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File: 634 KB, 1920x1262, phaedo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15959523 No.15959523 [Reply] [Original]

Does the Greater and the Lesser and the Larger and the Smaller and the Soul exist before and after death, anon, or is it just a construct of language, a concept taught and not recollected, by experience while living rather than before? Did the Soul exist before life and will it exist after?

>> No.15959530

Who the fuck cares lol just live your life

>> No.15959557

An excellent question, Anon. Let us examine this further. Would it follow that without language nothing could be conceived as larger or smaller?

>> No.15959587
File: 89 KB, 474x711, averagetheist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no the soul doesnt exist

you and everything your are is literally just the fucking chemistry and electro-neural behavior in your brain. nothing survives death.

what is the fucking point of scientists working as diligently as they have and writing all those books if rubes still refuse use them to engage in reality in an informed way? holy fuck i hate you dumbasses who are literally hampering humanity by clinging to 2000+ year old fairytales and I'm fed up.

none of you dummies can even define "spiritual" or "spiritual reality" any way. give me a fucking definition if you want me to take you seriously!

>> No.15959661

>you and everything your are is literally just the fucking chemistry and electro-neural behavior in your brain
prove it

>> No.15959726 [DELETED] 

The entirety of this tedious dialogue was predicated upon a completely unsubstantiated notion inexplicably taken at face value to be axiomatic. Might as well have been a discussion about the tensile strength of the horn of a unicorn.

Apology was awesome though.

>> No.15959735
File: 1.04 MB, 750x911, 1595476999720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entirety of this tedious dialogue was predicated upon a completely unsubstantiated notion inexplicably taken at face value to be axiomatic. Might as well have been a discussion about the tensile strength of the horn of a unicorn.

Apology was awesome though.

>> No.15959736

that's not much of a proof of your statement

>> No.15959777

Different anon. Was not meant in response to you. In any case, the underlying claim is the concept of a soul. Learn up on burden of proof you dumb faggot.

>> No.15959805

Why do you expect the metaphysical to be able to be measured or explained in the physical? Materialism and logical positivism are dogmatic religions themselves.

>> No.15959842

But precisely what about the horn of a unicorn makes it stronger than steel?

>> No.15959849

Two major theories to this. Either life is just nothingness tricking itself into existence through the five psycho-physiacl aggregates or the soul exists and the world of forms beckons. Either way, just live your life as happily and in your best interest as you can and wait for the answer.

>> No.15959910

But the primacy of one theory over the other would necessarily have consequences as to how to just live life as happily and in ones' best interest as one can. Particularly in learned which way to live the best life.

>> No.15959931

Just do what you can to decrease suffering in this world. Both sides would agree on that.

>> No.15960789
File: 17 KB, 288x475, 22632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Completely understand why this edition only included the death scene. Good call.

>> No.15960872

Jowett is much better than Grube. Grube is a communist simp.

>> No.15960956

Agreed, but my point still stands.

>> No.15960968


>> No.15960989

-> >>15959735

>> No.15961043

It's a good call that part of a philosophical work was unincluded and you were prevented from viewing it then? Might it be true that this discussion was actually important to the thought of Plato, and that in dismissing it in your modern logical positivist skepticism you are failing to allow yourself to actually engage fully with Plato's thought and philosophy (and consequently in all those that draw from Plato who did not share the preconceived primacy of your dogmatic doctrine)?

>> No.15961226

No anon, because, you see, I only read philosophy so I can convince the 6/10 girl in my ENG 101 class that I'm actually smart. That way I can slam her pussy for all of 15 seconds before busting a nut, after which we both retreat into existential despair and hope that there's something more to life than cheap sex and scrambling desperately to meet academic deadlines.
Obviously I'd never read philosophy to learn something or challenge myself with discussions that are unintuitive or address complex topics, that's for nerds.

>> No.15961309

In seriousness, some Plato dialogues are just easier to get than other ones. Euthyphro raises a good point and the agnostic point in the Apology is good while any of the dialogues about the soul and afterlife really take an "I will take your word for it" view.

>> No.15961567

>It's a good call that part of a philosophical work was unincluded and you were prevented from viewing it then?
Well I wasn't: I didn't read that one. But sure, if the goal is to get as complete a picture of Plato as possible, I'd expect you not only read the entirety of Phaedo, but every single thing he's ever written. Though I nor most people who've set out to read his stuff are on a mission to become platonic scholars.
>dogmatic doctrine
There's nothing dogmatic about my view. Can't imagine what you're basing that on.
If all I gave a fuck about was just saying I've read Plato to slam ass, why would I give a fuck about the actual content? You're a retard.

>> No.15961572

>Who the fuck cares
OP obviously

>> No.15961584
File: 55 KB, 800x1024, 1592279565391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>S C I E N C E
you know that science is often wrong and reinvents itself every couple of generations?

>> No.15961683
File: 2.34 MB, 1500x1935, Archimedes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science engages with reality and offers predictable models with which to master and tame the world around us. Religion and "spirituality" offer comforting thoughts and empty promises.

>> No.15961754

>with which to master and tame the world around us
why is this desirable?
>Religion and "spirituality" offer comforting thoughts and empty promises.
how do you know the promises are empty, especially considering they functionally serve the purpose of granting an answer to fundamental questions that torment all of us (not to say allowing us to form civilizations)

>> No.15963043

>Science engages with reality and offers predictable models with which to master and tame the world around us.

Such as?