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16059322 No.16059322 [Reply] [Original]

how did anne frank sound so grown up. are 12 year old girls really that smart

>> No.16059325

falseflag holocaust denier thread
wya beansposter

>> No.16059349

That's just what people are capable of when they're brains haven't been fried with modern media

>> No.16059353

her dad wrote the diary

>> No.16059370

Both of these are correct. Unplug from the internet and TV for a month and you’ll be amazed at what your capabilities are.

>> No.16059373

Just the way Dutch translates

>> No.16059380

She's a jew

>> No.16059381

Ghostwritten for the purpose of giving a """cute""" face to the 6 gorillion that """died"""

>> No.16059389

>as u can see brain is fully developed at age 12
>age of consent should be 12

>> No.16059393
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>> No.16059417

if there are actual laws that prevent you from saying something, chances are, it's true

>> No.16059962

It is a translation. Word choice is going to be better in English because it essentially was written by an adult.

think Longfellow translating Dante's Inferno. It sounds like Longfellow because it was "written" by him

>> No.16059974

Umm, because her diaries were written by a grown up...

>> No.16059979


>> No.16059980

I read it when I was a 13 year old girl and it felt lie something I could have written so yeah

>> No.16059985
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>> No.16060000

No answer to >>16059417, then? Or >>16059985?
Not surprised...

>> No.16060747 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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Nothing attracts noble Confederate soldiers to come rescue you like eloquent words.

>> No.16060762

parents becoming more psychotic and protecting is leading all of us into a prolonged infantile stage that can never be fully shaved off. The school system is to be blamed, they teach people under no presupposition and without heavily promoting actual and tangible meaning resulting in unmotivated students. This results in the underestimation of intelligence of individual and children when we should've been full blown intelligent human beings capable of work and marriage by the time we reach puberty.

>> No.16060765

They're capable of it, they just aren't allowed to do so because they're spoiled little shits

>> No.16060772


They didn't have televisions in every household back then. The entertainment they had were books and maybe musical instruments.

>> No.16060776


People are still dependent on electricity for reading, you can't read or learn shit in a power outage. Try living in the Philippines for a while.

>> No.16060785 [DELETED] 

What a coincidence that her father was an amateur photographer in a time that amateur photography was exceedingly rare, it sure is great that we have pictures of an innocent little girl to go with the accurate depictions of life under Nazi tyranny.

>> No.16060786

Do they not have the sun where you live? Or candles?

>> No.16060796

I dunno my grandpa liked photography and we have a bunch of pictures he took with his friends when he was a teenager in the 40s and he was poor, it couldn't have been that rare

>> No.16060807


Yes, I use both, and the flashlight of my smartphone when it's charged. I'm on Guam, but when I'm in the Philippines staying with relatives, power outages happen frequently. I think it's a bastard hacker fucking with the electricity, but people call me a liar and crazy.

>> No.16060814 [DELETED] 

and I have a grandfather who was murdered by the Nazis in the holocaust; they locked him in a walk-in freezer and when they brought him out, they pushed him over. He shattered right in front of my grandmother.

>> No.16060817

Hot if true

>> No.16060968

Wow I guess there really is a fire in the theater

>> No.16061043

This is only true in cucked euro countries that ban everything (and who also got invaded by nazis and are butthurt). They also ban Nanking, HOlodomor and Aremnian genocide denial

>> No.16061159

She didn't write it

Also she died of Typhus after being transported out of 3 different camps because of outbreaks so she wouldn't die, really gets the noggin joggin. But I thought they wanted to kill all Jews!

>> No.16061383

I wonder if it is even more horrifying to jews that there was no concerted effort, to exterminate them. that they weren't hated in a murderous way. but they were just annoying and wanted to boot them. that all the deaths happened only due to disease and hunger. to me that is actually worst horror than everyones out to murder you. is that no one cares.

>> No.16061397


>> No.16061409 [DELETED] 

Denying the Holocaust is a matter of historical integrity regarding an event which has had shaped modern politics to a wildly disproportionate degree and far beyond its expiry date.

Shouting "FIRE" is not similar, kill yourself tranny.

>> No.16061461

she was a time traveller. she had a type of pen that wasnt invented until years after the diary was written.
jewish people are really smart too, way smarter than us goyim. thats why they control the world and are making the goyim into mixed race nigger cattle to slave away for the jewish master race until the end of time

>> No.16061467

was that ever scientifically proven

>> No.16061472 [DELETED] 

The part about Anne Frank being a time traveller or about Jews being smart?

The latter was proven by Jewish scientists.

>> No.16061478

Not him, but if jews are so smart and culturally rich why is that nothing of value comes out of Israel except hacking and spy operations

>> No.16061492

>tfw anti-semite but I also hate holocaust deniers for making us all look low IQ

>> No.16061503

The holocaust is not even a carefully constructed lie, why believe it?

>> No.16061518


lmao, did amateur photographers not exist before the 1950's?

there were hundreds of thousands - millions of children in the holocaust, surely some of them must have wrote diaries and surely some of them had a father who either could afford to take pictures of their children or was an amateur photographer.

>> No.16061548


Trauma makes the brain mature faster. Which may explain Anne Frank.

But people elongating immaturity is what makes people smart.

Other animals don't go through the abstract-translated synthetical method for understanding how to react.

Humans have time to "think" about it. Longer periods of immaturity means less dogmatization and more creativity. It'll be better in the long run if everyone just realized how dumb and pretentious they were.

Computers can't get into creativity because creativity exists within a human society.

RIP Anne, a kike but didn't deserve to go out like that

>> No.16061559

holocaust deniers are jewish-manufactured controlled opposition

>> No.16061563

Yeah, no I've been deep down that rabbit hole, you're a genuine moron if you've actually seriously looked into it and still think it was "just a few hundred thousand typhus deaths"

Most I am willing to still consider is that Auschwitz was not a death camp, but that would still mean there were a millions of exterminations (not only of jews) at other camps/ from people being rounded up and shot/ etc.

>> No.16061578

Fire in a theater was the analogy chosen by SC Justice. The case was about speech critical of a war.

>> No.16061582

One of the best /fic/ work I’ve read!

>> No.16061590 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, shill. The fact that you use the word "exterminations" is proof that you were never sincerely looking into it from a reactionary position, at best you were a liberal who thought that it may be fun to go look at the "dangerous" ideas of "adult night"

>> No.16061598
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>falseflag holocaust denier thread
Is there anything comfier

>> No.16061649

Well you're just wrong, then.

>> No.16061824

Ironic post

Would not be surprised if this guy is right >>16061559 and most of you faggots are posting from an air conditioned office in tel aviv

>> No.16061906

The ones in this thread, yes. There's no reason to 'deny' something like Anne's Diary. You can personally not believe it was fully written by her for whatever reason, but she clearly was taken to a concentration camp and ultimately died of typhus, and so whatever extent her diary was or was not penned by her is irrelevant to things like whether a given camp used gas champers to kill so many Jews. That makes the whole 'issue' a clear false flag to make Holocaust revisionism look ridiculous, because who but a petty Zionist LARPing as a Nazi would shit on the memory of this young girl like this.

>> No.16062025

It wasn't written in ballpoint. The only page with ballpoint pen was an editorial sheet.

>> No.16062033

real reactionaries detested nazis

>> No.16062111

notice how they keep changing the goal post ITT, the holocaust is a lie because every time they get caught on a lie they move to another.

>> No.16063590
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Because you mistakenly think her style of writing/talking has anything to do with her intelligence

This is why so many idiots can get away with seeming "smart", because they talk a certain way and most people don't pay attention to the content of what they're saying but the way they conveyed that content. The modern style of speaking or writing didn't exist back then so to our eyes/ears the way she writes or speaks sounds intelligent. Think of it like this, a highly intelligent person could speak only using Hawaiian pidgin and he would look stupid because that's how we perceive that way of conveying information, but if you actually looked at the content of what he was saying you would see the intelligence behind it. It's why celebrities who come from the south have to adopt a more general accent to not appear retarded.

>> No.16063594

you should prove the media wrong by swallowing some zyklon b

>> No.16063625

I didn’t suggest going without electric, and I lived on Bohol for 2 months while doing volunteer work. Try again

>> No.16063935

>the most adaptive animal on the planet
>young female being born into a hostile and harsh environment
>high intelligence by chance
>combined with having to grow up fast
>Auschwitz and kill instead of Netflix and chill

If you were born into her time and surroundings you would've been a lot more mature friendo

>> No.16063952
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pretty much this
it's hard to find a good point of comparison these days since it's so widespread an issue, but modern media (tv and social media in particular) really does fry your brain

>> No.16064133 [DELETED] 
File: 1.04 MB, 2147x2997, Anne Frank x University Greys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Auschwitz and kill instead of Netflix and chill

Not if we have anything to say about it.

>> No.16064196
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Reminder that education standards have collapsed over the 20th century. And this is AMERICAN education in a shitty rural county. Anne Frank's family were dedicated to education and most were multilingual

>> No.16064215 [DELETED] 
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Gotta keep those Darkies from voting somehow.

>> No.16064226

And most of the whites as well

>> No.16064233 [DELETED] 
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>Anne Frank's family were dedicated to education and most were multilingual

How good was her English?

>> No.16064260

its been a while since i read it she starts learning english towards the end. She speaks dutch, german, french, hebrew and a little english and latin. i seem to remember most of her english came from shitty celebrity magazines.

>> No.16064373

This looks below standard for any decent middle school in the US

>> No.16064409
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>unplug from internet and tv
>Nooo i cant do that, i still need electricity
This is your brain on dopamine

>> No.16064427

yes, jews are the real master race. g*ym can't even compare

>> No.16064477 [DELETED] 
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Post yfw Confederate soldiers show up to rescue the heavily pregnant Anne and she can't understand a single word coming from their mouths because their dialect is barely intelligible to native speakers

>> No.16064693


>> No.16064697


I think the amount of anti Semitic jargon in this thread alone contradicts the idea that people are indifferent about Jews. I think both Jews and black people are the only races which are murderously hated by anyone. They’re the only ones people dedicate entire online personas to degrading.

>> No.16064709

God I hate potatoe niggers so much

>> No.16064784
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Anne Frank's Diary manuscript is clearly written with a fountain pen. We have primary Nazi documents that mention using gas to kill Jews. Holocaust denial falls at its first hurdles.

>> No.16064800
File: 8 KB, 249x325, 1596539288526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice digits

>> No.16064809

What an image.

>> No.16064958

>they’re brains aren’t fried
So I take it you aren’t included retard?

>> No.16065089

Picasso started painting at like 3?
Didn't Mozart write a complete symphony at 4?
One of the founding fathers was a diplomat when he was 12. His mother told him she would rather receive news he died on his voyage to Europe than to receive news he was a shitty diplomat.

The Flynn Effect aside, 12 year-olds were likely held to much higher standards in the past, especially if they were already educated and in the higher status of society, like a Jewish girl likely would have been, so such a 12 year-old would likely appear much more intelligent than our perma-children who remain childish well into their late 20's.

There are no laws in the US which prevent Holocaust denial. The vast majority of states in the world do not punish Holocaust denial under the law. Only 16 European nations and Israel punish it.
None of that addresses the fact that your qualification is asinine. Libel and slander are both illegal. It's illegal to falsify official statements. It's illegal to lie under oath. There are host of laws which make it illegal to make false statements, so obviously all of those laws are just designed to keep people from speaking the truth? You need an extra layer of tinfoil.

It wasn't about speech that is critical of war, the case was about citing free speech as a defense against obstructing the draft. The Justice used the example to specify that honest opinions and expressions are protected, but speech designed to directly break the law or cause harm are not.

>> No.16065161

>falseflag holocaust denier thread
Aww yeah i love those.

>> No.16065181

Bud, you can't use evidence to disprove a conspiracy theorist's theories, because all the evidence against them is just part of the conspiracy.

>> No.16065206

She wrote about her day to day life and ruminated on family, the war, life, God etc in an honest manner. There was no pretence, she wasn’t attempting to be profound, to charm an audience. She was writing for the cathartic release and eventually the joy writing itself gave her.
This is why her writing comes off as sincere, if not profound.
The reason her writing feels natural is because it is, you can feel her on the page. Basically the exact opposite of pseudo-intellectual drivel.

>> No.16065224

>are 12 year old girls really that smart
i wrote an essay about sexual liberation and how history had ended when i was 11. 12 year olds are smarter than most people, who are morons. they could be any age with the mind of a three year old

>> No.16065339

>crying fire in a crowded theater when there isn't one is illegal
>but somehow crying genocide in a work camp when there isn't one is legal

>> No.16065479

Terrible comparison. Libel and slander are crimes (which are rarely, if ever, prosecuted) in which someone is intentionally declaring something that they know is false with the intention of causing harm. Holocaust fact checking does not fit that definition. You are a dumb golem.

>> No.16067139

Is there anything feminists haven't ruined? Damn them.

>> No.16067150

neck yourself pedophile

>> No.16067174

Lol it’s because her father wrote it

>> No.16067379

this actually seems to apply to the body as well, a better diet leads to a longer childhood
it makes sense when you see that childhood is the period of growth and adulthood is the period of action, adulthood is needed to fight and hunt (scarcity) and to reproduce (aging), if the conditions are plentiful and peaceful enough there is no need to ever cool the forge.

>> No.16067462 [DELETED] 
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>RIP Anne, a kike but didn't deserve to go out like that

She wouldn't have if they hadn't sent mentally retarded Yankees, Bongs, and Slavs to do a Southerner's job.

>> No.16067903 [DELETED] 
File: 776 KB, 1080x854, confederate soldiers praying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And am I born to die?
To lay this body down?
And must my trembling spirit fly
Into a world unknown,

A land of deepest shade,
Unpierced by human thought,
The dreary regions of the dead,
Where all things are forgot?

Soon as from earth I go,
What will become of me?
Eternal happiness or woe
Must then my portion be:

Waked by the trumpet's sound!
I from my grave shall rise,
And see the Judge, with glory crowned,
And see the flaming skies!

And see the Judge, with glory crowned,
And see the flaming skies!


What would Anne make of it?

>> No.16067926

ball point.

>> No.16067931

If she had been born in our time, do you think she would have been a pornography addict? Somehow, I get this feeling.

>> No.16067953 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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I'd rather she get hooked on giving birth

>> No.16068668 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.16068703
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Genocidal denial is dumb when the Holocaust has been studied by countless historians, and no your meme historians don't count and have been debunked.
Antisemitism is just wrong and mystifies class-conflict by blaming the external entruder. If you think the European billionaire is any better than the Jewish billionaire then you are a retard. Also what about the Irish?

>> No.16068854

And gypsies, don't forget gypsies

>> No.16069108

There's literally nothing wrong im the text in the pic you've posted. Sure, it sound silly to people who know English, but that's irrelevant when it comes to the dignity of a language. What matters is intelligibility. With pidgin I can translate and express any sentence in the English language. This means that from a practical standpoint, one isn't better than the other.

Maybe you could make an argument about aesthetics (i.e. pidgin is not beautiful enough for it to be used for poetry), but as a based non-fiction reader I wouldn't really care about it.

>> No.16069125

iirc pidgin languages are actually not like properly developed languges, they're a transitional stage where two languages meet and merge before creating a proper grammar.

>> No.16069149

>Also what about the Irish?
You mean white people?
They control the whole world, not the Jews.
Who's faces are carved into that famous mountain? White faces.

>> No.16069161

>Picasso started painting at like 3?
He wasn't a prodigy (in fact he never became a virtuoso), nor we have any reason to assume that he was of above average intelligence.
>Didn't Mozart write a complete symphony at 4?
No, by that time he only composed pretty bad, extremely simple short piano pieces. Furthermore, it has now been established that pretty much all of his early creative output was mediated by his father. Mozart is still a creative titan, but what we know about his intellectual feats was mostly concocted by Leopold Mozart, and then, after the death of Wolfie, by Costanze (the whole "oh, his scores never contained corrections, he composed it all in his head!" come from her, and these claims have all been refuted by historical sources: his scores had a lot of corrections, and he needed a fortepiano to compose).
>One of the founding fathers was a diplomat when he was 12
This one is legitimately impressive

>> No.16069649

we know Irish people aren't the problem because we can see their country's full of retards lol.

>> No.16070567

you must be an american

>> No.16070694

>Genocidal denial is dumb when the Holocaust has been studied by countless historians

It's all totally made up, starting from Nuremberg.

>> No.16070752

A lot more influential people are Jewish than I or you first realised. Most historical figures are Jewish, from Ascanius to Bill Gates. Jewish is a bit of a misnomer though as I mean anyone from Israel, Judea or Punicia.

>> No.16070802

based Delaware

>> No.16070840

Dutch is a very clunky, artless, economic language

>> No.16070866

Source on Mozart? Interested in what you said, but pretty much every encyclopedia/biography I find is repeating the things you claim aren't true (except the things about his early pieces.)

>> No.16070881
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t. retard
Your /pol/ infographics have been debunked for years now.

>> No.16070933

being german myself, her manner of speech and some words really seem very grwn up even in german. I always suspected someone else wrote it and claimed it to be her work or she was just a natural genius who never got to develop her potential cause she ended up as a heap of ash

>> No.16070990

Shut it down!

>> No.16070996

why did Anne Frank write with a ballpoint pen before ballpoint pens were invented?

>> No.16071010

don't question it. you disgusting monster.

>> No.16071021


Hilberg, Kershaw, and Browning are faggots. They believe that there was a verbal Fuhrer-order.

>> No.16071073

>yeah, I get all my information from unsourced infographics (I don't have the attention span to read book) and am a complete and total loser in ever aspect of my life, how could you tell?

>> No.16071085

What does a fountain pen have to do with gas?

>> No.16071089


I've read all the accounts, my dude. Infographics don't even enter into it.

>> No.16071167

Eh you judge too quickly, we could banter with anyone. But stereotypes exist for a reason and the jewish/black ones seem to be truer than others

>> No.16071194

She sounds like a normal 12 y/o in dutch? Also it’s been redacted to death taking out anything remotely unfavourable, so anything incoherent is removed. Dutch is much more precise in its wording than English in general, so could be that is why it sounds more mature translated?

>> No.16071361

She wasn't black, didn't grow up around loud rap music and Hennessy, and education then had distinct traits different from education now.

>> No.16071936

what if she grew up around quiet rap music and Ciroc?

>> No.16072036

That's literally my point.

Anne Frank wasn't necessarily smarter or more grown up than kids her age today, they just write differently but the actual content will be more or less the same. Just cause someone speaks Hawaiian Pidgin that doesn't make them less intelligent than someone who speaks English, just cause someone has a southern american accent it doesn't mean they're stupid etc. Where I live in the UK there are a lot of posh people who are dumb as fuck but their dialect might make you believe they're more intelligent than they actually are.

>> No.16072063
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That'd be baller, would it not?

>> No.16072251

you're allowed to incite moral panic, just not regular panic

>> No.16072482

>Just cause someone speaks Hawaiian Pidgin that doesn't make them less intelligent than someone who speaks English

Almost certainly it does because non-Whites are, generally speaking, less intelligent.