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/lit/ - Literature

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15958015 No.15958015 [Reply] [Original]

What's your answer, /lit/?

>> No.15958061

What he says

"I read 100 books. It wasn't worth it."

But he really means:

"I read 100 ya romcom fiction because I'm too much of a brainlet to read philosophy. It wasn't worth it."

>> No.15958066
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Also not my fault he only read shitty modern books from Amazon's best selling list

>> No.15958069

>100 books

>> No.15958070

Looks like he read a Taleb book as part of that 100. Imbecile confirmed.

>> No.15958076

was it worth *what*?
did he quit his job to read these books or something?

>> No.15958080

It's even worse. This dude read 100 self help books.


>> No.15958081

I've read around 100 this year so far, and I plan to read another 100 before the end of the year. And yes, it was very much worth it and I wish I had the time to read even more.

>> No.15958082

In what time span? A 100 books in a year? What books? I'm not going to watch this queer video so you have to tell me

>> No.15958088

Holy shit.
Literally eating garbage.
Why would you do such a thing to yourself.

>> No.15958092
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>self help books

>> No.15958098


>> No.15958103

It took him 100 books to realize self-help is a waste of time kek retard confirmed

>> No.15958104

Gives SEEK HELP an all new meaning.

>> No.15958117

My brother is slowly becoming /lit/ but he keeps buying these trashy self help books. Should I say something? I feel like it's putting him off literature

>> No.15958129


>> No.15958137

Okay, I'll watch his video and summarize it for the rest of us. Don't worry I'm behind 500 adblocks so I'm not giving him a single penny by watching his clickbait video.

First off, he read 100 SELF HELP books. He states immediately that it wasn't worth the time to read this many. (quite an obvious conclusion). He says that there are multiple reasons to read: curiosity, adventure, etc. His goal was to see if it was better to read about a topic from a book or to search the topic on the internet. His (again, obvious conclusion) is that both have their advantages and disadvantages. Also, it isn't about how much you read, but what you read + how focused you are on the book.

Use the internet to expose yourself to ideas, research what books are about that idea, and then read those books. So basically what every high school freshman should have learned within their first week.

Brainlets in the comment praise his experiment and his video.

>> No.15958138

>Where they have burned books they will end up burning content creators.

>> No.15958147

>Peter Thiel
Bwahahahaha get fucked.

>> No.15958152

Shouldn't this be common sense to anyone after the age of 16?
Also, how can he prove that he actually read all of those?

>> No.15958158

>Also, how can he prove that he actually read all of those?

Yea, maybe I missed it because the video was fucking boring, but as far as I could tell, he doesn't list the 100 books he read and there is no way to prove he read all of those. Maybe there's a link to the 100 books in the description or comments, but I really don't care because all of his conclusions he states in the video are common sense.

>> No.15958161

Thanks anon. I love you

>> No.15958168


>> No.15958176
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>> No.15958181

Why does he look like he's a character from an EA game (dragon age / mass effect).

>> No.15958190
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>> No.15958192

After 10 books, it's pretty much the same. We search for some insight, but everything is so simple and obvious: eat well, sleep well, exercise daily, avoid alcohol, medidate...blablabla. The secret is to just do it. You can read 100 books of french language, it won't make you a speaker. 1 action is louder than 1000 words.

>> No.15958203

Depends on what you read, for all i know this retard just read a bunch of erotic novels or brainlet fiction.

>> No.15958207

He looks dead inside.
At least he got a few thousand bucks from the ad revenue.

>> No.15958238

>a few thousands
Dude is lucky if he got 100 mate.

>> No.15958257

Imagine reading books.

>> No.15958258

>On Average the YouTube channel can receive $18 per 1,000 ad views. This equates to $3 - $5 per 1000 video views

300 - 500 dollars? Probably less considering 1. he isn't that popular and 2. adblock

>> No.15958326


>> No.15958518

You go girl!

>> No.15958527

Say something before its too late

>> No.15958582

What do I say? "Self help is shit"? But what makes it shit? I haven't read any of it

>> No.15958591

Self improvement people seem so neurotic. Imagine trying to break down and analyze and optimize everything instead of just being a person. Waaa I'm going to read 100 books worth of tepid self help garbage.Look at these silly bean boys

>> No.15958605

Imagine thinking that life is meant to be strictly utilitarian. Imagine thinking every moment has to serve a purpose. Imagine not being able to just exist free of self-judgement. Big yikes from me

>> No.15958639

Most of them are derived from older work, without nothing more interesting to say.
7 out of 10 modern self-help books reused ideas from early Stoicism and Buddhism.
The rests are tips and tricks repeatedly written and padded to reach the length of a book.
They are really really samey.
You read 3 self-help books at most and you read all of them.

>> No.15958654

Congratulation you two just agree with Alan Watts.

>> No.15958686

To add on this, reading self-help book can be addicting to some people because you get a small amount of dopamine when you finish a "productive" book. It makes you feel accomplished, even though you really didn't do anything.
What's worse is that the self-help industry feeds on your inability to recognize this and tricks you into buying the same book over and over.

>> No.15958744

Man I love that guy. He introduced me to such thoughts and ideas that ensured I will not kill myself.

>> No.15958754


>> No.15958812

He was a cool dude.

>> No.15958824

Couldve saved time by just going to a therapist

>> No.15959097

>uses their own face in the thumbnail
>clearly edited their face to try to appear more attractive and contemplative
>incredibly unsubtle in suggesting that why, yes, reading 100 books was worth it because look at how much of a serious thinker I am

if I could, I would torture every one of these internet narcissists incredibly slowly until they finally died cold, alone and in their own filth

>> No.15959127

funny considering he's a 'stoic' and read a hundred self help books

>> No.15959144


I read the that Resistance Training for Dummies(I read a pirated version and I will buy a legitimate copy eventually) and Jeet Kune Do: Arsenal of Self-Expression by Teri Tom and both have helped me lose weight. I also listened to a bunch of podcasts and read some articles. I read Unix for Dummies(a used copy) and it has helped me with using Terminal on Mac OS as well as help me with using Linux when I had a Linux OS installed on an old computer. So yeah, reading books do help.

>> No.15959623

no one cares retard these aren't books

>> No.15960115

These people make me sick

>> No.15960154

YouTubers rely more on Patreon and direct donations than ad revenue.
I guarantee this dude makes absolute bank on each video.

>> No.15960233

How can anyone stand to watch young and obviously brain-damaged assclowns talking about books on youtube? I just don't get it. It's like you're stuck in a university class listening to the dumbest students give their mangled moronic book reports and praying the prof just finally snaps and yells at them to sit the fuck down and shut up because they're damaging the class's collective sanity.

>> No.15960253
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>This dude read 100 self help books.
No fucking way lmao. What the fuck did this dumbass expect?

>> No.15960279

The next Augustus of our generation

>> No.15960492

You can probably write something like the Subtle Art of not giving a fuck and make millions, anon.
Why haven't you done it?

>> No.15960545

Self Help book culture is another deterrent from sacred to secularization, just read the Bible and Thomas Aquinas.

>> No.15960567

The guy's channel is self-help, so he probably expected the same substanceless advice he peddles to others.

>> No.15960672

This. If you want real self help and wisdom that is explained in concise and elegant terms with no sugar coating, go right to the source.

>> No.15960686

I can't believe this shit. He's just using it to make a video, to make money, like all of them are. He doesn't take any of the memes seriously just preys upon the mass of retards who put stock in them.

>> No.15960708

>those slimy green eyes

>> No.15960876

Idk if he shopped them, but they look so out of place. he would look much better with brown eyes desu

>> No.15960888

One of the few people I can stand listening to for hours at a time, even when I don't agree with everything he says

>> No.15960907

A lot of popular self-help guys are also straight up scam artists. They'll promote services online that don't actually exist, or provide only a fraction of what they promised. Apparently the path of self-improvement just leads to becoming a sociopath

>> No.15960949

Alan Watts is great except for the hippie talk about how everything is connected through waves and vibrations, but maybe that's just me being prickly

>> No.15961001

Is it just me or there seems to be an influx of self help books. Not that I ever really paid attention to that area before but I can't help but notice whether it's people in the street or promotional stands at bookshops that are mostly of the sort. Is this brought on by our own unstable world that as individualization has centred toward fixing attempting to fix the self rather than focus on trying to fix bigger issues?

>> No.15961274

Yes, the materialism, nihilism, ennui, godlessness, and general sense of helplessness that characterize the modern world have become so invasive and palpable that even the most ignorant and naive person feels something is amiss even if he doesn't know why.

>> No.15961609

>the materialism, nihilism, ennui, godlessness, and general sense of helplessness
*cough* late-stage captialism *cough*

>> No.15961616

>from Amazon's best selling list
what's wrong with that? I do check that list quite often, but never for self-help content, which is garbage no matter where you get it from

>> No.15961620 [DELETED] 


Do you not have eyes? Those are all books and they help teach you skills as long as you put them in to practice and books tell and show you how to perform the movements and even discuss why they are performed in that manner, etc.

>> No.15961634

Epic post friend! Wholesome, kek, based

>> No.15961645
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>> No.15961647


Do you not have eyes, you fucking retard? Those are all books and they help teach you skills as long as you put them in to practice and books tell and show you how to perform the movements and even discuss why they are performed in that manner, etc.

>> No.15961651

I like Alan because he is such a charismatic speaker. Really talented. That being said, he talks A LOT but hardly says anything. We get it, Zen is the way. But he just keeps on going. He is my favorite mystic.

>> No.15961668

Can someone tell me why self-help books are so popular? All I see now is people bragging to their friends or on LinkedIn about reading "Think and Grown Rich" or some other bugman materialist/physicalist book. It does not qualify as reading. When and why did we start neglecting actual literature and philosophy?

>> No.15961671

Because actual literature is definitely useless, but self-help books have a tiny pinch of chance of having something of use.

>> No.15961679

>exchanging crap for shit
religion is the original self-help

>> No.15961690

Most /lit/ posters procrastinate so much that even if they'll read the self-help book, thy will never put it to use. That's why they are so aggressively against them.

>> No.15961707

He's the Don Quixote of self-help

>> No.15961709

People have always been bragging about how successful they are.
Bragging about "being productive" is the botched version of the above for people who aren't actually successful.
Also, A LOT of people lack self-discipline. The have impulse control problem (impulse shopping, eating sugar, video game addiction, etc.). The messages in the self-help books are really obvious. They all boil down to JUST DO IT and CUT ALL OF YOUR DISTRACTION.
Obvious as they may seem, the consumers keep buying those books because they thought that a book might fix their shitty habit.

>> No.15961718
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>> No.15961743

This sounds extremely boomerish, but the latest generations have extreme short attention span (which leads to shitty discipline) thanks to technologies.
It's intentional by the entertainment industry because more clicks / interactions = more money for them.
Evidence: 99% of the people on 4chan are probably cycling between 4-8 threads at any time, over 1-3 boards. Adding youtube / music / other sites in the back, and you have a fragmented mental mess.
If that doesn't kill your attention span, I don't know what else does.

>> No.15961745


>> No.15961759

>there are people who are more beautiful than me, therefore it's ok for me to be lazy
It's your life after all, do whatever you want.

>> No.15961780

>he talks A LOT but hardly says anything
that's eastern philosophy for you

>> No.15961791

you missed the point so bad I don't even know what you're talking about

>> No.15961812

The point is that people often prefer comforting falsehoods to the truth which disturbs them (even if it harms them). You posting that picture is a perfect example of that principle.

>> No.15961870

>you're complete genetic shit
yeah, very comforting

>> No.15961876

I'm highly productive and study a prestigious degree that will hopefully lead to good employment. I still despise what self-help books represent.

>> No.15961881

but if you're really when oft those fat ugly kids covered in pimples n shit, why be mad? I'd just get a part time job somewhere and then play video games and fap all day. i think the reason you're so mad is because you think something more is possible for you.

>> No.15961968

>his soulless eyes
jesus christ!

>> No.15962032

To think that you are incel loser because of some genetic stuff may sound pretty bad, but it places the source of your misfortune somewhere in the far past. Now you can blame your childhood/parents/genes/god which is enjoyable in a way. Meanwhile you also can think that nothing you did in the last ten years did make your life worse (and that's also true for your current behaviour). In other words, your conduct is perfect for your life. That's of course incredibly comforting.
But you can also think that you spent your close past in an awful way and you are also destroying your life in this present moment. That's way less comforting. Now you can't blame anyone else, your failures are now well-remembered by you and what is the worst, you constantly feel the time ticking away. Now that's not of any comfort and can be very painful.
But in the end that pain can wake you up and force you to improve at least something in your life. That's why the second way of thinking is more promising. Sunk cost fallacy is related to these cases too.

>> No.15962262

the second way of thinking might be more promising, but it doesn't mean it's true. someone might very well be a failure due to his parents or genes or whatever, but acknowledging this shouldn't necessarily have a baring on his conduct. he could very well self-improve as an act of revange against those who dragged him so far down. the problem with self-help content is that it justifies distorting the reality because it helps people self-improve. well, so does religion, and it's a bunch of crap. truth trumps everything, it doesn't matter what people make of it

>> No.15962953

Can't it just be both

>> No.15963268

philosophy isn't smart

>> No.15963527

>t. haven't read philosophy

>> No.15963559

I had it figured out that self help was bullshit after reading seven of them last year. Drivel I can't even remember

>> No.15963569

the comment section is fucking horrible too

>> No.15963572


>> No.15963575

worry not living does that to most of us anyway

>> No.15963871
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>> No.15964152
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>> No.15965260

souless bugman

>> No.15965342
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>100 self help books
Poor lad...

>> No.15965790



>> No.15965798


Most people function normally but some have issues with childhood development

Most people with the development issues get them fixed and are fine for the rest of their life

You can get help too, stop deluding yourself into this genetic determinism bullshit

>> No.15966208

>t. has read philosophy to boost his ego, but failed to understand it

>> No.15966613
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100 books is worth reading and you actually are intrested or like the books your reading its a complete wast of time if its for duuuuhhhhh i read i smart and better then you.

>> No.15966734

>reads 100 self help books
>visibly in pain in the thumbnail
>monotone voice with no emotion
>dead eyes
This guy needs to be on a watchlist.

>> No.15966968

I agree him and also that one guy thats a stoic that says he takes noats when he watches movies so he can get the meaning and to make sure he is wasting no time.

>> No.15967321


Well, some religions have you helping out other people, like Christianity and Islam and Judaism.

>> No.15967429
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same energy

>> No.15967503

those same religions have you fighting holy wars and multilating babies

>> No.15967853

>he read Taleb

>> No.15967926

Cringe. Quantity means nothing.

>> No.15968268

Seethe faggot