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/lit/ - Literature

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16114559 No.16114559[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ has become inflated with idiots who cannot and do not read that which they comment on, and interlocutors who themselves cannot distinguish between idiocy and pretension.

The moderation will not step in and ban people for idiotic posts because they themselves are certainly fools of equal caliber.

What can we, as a community, do to curb this?

>> No.16114569

Reading unironically dulls the mind.

>> No.16114571

I hate reading but I post here because shitting up this board and making it worse is funny. Plus, I pick up enough stuff from reading posts here that I can parrot IRL and people will consider me a smart book guy.

>> No.16114582

sneed, get it lol

>> No.16114649

pretty much your only options are:
>aknowledge their existence and getting frustrated with them.
>ignore it
unless you are planning on becoming a moderator there is no much you can actualy do.
But the thing is that there are at least 2 users that spend their entire day posting here. the rest is pretty much just your average frogposters, animefags and twitter/reddit tourists.

>> No.16114678

Well, there has to be some way to scare away the types of people who have posted the first three responses to this thread?

In large democratic cities, to scare away blacks and youths, the utilize classical music. It seems to demoralize and confuse them. Perhaps there is an equivalent to be found in this medium?

>> No.16114694

Listen mate, /lit/ is a place where you search for the occasional good discussion and, more importantly, book recommendations that you'd never come across in your regular life, e.g. Richard Tuck, R. R. Reno, Jacques Ellul, Patrick J. Deneen, Curtis Yarvin's Gray Mirror. Ignore everything else. If you're interested in improving board quality, bump the QTDDTOT thread whenever it falls off the first page and apply to be a janitor when applications next open. Other than that, if you're actually spending your time reading and using /lit/ effectively for what it is, you will not care about the quality of most posts here.

>> No.16114715

Your stance is pedestrian and worthless.

>> No.16114728
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>Your stance is pedestrian and worthless.

>> No.16114744

As with all complaining threads.
>post last 3 started threads
>post last three effortposts in response to someone else's thread
Otherwise opinion discarded.

>> No.16114759

Bro, You're on 4chan, a Uzbeki Anime discussion board. It's a free for all. Make good poasts yourself, or shut the fuck up. Saged.

>> No.16114791

pretty much the last effort posts on /lit/ are text-book responses to phil debates and questions.

>> No.16114799

Boy, you've really shown me. I'll think twice before criticizing the extremely low effort, intellectually decrepit (on purpose, of course, therein lies the charm, you see ...) and irrational sophistry which constitutes the spirit of this website.

>> No.16114805

I've noticed a lot of threads being deleted lately. What's up with that?

>> No.16114822

Not too long ago, I read a very long discussion between two people about the work of Alfred North Whitehead, and participated in a discussion about Derrida in which I gained both a number of book recommendations and detailed explanations of his ideas provided by anons who seem to know his work quite well. There is a lot of good discussion on this board, but you have to know where to look and how to find it.

>> No.16114845

>but you have to know where to look and how to find it.
It would happen a lot more if people were banned for posting retarded memes.

I think this board would be considerably benefited by removing the ability to post images.

>> No.16114849
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>> No.16114899
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I don't.

>> No.16114911
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The board is lost. Overrun by /pol/tards and idiotic smallwits and shitposters. Ratio of quality posts to shit is approx. 1:400. Good posts constantly ignored or mocked. Retard and bait threads are consistently kept on top. Very few people here actually read and very few are over 20. Used to be better a few years ago. Sad.m
If any anons can recommend a better, less toxic and retarded literature board with actual discussion and discourse, please let me know.

>> No.16114961

>all the obvious newfags ITT
/lit/ was going downhill for a long time but it’s been way worse since March of this year and coincidentally got even worse after the last batch of Reddit closures. The most obvious change to me is all the genre fiction plebs posting outside of sffg because they have no shame and aren’t familiar with board culture because they never lurked.
Moderation is the problem because if the mods don’t enforce the sticky then nobody is going to obey it

>> No.16114986

>less toxic
reddit may be for you

>> No.16115016

ask for a new option to report: "politics outside of /pol/"

>> No.16115055

You've gotta keep fighting, man. I haven't even been awake for two hours yet and I've already found a number of decent book recommendations.
I actually like this idea.

>> No.16115073

>Dunning-Kruger: The Board
it's hopeless m8

>> No.16115085
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No. Fuck off to reddit if you want the mods to coddle you with censorship, you fucking pussy because we all know that's a one sided fight right there, protecting and fostering liberal ideas.

>> No.16115086

Is jewkike considered toxic?

>> No.16115092

you are part of the problem. go back

>> No.16115129

I don't want lefty pol or low-quality marxist threads either, it's a literature board.

>> No.16115132

You don’t understand what’s wrong because you’re Redditors who came to this site looking for autistic fun times and shitposting in which you could say nigger. We don’t want censorship of ideas we want standards for effort in posting better than what /lit/ has now. Remaining on topic is not censorship, it’s how we maintain some standards, it’s not surprising to me at all that /lit/ still gatekept pretty hard until lockdown began and now you faggots defend off topic garbage because you don’t care about literature

>> No.16115135

No one is concerned with the discussion of politics, it's the retarded discussion of politics that is stultifying.

You dipshit.

This is 4chan, every single person here is right wing.

>> No.16115151

I did not defend off topic garbage. If you want a less toxic place then reddit is perfect for you.

>> No.16115159

i'm pretty leftwing but i don't post that stuff here nor i let that mess with the things i read.

>> No.16115160

You utter try hard to fit in reddit fucks asking for things you don't even fully understand the fucking consequences for. Or maybe you do understand and that's why you want to actually shit up the board until only one discourse is possible

>> No.16115171
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>This is 4chan, every single person here is right wing.
>Being this delusional and not counting the frequent visitors and raiders that stay here for months at a time

>> No.16115175

I’m not the guy who mentioned toxicity. It’s not a word I’d use, you are implicitly defending off topic garbage if you don’t want mods to enforce the sticky. I disagree with calling current /lit/ toxic anyway, /lit/ used to be extremely intolerant and hostile to slightly plebish books and you’d be made fun of for admitting to not reading every day, this hostility was good. If you’re in support of getting rid of the garbage then I’m sorry I misunderstood you.

>> No.16115182

I think you're paranoid, my freind.

This is OP. My politics are deeply conservative, but that has nothing to do with the discussion at hand and so it wasnt broached by myself as a topic.

You've run into the thread screeching at spooks; you're fighting windmills.

>> No.16115186

>“I want the board to remain on topic” is a reddit desire
The absolute state of projecting Redditors

>> No.16115189

fight the culture wars in other board, right winger redditor.

>> No.16115191

I'm not able to reliably differentiate between people pretending to be fools or leftwing and those who are authentically fools or leftwing.

I tend to lump them in the same category per say.

>> No.16115199

There is no such thing as too paranoid

>No u
Such an intellectual response

>> No.16115201
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>he hasn’t filtered their trips and IPs

>> No.16115200

misunderstandings happen

>> No.16115219

I disagree. Your post was saturated with emotive language. Which means some complex of associations activated and gripped your consciousness when you read my post, and entered this thread.

You then wrote an emotionally irrational post in response. That's why paranoia in excess is unhelpful.

>> No.16115221
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ITT: Everyone I don't like is a Redditor and everything I don't like comes from Reddit

>> No.16115230

checks out

>> No.16115232

Does playing an armchair psychiatrist get you off? Does not negate anything of what I said.

>> No.16115236

>>No u
>Such an intellectual response
Why don’t you want the board to be on topic? The only answer is that you don’t care about the topic because you only want to shitpost, which is the reason that redditors come here.

>> No.16115237

AND /pol/

>> No.16115243

based and redpilled

>> No.16115250

We all know what you want is the furthest thing from on topic

>> No.16115255
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>reddit and /pol/
>implying that there’s a difference anymore

>> No.16115264

I am literally a psychoanalyst.

>> No.16115298

But I do want to remain on topic, I want to discuss literature, not vague philosophical ideas with people that don’t read and so don’t understand those ideas. I’m not left wing, in fact I’m an ethnonationalist but I want to discuss literature on the literature board, I.E. I want to discuss books of high quality, mostly on the basis of artistic quality. I don’t want to discuss politics with illiterate idiots of any political outlook, if I did I’d browse the twitter screen caps on /tv/.

>> No.16115584

OP here again.

I think there definitely needs to be a report function to report people even commenting on reddit. Especially for accusing people of using reddit.

>> No.16115594

That's the most reddit thing I've ever fucking heard holy shit, are you literally from reddit?

>> No.16115607


>> No.16115626

You guys know I'm right, come on.

>> No.16115682
File: 105 KB, 616x452, p2hg-1-underworld-dreams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantastic image, OP, do you have more of it? Who was the artist?

>> No.16115770

>Retard and bait threads are consistently kept on top
It's funny to me that you say it's overrun by /pol/tards and yet the only shitposts I see constantly spammed are tranny literature and tranny rights, and tranny this, and tranny that. Take these complaints to your discord server and tell them to STOP BRIGADING MY BOARD.

>> No.16115773

Every week the same thread: /lit/ has gone bad and how to fix it.
Well /lit/ hasn't changed a lot for many years, neither in the kind of topics nor in quality. You rarely get good discussions about fictional books here. Most of 4chan especially this board is for postdiscussion: memes, more memes, recommendations (which are usually good) and seeing how non-normies think about several topics. And in that latter part maybe seeking confirmation for one's own non-mainstream opinions.
If you dislike the current state of this board, just go back in time and read the former discussions on 4plebs (or other 4chan archives that cover /lit/. Unless you wish to talk about books that have been published in the last few years (which is rarely the case) you should have lots of 'old /lit/' threads left to read instead of fighting windmills in this thread.
Of course, the ban of several subreddits has led to more politically motivated fags to shitpost here but the quality is about the same as a few years ago. I really wished that people would stop spamming their agendas where they post the same topic every day until they got bored or that people who would like to discuss a book generally without a specific question would go to the archives and read them first. That would save us from lots of mediocre, bland threads. Same goes for you OP, if you really think that tge old /lit/ was better than you can spend years(!) reading the old threads.
Either accept/lit/ for what it is and has been or seek a non-anime-(!)-forum where people cannot rate/vote for/ thank for posts. Google is your friend.

>> No.16115780

>fight the culture wars in other board, right winger redditor.
redditor detected. take your tranny news and shove it up your fag ass faggot.

>> No.16115794
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>that's why you want to actually shit up the board until only one discourse is possible
This is what it is. Communists only want one thing, absolute submission to the party's will. These fuckwads will not stop until they ruin literally everything and their backs are against the wall with a bullet flying towards their head from the execution squads they started.

>> No.16115841
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self moderation doesn't work when you are outnumbered. Just babysit quality threads and ignore the rest. It isn't perfect, but it is easier to tend your own garden than try to tame the whole forest.

>> No.16115849

I’m right wing but I want to discuss literary fiction on the literature board without being swamped by politic posting, communists are by far the worst offenders on /lit/ since the reddit closures a month ago. The sticky indicates that politic posting belongs on /his/ but nobody reads the sticky because they don’t want to discuss literature on the literature board.

>> No.16115861


>> No.16115868

We: the people complaining about /lit/‘s inability to stay on topic

>> No.16115881

Yea that's fair, I've had a xenophon thread get pushed because of mass marx / tranny spam.

>> No.16115954
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A /Phil/ board would really help things out. /vrpg/ proves that boards can still be created and /Phil/ would give a more centred place for people who want to discuss philosophy and religion (though I don’t think the religion posters are as obtrusive as the Marxists) without it interfering with this board. Pic related could become true.

>> No.16115976


>> No.16115983

Why are you on the literature board?

>> No.16116037

OPs (including images) are a good marker of thread quality. Frogs, wojacks, jezebels, anime, chads, twittercaps and other meme images are 99% of the time low-effort bait threads. Likewise, single line or all greentext OPs.

If you build a habit of actively hiding these threads without even reading them, you'll go a long way toward bettering the board. The people that make those threads do it for the attention, not realizing that making those posts reinforces a habitual circuit that enslaves them to the worst aspects of this website. The same is true for those that reply to those threads. Remember that they are started and sustained by children.

>> No.16116056

I just want the guy spamming the AI threads to get banned already

>> No.16116154

These complaints can all just be solved by doing what /fit/ has done for years and habitually abusing people who do not read the sticky.
You don’t need more moderation and you don’t need the gay recommendations from people who’ve been warped by reddit PR lines into thinking internet admins actually care about your ideas for new boards or whatever else

>> No.16116165

this, please

>> No.16116196

I fear that it won’t help because such a large quantity of posters on /lit/ don’t read the sticky because they don’t care about literature

>> No.16116366
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My take:
Anyone wanting to have serious discussions on philosophy and humanities should simply do it on /his/ since they have better quality threads and moderation. The /pol/ threads barely disguised as philosophy would end up ignored by the anons who come mainly to discuss fiction.

Yes, I know /his/ has also been infected by the same plague but to a lesser degree, even the obviously ideologically-oriented threads have more substance.