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/lit/ - Literature

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16192339 No.16192339[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post your stack, other anons rate. Hard mode: patrician stacks only, no pleb shit.

>> No.16192364

this is really embarrassing.

>> No.16192437

Post fizeek.

>> No.16193175

Great stack of tinder

>> No.16193345

Internet books are the worst

>> No.16193429
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Did I trigger the fat liberal untermensches of this board?

>> No.16193437

I appreciate your honestly OP

>> No.16193531

Sad stack

>> No.16193554
File: 23 KB, 412x412, Costin Vlad Alamariu aka Bronze Age Pervert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bronze Age Mindset
Super cool Neoconservative Zionist book!

>> No.16193578

That’s basically as pleb as it’s possible to be.

>> No.16193701
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dunno if you're baiting but that isnt "patrician"

i'll post what i want quite frankly

>> No.16193780

If roasties were better read, I bet Ted Hughes would still trigger them so hard

>> No.16193803
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i studied him in high school along-side Plath, they were seething every class. i think they even implied 'Hawk Roosting' was his mysogynist patriarch god-complex. and ofc they thought he killed assia and sylvia

>waits 30 years to give his side of the story
ultimate troll

>> No.16193815

The g in MAGA stands for Gay

>> No.16193898

Dude how do you keep your books so free from wear? My books are kinda worn out.

>> No.16193958

Don't lump me in with the other retard

>> No.16193969
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>> No.16194282

OP doesn't read

>> No.16194346

jesus man

>> No.16194567

No Based Deleuze?

>> No.16194610

its all pretty cringe but that doon guy is on another level. he was bullied for a bit and suicidal but his grifterbros had his back

>> No.16194627

Reminder this is not /bap/ and trannies are still seething about thinking he's this guy.

>> No.16194631

Bap himself is a tranny

>> No.16194645
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pseuds eternally btfo

>> No.16195371
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Got more books to be read but only next ones to be consooomed on stack

>> No.16196520

Seriously. This book sucks I dunno why so many people bother reading it, leg alone recommend it.

>> No.16197108
File: 1.24 MB, 1947x501, september reading list.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 my stack that I just ordered

>> No.16197375

Untermenschen, not untermensches

>> No.16198051

Have you read Concept of Anxiety? Should read that before Sickness Unto Death.

>> No.16198069


>> No.16198098

Not the stack guy, but say why, shit-for-brains.

>> No.16198113

It was revealed to me in a dream

>> No.16198117

Sperg-tastic post, truly.

>> No.16198170


>> No.16198328
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>tfw even an introduction to delezze is too hard for me to fully understand
feels bad bros

>> No.16198500
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where did you get welcome to the NHK from , most places I've looked sell it for around £80 or more.

>> No.16199002


>> No.16199182

The concept of anxiety discusses anxiety in a general way, which is about agony of the future and the employment of freedom in the infinite potential of choices. Sickness unto death discusses anxiety with special reference to one's relationship before God and Death. Its very much a follow on and builds on Concept of Anxiety.

>> No.16199331
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>roof framing
Is it’s actually about roof framing?
I hope you stole that book

>> No.16199350

A book being an e-book is unironically a massive pleb filter. “It was written by an online personality so it must be automatically bad!!” It is the Sequence and Paul Town’s books in general are some of the most sensible, down-to-earth, genuinely helpful reflections on life to be written in our current era and would especially appeal to cynical channers like in this thread. Which is all especially impressive considering that at first thought he’s not exactly someone you’d think would have healthy and upbuilding advice.

BAP and Mike Ma are nowhere near the level of actual realistic analysis of our world that Paul Town writes, but they’re certainly a lot of fun. Just don’t get too carried away. Delicious Tacos can be a bit of a depressive so be careful but he’s still a funny and catharthic voice of the modern world of sex and romance. Doon isn’t an especially good writer (unlike these others) from what I’ve seen though he’s a nice guy and on a healthy track in life. Skallas is a great Twitter account but his books are poorly made scams. Don’t know about the others

>> No.16199388

This is all what the “Alt-Right” should be and should have always been, by the way- art that isn’t even that dedicated to being political. Not dumbass activist catastrophes

>> No.16199462


>> No.16199472
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/pol/ack here, please don't bully too hard.

>> No.16199489

it's the german edition. Bought all 8 volumes for 35€ on ebay

>> No.16199772
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>> No.16199920

The manga is good but the ping pong anime is much better imo

>> No.16199968

I actually only bought the manga because I love the anime so much. Definitely my #1. 10/10 adaptation

>> No.16200020

Do stackers read their books one by one?

>> No.16200084

I'm currently reading welcome to the nhk, ghosts of my life and sound and the fury at the same tme. I've heard that it's weird but I like it so far because I don't feel pressured to finish a book before reading the next

>> No.16200120
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this is the new stack thread

>> No.16200179

>we wuz vikangz an shiiieeet

>> No.16200315

Where can you even buy Which Way Western Man?

>> No.16200351

Classy and tasteful considering what it could have been

>> No.16200352

virgin skizzo
based. how's the redmi? been thinking of buying one since its like 200bucks

>> No.16200358

V nice

>> No.16200380
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moving stack

>> No.16200385


>> No.16200396
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>> No.16200493

> it's all fiction

>> No.16200574
File: 88 KB, 631x1280, proust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got these three recently in a bundle. I've been awfully slack with my reading lately. Wish I wasn't, because I've really enjoyed what I've read so far. Will definitely try get the other volumes at a later time

>> No.16200584

waste of money

>> No.16200593

>learning a language when someone else can do it for you
waste of time

>> No.16200599

r*ddit opinion, go back

>> No.16200678

>responding in 34 seconds
>censoring "reddit"
literal cope

>> No.16200707

ok r*ddit

>> No.16200729


>> No.16200733
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>counting how long it takes someone to reply

>> No.16200745
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>writing a reply

>> No.16200789

Not nearly well read enough, and from what I can make out poor taste to boot

>> No.16200852 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16200860

Please excuse the potato quality and orientation

>> No.16200868

>please excuse
no. learn how to phone post.

>> No.16200937

Is reddit patrol going to call him out on buying translations of Moriele

>> No.16201035
File: 925 KB, 2560x1440, 20200823_184758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far so good

>> No.16201045

>gigantic book in translation

>> No.16201078

I mean, 99% of people who have read the book probably did so via translation, I dont feel overly guilty

>> No.16201085

touché, but you are learning french right anon?

>> No.16201100

Someone already did. That person translated the book.

>> No.16201103

ive been thinking of it since im a leaf and already started it in school

>> No.16201105

the book is in russian you fucking retard amerifatt

>> No.16201106
File: 3.88 MB, 3053x2421, 20200823_190139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a true patrician is reading what you want

>> No.16201114

my classmate at college gifted me that Benjamin book right before graduation ;___; miss you bro

>> No.16201203

It has been translated to English, Paco :^)

>> No.16201744

didn't realize until now that the translation meme is a Mexicope. makes sense.

>> No.16201945

nice desu

>> No.16202219

Wow, she is extremely cute. I think the Q stuff it basically nonsense but I'm glad she's into it because I think it means she is more likely to get married and have a large family. I hope she has at least 4 kids.

>> No.16202242
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>> No.16202251

Would be good without Hunter

Very respectable.

I love Debord but don't really know anything about the other stuff you have here, probably because it looks like it's manga.

Better than I'd expect for a /pol/lack. The Decline of the West is great. It's dense and I think Spengler is wrong about a lot of stuff but it's still worth reading for anyone interested in our civilization's decline for the insights he provides. I'm just glad to see you're reading about our old myths and actual nationalist/third position philosophy instead of dumb wignat shit.

>> No.16202701

lmao, wait did Terror House really fuck up the spelling of masculinity on the spine of Landry's book, that must sting... imagine writing something for months (regardless of how good it is) only for it to be treated so carelessly by the "publisher"

>> No.16202732

I bought it from here:


>> No.16202756


>> No.16202915
File: 413 KB, 750x1334, 04C6DF52-F4B9-43D7-A322-0D5D132EA215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does a duffel of books count? Bonus points if you can guess the partly covered ones

>> No.16203034

Rilke, Marx-Engels Reader, Capitalist Realism, not sure about top left or bottom

>> No.16203043

>that particular Proust translation

waste of money

>> No.16203054

Antonin Artaud selected writings and mentor book of major American poets. There’s also a society of the spectacle and science of logic peaking out from under the upanishads and capitalist realism

>> No.16203061

Those look interesting, show us the lot

>> No.16203063


I'm enthusiastically voting Trump but she does have that thousand-cock dead stare. the SPQR hat is interesting.

>> No.16203070


There is something far worse than a waste of money. And that is the waste of time spent by an English speaker to learn another language, for no other reason than to read a particular book.

You can get your money back. You can't get your time back wasted on learning a superfluous thing. Nor does the knowledge gained justify the time wasted, which is the central point. It's already been translated. Ya got it already.

>> No.16203080

I would but it took awhile to pack up and I’ve got enough to get ready. I can list off a couple more gems in there for you tho.

Fear and loathing in Las Vegas
Naked Lunch
And the ass saw the angel
Les champs de Maldoror
Absolute recoil
Phenomenology of spirit
Being and nothingness

>> No.16203082
File: 2.43 MB, 4032x3024, 8CC1C9EB-5761-407B-AE29-3A59F4B0C776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The society of the spectacle and the science of logic.
Borges is eternally in my stack. I love him so much.

>> No.16203105

That’s an alluring stack. I’ve got the phenomenology in there too (and the notebook is for the SoL) but I haven’t cracked open my Hegels in a hot minute

>> No.16203194

How's that Dutch edition of Spengler? Deciding whether to get that one or an English translation.

>> No.16203233

those two at the bottom and the top are manga. sound and the fury is a classic, not sure how you don't know about that one. The big dark book is a German translation of Mark Fisher's "ghosts of my life" and the one below is a German introduction to deleuze's ideas

>> No.16203498

I read The Monk a few months ago. It was good but can be repetitive in its language.

>> No.16203534

Bottom left is the American poetry book I had to read in high school. A Child says what is the grass is on page 420 if I recall correctly.

>> No.16203614

I've only read the Dutch one, so I can't compare it to English. But it's a fairly complicated work, so best go with whatever language you're good at.

De Blauwe Tijger has a Dutch version of Man and Technics as well.

>> No.16204419
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My 'now until 1st October' stack.

>> No.16204478
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>why yes I’ve read every one of Paul Skallas’ books. How could you tell?

>> No.16204798
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Recent purchases.
>Friedrich Schiller - William Tell
I read a very inspirational quote from it, so I put it on my reading list. Found this bilingual, facing-page edition for two bucks, so I can better my German a bit too.
I really like the spirit the writing espouses, based on preliminary glances.

>Liu Guojun, Zhou Yicheng - The Story of Chinese Books
A small book about the history of how book were made from the oldest times, to the early years of the People's Republic.
Found it accidentally while looking for the third book I got recently. Got it because it was relatively cheap, and I had some surplus cash.

>Zsolt Tokaji - The History of the Chinese Book
Another book on the same topic, it's a few decades newer. Already read this one, and it's pretty good. Has plenty of illustrations, gives the name of every term, person or concept it uses in Hungarian, Pinyin and in Hanzis.
It's not necessarily in-depth most of the time, but I guess this is still more than most people would care to know about the history of bookmaking in China.
The author is a prolific Sinologist and it's not the first of his books I've read, and it's up to his standards, has a good bibliography as usual in the back, so I can read more about the topics that interest me. (Though some of the books he mentions and uses I've already read.)

>> No.16204882
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I hope this picture doesn’t turn sideways

>> No.16205154

>reading crowley

>> No.16205162

why not read actual hermeticism instead of this worthless shit?

>> No.16205219
File: 695 KB, 828x1581, BAB250B6-20D4-4CF0-9750-8EAB275813FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw it at the top of one of those pictures that tell you what to read to get into a subject, wasn’t bad at all desu. Then I got this
It was better than expected

>> No.16205422


>> No.16205602

Dutch is my native language but due to being an internet era bitch I've read far more books in English - guess I'll try to find a preview copy and see which I prefer. And yes I saw that but I've already read the English version of M&T by Arktos. I appreciate what De Blauwe Tijger does though. Thanks for the input.

>> No.16205888

I read Kant’s prolegomena a few months ago and he said he bit most of Aristotle’s Categories for his system. Plus, it seems important to Aristotle’s Metaphysics, and it’s one of the founding works in philosophy of logic and language, with sections that have yet to become outdated, and besides all of that it’s a fun read if you are into this sort of thing.

>> No.16205945
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some I recently got for free

>> No.16206152

why are translation readers so defensive about it and accuse those who learn languages of wasting their time? its almost like they are aware they are bottom-feeding scum and are ashamed of it...........
>It's already been translated. Ya got it already.
translations are a joke on monolinguals, anon. Fortunately, monolinguals deserve it.

>Borges is eternally in my stack. I love him so much.
Do you have the non-fiction sister to that volume that penguin published, anon? v comfy reading.

>> No.16206314

I don’t own it, but finished it in between classes in my school’s library, and I’m thinking about giving it to myself as a birthday present this year. Is the penguin poetry volume worth reading? I was going to wait on that side of him for a few years until I improve my Spanish.

>> No.16206543

>giving it to myself as a birthday present this year
you should! perfect self-bday present
>Is the penguin poetry volume worth reading?
I had, then got rid of, and now kind of wish I had it again
I can't speak that much for the poetry bc I was interested in borges before I got interested in reading other languages, so I was just reading it in the translations like a pleb
and I dont know any spanish to this day so even if I had it again I'd still be reading the translations like a pleb (yes, I accept all the shade I threw in my last post at translation readers)

I will say that his poetry feels quite different to his fiction or non-fiction prose; for one thing, women (almost unheard of in the fiction) and love have a much stronger presence
it's also quite classical, structured, formal,etc; there are quite a lot of sonnets in there iirc, as well as some libre vers
and it's a bilingual edition, so at least you know they didn't fuck that up

hope that helps, anon

>> No.16206689
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it's not much, but i've been chipping away at it for a little while now.

>> No.16206692

I don't like to read more than one novel at a time, but I'll typically be in the process of reading a novel, a nonfiction book of some sort (usually history), and a philosophical text and just switch between them depending on my mood. Maybe sprinkle some short stories in as well.

>> No.16206744

Is this "translations" meme that's in every thread serious? Do you actually expect everyone in the world to be highly fluent in French, Spanish, German, Russian, and English? Or do you genuinely think it's better to not read a novel at all than to read it in translation?
And I never see these people complaining about translations from, say, Japanese.

>> No.16206745

>and it's a bilingual edition
Oh cool! That might actually be a fun way to practice. How can someone who read so much Borges be so anti-translations, given that he spent so much time writing and writing about translations?

>> No.16206773

>translations are a joke on monolinguals
This doesn't really make sense though. Say someone can speak 30 languages, but doesn't speak Russian, or at least doesn't understand it well enough to read Russian literature. You would still give them shit for reading a translation of Dostoevsky?

>> No.16206794


You seem like a guy I'd like to hang out with

>> No.16206795


>> No.16206801

>buying disgusting barnes and noble leather editions

>> No.16206813

I for one only complain about translations from Japanese

>> No.16206854

no cause dostoyevsky's prose is trash anyway lmao
t. hemingway

>> No.16206872
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>reading 4 books at a time but slow as fuck

>> No.16207246

>How can someone who read so much Borges be so anti-translations, given that he spent so much time writing and writing about translations?
thats true, his essay on translations of the arabian nights is nice
I will note that he learnt german just to read schopenhauer in the original, though

ok I was probably meming a little too hard on translations above
I read translations (though I have the decency to feel a wee tiny bit dirty when I do so), and I don't judge someone for reading translations in and of itself
the bit that rubbed me the wrong way was the assertion that learning a language to read is a waste of time, and that
>It's already been translated. Ya got it already.
as if nothing is lost

>This doesn't really make sense though. Say someone can speak 30 languages, but doesn't speak Russian, or at least doesn't understand it well enough to read Russian literature. You would still give them shit for reading a translation of Dostoevsky?
I would not, because such a person would never say something as monolingually retarded as
>It's already been translated. Ya got it already.

>> No.16207840

fair point about about who you were responding to. that kind of sentiment comes across as ignorant. I would prefer to read anything in it's original language, and I think everyone should be able to speak more than one language, but I think for most people (who are reading casually) it isn't practical or reasonable to learn languages for the purpose of reading literature, and it's ok to settle for a translation. unless you're a serious critic or an academic studying these works or something like that

>> No.16208547
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>> No.16208589

Aren't you worried about your books getting dirty?

>> No.16208604

Just set em there for a quick pic and they went back in the bag before I sat down to finish Dubliners. That moss was quite plush and clean, though.

>> No.16208618

Some translations great in their own right.obv a Proust translation isn’t going to stand up to the original but the Moncrieff/Kilmartin translation has better prose than many books written in English for example

>> No.16208674

On Heros and Tombs is pretty good.
Weirdly similar to The Savage Detectives in some aspects, though. If you read it, you will get what I mean.

>> No.16208696
File: 1.15 MB, 2599x2013, 35B69C1C-40EA-4D65-911A-BCADD309D95E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this stack for free.

>> No.16208720

I have La Ciudad y los Perros in one of this Spanish Royal Academy editions. 40% of the thing is the book per se. more than 300 p. in introductions and afterwords. never got around reading any of them.

>> No.16208734

Where can you even buy these books?

>> No.16208791

ok, so you saw this tread, took your books from the shelf, went outside, walked up to the woods, found a nice fallen trunk, framed the picture, maybe even edited it, who knows, and then posted it online, for some people you will never meet to see? why?

>> No.16208808
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>> No.16208817

I stopped in the woods after bookshopping. My bad for contributing to the thread.

>> No.16208947

Based, particularly Acker, Fisher and Kharms.

Have you read any of the Kaufman yet? I have an inherent suspicion of it because movie-man-book, but he's one of the few writers in that sphere who I can imagine maybe not writing complete shit

>> No.16209201
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>> No.16209207

I've read it twice. It's going to be a classic. Definitely pick up a copy, he's, surprisingly, a much better writer than screenwriter.

>> No.16209221

qr on Ultramarine?

>> No.16209245
File: 113 KB, 820x533, BF16275F-7F93-4D4E-8097-B665798CEC65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just posted all the books I own...

>> No.16209567

Haven't read it, as I just bought it today. First novel by Malcolm Lowry who wrote Under the Volcano. It's about a guy on a ship.

>> No.16209847


>> No.16209876

Pretty fucking based

>> No.16210019

Stay the fuck in your board for retards and closet homos.

>> No.16210214
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>this is the true meaning of “rent-free”