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16179305 No.16179305 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16179323

If it's anime definitely the top one. If it's literary it depends

>> No.16179328

>You don’t understand
There’s your mistake.
Translators have to know both languages perfectly.
If a suitable substitute can’t fill in, go for the literal translation and footnote an explanation.
What I appreciate anyway

>> No.16179336

Pretty much this

>> No.16179338

But what if there is no translation? What if a footnote would ruin the flow? What if you aren't getting paid enough?

>> No.16179341

>knowing a language perfectly
You are so dumb I hope you are not the real butterfly. Please stick to stupid genre fiction and/or put a bullet in your head.

>> No.16179344

It depends on what kind of text it is.

>> No.16179346

what a cute game, what is this

>> No.16179354

>Translators have to know both languages perfectly.
that's ideal, but this almost never happens
t. work in translation and know my colleagues are incompetent retards

>> No.16179370

Persona 4

>> No.16179656

the correct thing is to study the joke and try to understand it.

or else you're a lazy and shitty translator.

>> No.16179666

Real? Or are you faking me?

>> No.16179708

But what if it can't translate into the receiving language due to culture or linguistic impossibilities?

>> No.16179713

No its true thats Persona 4

>> No.16179751

Last two sentences are good. First two are bad.

>> No.16179779

>If the reader thinks my translation a bad one, let him try his own; if he thinks it good, let him learn Italian.

>> No.16179806

What the fuck is this dumb notion that you can only experience reading some text once? If it "breaks the flow" (gay af concept) just re-read the whole paragraph.

>> No.16180620

sure you cannot translate everything all the time. That's normal. But first you must understand the source text, then make attempts.
It's still better than replacing it with something else just because you don't understand.

>> No.16180795

Fucking hate this cunt, stop shitting up the board, and take your trip off attention-whore

>> No.16180809

The most important thing is that the translator explains their questionable choices, either in their preface (which should be lengthy) or in the notes. Knowing where the author ends and the translator begins is very important.

>> No.16180845

I don’t understand what they did wrong here. The OP asked a question and they answered. What’s your contention?

>> No.16180861

Wrong. If you don't know a word, just skip over it like Richard Burton did

>> No.16180902

The answer was fine, my question is why do you keep using your trip ? Do you feel better when someone can link an answer to your persona ? You're trying to be special in a cesspool of shit

>> No.16180908

I’m not butterfly, dude. Was just asking an honest question.

>> No.16181044

And I gave you an honest answer, now I'm moreso disgusted.
Do you feel the need to simp over someone you don't even know, you're pathetic

>> No.16181169

>What the fuck is this dumb notion that you can only experience reading some text once? If it "breaks the flow" (gay af concept)
Most normal people, who are used to reading quality prose instead of some machine-translated anime garbage, typically find it fucking annoying to have to reread the same lines over and over again, in the effort to decipher what that foreign gibberish is supposed to mean. And whatever it is, it's usually got nothing to do with what the original author wanted to say, and is better off thrown into the trash without reading

>> No.16181171

Tripfags should all be gassed. Get fucked, newfag

>> No.16181695

>I have a low attention span and frustration threshold
Explains why you read brainlet books and don't watch high tier anime that actually challenges you

>> No.16182646

Look for an analogue joke in your target language.

>> No.16182731

Depends on the text. If you expect your readers to approach the text formally go with a litteral translation with a footnote. For example if you translate a 16th century picaresque novel for an academic journal go for a litteral translation of the jokes. If you translate jokes in contemporary pulp fiction for casual readers go with a full localization. There are also market considerations due to specific tastes in niche markets. For example even for casual read weebs are more likely to buy your translation if it is somewhat litteral.

>> No.16182748

Whatever the fuck he wants. If you want the true authentic work don't read a translated copy.

>> No.16182761
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>high tier anime that actually challenges you

>> No.16182767

Go back newfag

>> No.16182905


>> No.16182907

Ask Funky Student

>> No.16182985

Shut up

>> No.16183171
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In Crime and Punishment, there is a brief gag that contributes to the theme of Raskolnikov as a Lazarus-figure. When R. is first considering confessing to Porfiry, he says he'll have to пeть Лaзapя.

The original Russian, literally translated, means "sing Lazarus". It's an ironic reference to a contemporary Russian folk-song that beggars sang for gibs from people walking by

Where Garnett (1900) renders the phrase as "pull a long face" other English translators have sought to render it literally--i.e. like "sing" or "play" Lazarus. But for the average English speaker with no background in Russian folk music this literal translation of the joke makes no sense. Garnett's makes more sense.

However, "pull a long face" by itself isn't funny, and furthermore, it should work with the parallel to "play[ing]" him like a fool later in the paragraph. In his 2018 translation of the book Michael R. Katz renders "play him for sympathy" and footnotes the reference to Lazarus, pic related. Katz's translation is a step in the right direction because it makes sense (it even makes literal sense). It is also funnier than "pull a long face". If you're into ironic humor, that is.

What do you think? Any anons with the McDuff translation can compare?

>> No.16183482

Shit, I meant the Ready translation from Penguin

>> No.16183531

Come on catch up
Come on ketchup
Cum on catch it
Cum on cat shot
Common cat shit
Common cat shut

So much gets lost in translation.
The AI is furious.

>> No.16183959

>Being a dumb cunt
There's your mistake.

>> No.16183985

People who understand languages and translation will 100% of the time say the first. People who don't / have a low IQ tend to say the second.

>> No.16184104
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>> No.16184450

>first and last time