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/lit/ - Literature

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15947206 No.15947206 [Reply] [Original]

What /lit/ activities can I partake in while at work?
I can't read a book, mostly because I get too sleepy doing so and sleeping at work is a big no-go.
Also shitposting here gets tiring after awhile and I like you guys so I never go too hardcore.

>> No.15947222

wut is ur career?

>> No.15947239
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staring at a computer screen all day and occasionally answering the phone

>> No.15947286

read 5 pages per day, you'll finish the Oddisey in a month

>> No.15947309

But why would I do that at work when I could just do it at home?

>> No.15947325

because you won't do it at home

>> No.15947336


>> No.15947339

>rika poster
>getting sleepy when reading
Why am I not suprise. I would avice you to try writing but your consoomer brain wouldn't have anything worthwhile to put down anyway

>> No.15947341

I specifically read at home to help me sleep, that's a lie.

>> No.15947360
File: 124 KB, 1024x878, gai1552655095319m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>u r le consOOmer because you like fat thighs and ass
What the hell is wrong with getting sleepy while reading anyway? It something I've always dealt with and my best days are waking up early, reading a bit, then dozing back off repeatedly until I get hungry.

>> No.15947377
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>What the hell is wrong with getting sleepy while reading anyway
You're literally worse than that, you're a dysfunctional consoomer

>> No.15947404

Answer my question, twat.

>> No.15947462
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Judging by your reaction, I think deep down you already know the answer. Then there is hope for you yet, but not much.

>> No.15947470

History of Philosophy podcast is pretty good if you are allowed to have headphones in. So far it's covered western philosophy from the Greeks up to the Italian Renaissance, with side-series on Byzantine, Islamic, Indian, and African philosophy.

>> No.15947479

How do I get a job where I do this?

>> No.15947488

be lucky enough to work for the government

>> No.15947533
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>>u r le consOOmer because you like fat thighs and ass
Yes. Become something more than an animal. I would suggest reading a book and ascending to the level of merely an imbecile. At least you provided me some meager compensation by availing this specimen for acquisition into my collection.

>> No.15947544
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>I have to pay tax so this fucker can spend time pondering what should he do to kill the time
Fucking parasite

>> No.15947596
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I'm hardly the worst offender since I went to school for this somewhat specialized job.
I'm at least ahead of the hags that ONLY answer phones and the hotties who are mere money takers.
I appreciate the sentiment, though.
And you still haven't answered my question as WHY becoming drowsy while reading is inherently bad or even what can be done to prevent it.

>> No.15947697
File: 29 KB, 665x574, 1586672327721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ponder pic related to find the cause and no there's no cure for it
Weird fetish, have one

>> No.15947719
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I already had it, my good sir.
it's not a fetish I just have autism and thought I had enough of these to justify a folder.

>> No.15947727

>Ponder pic related
but your pic related doesn't apply to my situation.

>> No.15947735

download anki onto your phone and work on your latin vocab or something. You could probably find a deck related to your work unless you do something mindless.

>> No.15947737
File: 2 KB, 28x28, libsmile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, because you would be falling asleep while reading the book.

>> No.15948136
File: 22 KB, 157x294, akko confused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you get the girl in front of Luluco from my thread on flowcharts? Anyway I guess writing down ideas for stories could be something you could do. Or just writing down thoughts period.

>> No.15948190
File: 172 KB, 304x369, 1586964709669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did you get the girl in front of Luluco from my thread on flowcharts?