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/lit/ - Literature

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16170808 No.16170808 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this book?

I've heard it described here as a book about being ugly but Skylark seems to be a red herring. It's more like a story about how stifling it is living in a small town (that oddly feels like a large city: theatre goers, poets, gentlemen's clubs).

Anyone read anything else by him and/or other Hungarian writers worth checking out.

>> No.16170813

don't bother

>> No.16170839


>> No.16170852


>> No.16170866


>> No.16170868


>> No.16170905

Yeah, OP, why don't you learn Hungarian to read some book
The absolute state of the Anglo shitposting reader (who, let's not kid ourselves, doesn't even read) lmao

>> No.16170912

i don't read hungarian literature because it's irrelevant, and i'm not anglo and i read mostly in french, cope harder monoglot faggot beaner

>> No.16170921

>monoglot faggot beaner
projecting swarthy faggot

i'm korean you insect

>> No.16170930
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>> No.16170935
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>i'm korean you insect

>> No.16170939

uh anon
did you know that
there's more than one hungarian book
h*ck, you might be surprised that not every hungarian book has been published by nyrb!

>> No.16170970

I would have preferred if my thread died with no one replying to it instead of this.

>> No.16170978
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>I would have preferred if my thread died with no one replying to it instead of this.

>> No.16171087


Imre Madach's The Tragedy of Man is the greatest work of Western literature, surpassing even Milton and Goethe in its ideas, development, and conclusion. The work made popular many expressions and sayings still in use in Hungary to this day. To read it in the original is gain the full beauty of the work, though translations at least give the epic story, which itself stands alone in its originality (just as one need not read Dante in the original Italian to be swept into the power of his story). And like all things good, there's a cartoon for you lazy /lit/ plebs who never read. Here's the link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wuN8QJDJoz8

>> No.16171153

>Imre Madach's The Tragedy of Man is the greatest work of Western literature

>> No.16171165

I just read this a few months ago and loved it. I found it to be a pretty funny book about an old couple finally having a decent time in their small town after their ugly daughter leaves them to visit some cousins in the country, and they remember how fun it was to hang out with people and have friends. For some reason people think it’s depressing, but it was fairly obviously humorous.

>> No.16171170

shut up retard, you got nothing out that book, waste of ur life

>> No.16171174
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Take that back, buster.

>> No.16171192


>> No.16171196

You haven't read it and never will because you don't read at all.

>> No.16171199

Trying a bit too hard there, newfag.

>> No.16171203

It's as if a rabid shitposter had something personal against your thread for some reason and simply refused to leave. It happens all the time.

>> No.16171213

4 and you will never have sex for the rest of 2020 and all of 2021

>> No.16171279

>that oddly feels like a large city: theatre goers, poets, gentlemen's clubs

Interesting historical detail. Before TV and the internet there was a lot more venues for social entertainment even in a medium sized city.

>> No.16171478

>24 posts
>9 posters
embarrassing samefag trying to cope with his irrelevant book no one cares about

>> No.16171512

huh then why do so many girls gush over kpop stars

>> No.16171558

Because they are fags. Girls also cheer on homos all the time. Doesn't mean they want them as being the fathers for their children

>> No.16171727

based, koreans are crinch

>> No.16171797

huh? nigger can you explain why so many girls simp for the race with the smallest dicks, I'm trying to do the math on this

>> No.16171802


>> No.16171827

I fucking hate this website so much.
OP Skylark is good. Also check out Gyula Krudy’s Sunflower.

Other good Hungarians who are much more dark are Krasznahorkai, Gyorgy Konrad (highly recommended), and Agota Kristoff.

I’m sorry your thread was derailed by raving faggots. Hungarian literature is good and no one on this board reads anymore. Fuck lit, burn this place to the ground.

>> No.16171835

Commit suicide

>> No.16171842

Commit suicide

>> No.16171856

No thanks I have things to live for, unlike being an insufferable Francophile faggot

>> No.16171858

do you also not read hamsun or ibsen because Norway is irrelevant

>> No.16171870

No thanks I have things to live for, unlike being an insufferable Francophile faggot

>> No.16172225

It's strange to see this thread because coincidentally I just finished this a couple of days ago.
I initially thought the point of it was that parents are willing to make huge sacrifices for the sake of their children, but I think it is also makes some good points about how deeply unattractive people are seen as having less humanity than normal people.

>> No.16172259

shut up the book fukcing sucks retard, nyrb is soi-tier cuck publishing

>> No.16172281

You haven't read it, and I doubt you read at all.

>> No.16172302

You haven't read it, and I doubt you read at all.

>> No.16172344

>how deeply unattractive people are seen as having less humanity than normal people.
Do you think this is one of the reasons they become trolls on monglian basket weaving forums?

>> No.16172361

Yes that and their childish lack of social skills.

>> No.16172410

i can't tell neither of you has read this book baka wikipedia articles don't count anons

>> No.16172625
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Sadly the finest piece of hungarian literature hasnt been translated yet, which is Karnevál by Hamvas Béla

>> No.16173510

What is wrong with you? You’re acting like a retarded child and people are just trying to talk about books. Your only response is mimicking people or shitting on NYRB for no grounds. Why can’t you shit up any of the other threads and just let people actually talk about books?

>> No.16173533

It is a shame it isn’t well known outside of Hungary.

On Poetry
> When I hear songs and verses, I am aware of more than words, but tides that pulse beneath them, rocking like a boat - I feel as if I lay within a dream: the swaying sound brings back some distant past when I was innocent and playful as a child under the palms, lost amongst the sunbeams, award of noble voices in my soul.

On Chaos
> But we must guard the treasures of order against the present all-engulfing chaos. If only it would come, when barriers fall and all the world is pure, our redemption until then is incomplete.

On necessity
> You can never set the individual soul against the age. Time is a stream that bears or covers you: a man may swim in it but not direct it. Those who the historians call great are those who understood their century and never entertained an original thought. Dawn does not come because the cocks are crowing: the dawn comes first, then the cocks begin to crow.

On the 19th Centurty
> What a miraculous mixture of high and low is woman, a blend of nectar and pure poison. Then why does she attract us? Because she is good in herself: the age that gave birth to her has made her evil.

On the last man years before Nietzsche.

> I longed for an age which had no need of struggle, where no one upset the settled scheme of things or interferes with its hallowed customs, where I could rest and smile indifferently and heal the wounds of my incessant battles. That age is here, but what use if the heart contains a soul - that sacred, painful heirloom, obtained from
heaven by man who is a fool - which yearns to act and will not let him rest, which leaps into combat with his sluggish pleasures.

>> No.16173826

Here is a free translation. Caveat - I believe the Szirtes translation is more readable than this one.
