato, Aristotle, Sophocles, Euripides, Hesiod, Aristophanes, Herodotus, Arrian, Thucydides, Sappho, Plutarch, Ovid, Virgil, Lucretius, Arisoto, Horace, St. Augustine, Marcus Aurelius, Rabelais, Dante, Petrarch, Tasso, Bruno, Boccaccio, Leopardi, Machiavelli, Luther, Cervantes, Chaucer, the Beowulf poet, Chretien de Troyes, Marie de France, Sterne, Burton, Browne, Spenser, Wyatt, Sidney, Herbert, Percy Shelley, Tennyson, Donne, Pope, Dryden, Bacon, Novalis, Schelling, Schlegels, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Pascal, Lichtenberg, Dickinson, Shakespeare, Ibsen, Strindberg, Dickens, Marlowe, Diderot, Jonson, Potocki, Goethe, Bunyan, Gibbon, Addison, Smollett, Milton, Johnson, Boswell, Emerson, Quincey, Burke, Spinoza, Leibniz, Hume, Kant, Mary Shelley, Wollstonecraft, Racine, Baudelaire, Valery, Rimbaud, Verlaine, Moliere, Montaigne, Browning, Gray, Holderlin, Schiller, Shaw, Voltaire, Hugo, Balzac, Zola, Colette, Duras, Dumas, Stendhal, Nerval, Flaubert, Mallarme, Malraux, Chateaubriand, Artaud, Poe, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Blake, Byron, Keats, Arnold, Pater, Walter Scott, Swinburne, Thackeray, Rossetti, Carroll, William James, Henry James, Hawthorne, Twain, Melville, Dewey, Bergson, Whitehead, George Eliot, Williams, Frost, Cummings, Crane, Stevens, Whitman, Hughes, Plath, Trakl, Rilke, Celan, Montale, Neruda, Lorca, Tagore, Manzoni, Peake, Murdoch, Wharton, Wilde, Faulkner, O'Connor, Passos, Nietzsche, Marx, Adorno, Bloch, Lukacs, Bakhtin, Hamsun, Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoy, Turgenev, Chekhov, Andreyev, Bely, Bulgakov, Gonchorov, Camoes, Pessoa, Queiroz, Saramago, Paz, Borges, Bloy, Pirandello, Huysmans, Lautreamont, Schwob, Casares, Bolano, Cortazar, Lima, Donoso, de Assis, Carpentier, Celine, Marquez, Unamuno, Gracq, Gide, Jarry, Camus, Conrad, Wells, Hardy, Salinger, Anderson, Ford, Maugham, Lawrence, Forster, Hrabal, Swift, Bronte, Woolf, Bachelard, Roussel, Beckett, Proust, Nabokov, Joyce, O'Brien, Yeats, Waugh, Heaney, Pinter, Auden, Hofmannsthal, Mann, Musil, Broch, Zweig, Bachmann, Jelinek, Lessing, Laxness, Simenon,Svevo, Levi, Buzzati, Quasimodo, Moravia, Llosa, Walser, Kafka, Babel, Schulz, Transtromer, Kertesz, Pavic, Andric, Grossmann, Linna, Mahfouz, Boll, Grass, Canetti, Pavese, Robbe-Grillet, Blanchot, Perec, Queneau, Calvino, Bernhard, Gass, Barth, Gaddis, Vollmann, Vidal, Hawkes, DeLillo, Pynchon, McCarthy, McElroy, Soseki, Murasaki, Shonagon, Kawabata, Mishima, Akutagawa, Tanizaki, Dazai, Oe, Xingjian, Mo Yan, Kosztolanyi, Gombrowicz, Ishiguro, Eco, Coetzee, Auerbach, Benjamin, Barthes, Pasternak, Derrida, de Man, Kristeva, Deleuze, Bateson, Foucault, Lyotard, Mcluhan, Eichenbaum, Davenport, Steiner, Munro, Carson, Handke, Arno Schmidt, Therouxs, Patrick White, Alfau, Marias, Enard, Claude Simon, Robinson, Elizabeth Bishop, Moldbug, Markson, Lowry, Bellow, Dara

>> No.16228941

He cannot read.

>> No.16228942

Yes. It was, however, illegal for two of the registered sex offenders that he shot to live within a block of an elementary school, as they were both registered felons for having raped children, which means it was ALSO illegal for them to own the firearms they tried to murder him with, in addition to the illegality of them trying to murder him.

Antifa is just capitalism in decline.

>> No.16228949

Looks like an absolute retard, as expected. Glad his life will be ruined.

>> No.16228963

>heh you /pol/ shitters are too pussy to do anything in real life, you just hide behind your computer
imagine not understanding that the /pol/ is not bluffing at all and that the race/civil war is inevitable.

>> No.16228964

It was amazing to see thots crying for that dead skater when he had multiple domestic violence convictions as well as for strangulation. Remember kids, the reason you can't get laid is because you don't respect women!

>> No.16228972
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>he look not good and dumb!!
>me hate him!!! put in jail!!!

>> No.16228986

White people with a pig nose get called nigger.
This is the number 1 cause of mass shootings

>> No.16228989

He went looking for trouble and he found it

>> No.16228998
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So, the left is coming around to the wisdom of physiognomy after all?

>> No.16229006

He listed his race on some government form as hispanic

>> No.16229010

>American flag crocs

lmao fuck, how can fascists have the shittiest taste in literally everything

>> No.16229014

He was based for putting a chomo 6ft under

>> No.16229020

>Sterne, Novalis, Schlegels, Artaud, Huysmans, Lautréamont, Schwob, Gracq, Gide, Jarry, Roussel, Hofmannsthal, Walser, Blanchot, Gombrowicz
Highly based if true.

>> No.16229023


In Wisconsin you have to be 18 to open carry, so not for him

>> No.16229032

I really hope this is just the prelude to more incidents like this that lead to an all-out civil race war. Would be kino to follow the news and see Amerimutts killing each other.

>> No.16229033

>Kyle Rittenhouse

Probably financial aid or something

>> No.16229041

The guy who tried to murder him with a 9mm didn't have a conceal carry permit either, so the karma all evens out in the end

>> No.16229045

Not kino when it will therefore doubtless spread to Europe.

>> No.16229047

Stay mad, your filth kin is finally getting what he deserves
I'm not emblematic of the left but I do judge people on their appearance. Unsurprisingly, conservatives look dumb and disgusting. I hate trannies too.

>> No.16229049
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>> No.16229050

I'm afraid it's just a few lone freaks. The internet makes this seem much bigger than it is.

>> No.16229051

Why would it?

>> No.16229054


That was after he shot someone in the head and ran away because none of his Facebook memes prepared him for the moral weight of destroying another human being, right?

>> No.16229061

The lawyer for Nick "The 250 million dollar man" Sandmann is putting together a legal team for Rittenhouse, since after reviewing the public video with his crew, they think it is self-defense.

>> No.16229067


lol jk right-wingers are literally incapable of empathy

>> No.16229069

>niggers burning down his homeland
>went looking for trouble
you people are so fucking retarded and small-souled.

>> No.16229070


>> No.16229074

oh shit my abdominals were not prepared

>> No.16229075

Books to prepare myself for when the officers in George Floyd's murder aren't indicted?

I live in Minneapolis

>> No.16229080

they're not, they just reserve it for actual humans

>> No.16229081


>> No.16229082

>That time when Fucker Carlson supported his actions

>> No.16229087


>> No.16229090


>his homeland

Kenosha isn't in Illinois you spectacularly illiterate fuck.

>> No.16229091


>> No.16229094

He ran away because someone was shooting a handgun 20 feet away and he was being bum rushed by thugs, even the NY Times had to admit this shit.

>> No.16229104


>> No.16229105
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my sides anon!
Well it's a valid science after all.

>> No.16229106


lol if that's what you need to tell yourself. gonna be a big surprise when you eventually find yourself on the other side of the definition for "actual human" and they toss you in the camps with the rest of us

>> No.16229116

you don't even know the facts of the case then? he lived 30 minutes away just over the line. seems like you're the illiterate fuck.

>> No.16229118

>optics ready

>> No.16229120

>Well it's a valid science after all.
oh, yeah, that's very true, we mustn't criticize the holy science!

>> No.16229123
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Based 17 year old doming pedos

>> No.16229130


referring to some random town half an hour away on the other side of a state line as my homeland, like a normal person does

>> No.16229131
File: 154 KB, 962x761, man-17-is-charged-as-two-blm-protesters-shot-dead-in-kenosha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not actually him. I don't think.

>> No.16229136

Wait, hold up, isn't this kid one of those citizen's patrol types BLM/Antifa wants to replace the police with? Isn't this what they want?

>> No.16229145


No, he's LARPing as an extension of the military and police force because he just wants the ability to use state-sanctioned violence to kill people who scare him.

>> No.16229146


>> No.16229150

It is. Its from his facebook. There were only a few photos. That one, another with a buddy and his gun, and some blue lives matter stuff.

>> No.16229151


>> No.16229155

i have friends who live 30 minutes away from me. you expect me to not help them if they were being attacked by niggers? just fuck off you small-souled nigger. you can cope all you want, i don't really care. its obvious that the kid did absolutely nothing wrong to anyone with even basic virtues.

>> No.16229167


Rest in piss chomo

>> No.16229168

>people who scare him.
you mean "destructive rioters?"

>> No.16229170

complete works of ernst jünger

>> No.16229173


Lmao Lotta smooth brain shit going on in this post

>> No.16229175

How many anarchists went to Portland from Seattle after the CHOP failed?

>> No.16229181

This kid was in the wrong and deserves life in prison. If you think otherwise you are a contrarian loser.

>> No.16229186


No I mean minorities and whoever else the people in the tasty boots say to point a gun at

>> No.16229189

Sweet, I'm going to be successful in war :)

>> No.16229193

Lmao, well he's an honourable kid nonetheless. If man has the will, the good-will, he can do so much, he can learn to shoot well if he practices.

>> No.16229194

he shot white guys who were attacking him

>> No.16229195

i genuinely hope you die soon.
yeah the rioting niggers.

>> No.16229197


>> No.16229202

All of the people he shot were white people with criminal convictions, not sure what minorities have to do with this, and since there's a good chance Rittenhouse identifies as hispanic, it would actually be a case of a minority getting lynched by whites and defending himself

>> No.16229203

me too! i was always jealous of guys who had a bunch of lines on their forehead because i think it looks aesthetic but one line master race apparently

>> No.16229205

Bro haha just let people beat you up and not shoot the guy with a handgun who fake surrenders

>> No.16229211

You? Never. Did the Kenosha Kid...?
>life in prison for fighting back against a mob of people actively trying to kill him while he was down on the ground, with multiple clear videos of the entire incident
Are you retarded?
The real issue is he's gonna have to change his name and move away, he was doxxed within like an hour of the incident

>> No.16229213


>being shot to death by someone wearing American flag crocs

How will Antifa EVER recover?

>> No.16229220

This, any other answer is revisionist

>> No.16229224

>The real issue is he's gonna have to change his name and move away, he was doxxed within like an hour of the incident

>> No.16229225

it's actually unbelievably embarrassing, there were at least 2 of them with guns, they had a whole crowd, they're all convicted felons, and they get btfod by a single 17 year old dork

>> No.16229237

>In January 2017, his mother sought an order of protection, accusing one of Rittenhouse’s classmates of bullying her son with taunts of being “dumb” and “stupid,” as well as threatening to hurt him. Wendy Rittenhouse, a single mother who works as a nurse’s assistant, expressed concern for her son’s safety but ultimately dropped the request, according to Lake County court records. She could not be reached for comment Wednesday.

Single mothers strike again.

>> No.16229240

ANTIFA is not sending their best smdh

>> No.16229242

Also he crossed state lines armed he obviously had the intention of murdering people there. What you are saying is the equivalent of say someone throwing a rock at a person's head and making them mad to go after you and then shooting them and calling it self defense. He is a murderer and deserves life in prison.

>> No.16229246

I'm proud of myself for not understanding this post. Niggers destroy everything, including language.

>> No.16229248

>he obviously had the intention of murdering people there.
lel you have absolutely no evidence of this. You're not allowed to attack a guy just because he has a gun

>> No.16229252

This has to be a troll, has TDS really rotted people's brains to this point, the lengths they have to go to keep the cognitive dissonance going is getting absurd

>> No.16229256

>took the trouble to cross state lines armed
"bro no evidence"

>> No.16229262

The father that skipped town guaranteed not white.

>> No.16229263

>murderers are heroes

>> No.16229265

Yeah that's uh...not evidence of intent to murder anyone

>> No.16229268

niggers are extremely incompetent. ever go to a mcdonalds in a black neighborhood? they can't even make a burger properly, let alone run a combat op.

>> No.16229272

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.16229276

If he was black you would say to lock him up
no such thing he is an objectively bad president you are just a contrarian loser like every other poltard

>> No.16229278

See >>16229116
And he was just larping as a libertarian who wanted to protect business. There's no reason to think he came to kill anyone, no more than the protesters. You are delusional.

>> No.16229279

>muh crossed state lines
he lived 30 minutes away, you people act like he was dropped in by parachute from an ac-130 to go slaughter some innocent peaceful african american school teachers

>> No.16229281

the last time i went to a mcdonalds in a black neighborhood they literally had an armed guard

>> No.16229285

enjoy your stay on 4chan

>> No.16229290

damn bro you just saved the board forever from off-topic posts

>> No.16229292 [DELETED] 

>If he was black you would say to lock him up

u mean like that BLM "security
guy that soccer kicked the head of that dude sitting on the ground? yeah, im gonna have to go with lock him up, sorry

>> No.16229298

sheeeeiiit looks like we gon havta rob da wendy's on the north side nigga.

>> No.16229301

Everybody he shot was white. I think there's a black guy in one of the videos that does a wild fucking flying kick at him while he's on the ground, but he didn't shoot him because that one ran away.

>> No.16229319

i think the lefties found trouble in the form of a high velocity projectile splattering their brains on the pavement
clear cut self-defence and communists aren't humans anyway so murder can't apply

>> No.16229321

did the google reverse image seach and I didn't get an answer. who is this kid?

>> No.16229322

It’s just really fucking tiring seeing these /pol/ faggots having their way with their circle jerk threads that have absolutely nothing to do with literature. This thread about some retarded bullshit in whogivesafuckistan hangs around forever yet anything to do with literature (the thing that requires people to READ) seems to drown under a sea of not only this, but Twitter, Reddit, and Tik-Tok screencaps, occasionally relieved by deficient frog posters.

>> No.16229324

so wait he was 18 when he was convicted?

>> No.16229325

Everyone he shot was Jewish

>> No.16229336

That word doesn't mean what you think it means.

>> No.16229340

A 5'3" Jewish pedophile named Rosenbaum threw something on fire at him so this Chad shot him in the head.

Then he was chased down the street, tackled, shot one man that tried to stomp his face, and shot another in the arm that drew a gun on him.

>> No.16229347

based, anyone else in the thread that thinks otherwise hasn't left their bubble in life

>> No.16229350

>muh leftists
>muh communists
Insufferable delusion.

>> No.16229357
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>> No.16229360

>anyone who disagrees with me lives in a bubble
the lack of self-awareness lmao

>> No.16229362

Save your breath, this board is lost to /pol/tards.

>> No.16229368

You're delusional if you think they come from different traditions

>> No.16229369

This board is fucked as well sadly, just report this shit and it'll get deleted.

>> No.16229371

nobody cares communist liberal retards. go suck off joe biden.

>> No.16229378

You are too stupid to breathe.

>> No.16229381
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>> No.16229386

>everybody I don't like is a communist and communists aren't human therefore I legitimise senseless murder
world class gymnast

>> No.16229388

>call literally everybody a fascist
>akshually if they aren't literally quoting Garl Margs at the time they were shot then...

>> No.16229390

>facts don't matter
To you, they certainly don't.

>> No.16229395

>senseless murder
a child molester, serial robber and a wife beater getting domed for trying to lynch some kid isn't senseless nor murder

>> No.16229396

back in my days we had subtle bait

>> No.16229401

imagine thinking a kid who so desperately wanted to be a cop for years and posed with guns constantly left his parents house at night with a loader ar with good intentions

>> No.16229407

liberalism/capitalism created the proletariat, which usurped the traditional peasantry. communism is an expression of the overarching liberal system.

>> No.16229412

nobody cares about the subtle difference between a communist like bernie or a liberal like biden they're in the same party you fucking retards. therefore all communists.

>> No.16229415

there is in fact nothing about liking guns or wanting to be a cop that indicates you are planning to murder someone. Absolutely lol at your standard of evidence

>> No.16229419

they're all burning in hell where they belong now.

>> No.16229420

Say again?

>> No.16229421

whatever, the biggest degenerates don't deserve an easy way out and it's better and cheaper for them to rot in cells. every murder is senseless.

>> No.16229422


He absolutely did not know they had records when he shot at them so stop couching your desperate justifications in that bullshit excuse you sad weirdos

>> No.16229423

>like Bernie
How is it this possible to be this politically illiterate?

>> No.16229424

Defending your nation and countrymen from roving bands of anarchist subhumans, looters and lynchers is a good intention

>> No.16229425

There was no murder, I'm not saying they're not humans, and there's nothing of value to be gained by non-leftists to differentiate between the different groups of progressives that barely disagree with each others. They all come out of the same tradition.

>> No.16229434

>the same tradition
the tradition of "thing I don't like so I lump them together"

>> No.16229435

/pol/ is not sending us their best

>> No.16229441

>defending muh nation
The irrational and morally incorrect decision.

>> No.16229442

he's a democratic SOCIALIST. socialism is a form of COMMUNISM just like nazism (national SOCIALIST), DEMOCRATIC socialist I.E biden and other libtards

jesus people on a literature board that have really never read a book in their lives

>> No.16229444


I genuinely hope you find a better outlet for all this directionless anger soon. In the meantime get fucked, bootlicker

>> No.16229450


>> No.16229451


>> No.16229453

Well, that's true, he couldn't have known the guy who pulled a 9mm on him was a criminal since he wouldn't have been able to get a concealed carry permit

>> No.16229455

The US is a failed state.

>> No.16229458


>> No.16229460
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>> No.16229465

Bro haha just let everything fall apart for some vague ideal of global gobbumism

>> No.16229469

It could be cleaned up quite quickly

>> No.16229479

Urm, sweetie, last I heard "pedophile", "manlet" and "felon" don't count as minorities.

>> No.16229492

>/pol/ faggots
The problem is Americans in general, not just /pol/.

>> No.16229499

holy fuck stop crying and go on a chan made by whatever shithole you live in

>> No.16229500

bro haha just let years of injustices go by which go against the nations values

>> No.16229504


>> No.16229505

Phew and I thought rightoids were conspiratard schizoids. What is actually wrong with americans and their politics.

>> No.16229511

stop ruining all media you americope

>> No.16229519

The country is so big that half of us live in almost different worlds and we're all too poor to travel and get different life experiences

>> No.16229528 [DELETED] 

>Urm, sweetie, last I heard "pedophile", "manlet" and "felon" don't count as minorities.

After the revolution those will be protected classes, comrade!

>> No.16229539

>purposefully seek out website created by someone from the country you think is ruining media
lmaoing at your life

>> No.16229549

>years of injustices
Shooting criminals who try to attack you is actually not injustice

>> No.16229552

their two party system has rendered them utterly incapable of seeing things beyond red vs blue

>> No.16229572

if someone with a history of larping as a burglar sits outside of your house all night would you just assume they were trying to assess your property value?

>> No.16229580

Protected my ass. The thotties will still say 'pay up,' while rejecting you, while state-sanctioned girlfriends remain a no-no...

>> No.16229582

Yeah anon being a cop is not murder, so larping as a cop is not larping as a murderer.

>> No.16229590

>coping this hard about a pudgy zoomer doming some leftist subhumans

>> No.16229589

>those crocs

>> No.16229593

he posted on his fb page about how he wanted to kill protesters
pretty common practice for cops and cop-apologists

>> No.16229594

>10 unarmed african americans killed in 2019 by police
>that means all cops are murderers

human brains are always a bit biased in assessing risk, but man the BLM guys really fucking suck at stats

>> No.16229596


>> No.16229610

>implying this website isn't one of the numerous ways by which americans have ruined the world

>> No.16229612

it's a leftist fantasy to keep their cognitive dissonance going when it becomes increasingly clear that once again the left is one the wrong side of history, what was posted on his facebook was pictures of him helping clean graffiti about killing cops off of the kenosha court house.

>> No.16229619
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and burgers still lose their shit when we europeans say we're better than them.

>> No.16229627

If you live in a western liberal democracy you basically live in a slightly better America

>> No.16229638
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>he posted on his fb page about how he wanted to kill protesters
>pretty common practice for cops and cop-apologists

>> No.16229641

I live in Mexico.
And I am so fucking glad lmao

>> No.16229642


>> No.16229643
File: 69 KB, 1200x384, EgY_e2gUEAAj5Z3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't the officer wait until he was being stabbed to death to shoot Blake? ACAB!

>> No.16229653

>falls all over himself blasting wildly in every directions
You might wanna reconsider what you call heroics.

>> No.16229658

This boy is a hero.

>> No.16229663

>3 shots that all hit their targets
he's got better aim and control than most american cops lmao

>> No.16229665


>> No.16229668

well he hit 3 of them and they didn't manage to hit him once. Let's see how you perform in a gunfight

>> No.16229672

anyone have the skate or die pic

>> No.16229675

While listening to Sabataon, epic style.

>> No.16229686
File: 115 KB, 962x555, 32405900-8665383-Another_man_could_be_seen_hitting_the_gunman_over_the_head_with_-m-52_1598456904670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was after running the equivalent of two football fields too, and he had just been hit over the head with a skateboard

>> No.16229698

Holy shit it was literal tard strength

>> No.16229699

>hips as broad as shoulders
so this is the power of american estrogenics

>> No.16229718

i like f1. i read gravity's rainbow this past year, so when i first heard about kenosha my first thought was "you never did the Kenosha, kid" about a year ago this weekend a drive named antoine hubert died. the first dude this guy shot was named anthony huber. while reading gr i learned that daniil kvyat's hometown in russia is ufa, a day later ufa came up in gr. starting to feel that it's all a simulation.