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16157661 No.16157661 [Reply] [Original]

Do you publish your own twitter/quora posts?

>> No.16157672
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I am not wanting to be oversocialized.

>> No.16157673

>he says that to the smartest man in the world

>> No.16157682
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>smartest man in the world
>literal who doing literal what

>> No.16157687
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>Langan was offered two full scholarships, one to Reed College in Oregon and the other to the University of Chicago. He chose the former, which he later called "a big mistake". He had a "real case of culture shock" in the unfamiliar urban setting. He lost his scholarship after his mother did not send in the necessary financial information. Langan returned to Bozeman and worked as a forest service firefighter for 18 months before enrolling at Montana State University–Bozeman.[7]:93 Faced with financial and transportation problems, and believing that he could teach his professors more than they could teach him, he dropped out.[3] He took a string of labor-intensive jobs for some time, and by his mid-40s had been a construction worker, cowboy, Forest Service Ranger, farmhand, and, for over twenty years, a bouncer on Long Island.[3]

Seems interesting, let's hear more...

>Langan has developed an idea he calls the "Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe" (CTMU)[3][6][8] which he maintains "explains the connection between mind and reality, therefore the presence of cognition and universe in the same phrase" ... contending that with CTMU he "can prove the existence of God, the soul and an afterlife, using mathematics."[1][4] Even so, Langan does not belong to any religious denomination, explaining that he "can't afford to let logical approach to theology be prejudiced by religious dogma".[9]

Uh okay, what else?

>Langan's support of conspiracy theories, including the 9/11 Truther movement (Langan has claimed that the George W. Bush administration staged the 9/11 attacks in order to distract the public from learning about the CTMU) and the white genocide conspiracy theory, as well as his opposition to interracial relationships, have contributed to his gaining a following among members of the alt-right and others on the far right.

Seems like a typical internet 'researcher'.

>> No.16157690

Oh peasants only care about people when they're dead.

>> No.16157698

I dunno seems pretty based to me, my only gripe is that he doesn't focus enough on traditional philosophy, especially as far as philosophy has come specifically in the 20th century with people like Heidegger. I remember him critiquing Kant once and it seemed like a bit of a copout, and all he would have to do is read Heidegger' Kantbook but I don't think he's actually read Heidegger or anyone that isn't extraordinarily well known, such as Brentano.

>> No.16157726

>hating conspiracy theories
the true mark of the midwit

>> No.16157732

I was reading about this phenomenon of moderately intelligent people who work as independent researchers on the internet. They're clearly capable of collecting information from around the web and writing cogent analyses. There's a lot of people like this these days. The problem is that all of them -- because of the fact that they're working alone with nobody to criticise to their work -- fall prey to confirmation bias and end up in ridiculous rabbit holes. Plus they have zero self-awareness (possibly due to ASD). This is why so many of these people, high IQ, ex-professors, Harvard graduates etc., end up spending their lives on flat-earth blogs, conspiracy theories, fringe beliefs, and a bunch of other shit that nobody can take seriously.

Christopher Langan is the exemplar of this category of people. IQ of 200, autodidact, maybe autistic, never had the opportunity to enter industry or academia, so he thinks 9/11 is a conspiracy to stop people from learning about his theory of everything.

Nice reading comprehension.

>> No.16157781

While CTMU is imo dumb, I want you to realise that Newton was obsessed with alchemy. If he lived today, he'd be some random internet blogger that nobody has ever heard of*, and the moment someone actually got interested in his idea they'd discover his entries on alchemy, labelled pseudoscientist and that would be it. The whole "h-h-h-e l-l-l-likes cons-piracy t--t-t-herories" thing is a midwit thing, geniuses have tendency to be extremely contrarian

*he was mediocre student, later published few papers on optics, but then took a looong time working on his book on gravity(5 years of basically radio silence)

>> No.16157786


>> No.16157802

Anon are you claiming that believing the official story is big brain?

>> No.16157803

Cochran and Harpending published the first 1,5 year of their blogposts as ebook iirc

>> No.16157844

I thought this guy was a meme but I checked some interviews and he's obviously highly intelligent and a legit philosopher

>> No.16157902
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>caring about intelligence
That bong banter.

>> No.16157912

>IQ of 200
There are no sources besides media reports for that claim. He talks like he's in the 130-145 range and his family history points to him developing this persona in response to trauma. He's clearly smart but he's not godlike and CTMU is trash.

>> No.16157930

Socrates IQ: 84

>> No.16157935

>He talks like he's in the 130-145
Lol 130 can barely into philosophy. I don't have a reference for 150+ but he's obviously 140+

Also it's pretty evident he did take the mega society test so it's not made up https://megasociety.org/about.html

>> No.16157947
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Nick Land: 211

>> No.16157964

someone made an observation on the correlation is not causation thread that even an ignorant man is something to learn from, in fact i recently came across a quote of another intellectual a long time ago that said that. but the truly beneficiary scholars are capable of taking what is good for them and disagreeing with the rest

>> No.16157986
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What's the QRD on his theory?

>> No.16157993
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>still stuck at binary twitter kantianism
>hasn't harvested computronium from asteroids to overclock his infinite IQ
What a brainlet.

>> No.16158002

This but and he's theory obviously has a lot of value, but I'm not sure how much value when placed in the history of Western philosophy When he interprets everything as relating back to mathematics.

>> No.16158012

>He talks like he's in the 130-145 range
Lmao I'm pretty sure you're either not very intelligent or just a bit autistic, because nobody is ever going to be so pop-tier intelligent that just no one will understand the constant stream of genius coming out of their mouth. That's a misunderstanding and as I said, pop(or dumb) conception of what intelligence is, he speaks obviously highly intelligently but you seem to be unable to recognise intelligence or character (or message) in anything other than the literal words themselves, in which case you may be autistic. However even in that wording he's not dumb.

>> No.16158017

I don't know if his theory has much values cause he seems aggressively anti-academia so he might've purposefuly kept himself ignorant of philosophy context which tends to lead to a lack of awareness. From the little I read it seems like he's just highly intelligent but otherwise just a victim of society like many high IQ people or people who even end up taking IQ tests in general. It's just a curiosity of nature not so much a source of useful knowledge

>> No.16158023

Nah man, to be able to remember the amount of stuff Socrates was said to have during discussions and orations like previous ideas, then leading people into a trap while preparing multiple questions to ask later on already in that movement of dialogue at the start, or being an orator speaking on the moment and still having that thesis, and then movement of that whole dialectic to a recapitulation and so on.

>> No.16158026

Langan has already rejected Kantian metaphysics.

>> No.16158032

I believe I've read some things by him in which he references Hindu conceptions of space and time, and various numbers such as three, as well as Aristotle and Kant(whose metaphysics he has explicitly rejected).

My thought on him is always how familiar he actually is with philosophy, which I can never really determine only that he is very familiar with a lot of those terms such as "process philosophy" and such.

>> No.16158040

Is there any video or piece of writing where he talks about his understanding of Kant? From what I skimmed he seemed to have had a basic "i reject noumena therefore I'm not kantian" understanding which is odd cause Kant rejected noumena in the first critique too

>> No.16158044

Go to bed Chris.

>> No.16158046

Langan shit is just embellished spinoza metaphysics

>> No.16158052

Here he engages with the tradition of philosophy. He hasn't read Kant


>> No.16158082
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>utility and decision theory
Is he a based Benthamist?

>> No.16158118

>IQ, short for intelligence quotient, is a measure of a person's reasoning ability. In short, it is supposed to gauge how well someone can use information and logic to answer questions or make predictions. IQ tests begin to assess this by measuring short- and long-term memory.

god damn this mans able to just read more books than me and can just smurf with his own logic and reasoning because he has read more than me. plus he speaks their own language in logic and reasoning, well looks like i'll just stick to emotional intelligence... haha

>> No.16158244

This is the most preposterous revisionism of Newton I have ever read. You took some cultural fable about Newton being into alchemy and ran with it. Everything else you said is factually wrong.

>> No.16158305

I agree but didn't Kant believe in a normena?

>> No.16158306

Chris Langan shows how bad is the usual mental ramblings of the plebs which whould never have been created if the peasants were not lead to believe they have the faculty of reason

this is why humanism is a problem. the dimwits start to think, and worse they start to think they are smart.and when they reach a high number, the result is millions of people babbling about drug fueled and sex driven faux introspection

>> No.16158417

he's definitely smarter than you

>> No.16158440

From where do you speak?