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File: 120 KB, 1178x1600, 9808601B-D85E-44EF-9BBE-5D9D2D77EFA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16016344 No.16016344 [Reply] [Original]

Is he based or cringe? I found out about this dude through Peterson and wanted to know if his shit is wack or not.

>> No.16016373

What are you retarded? He's a genius

>> No.16016378

Like all psychoanalysts he's guilty of over-theorizing and projecting, however, he's also aware of that and says as much. His shit is whack but if you understand it as a secularized "religious" language I think it's breddy gud. He more or less admits the psychotherapist is more clergy than doctor.
Read "Man and His Symbols" and "Modern Man in Search of a Soul" for a basic overview. Both are pretty lightweight.

>> No.16016381

New Age grifter who tried to resurrect hermeticism via psychology

Also ripped his interesting ideas off from Rudolf Otto, a christian theologian

>> No.16016383

A little autistic at times but he's a genius.

>> No.16016393

I'm genuinely worried that you know him through Lobsterman. I think he's a pretty big name in the history of Psychology

>> No.16016397

Juden Peterstien is pretty much why anyone pays attention to psychology these days tbqh

>> No.16016408

Yeah but Jung is pop culture, just like Freud. I can understand people getting more into Jung after watching Peterson but not that they haven't ever heard of him. Unless they are turbo zoomers

>> No.16016422

Jung was popular with boomers in pop culture

Younger people now think he's profound cuz his stuff is older now and it seems more distant/mysterious

>> No.16016428

I would agree with most early XX Century thinkers but Jung was central on the new age wave from the past 3 decades. Or maybe I'm just too fucking old, I don't know

>> No.16016465
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It's unfair, I wish I was rich.
I just want to own Carl Jung's Red Book
Look at this fucking beauty, nothing compares:

>> No.16016470
File: 418 KB, 719x1078, 142BFA74-87F0-4037-B33B-8653E6BFFCA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the MEME Book

>> No.16016698
File: 51 KB, 605x818, flowers-look-like-animals-people-monkeys-orchids-pareidolia-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very based.
one of a handful of relevant philosophers of the 20th century

>> No.16016707

That's odd to me.

I'm 27 and my first time hearing about Jung was in a GameFAQs thread I found that was discussing the origins of the ideas found in the SMT: Persona series (Persona 4, specifically). Before seeing that thread, I had no idea that the Persona games were built off of actual ideas regarding Psychology and until I got into the New Age myself, I had no idea that Tarot cards were an actual thing. When that "Edogawa" guy or something starts talking later on in the game, very extensively about Tarot cards (I think he even quizzes you on them, which to me, as someone who's now Catholic, is quite shocking), at the time, I thought he was just explaining the game's lore. I would've never imagined they were a real thing..

The most New Age thing I'd ever heard of personally was Lucid Dreaming. I only found out about Astral Projection through the internet.

To conclude, I wish to say that even when I was into the New Age, I never heard any mentions of Jung's name so your stance is still odd to me.

>> No.16016734

pretty interesting ideas
has some flaws, but is pretty good overall
why the fuck is it $250?

>> No.16016739

>I found out about this dude through Peterson
People younger than me should kill themselves.

>> No.16016740
File: 47 KB, 614x644, E213950D-1B2F-40EC-8726-140C1ACF2BDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why the fuck is it $250?
Because he’s based and capitalism doesn’t care about your feelings.

>> No.16016758

mea culpa based wahhabist shapiro, I'll sing three hymns to Bezos tonight.

>> No.16016767

One of the greatest thinkers of the 20th century, but also one of the most misunderstood, even more so than Heidegger or Deleuze.

>> No.16016813

Sure, except Jung is the real deal and Deleuze is a pseud.

>> No.16016889 [DELETED] 

He may be a pseud, be he obviously still has a value of some sorts, historically if anything.

But most people don't even understand Jung, they still haven't gotten it in their head that it's a "phenomenological psychology", and that the quote un quote "inner subject life" is absolute in determining of the symbol, hence the priority of the symbol, and the psychic structures which collectively exist in an indeterminable way other than in the symbol.

>> No.16017007

Stop watching Jordan Peterson, that's all I have to say.

>> No.16017024

Isn’t he based tho?

>> No.16017105
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No. He has no idea of what he is talking about. He is just very incoherent. Especially his ideas about Marxism and about Postmodernism are really stupid. He doesn't have much to offer. Pop philosophy self help is cringe.

>> No.16017173

NPC response

>> No.16017182
File: 96 KB, 676x673, JBP in the belly of the beast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peterson at his best is just a mediocre Jungian, so if what he says about Jung interests you then you should read him. A good place to start is "Man and his symbols" or "Modern man in search of a soul"

>> No.16017193

naaah, consoooming Peterson is rather NPC.

>> No.16017270
File: 62 KB, 629x419, 629px-Pope_Francis_blesses_bible_with_Congress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Saint John’s Bible is the first completely handwritten and illuminated Bible commissioned by a Benedictine Abbey since the invention of the printing press.
>Beginning in 1970, master calligrapher Donald Jackson expressed in media interviews his lifelong dream of creating an illuminated Bible.
>when you're so based the Christian church decides to copy you

>> No.16017328

retarded consoom post

>> No.16017352

He is based

>> No.16017365

Dislike him, reduces spiritualism to materialist axioms.

>> No.16017373

Psychology is literally not real lmao. I don't take anything these schizo freaks have to say seriously.

>> No.16017377

>I'm 27 and my first time hearing about Jung was in a GameFAQs thread I found that was discussing the origins of the ideas found in the SMT: Persona series (Persona 4, specifically). Before seeing that thread, I had no idea that the Persona games were built off of actual ideas regarding Psychology
I thought they were dating sims for pseuds and teenagers.

>> No.16017389

Well it's true. Liking JBP is probably more of an NPC thing to do.

>> No.16017390

I own this books though it's not in English

>> No.16017465

...they're turn-based RPG fighting games.

>> No.16017502

>Yet the psychic tension continued. Eventually there came a point where Jung felt he could no longer fight off the sense of madness. He decided to let go. When he did, he landed in an eerie, subterranean world where he met strange intelli gences that ‘lived’ in his mind. The experience was so upsetting that for a time Jung slept with a loaded pistol by his bed, ready to blow his brains out if the stress became too great.

>> No.16017524

To me Jung was the opposite.

>> No.16017527

To me it was Edward Bernays and MKUltra.

>> No.16017554
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He was a man with tremendous amount of intelligence and insight, with very ambitious projects as well. Of course, that was also hundred years ago, and his writings are characterized by his ability (And curse) to see patterns everywhere like many creative people do. This lead to discovery of many functions, some properly holding up today and most not - as is the case with every old scientist/philosopher/whatnot. Some of his ideas cannot be falsified or evaluated by scientific methods as it is, but that of course to an educated mind is not a paramount problem. However, there is where some people seem him based (fascinating insight and great work) or cringe (alchemy, archetypes and whatnot spiritism that easily can be abused with New Age memes). Worth reading.

>> No.16017682

What are you, retarded? He's cringe.

no, he really is.. there are some neat categorizations, but vast majority of his claims are BS

>> No.16017696


>> No.16017711

Almost no one had seen the Red Book until like 2007 when it was allowed to be published anon.

>> No.16017722

>Dislike him, reduces spiritualism to materialist axioms.
This is exactly what he was against, and thinking this is Jung stems only from a misunderstanding of how Jung is actually using his terms such as instinct or psyche.

He did say something famously along the lines of
>one thing people still don't understand, is that I believe the psyche is real.
Being "psychological" is only synonymous with being reality or being spirit to Jung.

>> No.16017740

>no, he really is.. there are some neat categorizations, but vast majority of his claims are BS
Like what?

>> No.16017764
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Vast majority of all claims done by all people are wrong you brainlet, especially after 100 fucking years. Must have felt nice to write that little snippet of cheap critique in the comfort of your little basement, while yourself amounting fucking nothing in your whole life time. KYSnigger

>> No.16017779

>In his Red Book – recently published in full – he kept an account, in words and images, of the objective, independent entities he encountered during his “creative illness” – entities that had nothing to do with him personally, but who shared his interior world. There were Elijah and Salome, two figures from the Bible who were accompanied by a snake. There was also a figure whom Jung called Philemon, who became a kind of ‘inner guru’ and who he painted as a bald, white-bearded old man with bull’s horns and the wings of a kingfisher. One morning, after painting the figure, Jung was out taking a walk when he came upon a dead kingfisher. The birds were rare in Zürich and he had never before come upon a dead one. This was one of the many synchronicÂities – “meaningful coincidences” – that happened at this time. There were others.

Did he answer these mysteries?

>> No.16017887

oh wow, you sure got me there, lad,
i obviously meant published claims collected in his works setting up the unconscious framework

>> No.16017947
File: 856 KB, 1200x750, 1594421613659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Extremely based and dangerously redpilled

>> No.16017970

Jung is the ultimate pleb filter, you can easily see the depth of vision of any man by what his thoughts on Jung are.

>> No.16017983


>> No.16017986

How is this such an accurate representation of Plebbit?

>> No.16018254

This type of experience is not unique to Jung, and if you practice similar dream journaling, you will find they also happen to you

>> No.16018272

Recommend some Otto, I like Jung and I'm intruded

>> No.16018277


>> No.16018280

Imagine if you retards read a book of his instead of posting in an abomination of a thread where people just say based or cringe and namedrop pseuds they never read

>> No.16018284

>NPC response
Unlike your two word reply, truly the sign of a great and thoughtful free thinker

>> No.16018287

They already happen to me without specifically dream journaling, but I don't take Jung's collective unconscious as a particularly fantastic explanation of it all.

>> No.16018302

Not that guy but this is another NPC response in the same league as "oh please enlighten us" and other R*ddit expressions

>> No.16018317

Peterson is cringe

>> No.16018682

Hes based. We cant ignore all that spiritual stuff and call ourselves scientific or enlighted. Theres something deeply psicológical about all that. And politics and laws and the structure of the world are a reflection of the inner constructions of people.

>> No.16018708

Videogames. Pathetic

>> No.16018723

>you're not allowed to be a Marxist because muh gulags, but it's totally ok to be a Christian after every crusade and native american genocides carried out by missionaries!
Explain this Petercucks

>> No.16018778

Read C.G. Jung and Hermann Hess: A friendship by Miguel Serrano

>> No.16018831


*solves Jungian archetypes*

>> No.16019892

hmmm... interesting stuff

>> No.16019940

So Steppenwolf is basically archetype book?

>> No.16021604

Lol this

>> No.16021639

I used to think dream analysis was a meme until I started reading Jung. It's actually amazing how your dreams can reveal things about your personality or use metaphors to help you understand things about yourself.

>> No.16021782

Based. This guy gets it.

>> No.16021996


>> No.16022089

I have little doubt they caught wind of it somehow, I’m guessing there were private showings or correspondance between academics about it.

>> No.16022117
File: 2.70 MB, 325x216, trump 2020.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An excerpt from book 'How to Get Rich' by Donald J. Trump

"I find reading psychology and self-help books useful. Carl Jung’s theories fascinate me and keep my mind open to my own—and the collective—unconscious. Reading his books can also be a good form of self-defense.

There’s a lot we don’t know about ourselves. Likewise, there’s a lot we may not know about everyone else. Jung used the word psyche to refer to both the conscious and the unconscious processes. (That’s where the word psycho comes from, by the way.) I first became aware of Jung through an acquaintance who had endured some extreme ordeals, yet he remained calm. I couldn’t fathom where he got this sort of grace under fire demeanor, so I asked him, and he told me that Jung’s ideas kept him centered...

This synopsis of his philosophy made such an impact on me that I immediately started reading about Carl Jung. I’m glad I did, because it helped me in my business as well as in my personal life. We are all evolving human beings, and being aware of this gave me a big boost toward maturity. It also made me less inclined to be surprised by so-called aberrant behavior. I have to stress that I am not cynical, but I am aware. I hate being in situations where I’m asking myself,How could this have happened? This reminds me of my favorite quote from Napoleon about being surprised: A good leader shouldn’t be.

...You have to know yourself as well as know other people to be an effective leader. For me, reading the work of Carl Jung was a step in the right direction. If someone had told me in business school that studying psychology would be important for financial success, I would not have believed it."

>> No.16022122

just read eliade instead

>> No.16022128

>implying he wrote any of this

Ghost writers are a real thing, anon.

>> No.16022159
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its possible that he dictated that to a copywriter, or that its a summary from a conversation he had with his ghost writer. maybe the words weren't written by his hand, but I don't think it's entirely made up. just the idea that Trump is familiar with and has benefited from analytical psychology is amusing to me.

>> No.16022162

>active imagination
>statistical research into astrology
>Tries to revivify heremticism and neoplatonism into philosophy
>critique of modernism
>not radical in approach enough
>insanly overwritten books
>books have really no value without understending liber novus before, but he would not dare to publish it because of fear of ostracization.

>> No.16022195

>dictated to a copywriter
have you heard him talk

>> No.16022501
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That's why many people left him who were really more intelligent than him. Adler left him for the simple reason that he had found a better explanation for dreams. He said there are a few dreams which are sexual, but all dreams are not sexual, because all men's desires are not sexual. And man goes on repressing all his desires, so his dreams cannot be only sexually interpreted. This is absolutely rational. He left the group and Freud condemned him, said that he betrayed him.

But was it a religion? What is the meaning of betrayal? Science knows no betrayal. You have to argue with Adler, prove your thesis amongst your colleagues. And whoever comes closer to truth - it doesn't matter who is coming closer - has to be accepted. But no, Freud was very dictatorial: he knows the truth.

This is something which comes as a heritage with every Jew. From Moses to all the prophets, to John the Baptist, to Jesus, to Sigmund Freud, to Karl Marx, the same trend and the same attitude: "We are the only possessors of truth, it is our monopoly. We are the chosen people of God". These are different versions of the same theme.

Moses has contaminated the Jewish mind so much that even people like Marx, who deny religion, are unaware completely that they are still in the hands of Moses.

Sigmund Freud was afraid of Jung because he was just next to him, and people had started talking about Jung, saying that he is going to be the successor. That made Freud very much afraid - successor? Jung was not agreeing with all his theories, hypotheses, and if he becomes the successor - he was young, Freud was getting old - he will destroy the whole of psychoanalysis and the movement. And it is not only a movement, it is a question of a Jewish business firm.

Freud expelled Carl Gustav Jung from the movement while he was alive, so nobody could in any way change anything. His word was holy. This is not a scientific attitude. And he certainly created one of the biggest businesses of the century. But Jews are known to do this.

Jesus created the biggest business of the whole history. Jews cannot forgive themselves. They unnecessarily crucified this poor carpenter's son. They should have used him, and right now rather than there being millions and millions of Christians, there would have been millions and millions of Jews. Jesus created the biggest religious establishment. Sigmund Freud did the same, Marx did the same. Jewishness has something in it: the art of creating established businesses. So no psychoanalyst has the guts even to face me. If you have anybody, you can bring him.

>> No.16022656
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Its because jews are pathologically parasites who always want to be at the top of the food chain by keeping everyone else down so they design systems and ways of thinking to trap other people.
I would like to say not all jews are like this but it seems like a common problem that they are exceedingly materialistic with no sense of greater unity or divine purpose which is why they made up jews are the master race.

They are pathologically inclined to not only cheat other people but also to try to cheat god. Their minds are hardwired into finding loopholes and exploiting weaknesses in a system to gain an advantage. If I had to say something about the jews its that it comes across like they arent human in terms of their spiritual aspect to the point their higher concepts are extremely psychopathic in nature.

Ie they profess the idea of creating secret hierarchies through the freemasons to control people while at the same time they play the victim and pretend to be good members of society by cultivating an image that they are like christians but with a different belief system.
The deep issue is that jews are highly deceptive in this and because I think they are conscious of their own nature they use deception to keep themeselve protected from the righteous anger and retribution of other races and they obviously see nothing wrong with that because they are utterly insane. To understand the jew is to gaze into the abyss.


>> No.16022741
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The day Gautam Buddha became awakened, something in you has also become awakened. No man is an island; we are all connected, deep down in our roots. In the awakening of Gautam Buddha or in the laughter of Mahakashyapa I am also a part. The moment I understood the beauty and silence of those tears, something in me has also responded

Just in this century, Carl Gustav Jung has been able to find a right word for this experience which in the past has been called the transmission, the transfer, the communion. Jung's word is certainly very significant - although he himself is not a mystic, he is a man of great intelligence. He calls it synchronicity. And it was only by chance that he discovered the word

He was staying in an old castle with a friend. The old castle had two big antique clocks and the mystery about those clocks was that they always kept the same time. They were hanging on the same wall, and people used to come to see them. Even if you disturbed their balance, set one clock a few minutes back or put it ahead, you would be surprised: soon, within a few minutes, they would start coming back again, closer to each other

Jung was very mystified - what miracle is there? There was really no miracle, it was a very simple thing, but nobody before Jung had bothered about it. Everybody thought it was something mysterious. It was something mysterious, but it was not something that could not be understood. The mystery was that the clocks were hung upon a piece of board, very sensitive wood, so that the "tick-tick" of one clock was heard by the other clock, and they would slowly find that they were not in step. Something vibrated on the wood, and the clocks fell into step

Jung was in great difficulty to find the right word. What is happening between these two clocks? He coined the word synchronicity - something like deep sympathy, such a deep love that they cannot move differently

The mystic rose, When it was given to Mahakashyapa, certainly there were many disciples who asked Buddha, "We are puzzled, what is happening? You have not said a word; neither has he said any word, not even in thankfulness. You have given him the rose and he has received it. No language has been used from either side

Gautam Buddha said, "It is for that purpose I have brought the rose. It is very symbolic because the heart is so beautiful, your innermost being is beautiful as no rose can be, but the rose is the nearest symbol. And when it opens the fragrance also is the closest symbol, because the same fragrance, similar - of a higher level, more mysterious - the rose can represent in the mundane world of our day-to-day reality

This rose that I have given to Mahakashyapa will die. Right now it is so alive, so beautiful and so young. Just by the evening its petals will start dropping, dying. Today it is here, tomorrow there will not be even a trace left behind. Tomorrow it will be impossible to think what beauty, what fragrance had existed in reality yesterday.

>> No.16022751


>> No.16022767

I like reading him but I'm cautious to form an opinion as I don't know much else in psychoanalysis, I just read him as an intelligent and well informed man sharing his thoughts on things - thought I've mostly agreed with.
He's extremely well read in philosophy as well and it's rewarding to have read any philosophy - especially German philosophy - and then read Jung.

>> No.16022780

>osho fag is anti Semitic

>> No.16022796
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I have among my sannyasins forty percent Jews.

I love Jews more than I love anybody else for the simple reason that they have suffered the most; they deserve the love of everyone. For centuries they have been suffering being killed, burned, raped_ everything ugly and inhuman has been done to them. How can I be anti-Semitic? This is how your yellow journalism goes on spreading lies.

I have made a statement about Adolf Hitler which has been distorted. I have said that Adolf Hitler and Mahatma Gandhi are not very different. Immediately journalists thought I am admiring Adolf Hitler, comparing him with Mahatma Gandhi. I was simply condemning Mahatma Gandhi - but it seems stupidity has no limits.

>> No.16022843

Right, they’re your herd of Iago’s from othello. Jésus dude

>> No.16022861
File: 207 KB, 836x974, jews-in-search-of-hitlers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger wut???? speak english

>> No.16022864

You don’t wanna be a group of people’s jesus, that’s how you get yourself killed. It ain’t worth t king

>> No.16022879

>tells me to speak English
>misspells words
Keep reading sir

>> No.16022899

>being serious on 4chan of all places
but im taking ur bait nigger faggot

>> No.16022921

I’m guessing you’re a liberal zoomer—you’d like Othello, he’s an African kang that made whitoids seethe. Also idc about spelling either I’m just pointing out how your insult was oxymoronic

>> No.16022995
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The amount of buzz words. Fucking LUL.
The anonymous niggerfaggots i be talkin to on 4chang man. its whatever

>> No.16023123
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thats bullshit. Everyone suffers and everyone has been persecuted. The Jews make it so that their own suffering is greater than others because they think they are special or rather as soon as you give them any power they will use that as an excuse to diminish anyone elses claims.
Its like a hierachy of victim culture where jews are at the top and then blacks are second in order to destroy white unity and make them feel guilty for lies and half truths.

I wish I could feel sorry for the jews but they are a people who refuse to learn and have brought justice upon themselves many times and relabled it as persecution and blind hatred because they refuse to accept that they are a criminal people or rather they delight in being criminals.

>> No.16023165

U mad? It's not just Jews that play victim you nigger anus

>> No.16023212

> through Peterson

Fucking loser lmfao

>> No.16024119
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>I found out about this dude through Peterson
way to out yourself as an uneducated retard, Jung is Psych 101; how the hell did you get out of college with ANY degree without learning about him?

>> No.16024173

Unintelligent. Peterson is actually very smart.

>> No.16024185

Anon... illuminated manuscripts date back to the high Middle Ages. Monks did tons. If you ever visit Florence there are rooms and rooms of them.

Jung is the one taking inspiration from this Christian tradition.

>> No.16024523

Psychoanalyst (meaning shit inside your unconscious motivates you) but big on perineal philosophy and humanism (all people have similar beliefs) and probably a genuinely nice guy

>> No.16024526
File: 378 KB, 607x884, Another thing that struck me [in the Swiss] was the great influence of shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>perineal philosophy

>> No.16024685
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Why does it matter where he knows him from? This board is obsessed with hating peterson. For the most part i (thankfully) dont have to hear from the peterson fanboys anymore, as they have all moved on years ago, yet every fucking day there are 5 peterson hate threads here that get 30 replies.

>> No.16024727

>how the hell did you get out of college with ANY degree without learning about him?
Fucking retard not everybody goes to college to waste at least 3 years in humanities and then work in McDonald's.

>> No.16024768

>I’m guessing there were private showings or correspondance between academics about it.
Yes but you had to know the family pretty well for it, some old hag was allowed to read it then publicly said "it is some of the most profound knowledge I have ever read" and I guess that would have really kicked peoples interests that there is this master mystical figure that has devoted his whole life to this subject, and these are his own personal religious musings, and it's just been considered a genius work of revelation by some lady. Though people have always had access to the last part of the book in his memories, dreams, reflections "7 sermons to the dead" but I don't think they knew it was from the Red Book.

>> No.16024793

He's such a funny retard Osho, literally just makes shit up he thinks sounds right.

>> No.16024840

>Another thing that struck me [in the Swiss] was the great influence of shit.jpg