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File: 73 KB, 700x350, 1_qhAcd0PAxEvljiU3QBXkkg[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16186223 No.16186223 [Reply] [Original]

Marcus Aurelius loooked like THAT?

>> No.16186244

Explains why his writings suck

>> No.16186245

He looks like he's going to immigrate to the US.

>> No.16186253

Mashallah brother!

>> No.16186268
File: 156 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16186280

kek time for the niggerization of history.

>> No.16187080

he has am almost afro.

What do americans expect?
>muh statures are white (not knowing paint just got bad)
>so they Romans be white in conclusion

>> No.16187088

No, its because of the civilization and achievements

>> No.16187124

i believe he was from iberian stock

>> No.16187221

Is the the same guy that did brown Jesus?

>> No.16187230
File: 76 KB, 800x1200, Miguel-Bernardeau-800x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is also from Iberian stock, my american friend

>> No.16187250

Is this the revised one rendering after people complained?

>> No.16187256

>iberian stock
so like the irish then?

>> No.16188098
File: 227 KB, 2047x2047, 1540117994454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Med
>get WE WUZZED by both niggers and snowniggers
Just leave us alone.

>> No.16188111

the Annia gens settled in Iberia during the Socii Wars but were Etrurian in origin. Etrurians were just Latinized Phoenicians. Ring-a-ding. It's why Tuscans look like Lebanese/Syrians while Romans are white.

>> No.16188114

Cantabrians are Gaulish. Rest of Iberia are swarthy meds.

>> No.16188158

>4chan just now realizing that "white" didnt exist until a few centuries ago and that, if anything, people that resembled white people the closest were actually the uncivilized barbarians from the north

>> No.16188172
File: 368 KB, 1772x754, 1574679854207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meds invented civilization and g*rmanoids can only cope

>> No.16188180

MEDS are the master race no doubt about it. i whip myself every morning because im 25% polish tho

>> No.16188188

>some reddit faggot completely misunderstanding his own subversive education

>> No.16188212
File: 82 KB, 283x218, 1596959001275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does it feel to know that you really are a nigger? i mean, even if you weren't totally delusional, that still leaves the unequivocal fact that ashkenazi jews are the highest IQ ethnic group in the world i.e. you are a nigger to the jew. you are nothing but a nigger.
>and this kills the 4channer

>> No.16188237
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>> No.16188240

like what? looks like a carbon copy of the statue we already know so what's this thread about?

>> No.16188276

He's not a platinum blonde with Daddario's eyes and vampire skin, so it's niggerwashing done by Kikes.

>> No.16188683

more like Marjee Auravorty

>> No.16188688
File: 325 KB, 798x1024, augustus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roman statues looked like THAT?!?

>> No.16188693

>Daddario's eyes
just googled that and im petrified

>> No.16188700

its hypnotizing in a bad way. like it is wanting to kill me.

>> No.16188701

>Etrurians were just Latinized Phoenicians
Lol, no.

>> No.16188725

>Etrurians were just Latinized Phoenicians.
That's wrong.

>> No.16188952


>> No.16189046

How could the artist fuck up his iconic Bob Ross fro? That's his most distinct feature

>> No.16189093
File: 307 KB, 1000x563, MacAttack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No he looked like this

>> No.16189099
File: 251 KB, 1074x595, Thracian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope harder turk rape baby mongrel

>> No.16189116

Marcus Aurelius, still a nigga

>> No.16189128

Imagine actually using roman emperors' statues as reference points of how they looked.

>> No.16189149
File: 21 KB, 320x340, 53dbb9e2a77a13f0d58b804e90cdb92725837fd3297703c600f6f2bcb301d529_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't use any reference points! were you there goy? you dont know how he looked! marcus aurelius could have been a proud african.

>> No.16189163

God, I hate this fucking infantilization of /lit/ /pol/shitters have done.
Aurelius obviously had a fucking darker skin tone, my point was that, famously, statues of the roman emperors looked absolutelt nothing like the emperors themselves.

>> No.16189170

>looks like a modern day greek
>/pol/ spergs out

>> No.16189190
File: 25 KB, 600x600, soi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do americans expect?
>>muh statures are white (not knowing paint just got bad)
>>so they Romans be white in conclusion
It's 2020 and people still unironically believe Vox strawmans

>> No.16189202

Try writing an entire post next time, not half a post.

>> No.16189222

This. White people only started existing in the 19th century. They magically appeared from out of nowhere. Pretty crazy when you look into it.

>> No.16189243

>The humans that actually recorded history. who all looked like each other, didn't classify how they looked in comparison to other races they would never encounter in an entire lifetime and creating this classification only came about once it was actually had a utilitarian use within their society
Wow what an amazing discovery you made there. What a big brain on this based retard

>> No.16189248
File: 369 KB, 1600x2126, chosen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope harder kike

>> No.16189265

What does that even mean lol. The notion that white nationalists identified with Greco-Roman statues because the statues were the color white is laughable and if you believe that narrative you're thick as pig shit

>> No.16189289

roman statues were basically marble mannequins

>> No.16189299

1, Yes Jew professors actually teach this retarded shit

2. Yes there are purple haired trannies and women, who we all know are borderline retarded, in gender studies actually believe this shit

3. Yes there are humans stupid enough to believe this shit that actually post here, lots of discord trannies and yes they need to be stomped into the ground as imbeciles they are every time they post their hyper retarded schizo tier psychotic ramblings


>> No.16189304

>meds are tan


>> No.16189405

Meds are actually a pale green/yellow, but okay.

>> No.16189427

How would anyone get that from your original post rofl

>> No.16189559

This, he looks exactly like I expected from the statues.

>> No.16190551

what the fuck is with /pol/ and thinking that everybody with skin darker than pasty white are black

>> No.16190564

Well they have him with much darker skin than even Sicilians have now. Even many North Africans have lighter skin than this picture.

>> No.16190569

>one professor so that means everybody

>> No.16190596

i wasn't saying iberians aren't white. i was saying he was iberian, because all of the posts i mentioned were saying he was not white.

>> No.16190616

Alexander the great had blonde hair and blue eyes. So did Augustus

>> No.16190636

So do Berbers and Levantines. You can't just project a modern concept of whiteness onto a whole different historical epoch that did without such constructions.

>> No.16190687

Alexander was from Macedonia

>> No.16190956
File: 105 KB, 861x895, fakePrivilege.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying this isn't part of a larger anti-white agenda
Having to tell you this in 2020 must mean you are legitimately retarded friends or such a social outcast shut in you have no clue what is actually happening in the world outside your cave. Also there is literally nothing wrong with the dailycaller, it is owned by Tucker Carlson in fact the only legit name in news in current year


>> No.16191149

Not everything is an attack on you
Are you not happy with where your life is so you blame it on everybody else?

>> No.16191152

typical reply

>> No.16191178

If you keep on getting that type of reply maybe the problem is you

>> No.16191183
File: 1.09 MB, 2434x2110, fakePrivilege2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys you raging (((homosexual)))

>> No.16191186

No the problem is you and people like you, honest people don't reply like you.

>> No.16191207

You're blaming your problems on me now
that's not going to help you

>> No.16191220
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kys tranny

>> No.16191223 [DELETED] 


American culture is centered around niggers. They have holidays for niggers. They killed hundreds of thousands of white men to free niggers. They listen to nigger music. They elect a nigger as their president twice. They dress and act like niggers. They draw the entirety of their modern culture from niggers. They post sassy gifs about niggers. They watch sportsball in worship of niggers. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honor of niggers playing sports. They use nigger slang like "bruh" and "thot". When you say "Martin Luther" they're not thinking of the father of protestantism. They're thinking of the nigger. Their cities are completely overrun with niggers. They worship their ZOGbot police force disproportionately filled with niggers and their global police force of soldiers filled with niggers. Their men sit around watching nigger ball while their women sit around watching nigger talk shows and fantasizing about nigger dick. They worship niggers like Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson and the late Mike Tyson while attacking the whites who actually built their country before niggers took over. Their movies are filled with niggers and their music charts are topped by niggers. They send niggers to the Olympics and celebrate when the niggers win because those niggers are true red blooded american niggers. They watch nigger porn to a point where "BBC" does not make them think of an international media company but about nigger penises instead. They will tell you how much they hate niggers and how the mutt's law meme is a stale joke and they are just pretending to love niggers but the evidence speaks for itself in that America has always been and will be a nation of nigger loving niggers

>> No.16191234

are you okay?
Do you think that you aren't good enough to do anything?
how about trying for college?
what excuses are you giving yourself to not try new things

>> No.16191244

It's not a particularly effective or subtle tactic to imply that anyone noticing things you don't want them to notice is only doing so because of some personal failing. You just look dishonest and incapable of addressing the actual subject at hand.

>> No.16191258

You can do better than that.

>> No.16191260

Why do you not like the word discrimination?
why do you think the people talking about racists are actually talking about you?
do you think you're racist?

>> No.16191266

Absolutely based.

>> No.16191267
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>> No.16191271

These are certainly interesting questions, but they have nothing to do with our conversation.

>> No.16191274

bruh is actually a surfer word long before niggers used it

>> No.16191279

>Aurelius obviously had a fucking darker skin tone

>> No.16191284

yes it does
this is about your assumption that you are being oppressed because people are talking about racists
this is your anti-white agenda

>> No.16191292

There is lots of blatantly anti-white material in universities, the press, etc. They also repeatedly state that all whites are racist, so of course every white person is being referred to when discussing racists.

>> No.16191298
File: 116 KB, 882x639, 9FB9E3CF-3485-4F33-9C34-F4BC5B4EAC4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a retard

>> No.16191301

Where did you get that all whites are racist?
maybe one person did say that
but you think that's all of them

>> No.16191318

Maybe the fact that federal and municipal governments make white people attend seminars to address their ineradicable racism and the generally repeated mantra that a white person can never not be racist, they can just do their best.

>> No.16191325

Come the fuck on. Not even Italians and Spaniards of today are that swarthy but for a few exceptions. He probably had a tan and dark eyes but no way he looked like a fucking Maori.

>> No.16191363

that started in the 80's
this is not a new thing
the civil right's movement happened in the 60's

>> No.16191370

The people here are not your personal tutor you retarded motherfucker, stfu and do your own research

>> No.16191383

I agree that the Civil Rights Movement was the beginning of real antiwhite legislation, since its stated goal of equal outcomes necessitates discriminating against whites in favor of blacks. I'm not sure why you're bringing this up.

>> No.16191402


If all that you have to be proud of is your race maybe the problem is with you
maybe you should actually do something else than argue about black people on 4chan or in the media

>> No.16191406

You have reverted back to unrelated insults instead of replying to what was said. You're either very young, or just not very intelligent, because you keep doing this seemingly without realizing what you're doing.

>> No.16191414

This is not unrelated
you have a problem and it's not because of an anti-white agenda

>> No.16191432
File: 19 KB, 300x300, ebolachannazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my problem is anti-whites but it will solved in due course kunta don't worry about it, You shouldn't spend your time on 4chan posting about white supreme agendas. In fact you should email every (((news outlets))) and give them your great advice

>> No.16191433

>not knowing paint just got bad)
Were Roman statues painted? I know Greek ones were

>> No.16191441

We are talking about antiwhite legislation and culture. Your opinions about my motives or life, no doubt fascinating and profound, are not the subject.

>> No.16191443

so do I and I'm Portuguese

>> No.16191449


>> No.16191451

Nice try, turdskin.

>> No.16191460

I'm saying that anti-white legislation and culture doesn't exist
race doesn't exist
These people are talking about hey maybe Jim crow still had an effect on laws

>> No.16191471

you keep on ignoring my questions about how you are
I'm starting to think that you don't know the answers to them
maybe that's the problem

>> No.16191473

And I have pointed out to you antiwhite culture and legislation, to which you failed to respond entirely, and resorted to personal attacks. Also do you have obsessive compulsive disorder forcing you to write 3 lines in each post, what is that about?

>> No.16191482
File: 208 KB, 362x430, Turner1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and we are saying you are a nigger kike faggot that will have your neck stretched on DOTR, we can leave it that

>> No.16191487

These are only personal attacks because you make them personal attacks
these are basic questions
what's your favorite icecream?

>> No.16191500

They are personal, they are about me, not about the actual subject we are talking about, antiwhite culture and legislation. There is really no ambiguity here.

>> No.16191508

Looks Greek to me, what's with all the /pol/shit?

>> No.16191511

Yes they are questions about you
but these would only be attacks if you don't like the answers to them
what's you favorite color

>> No.16191524

They were attacks because they were negative, you quite literally said 'you have a problem', again no ambiguity. You aren't even intelligent enough to be dishonest properly, which doesn't require a lot of ability in the first place. Also you genuinely do have OCD don't you lol, you can't bring yourself not to have the 3 lines in your post.

>> No.16191530

A statement of fact is not an attack
you do have a problem
sorry you think that's an attack
we all have problems

>> No.16191542

>didn't post the Terry macro

>> No.16191550

4 lines bravo, is that another permitted function for your disease? Is it just that you can't have one normal sentence or how does it work? And yes it's an attack, and it was obviously an attack meant to distract from your having no response to the actual subject.

>> No.16191578

I do have a response
it's that the anti-white agenda doesn't exist
anything can be spun to be against anything
I'm not the enemy
sorry I didn't mean to hurt you
why does how I type bother you?

>> No.16191584

You're becoming agitated lol. I feel bad for you so I'll explain one more time, if you want to respond to my claim about the antiwhite legislation/culture you have to respond actually to that claim. Going off on tangents about why I care about the subject is sadly not how this works.

>> No.16191615

your proof is just how the word discrimination was on the rise in journalism
it must be because of jews
and using a graph about billionaries wrong

>> No.16191631

No my evidence was the seminars and the original CRM legislation. There are endless newspaper articles and academic papers with antiwhite sentiment as well. You responded to this by saying>>16191402
>If all that you have to be proud of is your race maybe the problem is with you
Which is of course a complete non-sequitur

>> No.16191701

>The Civil Rights Act of 1964, which ended segregation in public places and banned employment discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin
how the fuck is this anti-white
I don't think that the alleged seminar exists because you haven't shown me a source for that

>> No.16191724

The face doesn't even match.

>> No.16191728


And I already explained to you, the logic of the CRM is that all inequalities between races are due to white racism, therefore justifying discrimination against whites in favor of blacks to equalize outcomes.

>> No.16191750

one seminar in one city is literally nothing

>> No.16191755

and all of the inequalities between races IS because of white racism
don't you know slavery and imperialsim
or the lynching during the 50's?

>> No.16191768

There is no evidence that the inequality is due to racism.

And here's an article about it happening on the Federal level

>> No.16191778

Didnt really seem all that equal before those things happend either. So what is to be done?

>> No.16191792

there is boatloads of evidence
>New york post
>a tabloid newspaper
Actually fake news

>> No.16191810

Provide some evidence that shows that when racism is lifted the inequalities between blacks and whites disappear.

And are you suggesting that newspaper literally invented the story here?
> a private diversity-consulting firm conducted a training titled “Difficult Conversations About Race in Troubling Times” for several federal agencies. The training called on white employees at the Treasury Department, the Federal Reserve, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the National Credit Union Administration and the Office of the Comptroller to pledge “allyship [sic] amid the George Floyd Tragedy.”

>> No.16191829

>Whites so dominate the entire earth that blacks remain in inferior positions for centuries
>Blacks aren't inferior
I don't follow.

>> No.16191859

how does any small difference justify killing people
And yes I do think they made it up

and here come the nazis
trying to make themselves feel good because they would be a failure otherwise
get a better job fuck boy

>> No.16191879

He does have one of those overdone African American names

>> No.16191894
File: 241 KB, 1240x968, EfPOX18UcAYCzXY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea why you're talking about killing people. And you think they literally forged these documents?

>> No.16191926

Y'know what I'm sorry it's not forged
but the entire story by the new york post is sensationalism
what the fuck is wrong about any of this?
do you think that privilege is a bad word

>> No.16191935

I think it demonstrates antiwhite bias to associate 'white maleness' with these things and force them to undergo weird meetings where they address some sort of implicit original sin they have.

It's not clear what white privilege exists anyway, it certainly doesn't exist when it comes to university applications or various race quotas for jobs.

>> No.16191950

What the fuck is this
this is just you trying to make up the anti-white agenda as you go along

>> No.16191959

No it is an example of the federal government forcing white(and male) employees to see themselves negatively and apologize to other demographics for their inherent wrongness. There are many other examples of antiwhite culture.

>> No.16191967

No this is them trying to realize how good they have what they have
have you not heard of gratitude?

>> No.16191970

To whom do they owe this gratitude exactly?

>> No.16191978


>> No.16191985

Maybe people of colour should show gratitude to whites

>> No.16191993

so what exactly are poorfag whites supposed to show gratitude towards?

>> No.16191995

No they don't
you just can't stop committing a crime and say that the victims of that crime owe you


>> No.16192011

>Imagining ancient Mediterraneans as white blue-eyed Nordics

>> No.16192014

Without the inventions of white people the average quality of life would be much lower, PoC seem pretty ungrateful don't they. And they're hardly angels themselves, they were just as exploitative as whites when they had the power to do so.

>> No.16192027

You are now trying to justify your racism by saying that blacks should thank you

>> No.16192035



>> No.16192041

they could at least stop crying, they're given shitloads of money every year from whites

>> No.16192042

>Without the inventions of white people
What have YOU invented? That's right: nothing. You bask in the reflected glory of others' accomplishments because without that, you have nothing.

>> No.16192048

They are the ones that do what they like
and they should be grateful for everybody that helps

>> No.16192051

Funny how you are willing to take the accomplishments of "white culture" as your own, while denying its legacy of imperalism, genocide, and exploitation as your own.

>> No.16192053

Actually im just pointing out how ungrateful poc are, you like the other guy have a hard time sticking to the topic at hand, for some reason you all find me more interesting than the subject, very flattering.

>> No.16192060

So you're just a loser troll and we should ignore you.

>> No.16192063

It is funny how I did no such thing but you randomly assert I did, it's like you all have a script lol. All i did was point out that if poc are going to be mad at whites as a group they should also be very grateful really.

>> No.16192069

and you arent? What about your personal life has to make us give a fuck about your opinions either anon?

>> No.16192075

You could actually respond to the content of what I said, which I'm starting to gather is some kind of radical notion for you. Maybe this is one of those Aspects of Whiteness that I have to Unlearn, sticking to one topic in a conversation is potentially white supremacist

>> No.16192076

they are grateful for the invention
what they aren't grateful for is the racism

>> No.16192106

I personally dont but also it comes down to what you value more the good or the bad. And it seems that liberals or whatever left leaner you are as put more "value" on the negative aspects of white history so that is the brush you broadly stroke with on whiteness as a whole. Cant be helped if thats what you value more desu

>> No.16192122


>> No.16192158
File: 23 KB, 300x370, blue eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a bronze of the same dude. It seems to me that they represented him with blue eyes.

>> No.16192192

That's just the undercoat

>> No.16192242

I do value the bad more than you
you don't acknowledge the bad in the first place
but I also value the good that's why I'm trying to help people

>> No.16192298

I acknowledge it but as usual its mostly based on historical circumstance. There is no suggesting that imperialism wasnt an inevitability of history. (which not every aspect of was actually negative) You are not helping anyone though, no one here is. Unless we are again making personal assumptiona based on postinng habits and ideology expressed on this board as you seem to be really into, than I can only assume since you have the good guys ideology you must be a good person

>> No.16192374

yes is based on historical circumstances it's literally history
>there is no suggesting that imperialism wasnt an inevitability of history
It doesn't matter if imperialism was an inevitability or not what matters is that it happened and it's consequences affects us today
>which not every aspect of was actually negative
this is true yes but most of it was bad
And thanks for that last sentence
even though I'm completely sure it was sarcasm

>> No.16193036

I'm just trying to follow your argument.
1. Apples are dominant have have been for a long time.
2. This has put kumquats in an inferior position.
Therefore kumquat aren't inferior?

You're conclusion is the negation of your second premise. This is not a valid construction.

>> No.16193069

>I take social darwinism seriously
go take a hike white supremacist

>> No.16193122

One of my relatives is so tan and dark-haired/eyed they regularly get 'paki' etc. yelled at them in the street (UK) and eventually did a DNA test just to find out. 100% white British, not even hints of Scandi and Scots-Irish like a couple of others on the same side of the family by blood. Genetics and epigentics are weird.

>> No.16193195

Social Darwinism? No, you've already posited whites are superior, that is the problem. That's what white privilege is, not something developed or earned, just a benefit even white children get that POCs can never have; an advantage that has gone on for centuries now.
Did you not notice this is the same racial essentials view held by antebellum southern whites, just viewed from a different direction? That's the confusing part, your whole identity starts out with the belief in white supremacy but somehow still claim not to believe it.

>> No.16193210

I'm not the one saying that

>> No.16193322

So there is not white privilege? There is no systemic racism against POCs? I mean, ok but then >>16191829 what's this? Or are saying you are a different poster?

>> No.16193330

Oops, this one.

>> No.16193385

I did say that white privilege and systemic racism exists
but I wasn't the one pushing that it's actually social darwinism

>> No.16193434

Can you explain how white privilege isn't racial essentialism? And second how what I'm saying is social darwinism? heh, I bet you can't even define SD in your own words, but whatever

>> No.16193519

Why do you want to keep making me out to be the real racist here?

>> No.16193732

Because you are? The upper middle class progressives are driving poor POCs ahead of them for political advantage. But what help will it do some day laborer if the CEO is also black? Or even if colleges accept more rich African kids, if they never finished 10th grade?

Identity politics is a bad idea in at least the following three ways:
1. From a Marxist analysis, it is clearly just the petite bourgeoise rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
2. It is counterproductive. By highlighting the privileges of whiteness, its benefits and coming removal of status, it creates a racially aware white ethnic group (along with a superior category whites are simply born into.) That is, white supremacy, after years of diminishment and ridicule, is growing and mainstreaming because of identity politics.
3. It is dangerous. Recently the New York Times named the 20 most powerful people in Hollywood. Then said 19 of them were white. So what right? 'Damn the white man, we should tax their wealth and redistribute their businesses! The corrupt a-holes!' Now what if I say, 15 of them are Jewish. Kinda looking like a prelude to an attack? Maybe the New York Times shouldn't be publishing lists of powerful Jews?

>> No.16193767

you're not a nazi you're a nazbol
I think that class struggle is deeply connected to race struggle
you just don't want to think that you can be racist

>> No.16193871


>> No.16194058

Untrue, I'm racist in sense 2 and 3 as defined by John McWorter, a black writer from the Atlantic who also thinks your white fragility is racist. You are the one who can't accept your racist identity. Nor am I fascist or marxist, I'm a Christian anarchist. Not that it matters since you are without counterargument to any of them.

>> No.16194108

stoicism is for niggers

nigger faggot

>> No.16194154

I'm just agreeing with what MLK said
if that makes me racist i don't fucking know what to tell you

>> No.16194260

MLK is one of many failed black leaders of the talented tenth. Go read Booker T and Malcolm X if you want real solutions for black people.

>> No.16194278

>MLK is a failed leader

and I will thanks

>> No.16194289

>Go read Booker T and Malcolm X if you want real solutions for black people.
you are such a faggot if you think like this if you're white. "real solutions for black people" how about niggers are not my problem

>> No.16194389

Both of their autobiographies were enjoyable reads.

The anon I was talking to might be black. Or black people might be part of my community that I'd rather have succeeding profitably than failing in expensively. Or maybe you should just like that Malcolm X was a black separatist, so blacks might finally be "not your problem"

>> No.16195241
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>> No.16195935

You are so stupid you can't even see it, that is the funniest part

>> No.16196001
File: 246 KB, 367x450, Cohen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16196005
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>> No.16196022
File: 236 KB, 341x340, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayo med boi we take yo women and then shit on Via Appia

>> No.16196244
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>> No.16196291 [DELETED] 

yes, exactly. southern europeans were considered second-class citizens in the USofA until the mid19th century anon

>> No.16196300

so, he was a nigger then you're admitting?

>> No.16196312

no, they sculped a totally different person

>> No.16196321

based kike

>> No.16196324
File: 37 KB, 398x376, 1555885911586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pol just now realizing that white people are the real niggers
if only i could see your faces

>> No.16196375
File: 233 KB, 750x932, DafoeFrank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if only I could see your faces

>> No.16196392
File: 487 KB, 642x449, Palestine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe more Chaim

>> No.16196399
File: 584 KB, 553x523, 2012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-b-but im not a nigger! you can't call me a nigger! black people are niggers! y-you browse reddit! you aren't part of the group! you're a nigger! you're a jew!
t. nigger