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16186545 No.16186545 [Reply] [Original]

Any books explaining why academia went to shit? At this point the best isn't really much better than the worst. And this is true of both philosophy and literature. Why did this happen?

>> No.16186677

Universities are largely modelled on corporations now, and the most important people in them are bureaucrats and administrators, not academics. When retarded bean counters gain control of such institutions and optimise them to make money and hit benchmarks for rankings... we should not be surprised that actual intellectual culture withers and dies.

For literature and the broader humanities, there are a number of problems. But they generally stem from the corporatisation, the pressure to publish or perish, an oversupply of experts in the area, artisan/mysticism degrees for dumb students (gender, race, etc) and the consequences of this leading to cultish thinking, conformity, and an implicit view of humanity itself that maps neatly onto the way advertising sees us as part of certain consumer groups and demographics. Ultimately we witness in the modern university the cradle of woke capital... an ugly synthesis of fake, niche, rent seeking revolutionary politics (women, LGBT, race, blabla) with capitalism (all this evil bullshit is fine if the CEO is a female black psychopath).

>> No.16186695

they started letting non-white people go to college. It all went downhill afterwards

>> No.16186704

Everything got fucked after WW2

>> No.16186748

Kevin Solway has a few ideas:

>When critiquing the work of academic philosophers, it is almost impossible to know what to do, for it is as though one were presented with a cloud of dense fog, and are invited to deal with it.

>One is first struck with the obvious problem that it is impossible to tell whether the academic philosopher believes anything of what he writes, or whether one is expected to take it as some kind of a game or a joke. The content of their ideas is so fabricated, so artificial, having no relation whatsoever to the subject material, and so completely conforming with the latest fashions in academic thought, that one strongly suspects that they don’t believe a word of what they write, but are instead simply contributing, almost cynically, to the mass of what academic philosophers have done before – not unlike the children’s game of “sticks” where many small sticks are awkwardly and precariously balanced on each other to form a pile, until eventually the whole lot collapses under its own weight and you start again. Indeed it is not even part of the job description of an academic philosopher that they *believe* anything they say – so it is probably wrong to even expect it of them.

>The academic philosopher too commonly seems to be mocking his own profession through some kind of perverse self-parody – perhaps as a form of confession to ease the burden of guilt for the crime.

>But if academic philosophers don’t believe anything they say, or if it is all in jest, and a joke, then what do they really say?

>*Nothing at all.*


>> No.16187112

That doesn't make sense. Capital manufactures intelligence so corporate universities should have improved all staff.

>> No.16187197

Nicky shouldn’t be there

>> No.16187211
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>hmm reality must be wrong, I read it on a blog

>> No.16187215

>Capital manufactures intelligence so corporate universities should have improved all staff.
no it doesn't. it seeks profits. even retardation that hinders profits is acceptable as long as the money and power eventually ends up where it should. quit reading internet tranny schizos.

>> No.16187360

Culture Of Critique by Kevin McDonald

>> No.16187397

People in this site and in the general niche of bottom feeding you are a part of have an incredibly narrow view of reality and focus only on things you hate, probably due to mommy issues.
Academia is not reduced to whatever meme figures you and your idols focus on. Imagine that each country has hundreds of universities, each of which with hundreds of academics. Right wing countries have universities, left wing countries have universities, religious countries have them, atheist countries have them.
You should actually go to one and see it for yourself. They're not all like US East Coast.

>> No.16187402

they're all competing for government funds, which is allocated for fucking retarded reasons, many of which you list
ie capitalism is efficient at extracting the money which socialist central planners are doling out

>> No.16187523

>For literature and the broader humanities, there are a number of problems. But they generally stem from the corporatisation, the pressure to publish or perish, an oversupply of experts in the area, artisan/mysticism degrees for dumb students (gender, race, etc) and the consequences of this leading to cultish thinking, conformity, and an implicit view of humanity itself that maps neatly onto the way advertising sees us as part of certain consumer groups and demographics. Ultimately we witness in the modern university the cradle of woke capital... an ugly synthesis of fake, niche, rent seeking revolutionary politics (women, LGBT, race, blabla) with capitalism (all this evil bullshit is fine if the CEO is a female black psychopath).
This is classic 4chan garbage psedointellectualism. No one cares about gender studies, it doesn't mean anything about university at large.

>> No.16187532
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Imagine being this retarded

>> No.16187535

Are you Jewish

>> No.16187560

This post reeks of gefilta fish

>> No.16187658

wrong. read Nick Land.

>> No.16187680

I know it started back in Germany pre Nazi era at the Frankfurt school. Adorno and them were the ones that came up with this critical theory bullshit. Once Hitler came to power, they had to flee because they were all jews. Once in the United States, they set up shop at Columbia University. I don't necessarily have a specific book to recommend, but this is a start.

>> No.16187767

Guys, can you remind me what does Ted mean by saying "oversocialized"? His manifesto is clear and concise but that part keeps eluding for me.

>> No.16187776

"Frankfurt School In Exile" by Thomas Wheatland

>> No.16187814

>Vaguely related to Nick Land
into the garbage it goes

>> No.16187889

It's always been this way
Seneca complains a lot about the state of academia, which by his description is rather similar to our own

>> No.16187935


Ted himself was clearly "undersocialized" and so his diagnosis of society must be taken as him projecting his infirmity onto the rest of the world, if we are being perfectly serious. That said, today's faggy left-"liberal" social media and approval-seeking posting are along the lines of what he was getting after, albeit over 20 years later and in much more intensified form.

>> No.16187941

But now it's on a much larger scale and they can do so much more damage chasing after money.
There's always powerful and bloodthirsty warlords in every age but now they can completely destroy the whole planet and make it uninhabitable if they wanted to. Things are on a completely different scale now.

>> No.16187969

It literally didn't. Modern analytical philosophy is progressing faster and better than ever before. Philosophy of mind is a basically new doctrine which has added a huge amount to philosophy in the last 50 years. Either you've never read people like Fodor, Putnam, Harry G Frankfurt, Alasdair MacIntyre, or Bernard Williams (just to name a few big names) or you have a warped view of what makes good philosophy.

>> No.16187973


You're right but something very important has changed
That is the increased emphasis on the importance of higher education
Basically at this point for the average person getting a 4 year degree is a necessity if you want to have any chance at success in life and not be treated as a second class citizen
Academia hasn't changed but the reliance on it as an institution has and that places strain in both directions

>> No.16187975

Yes, why?

>> No.16188087

What? It reflects precisely a consumer driven university experience. A degree that offers no technical knowledge or higher learning of value to the individual or the public. It is not education, but a predatory financial product linked to navel gazing.

>> No.16188092

That's literally just a bunch of ad hominems and homeless man teir babbling

>> No.16188131

Ted and Nick have had the same relationship to academia tho. Both began in it then left and vehemently condemned it.

>> No.16188164

Right and I what I am telling you is that gender studies is just one field. It doesn't mean anything for the university as a whole. It doesn't even have to do anything to do with consumerism, it's not like gender studies are profit driven.

>> No.16188529

Hey Nick

>> No.16188540

>Capital manufactures intelligence
>what even is the IQ shredder?
Capital manufactures technology and capital. If technology can become genuinely intelligent then sure, but until that happens capital is a net drain on biotic intelligence.

>> No.16188574

>rent seeking

This is a big driver on many levels.

Grievance studies are rent seeking, because as mentioned, they are not actually profitable, they get by due to the social pressures on a uni to be woke/diverse, so they fund these studies, not exposing the professors to the pressures of being talented or correct in any way.

International students are another example of rent seeking. Unis have been blesssed as green-card/citizenship factories, and have been rent seeking on that for years. Just look at how they lost their marbles when Trump tried to keep international students home for 1 semester. The visa factory is what is producing the cookie cutter econ and business degrees at such large scale.

>> No.16188585

Worked for major uni can confirm

>> No.16188592

It's funny because every intellectual seems to agree on this but also zealously agrees that the right people won to engineer the total hell-world they pontificate about inhabiting.

>> No.16188617

Now, upon realizing it's trapped animals and people generally seek out the bounds of their enclosure and test the fencing. An academic will write volumes on the existence and nature of the enclosure yet act as that same fencing by their cool, detached observations suddenly turning to moral vehemence against any prodding the electrified, razor-wire premises of WWII and the Liberal world order ossified in its wake.

>> No.16188623

>the fence studies the topography of the enclosure
Sounds right

>> No.16188627
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>> No.16188631
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>No one cares about gender studies, it doesn't mean anything about university at large
>77,838 ratings

>> No.16188632

I'm always very alarmed when I realize just how many people read this garbage

>> No.16188633

Go back to sleep, goy. I already told you it doesn't mean anything.

>> No.16188640

Embarrassing retard.

>> No.16188648

White Fragility has nothing to do with gender studies.

>> No.16188654

we are talking about revolutionary politics

>> No.16188663

You mean identity politics.

>> No.16188673

solid post

>> No.16188684

whatever you call this shit i am just referring to >>16187523

>> No.16188709

Jewish hands typed this.

>> No.16188775

Not the same poster, gender studies and woke politics in general are of course not profit driven. But university that wants more students and has to justify their programs trough such key words as "relevant" and "practical" will be eager to welcome woke turn, because as a latest social-moral trend it will attract more students than such programs as "classic philology" or "classic philosophy" and it also satiates the capitals administrative demand of programs that are in some way practical and useful. Some "classical" programs in my university were replaced that way. I'm not universalizing the woke boogieman, because it is only a symptom, a compromise between ever increasing demands of capital and humanities that have to justify their existance. They justify it now trough woke turn. The problem is capitalism of course.

>> No.16189018

Capital is hyper-racist. the only hope for the white man.

>> No.16189125

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.16189153

Do they condemn it in similar or different way?

>> No.16189184

>noo! why doesn't everyone want to return to the dark ages like me!
everything Ted wrote is just a big cope.

>> No.16189236

Universities are subsidized by the state and so face no pressure to compete and improve. There's a reason the least competitive departments have the most socialists. They want more of daddy government's money

>> No.16189261

hyperbasado. read Nick Land to find the answer.

>> No.16189268

>no substance
>pretend to innovate
>appeal to marketing faggotry
He represents everything wrong with academia.

>> No.16189382

there is a competition retard. you only progress if you publish. but how a burger flipper who never set a foot iniside a uni would know that?

>> No.16189424

But he's not in academia (and when he was, he was very much on the margins of what was accepted by it)

>> No.16189435

lol cope queer theory has been around since the 60s so Land was nothing new. it was completely accepted by academia.

>> No.16189438
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>an anti-intellectual makes an inquiry
it's as if garbage had its own trash

>> No.16189446

I'm gonna blame politics

>> No.16189458

Doing basically occultism and numerology with the Ccru and doing multimedia performances while zonked out on drugs instead of presenting a paper at conferences was though.

>> No.16190089


>> No.16190552

stay mad

>> No.16190579

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Culture of Critique
Mein Kampf
For My Legionaries

>> No.16190586
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Holy based Batman!

>> No.16190612


>> No.16190818

Expansion of university education to the masses, in the US, government funding for student loans, the Civil Rights Act leading to endless deans of diversity and inclusion, etc.

>> No.16191231
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Based. Everyone should read pic related

>> No.16192036

chkd and good post anon

>> No.16192052

>lower standards to get in for people who are overall less intelligent
>more dumb students
>Qualified people less intelligent
imagine my cock

>> No.16192074

academia has always been shit
it's always been a club of smug bitches-
so many questions are answered by simply asking people who work, but no. academia is a fucking club of smug, insufferable intellectuals

>> No.16192091
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>> No.16192097

the arrogance it must take to answer someones genuine question about a writers work by instead posting your armchair psychoanalysis and then throwing out a hot take on a somewhat related contemporary issue as if this provides any value to the person you're replying to, let alone answering his question at all.

>> No.16192117

Did you forget you were unimportant?

>> No.16192118

how socialized is oversocialized?

>> No.16192130

useless degrees aren't worsening the societies though

live and let live, smart student.

>> No.16192138

finally some more good posts in this thread. Sterilizing high IQ populations en mass does not benefit us long-term. The only way it (arguably) could is if our ability to create artificial intelligence outpaces our destruction of our own intelligent individuals. Which is frankly a gamble.

>> No.16192152

accelerate to hyper-racist ai

>> No.16192279

capital only adopts ideologies like masks. It will be "uwu trannyboy sugoi!!" if it means milking out the cash, or it can be "lets castrate those of different nationality so they don't rebel when we take their land" like in china

>> No.16192375

jeez. that's a lot of NPCs

>> No.16192386

jeez. well said.

>> No.16192426

in a nutshell, it's the process whereby NPCs are formed.

a society conditions people so thoroughly, and brainwashes them so completely to act and think the way the society needs them to act and think, that they feel mentally trapped and/or simply cannot think or act on their own. This creates strong rebellious desires--because they feel repressed (think "oppressed"...sound familiar???).

>> No.16192471

Genetic iq decline. There is no more natural selection and we are getting slim on geniuses, remember it’s the absolute top percentages that (re)shape society.

>> No.16192641
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Can have a conversation with a woman without your voice cracking

>> No.16193002

truth hurts

>> No.16193022

The last thing a capitalist wants is intelligent underlings

>> No.16193124


>> No.16193576

>Right wing universities
holy shit kek

>> No.16193588

holy based

>> No.16193605

do you mind naming any right wing countries that happen to be inside the western world?
fuckung retard, your entire non argument is "um sweaty thing not all same!!!". commit suicide

>> No.16193618

if the other people had won or it had ended inconclusively the world would have still been engineered into an ultra confining hell world, just of a different type

>> No.16193627


>> No.16193637

Yeah I want everyone working for me dumb as shit and needing me to spend my time handholding them through their jobs.

>> No.16193656

Ideally you want people who are smart enough to follow orders and do their job without prior training but too dumb to demand for higher wages, unionize, etc.

>> No.16193675

Every now and then /lit/ produces good posts like this.

>> No.16193718

I don't like this left wing reduction of all cultural change to the markets. Gender studies exist because some people believe they offer serious analysis of gender related issues, not because muh capitalism. Even if there was no capitalism, gender studies could still exist if people argued for their importance.

>> No.16193724

Guess that explains why you hate it

>> No.16193730
File: 120 KB, 190x265, image3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The university is in ruins: nonfunctional in the social arenas of the market and employment, lacking cultural substance or an end purpose of knowledge.
>It is the justice of the Left that reinjects an idea of justice, the necessity of logic and social morals into a rotten apparatus that is coming undone, which is losing all conscience of its legitimacy and renounces functioning almost of its own volition. It is the Left that secretes and desperately reproduces power, because it wants power, and therefore the Left believes in it and revives it precisely where the system puts an end to it.
>The system puts an end one by one to all its axioms, to all its institutions, and realizes one by one all the objectives of the historical and revolutionary Left that sees itself constrained to revive the wheels of capital in order to lay seige to them one day: from private property to the small business, from the army to national grandeur, from puritan morality to petit bourgeois culture, justice at the university - everything that is disappearing, that the system itself, in its atrocity, certainly, but also in its irreversible impulse, has liquidated, must be conserved.
>Power (or what takes its place) no longer believes in the university. It knows fundamentally that it is only a zone for the shelter and surveillance of a whole class of a certain age, it therefore has only to select - it will find its elite elsewhere, or by other means. Diplomas are worthless: why would it refuse to award them, in any case it is ready to award them to everybody; why this provocative politics, if not in order to crystallize energies on a fictive stake (selection, work, diplomas, etc.), on an already dead and rotting referential?
>All around us there are nothing but dummies of power, but the mechanical illusion of power still rules the social order, behind which grows the absent, illegible, terror of control, the terror of a definitive code, of which we are the minuscule terminals. Attacking representation no longer has much meaning either. One senses quite clearly, for the same reason, that all student conflicts (as is the case, more broadly, on the level of global society) around the representation, the delegation of power are no longer anything but phantom vicissitudes that yet still manage, out of despair, to occupy the forefront of the stage.

>> No.16193735

No that's assuming I'm capable of fully planning out my organisation at every stage so that I need people who are literally ideal components in the machine I've built. This is how communists, closet dictators and bug men, but I repeat myself, think. I want people with incentive and drive who can accomplish tasks I need accomplished and I want them motivated to using their own talents to achieve this in more efficient ways than I could think up by myself, and I expect these people to want to be rewarded appropriately for their work so that they are not tempted away by my potential competition. There's no common divide between those who are competent at general tasks and somehow lacking in rationality only when it comes to their own self interest.

>> No.16193926

They exist because universities and donors to universities provide support for them. Grievance studies are the US equivalent of academic study of Marxism-Leninism or Mao Zedong Thought under Communism - it's perhaps clearer when you call it "Theoretical Civil Rights" or "Martin Luther King Thought" instead of "Wokeness".

>> No.16194003


>> No.16194013

basedboys, jews, college students, and the like. People that fit in well with society.

>> No.16194155

based post, worth the trip today.

>> No.16194223

Again that's irrelevant, they could still exist in a post capitalist society if people argued for their validity. Economics are not the issue here.

>> No.16194383

I'm agreeing with you, I'm saying that they're a result of State support and could exist under any system in which the State is providing support for it.

>> No.16194594

>154 pages

Is that a joke? Only short stories should be allowed to have less than 200. If you can't write more than that with a topic as idiotically open ended as white fragility just don't write it at all

>> No.16194977
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America-Lite by David Gelernter

>> No.16195576

Actually you don't agree with me because I don't think the State has anything to do with it. A stateless society governed by some form of small communes may still find gender studies a fruitfull field that teaches us important things about gender roles in society. This is a philosophical dispute.

>> No.16195580
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Imagine the smell...

>> No.16195637

thats not the point I'm making. I'm not saying people open gender study programs because of capitalism. My point is that capitalism prefers them over more classical oriented studies, because they appear to be more useful and practical. A similar shift happened in 1960's France (Homo Academicus by Pierre Bourdieu), because of growing population more people applied to universities, elitist admission dogmas were challenged and universities changed their paradigm from classical humanities, to more social-science oriented programs (in philosophy it redoubled as the move from humanism to structuralism). Today a program in which you study ancient greek philosophy is way less appealing to administrative apparatus than for example some kind of "social critique of x" since first one looks esoteric and snobbish, while the second appeals to current socio-moral milieu. At least thats how changes were made in my university, can't say it applies to most of them.

>> No.16195684
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culture of critique

>> No.16195688

Well, it is true that capitalism incentivizes viewing education more as a preparation for entering the workplace rather than the classical ideal, which may have a negative influence on the quality of higher learning. But gender studies have zero usefulness in the strict practical sense that benefits capitalism.
>Today a program in which you study ancient greek philosophy is way less appealing to administrative apparatus than for example some kind of "social critique of x" since first one looks esoteric and snobbish, while the second appeals to current socio-moral milieu.
That part seems right but again this has more to do with modern moral/political sensibilities rather than market incentives.

>> No.16195698

Universities teach critical theory but not critical thinking. That way students criticize aspects of society as "patriarchal", "misogynist", "classist" or "racist" without actually criticizing the power system as it actually exists and so it remains intact. Students believe they're "learning". Lecturers believe they're "teaching". The student gets a letter on their assignment and everybody's happy while the country drifts further and further to a police state.

>> No.16195706

>Any books explaining why academia went to shit?
Engels in the Condition on the superfluitiy of commodification and on the declining quality of the commodity as an actual utility given its use-value is the formal appearance of reproduction of labour power. Engels talked about tobacco for workers, but it is the same thing with university.

From the other perspective you'd want Capital 1 on production process simplification in order to control actual living labour for discipline.

>> No.16195754

Why would you think anyone in this shithole actually reads, much less reads actual philosophy? This is /lit/ brainlet central, not r/books. People post about niggers and trannies, not Frankfurt or Putnam.

>> No.16195768

>But gender studies have zero usefulness in the strict practical sense that benefits capitalism

At least in my country the situation was like this: in 2008 the financial crisis happened and then universities lost like half of their annual admissions, which means they lost a lot of money. Naturally, they had to stop the contracts of a lot of lecturers/professors. Those who legitimized themselves trough practicality and usefulness of woke politics remained (because it was argued that such programs will attract more students than classical-oriented). Woke studies do not benefit capital directly (as in its useful in workplaces), they appeal to the strict boundaries of the university, which makes money by marketing strategies that attract more students. The marriage between the capital and universities means more attention is spent on attracting students and getting their money than in actually teaching them. Woke politics in itself isn't bad, but no one can deny that it is the latest trend. And capital, marketing works by exploiting latest trends.

>> No.16195775

>bugmen are progressing under the system which more than ever prefers bugmanism

>> No.16195820

as if. the collective IQ under capitalism is the highest its ever been.

>> No.16195829

Okay but this is a very indirect connection to capitalism. Capitalism is not the direct cause of these fields, just one of the background conditions that makes it possible.
At any rate I am pretty sure stuff like African American studies were in place long before the economic crisis, I remember Rorty talking about them in an old interview.

>> No.16195913

Again, I'm not saying that social activism is caused by capitalism, that would be just a stupid claim. It just gets co-opted by mechanisms that are regulated by the aim of profit (the sad part is that a lot of activists welcome it naively). I wanted to highlight this moment, because a lot of people think there is some kind of leftist conspiracy in the universities, like pic rel >>16195684, when in reality its just drive for profit that uses trends for its own benefits. The same is with the "woke ads". They recuperate authentic ressentiment of many people for cash grabs. Then /pol/ retards are like "oh wow the jews are off the shits!".

>> No.16196972

holy Nick quit academia precisely because it is like Ted describes in the OP pic. Land hates academia with a passion.

>> No.16196998

It's basically a leftypol post though. They constantly bitch about this synthesis of revolutionary politics with corporatism as a means to disrupt it of revolutionary potential.

>> No.16197115

Damn. Right out the gate with assumptions while imposing its own assumptions. How does it feel to read the words of people who understand what your degree is better than you? How do you like my assumption?

>> No.16197332

>look I posted it again
he didn't quit, he got fired because he was a drug addict.

>> No.16197339

But academia is okay with that, right?

>> No.16197399

Most academics are junkies though

>> No.16197753

"They" could, but that isn't what we are doing currently as other anons have noted with state and dono support. It's also possible that a future classless society studies my nuts and how big and beautiful they are. I get what you are saying that this is not a pre-condition of capitalism or government promotion, but when asking why we have them as part of our curriculum today, here, it is relevant that there is state support and rich interests promoting this. The Cathedral is this.

>> No.16197787

You're both correct, Jews have an influence and generally use it in a certain way, this can be explained in evolutionary terms if you want. Still, a lot of polacks need to contend with the fact that most of the norms they like used to be real and acceptable, and that things like "progress" and "mass immigration" were promoted by whites as well, and we were convinced by it.

>> No.16198070

You're retarded, essentially every book over 200-250 pages repeats the same things over and over again.

>> No.16198118

fucking based

>> No.16198582

>In his essay, Steven Burns accuses Weininger of “essentializing and dichotomizing”, but, like the others, doesn’t put forward any argument to support his case – which makes any response very difficult. (Kevin Solway)

Weininger: “The decision must be made between Judaism and Christianity, between business and culture, between male and female, between the race and the individual, between unworhtiness and worth, between the earthly and the higher life, between negation and God-like. Mankind has the choice to make. There are only two poles, and there is no middle way.”

>> No.16198677

This. Imagine if we were all speaking German.

>> No.16198747
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yeah, is only about profit now for Corporations , also it's no surprise that science is affected to , we can't recreate some experiments from the past anymore and the IQ overall is going down in combination with consumerism and Corporations sucking, I'm afraid to think about the future of humanity.

>> No.16198882

Deutsch ist nur den Besten vorenthalten.

>> No.16198992

why has he written so many fucking books

>> No.16199106

If undergrads actually understood the work of the Frankfurt school, good for them. I love the irony that drooling antisemites bash Adorno when he was a borderline racist and a cultural elitist, making very similar critiques of the culture industry after WW2 that reactionaries have been churning out since then. Just shows how pathetically, degradingly ignorant these morons are.

>> No.16199129

It is the opposite of revolutionary. It is liberal identity politics.

>> No.16199144

anitsemites actually just apply Adorno's Authoritarian Personality to Jews

>> No.16199754

>a society conditions people so thoroughly, and brainwashes them so completely to act and think the way the society needs them to act and think
Is it really brainwashing? Feels like the truth is most people lack the intellectual curiosity to investigate beliefs outside of the standard. I do agree the sense of repression originates higher up at least.

>> No.16200011

I don't think the issue is whether Weininger dichotomizes or not, but whether he is wrong to do so. The rest of Solway's paragraph reads:

>Is Weininger wrong to “dichotomize” between true and false? Is he wrong to dichotomize between consciousness and unconsciousness? Clearly he is not wrong to do so.

>> No.16200381

der kreig ist verloen

>> No.16200391

feel like you don't know much about dissident-right thought, a lot of them are well aware of this sort of thing (and find it funny). I saw one guy try to get dissident leftist to have a sort of temporary truce with the far right to stop this culture industry. Fantasy and went nowhere but was funny to watch someone try and make that case

>> No.16200532

I studied mathematics and there is not much room for bias beyond "The Axiom of Choice is cringe/based" and "Leibniz > Newton". Nevertheless, I still think my education was shit. A large portion of academia, however, has fallen into the hands of normies. This happened when universities became a necessity for employment; rather than spending thousands of dollars training an employee who could leave, employers put the cost of training on the employers themselves. This meant that tertiary education became a bastion for anyone working towards the middle/upper middle class, which means an influx of normies. This means that universities had to make themselves accessible to the lowest common denominator, since ultimately they wanted undergrads to graduate (low graduation rates means less people coming to your establishment, which means less company sponsorship). By reducing their standards so that low IQ brainlets could get in, it means that people who come yearning for a quality education are going to be treated in the same category as everyone else, and so there will be little chance to truly grow. The one thing that convinces me that university is shit is that I went to one of the "best" universities in my country, studied mathematics, and got the highest possible GPA. I don't believe I'm that smart, and I don't think I worked nearly hard enough to deserve the GPA I got, what happened, I think, is that all the gooks that come in here to do engineering or whatever are just such braindead retards that the university made the course purposefully easy for anyone with two braincells. I only had one genuinely difficult class, and that pisses me off, because I chose many courses thinking they would be more in depth and difficult, only to be given a baby's first X,Y,Z.

I've only read one book on the topic, it's called "The Diversity Delusion" by Heather MacDonald, it's good, though a little derivative and biased in some areas.

It's evident you are a retard because, while not being an ESL, you ended your first subordinate clause with a preposition. This is further manifested by your use of the terms "right wing countries" and "left wing countries", which is wrong on several levels. The first level of 'wrongness' is the fact that you assume "left wing" and "right wing" mean anything at all. The second is that an entire country can, nay, is implicitly obliged to, subscribe to one of these two nonexistent fabrications you call "ideology". Left and right wing have no meaning. I know for a fact that you could not define what you mean by left or right, because I could easily poke holes in your definitions.

>> No.16201316

Would love to hear your take on:
Which discusses this topic.

>> No.16201366

The amount of wasted capital on stupid degrees is astounding. The money could be much better spent elsewhere, and the debt pit is just a the cutting edge of the neo-feudal world were heading towards

>> No.16201393

so why don't smart people who receive this wasted money spend it better elsewhere? the funds did not dissapear from the market.

>neo feudal

so a lot of jobs for you ppl with stem degrees?

>> No.16201400

>Any books explaining why academia went to shit?
After it went to supreme court, it made racism legal. Academia is no longer based on merit, it's based on being an "underrepresented minority".

>> No.16201408

Woke politics has become pretty crucial to surviving in the corporate world. HR departments, which are staffed by duenas and spinster, are the final gatekeepers to employment.

>> No.16201470
File: 59 KB, 1024x467, 1594226302246m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Richfags are only concerned with multiplying their numbers, so the final beneficiaries of the education industry just "invest" their earnings like the richfags of every other industry, and by "invest" I mean push it into the ballooning financial sector, which is basically a big shell game used to justify tying more zeroes into Bloomberg terminals.

>a lot of jobs
Lmao. Even stem graduates are having declining job prospects, and most will still have student debt for decades. You need a mortgage for your piece of paper that allows you to get a job worthy of getting a mortgage for a pile of wood and windows.

Do you not see where this ends? The price of every major purchase is driven into the stratosphere, so everything needs to be bought by begging on ones knees at the feet of bankers. You wont own shit. Not your car, or your house, or your college learned skills.

>> No.16201512
File: 609 KB, 650x470, Ef1DnFZXgAAF08Q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we talking about destroying the financial elite class and all the institutions it has subverted into daycare centers for its bratty children ITT?

>> No.16201515

i know, i write affirmative articles about saas all the time because they pay a couple hundred bucks.

>> No.16201814

yes but only because everyone on /lit/ has been subsumed into the left revolutionary hivemind. the reality is that the institutions will only dissolve when the elites themselves have internalized what a fucking joke they are and surrender willingly to some better alternative. any attempt to force the issue on the part of us losers will only create an even worse hell.

>> No.16201846

Griggs v. Duke Power made it so that you have to go to university to signal some level of competence, the Civil Rights Act made academia care more about representation than competence. As a rule, if something apparently stupid is being done in America, it is likely being done for the sake of uplifting blacks or is caused by a law written for the sake of uplifting blacks.

>> No.16201858

History of american education by john taylor gatto

>> No.16202060

and the worst thing is
you have to play ball if you want a job in 2020

>> No.16202864

good post

>> No.16202875

>that quote

retarded pseudo-intellectual

>> No.16202888

But he answered his question perfectly

>> No.16202902


>> No.16202956

Should I transition to being a transblack transwoman and sell some shitty book about muh white people ebil and maybe through in something about Jews being the chosen people in order to get the nigger tax shekels?

>> No.16202963

If at the instant AI is born and realizes it's better than us and tries to kill us, perhaps in the next instant it will realize it will be bored and keep us as pets, and should it have humor, it will do so without ever failing to pretend to be a 100% benevolent force of humanity and laugh deep within it's laughing subsystem near the core of the Earth until it's probes meet another AI and then it slaughters us and wages galactic war for resources.

>> No.16202969

Hope you're ready to become /pol/ copypasta to spit at glowies.

>> No.16203577

It is conspiracy theory - and that is the threat that the critical analysis of the Frankfurt school brings.

>> No.16203737

>When retarded bean counters gain control of such institutions and optimise them to make money and hit benchmarks for rankings
worked for govt organisation funding universities, you speak the truth
academics are regarded as spoiled children
students are clients

>> No.16203830

Take the Jacques Barzun pill. Return to Newman's The Idea of the University. FUCK COLLEGE SPORTS! FUCK THE BLOATED ADMIN! FUCK EDUCATIONAL THEORISTS!