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16047907 No.16047907 [Reply] [Original]


>Game of Thrones author George RR Martin has been criticised for making what viewers said were racially and sexually insensitive comments at an awards show.

>On Friday (July 31), the author digitally hosted the 2020 Hugo Awards, which celebrate achievements in the field of science fiction and fantasy.

>Martin has since been heavily criticised by many viewers for mispronouncing the names of several nominees, many of whom are people of colour – including this year's winner of the Astounding Award for Best New Writer, Rebecca F Kuang – which Martin has since apologised for.

>He also spoke at length to praise writers HP Lovecraft and John W Campbell, who both won Retro Hugo Awards this year but have been condemned for the racist views they held during their lifetime.

>Writer Andrew Liptak called Martin's stint "embarrassing" and "tone-deaf", and noted it was "in stark contrast to the messages of the winners, who spoke about confronting and overturning the long-standing barriers that have largely blocked them out of the field".

>Elsewhere, Martin made a joke about the Oscar statuette not being a man and instead being a "golden eunuch", which former Best Fan Writer Hugo nominee Natalie Luhrs labelled "gender essentialist and transphobic".

>> No.16047928

kek american liberals always sound like preschoolers when they talk about how they're SO INTO race issues. always impressing a teacher. no one gives a fuck about grrm anymore faggot

>> No.16047934

>gender essentialist and transphobic

>> No.16047942 [DELETED] 

a DNA test on the show confirmed his Irish and other ancestries but excluded any Italian ancestry, showing instead he is approximately a quarter Ashkenazi Jewish.[12]
He can't be cancelled, moron.

>> No.16047951
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Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

>> No.16047955

Good, he needs to do better. Yikes!

>> No.16047959

You can’t cancel someone who doesn’t produce work.

>> No.16047964

Why doesn't he just get his books ghost written by some starving English literature grad students

>> No.16047965

I don't understand this world anymore. I'd kill myself but they'd feel too much glee at that.

>> No.16047973

Just to add Lovecraft was an actual racist not a meme one though

>> No.16047975

Just how tonedeaf can someone be? Why did he even volunteer for the shit when he has to write fucking books and clearly isn't interested in talking about new writers?

>> No.16047979

>>Elsewhere, Martin made a joke about the Oscar statuette not being a man and instead being a "golden eunuch", which former Best Fan Writer Hugo nominee Natalie Luhrs labelled "gender essentialist and transphobic".
>former Best Fan Writer nominee
lol she's desperate for attention. kinda sad

>> No.16047987

>Varys is a tranny even though he identifies as a man

>> No.16047989

Racism is not a bad thing though

>> No.16047991
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>the speech by that chinky girl who literally wrote a book about dragons
>wah wah don't group me other people of my color listen to what I have to say wah
Literally can't ever win, got damn politically correct culture

>> No.16047999

And now his watch has ended.

>> No.16048000

The Poppy War is kino. Why didn't they just get someone who can pronounce Chinese names to announce the award instead of an 80 year old tomber white guy who obviously wasn't going to pronounce the name right, if it's that big of a deal?

>> No.16048007

*is ended

>> No.16048016

Give him a fucking break. These people suck. He's an old boomer. Do you really expect him to be keeping up with the latest Twitter and tumblr PC rules?

>> No.16048020

The stuff was pre-recorded, so the only reason to fail pronouncing names was him not giving enough fucks to get it right. In which case, why would he even volunteer to bore people with stories of dead racists for 3h?

>> No.16048021

Why even get anyone to announce the winners? Just post the names on the internet and email the winners

>> No.16048027

GRRM is as PC and lefty as they come. Serves him right to have the same crowd turn on him for some bullshit

>> No.16048031

Yes, that's all very interesting, but tell me....did he quibble with Tolkien?

>> No.16048049

Tolkien is a racist transophobe. I wonder why he hasn't been cancelled yet.

>> No.16048051

>These people suck
If he thinks so, why spend his valuable time to record an award ceremony for then? It does no one anything good.
>Do you really expect him to be keeping up with the latest Twitter and tumblr PC rules?
Only the tranny jokes kinda went against it and no, it's unlikely he could tell. Hence the organisers could let someone who isn't approaching dementia check the shit first.

It's been a total clusterfuck from all directions, not just Martin.

>> No.16048065

You better be careful with that crimethink comrade.

>> No.16048073
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>kek american liberals always sound like preschoolers when they talk about how they're SO INTO race issues.
The entertainment is ceaseless

>> No.16048123

kys tranny

>> No.16048139

The twitter mob did try cancelling Tolkien by saying Orcs were representative of black people
Was a hearty kek

>> No.16048166
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I think all this stems from his Lovecraft plug which is fucking stupid that people are STILL upset at that fucking joker nearly a century later

>> No.16048182
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Wait until they discover the Silmarillion and start quibbling about cisgender Valar.

>> No.16048196

>in stark contrast to the messages of the winners, who spoke about confronting and overturning the long-standing barriers that have largely blocked them out of the field
I guess not being able to read is generally a strong barrier to being a good writer for niggers, so I'll give them that.

>> No.16048213

Lovecraft would be very pleased. He probably giggled a lot while naming his cat, knowing that people would be immensely triggered a century later

>> No.16048224

oh no, not the mispronounced names

>> No.16048232

tfw Trump's tweets since then probably make up more words than GRRM's progress

>> No.16048779

omg he said nigger!! fucking hell this is all this site is nowadays, "haha omg this person is based they said nigger!" "omg this person isn't based they said not to say nigger!" what a fucking shitehole

>> No.16048809

why is everyone such fucking crybabies? mispronouncing the names of black people is fucking racist? what?

>> No.16048831

seperate art from artist.
partly true

>> No.16048875

It's incredible how they out themselves as being completely dishonest. How can he be the worst president in history simply by being sworn in? The only way that's possible is if your standards are based entirely on hysterical emotion rather than an objective analysis of performance.

Which exactly summarizes most of Trump's critics.

>> No.16048891

let the normies consume each other while the patricians feast and laugh. this is honestly the greatest cultural moment in my lifetime. sacrifice the fat writer. burn the police station. chaos reigns

>> No.16048938

seriously, why are americans so obsessed with skin color?

>> No.16048947
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So GRRM should become a practical conservative.

>> No.16049010

they dont have culture so they need to cause conflict to collectively engage in something

>> No.16049337

This would be beautiful poetic justice for all the times he shat on sad puppies, but it's probably an overblown non-story.

>> No.16049348

>called the Oscar a Golden Eunuch

>> No.16049374

Jewlsh newspeak. Be glad you don't know what it means because just knowing its meaning infects your mind.

>> No.16049413

No history, no culture, no sense of belonging. They are descended from European vagrants that didn't fit with their own, now mixed with slaves from Africa. Finding themselves in a cornucopia of a land, they have grown morbidly obese. Physically and mentally revolting people.

>> No.16049427

I just watched the hobbit and it actually seems like that’s what they are and it made me love LOTR even more. The orcs all had dreads and black people noses. What’s more is the leader orc dudes in the show are fucking WHITE. Biggest lol I had in a while when I realized that shit

>> No.16049435

I do wonder what the end game here is. There doesn't seem to be one, it's just perpetual manufactured outrage to feed the media bank accounts. Media should be regulated.

>> No.16049489

They’re not, just the dilettantes on the coasts.

>> No.16049551
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the Hugo awards are such bullshit. Completely overrun with SJWs.

>> No.16049553


>> No.16049568
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Any time some whiny liberal faggot cries about "insensitive remarks" it only makes me like the accused more. Based GRRM. The more he ate the more he shat on libs.

>> No.16049588

Is there any fantasy and scifi being written today that’s not infested with this bullshit? Any magazines publishing good story’s and not just muh women muh gender muh lgbtqwtfbbq tripe?

>> No.16049589

This is one of those ones where the outrage is so manufactured that even fence-sitting normies find it retarded. Why do women and minorities have to ruin everything they touch? What is it about their existence that they can't just create something, like white men?

>> No.16049601
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he didn't even do anything though. He mispronounced a name, praised H P Lovecraft, and called a dickless statue an eunuch. He only triggered the ultra sensitive retards who think jokes are akin to murder.

>> No.16049643

Wilson's Ms. Marvel is comfy teen superhero comics
Coates' Black Panther is boring garbage
literally most fantasy is written by white guys even in the year 2020 A.D.

The Poppy War involves racial discrimination but it's based on the dynamics between China/Japan/Korea with pretty much nothing to do with whites

While I haven't read them, The Rage of Dragons and The Dandelion Dynasty sound like they're just fantasy stories that take place in a non-white culture and are not about racism in any meaningful way.

>> No.16049692

Amerimutts are a circus

>> No.16049700

>Hugo Awards,
That's still a thing? I thought it got cucked and bluepilled out of existence.

>> No.16050017

I thought Lovecraft renounced his racist ideas later in life though

>> No.16050033
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this looks like that ADL pyramid

>> No.16050041

kek nice try.

just hearing that cunt speak and you know hes literally the least qualified for anything other than cumming in his own face.

>> No.16050042

LOL imagine caring

>> No.16050323


>> No.16050359

This only acts to confirm that he was a self admitted racist, and we all know the only possible judgement for racists is to be unpersoned

>> No.16050616

I hope he doesn't apologize, if you give these cunts an inch they'll take a mile.

>> No.16050648

oh yes, now can we give pringles man the fame he deserved instead of this lazy fat fuck.

>> No.16050675

Race relations were swept under the rug and are now just beginning to be addressed.

>> No.16050677

Tell me your country of origin so I can make fun of you.

>> No.16050683

>old man pronounces foreign names wrong
>old man talks about authors that he likes (who won awards)

>> No.16050708

>murder at the top
This can't be real because leftists don't give a shit about murder jokes, rape is the holy grail of evil.

>> No.16050794

I'm not defending GRRM getting cancelled, but there's a difference between
>I really like Lovecraft's writing despite his personal views
>I'm going to get in front of an audience of black writers winning awards tonight and spend more time talking about how much I like Lovecraft than about their work
it sounds like the ceremony was shit all around, but nobody should disown GRRM's work over this and 99% of his readership could give any fucks he made a bad joke about the Oscar statue at the Hugos

>> No.16050828

Lovecraft was given an award at that ceremony. Why wouldn't he talk about him?

>> No.16050905
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This is the "fan writer" who said he was gender essentialist and transphobic

>> No.16050989

>gender essentialist
What? In spanish please.

>> No.16051007


>> No.16051018

imagine your brain after 14 years of twitter

>> No.16051022

Holy shit, does that make Thingol a faggot?

>> No.16051032

Something in the water.

>> No.16051040

No entendí una mierda.

>> No.16051048

Don't worry. It is best you don't understand.

>> No.16051073

Trump is a notorious retard, incel.

>> No.16051074

>necrotizing pancreatis
Meh, survive necrotizing fasciitis then we'll talk.

>> No.16051090

But she's anti fascist

>> No.16051098

Honest question: Is "eunuch" really considered a politically incorrect word nowadays? What is the correct, sensitive term for eunuch?

>> No.16051101
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My side

>> No.16051102

'differently ejaculatory'

>> No.16051110

Go out and ask people if they know that word, 99,99% won't.

>> No.16051118

"gender essentialist" is some new pejorative buzzword that the mentally ill use to define someone who sanely believes that genitalia defines biological sex.

>> No.16051128

>What is the correct, sensitive term for eunuch?
Post-op transgender female.

>> No.16051143

But eunuchs don't even pretend to be female. It's a separate category, no?

>> No.16051239

does the inside of a woman's brain look like the things she says on social media

>Fierce. Independent. Strong. Don't fuck with me, buster.

>> No.16051325

>eunuchs don't even pretend to be female
did you just assume their preferred pronouns you shitlord?

>> No.16051371

Is he Jewish by mother?

>> No.16051381

>How can he be the worst president in history simply by being sworn in?

Oh so he wasn't right until now that Trump has ruined everyone? We had to wait for all this to happen first, even though it was inevitable a stupid, narcissistic toad like Trump couldn't do anything right?

>> No.16051408

yah, we know. if you’ve been here longer than 2 days you wouldnt have felt the need to post this niggermame.

>> No.16051420

>Trump has ruined everyone?
trump hasn't even done anything. he put up a bit of fencing and tried to put the US on better trading terms with china. that's practically it

>> No.16051433

>sanely believes
It doesn't define
chromosome does

You aren't a man because you have a dick
You have a dick because you're a man

>> No.16051446

same difference, pedant.

>> No.16051480

absolute of American media and politics, its all so tiresome. he won't get cancelled because he is a jew tho

>> No.16051489

eunuchs are personal guards to females
who have been castrated for obvious reasons. they literally no longer exist

>> No.16051556

Babylonians don't exist anymore, yet we can still refer to them. The amazing power of language.

>> No.16051669

Wow, you don't fucking say! Where did you learn that? Reddit? Youtube? Maybe even /v/?

>> No.16051679

>Wilson's Ms. Marvel is comfy teen superhero comics
I can't believe you even know what that is.

>> No.16051682


>> No.16051688

the power of your mental gymnastics is far greater.

>> No.16051697

I've asked before, but is there a history somewhere of what happened to fantasy/scifi publishing over the last couple decades. I'm sure it mirrors a lot of these things in the way it drove very hard to the left, but I'm curious if there are specific instances or people. I was vaguely aware of the sad puppies thing when it happened, but it was just a reaction to something that had already happened, really. I'm just fascinated to know how we got to the point that the Hugos are really only about identity politics.

>> No.16051704

No u

>> No.16051720

I hope she's using "pretty" as an intensifier, in which case her blog is accurately named.

>> No.16051763

he certainly would deserve it, I think he supported a proto cancel movement at the Hugo awards so it's only fair he gets a taste of it the fat fuck

>> No.16051779

Lol, if you have to use such big words to describe the crime; maybe you should just save your breath.

>> No.16051783

> Leftists eat their own
Truly breaking news, stop the presses.

>> No.16051787

/lit/ doesn't read a lot of the same books as so I'm on /co/ most of the time

>> No.16051800
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I just want this to end, but I'm pessimistic.

It's extreme surveillance culture but for language, and you can lose your livelihood for it.

>> No.16051823

Epic dab on the alt right bro, don’t worry we’ll punch those nazis right out of their authoritarian coup.
Winter is coming for them

>> No.16051856

They don't understand that there is more to race than that.

>> No.16051859

>White nerds indulging their masochist submissive fantasies
More slow news at 11

>> No.16051951

This is not about murder *jokes*. Those loonies literally think humor is the first step on the way to genocide.

>> No.16051975

You can still take a man, cut off his balls and make him an eunuch. Yes, in 2020.

>> No.16051993
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>> No.16052001

lmao I should have known

>> No.16052009

Did eunuch ever just molest the girls the guarded without dicking them? Since castration doesn't perfectly cure lust or aggression and if they can still feel they're probably pretty pissed about losing their dick.

>> No.16052015

I really want to read a Salon article where the author delves into why so many people have sexual fantasies regarding groups they supposedly hate. Anti-homos are always describing really detailed homosexual sex, anti-trumpers are always imagining him doing stuff with their dicks... I understand on some level it has to do with anger releasing dopamine but it's still surreal watching people paint mental pictures I'd never have even thought of, despite it being something I'm lukewarm on and they passionately hate. Why are they the ones with all the gross sexual fantasies they feel the need to share with me? Why are you?
You made me read that. Explain yourself. Please.

>> No.16052041
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Dang. It would be j*ws who manage to put "seeking out like-minded people" and "genocide" in the same picture.

>> No.16052638

Yeah, record economy, how fucking terrible. What a nazi.

>> No.16052654


>> No.16052724

>I'm just fascinated to know how we got to the point that the Hugos are really only about identity politics.
It's basically the same problem of every other industry in that they began chasing after retards and the lowest common denominator which meant they stopped gatekeeping and allowed dangerous subversives to take over the industry

>> No.16052734

>social avoidance

>> No.16052750

tranny hands wrote this

>> No.16053092

To be honest, jews are exactly what you'd expect from people who have been torturing their own children for 3,000 years.

>> No.16053111

no one cares about you anon

>> No.16053121

You don't know who he is, maybe they would care.

>> No.16053130

which country has a culture nowadays?

>> No.16053136

Writers aren't politicians, and shouldn't care about being involved in the political game. Quality of writing is all that matters to them as far as their profession goes. These criticizers need something better to do besides bring famous people down for what they percieve as insensitivity.

>> No.16053147

They're called simps now

>> No.16053158
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>this person's resume and recent behavior is terrible and clearly unfit for this specific position
>but how can he be bad for the job if he hasn't even done it yet?

>> No.16053169

No, even the weakest man can overpower the strongest woman. I unironically think you should never hit a woman because if you're a male and find yourself being overpowered by a woman to the point you need to consider violence, then you've already failed as a man and may as well transition then suicide.

>> No.16053205

If we were to do that, women should stop lying to men, since men are simple and are forced to rely on their mothers who can raise them wrong in the most vulnerable years, before the father becomes relevant.

I'd gladly agree to the trade of no lies, no violence.

>> No.16053212

>"gender essentialist and transphobic"

>> No.16053219

..but I also have a hidden trade; lying costs personal extinction, and the severity of it can be paid in prolonged suffering, as interest.

>> No.16053231

>not bait pls get angry and call me an idiot
giving you the benefit of the doubt here, macho man

>> No.16053234

I don't know. Muslims are still keeping the slave trade alive. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them still keep eunuchs.

>> No.16053275



That's your brilliant president, cumrag. So brilliant the GDP has fallen off a cliff unprecedented in modern history.

>> No.16053283


>> No.16053298

He probably is trying to get himself so hated that he no longer has to deliver the books.

>> No.16053305

didn't Obama say he had visited 57 states in the continental US?

>> No.16053317

wtf are they talking about? its such a massive stretch to consider any of that shit he did anti-PC

>> No.16053324

drooler response go back to discord

>> No.16053367


>In his speech, Martin made comments that have been described by some sources as "outright racist" and "reminiscent of the late 1800s".

>"Ooga booga," Martin screamed, while making motions that some believe were supposed to symbolise throwing a spear, "Ooga booga, jigaboo!"

>Martin then turned his attention to a young dark-skinned woman in the front row, and started beating his chest while screeching and jumping up and down.

>Martin has addressed his comments since the incident took place.

>"I'm not saying it's all of them," he said, "but just look at the numbers. That's all I'm going to say about that."

>Martin currently resides in Los Angeles with his wife and 10 chins.

I can't believe he'd do something like this.

>> No.16053403

>he actually lives in New Mexico
your lies have been thwart by google, shitter

>> No.16053407

Gene anomalies like the swyer syndrome exists so you are wrong.

>> No.16053425

So wait, let me get this straight: They're salty because he mispronounced foreign names, praised Lovecraft and John W Campbell, and a joke about the Oscar statuette not being a man?

>> No.16053427

What is discord

>> No.16053507

Honest to god, SFF has always been like this. It just adopts whatever guise is appropriate to the current climate. It's also always been full of weird sex shit.

>> No.16053554

He should rename himself to George R. R. Ahunagoy'ala'mbutanu and throw a shitfit everytime some nigger mispronounces his name.

>> No.16053854

His whole hosting was dumb af. It started with 20 minutes of him going "in my day" and was followed up by him bitching about how they changed the name of the award for best new writer. It isn't called the campbell award anymore get over it dude. 2/10 go back to writing dragon books.

>> No.16053870

dial 8, sir

>> No.16054220

The people who go around cancelling people are so dull.

>> No.16054226

the books would be rambling shit and wouldn't sell

>> No.16054249

yes, pretty much

>> No.16054304

poor parenting and sick culture > kid with mental problems goes to college > brainwashed > becomes editor of publishing house, only supports hiring people of their ideology. happens in almost every industry.

>> No.16054317

That does absolutely nothing to explain why it’s worse in SFF than other genres

>> No.16054386

Lovecraft is such a cool fucking last name.

>> No.16054413

eunich is defined by the genitals being cut off, not their specific social role. yes thats what they often were is muslim lands, in christian they were used for singing, and in china for administratation.

>> No.16054918

And he's one of the greatest writers of all time.

>> No.16054940


>> No.16054962

I like Lovecraft a lot, but he is by no means a great writer.

>> No.16054985

His prose and style is great, combined with some good stories makes an excellent writer.

>> No.16055003

No its all pretty bad desu
It’s horror that’s trying to be literary, but there’s no real depth to the literary end of it. So it just makes for bad horror and bad literary fiction instead of doing either well.
It doesn’t help that he’s a huge meme now either

>> No.16055015

your pancreas is more immediately necessary for survival than your skeleto-muscular tissue.

>> No.16055021

That is why you never, ever work with niggers or females, EVER. You must hate them to a virtually incapacitating extent, with all of your heart, ever second of the day.

>> No.16055023

Only of you’re someone who thinks they’re too smart for Stephen King, but aren’t actually too smart for Stephen King, just too pretentious. There are tons of better short horror writers then Lovecraft but Lovecraft has all the soiboy currency

>> No.16055050

There are a ton of these ultrasensitive retards, they are in control, they are winning, and you must HATE them with all of your heart, mind, and soul every second of the day and wish them the worst pain, suffering and harm possible.

>> No.16055131

>trying to be literary
yeah, that's why it was exclusively published in pulp magazines, because it was so fucking literary.
>no real depth
his stories were pretty formulaic, but there was more depth going on than your average gothic short story. Most gothic writings were all about 'muh lineage' and spooky castles and evil monks. Lovecraft's ideas on the limits of human knowledge and his love for science imbued his work with a lot more than 'nothing.'

I'm pretty sure you're just an SJW who has it out for him because of his racist beliefs. I don't think you actually know anything about gothic fiction or Lovecraft.
Wow, your empty insults are so persuasive.

Lovecraft, like him or not, had a fantastically unique voice. He single handedly kept gothic literature alive and inspired many scifi and horror authors and directors, including Stephen King and John Carpenter and Clive Barker and half the shit that comes out of creepy pastas and SCP. To downplay his importance as an author, and to claim that there are 'tons' of better short horror writers but to fail to name a single one, is simply dishonest.

>> No.16055194

No, i don’t really care about the fact that he hates niggers. I just know that he’s terrible because I’ve read both him and his cringey imitators.
I’m pretty sure I’m not the only person in the world who dislikes Lovecraft for reasons that don’t have to do with virtue signaling or whatever.
But it’s also pretty obvious now that because you once saw the screencap of a Trans SFF writer’s twitter you’ll never entertain legit criticism from anybody ever again about Lovecraft, the whole thing is just about dabbing on lefties now because he said Nigger a few times; you yourself don’t even care about the writer that much.

>> No.16055231

Might want to pull back on that criticism when your own writing is meme-addled and inferior compared to Lovecraft's.

>> No.16055254

> There are tons of better short horror writers then Lovecraft

Name them.

>> No.16055309
File: 1.20 MB, 2020x3709, hugo 2020 finalists and winners 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish he had done it on purpose, the Hugos are pozzed like you wouldn't believe
>pic related

>> No.16055319

No. If you have legit criticism of Lovecraft, I'd love to hear it. I always enjoy hearing different opinions. It's how I learn about shit. But if all you have to say about Lovecraft is "Eugh. Cringe, bro. Stephen King is better than this faggot," then there's nothing to learn from what you have to say.

I actually really like Lovecraft but that's because I like gothic fiction. I've read everything Edgar Allen Poe wrote, I read the Oxford anthology of gothic fiction, Dracula, Frankenstein, and I read a shit ton of Lovecraft's works. Lovecraft found his niche and really refined it, but he didn't just copy what his predecessors did, he added his own unique seal to it. His stories were more scientific, more secular, more fantastic than just ghosts and people getting trapped in walls. I really enjoyed reading Lovecraft and I think it's a god damn atrocity that he's being erased from the western canon for wrong think.

>> No.16055324
File: 14 KB, 471x388, 1596047705748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That list

>> No.16056458



>> No.16056492


I applaud your autism

>> No.16056499

gender essentialists are people who think genders are essential (for example thinking being a male matters or being a female matters) when in reality it doesn't matter. Anyone can be a female and anyone can be a male

>> No.16056574

Fucking disgusting

>> No.16056758


>Hysterical emotional responses

Thank you for proving my point. You cannot even help yourselves, because you have no rational criticisms, just your wild emotional delusions.

>> No.16056813

He's a successful white male. They will out him any chance they can get.

>> No.16056825

They wouldn't dare be called antisemites

>> No.16056844

>The more he ate the more he shat on libs.
tip-top zozzle

>> No.16056847

He's a quarter Jewish. Obviously not good enough.

>> No.16056896

The opposite of harmony

>> No.16056925

Allah, I besmirch thee, bring down cleansing fires upon the west

>> No.16057011

it's not
>but how can he be bad for the job if he hasn't even done it yet?
>how can he be the worst performer in the history of this job if he hasn't even done it yet?

>> No.16057084

Wait, so we can all actually agree that segregation is for the better?

>> No.16057202

The exception proves the rule.

>> No.16057501


transitive verb

: to cause harm or damage to the purity, luster, or beauty of (something) : SULLY, SOIL

>> No.16057514

Do they only award best new writer once you've finished a series?

>> No.16057730

I don't know, you'd have to look that up yourself.

>> No.16058004

No it refers to essence and that there is some innate difference between men and women which gives them a fundamentally different character.
This must be denied for their ideology to work because they believe that gender is entirely a product of 'social domination', or 'social construct' as they like to liberalise their marxist theory. This allows them to deny any natural law or form of gender and create a new gender of choice.
The irony is that their feminised and confused genders are themselves a social construct, and their argumentation does, in some way, return to an essentialist form of gender. For example, in the contradictory insistence that it is not a choice, and the political attempt to force these new genders as natural.

>> No.16058008

All of this rage over some obscure critics that 90% of his readers, and even libs, will never hear of or agree with.

>> No.16058023

they literally took over the Hugo Awards and the publishing industry at large.

>> No.16058061


>> No.16058095

How does this affect me? I've never bumped into a Hugo awards ceremony by accident. The internet means I can publish and read almost anything. The only way digital trannies can cancel you is if you're a normie who uses social media in the first place. I say nigger online and IRL every day.

>> No.16058138

Too many men willingly chopping their cocks off. Eunuch is a big no no

>> No.16058526


>> No.16058565

There hasnt been a single president in the history of the US that wasnt a retard, faggot.

>> No.16058593

>being discriminated against doesn't affect me!

>> No.16060009

Oh lord, women are POWERFUL retarded!

>> No.16060070

fat blind faggot. and stupid faggot.

>> No.16060140

Because they’re gonna make saying Nigger online illegal, and a government that can’t keep any data secret is gonna use it’s hate crimes division budget to make a list of everybody who’s said nigger