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/lit/ - Literature

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16138788 No.16138788 [Reply] [Original]

How's the writing career coming, /lit/?

>> No.16138795

I'm not having a writing career until I hit the lottery. I've been dumping hundreds a month into it.

>> No.16138807

o u poor poor thing

>> No.16138818
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I haven't written anything in months, even though I have a lot of ideas. I always find a reason to not write. I'm afraid of dying without finishing my novels.
And I'm also upset because I lost all of my book notes.

>> No.16139180

Go on /biz/ and stop being a retard.

>> No.16139783
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I'm working on something really big right now, I'm pretty excited about how its coming so far.

>> No.16139789

I have an idea for a novel that will revolutionize how people relate to their sexuality

>> No.16139790

Write a diary while attempting this retarded plan and publish it when you become homeless.

>> No.16139812

told an editor whore to blow her "regretful decision to pass" out her bologna gulch. don't let these bitches leash you, anons

>> No.16139850

Such rashness will only hurt you

>> No.16139911

i'm too obsessed with not having a girlfriend to write. wish i had a wife

>> No.16139917

Writing isn't a career

>> No.16140137

what does it take to become a good writer

its fucking difficult

>> No.16141619

143,000 werdz.

>> No.16141645

I don't have one and don't think I ever will.

It's a nice dream, though.

>> No.16141646

>publishing a webnovel weekly
Kill me. Editing is way harder now. But at least it keeps me on a schedule

>> No.16141648

I'm a grant writer for the healthcare industry. It's not just a career, but if you're reasonably knowledgable about pharmaceuticals, you can make roughly 1.5x the salary of a pill cutter like I do working 20 hours a week.

>> No.16141656

>Hit 2k followers on RR
>Dropped off the frontpage
>Slowly bleeding readers, but that's to be expected
>Doing the background and setting for my next story, building up a stable of characters and ideas, relating them to the main plot(a fairly straightforward bildungsroman), slowly filling in the story beats and jotting down the summaries of some important scenes
>plan on finishing the current story late this year, starting new one and launching a patreon for it early next

Currently working at about 8k words a week, hopefully the groundwork I've done for my next story lets me keep that up and have time to edit things properly. Seems the best way to make money through patreon bucks is just put out a ton of words, so I'm trying to get to 10k so I can do a 5 chapters x 2k words per week, so people are willing to pay for the advance chapters.

The ideal situation is that my second novel is somewhat successful. I know that my action scenes are far above the par for RR, but honestly I'm not a particularly skilled writer, so other than that I have no real advantages over currently successful stories, though I definitely think I'm better than of the authors out there making thousands.

If I can get to 700 USD/month I can drop to part time, 1500USD and I could quit working in a kitchen(I'd probably stay one or two shifts a week for safety)