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/lit/ - Literature

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15911238 No.15911238 [Reply] [Original]

>my ratio of fiction to non-fiction reading is about 20:1
How do I fix this lads?

>> No.15911259

What are you getting out of fiction? What makes it more interesting than real life?

>> No.15911406
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It is emotional and captivating, unlike non-fiction. I want to read more important things, to understand the world, philosophy, history, etc., which is why I try to read one non fiction book alongside whichever novel/book of poetry/short story collection I'm reading, but the fiction inevitably captivates me and so by the time I've read 20 fiction books, I've only finished 1 non-fiction.

I embarked on a project at the start of the year to read pic related along with some primary sources and take extensive notes on them, so I can become informed on philosophy. I ended up finishing the presocratics section, and took notes up to Anaximander, before once again going on a fiction binge. I don't know how to fix this.

>> No.15911510

The problem s almost always context. Whatever you're reading needs to be encapsulated in a coherent context. You need to understand how it relates to you, why it's important, and what you're going to do with the knowledge you gain from it.

For example, I'm a reading an in depth analysis on a specific topic right now (not saying what, don't to derail). It's dry, full of science, and would never hold my attention if I hadn't achieved what I stated above. I see the topic in within a larger context, the consequence that would radiate outward if the knowledge were widespread, how it effects my life, and what I'm going to do with what I learn. It's enormously captivating, and pulled me away from reading Knut Hamsun's "Growth of the Soil" (I'll get back there, though).

My suggestion to you is to read articles, and zero in on key information regarding topics you think you should know more about until you begin to understand exactly how important these things are before trying to dive straight into the big books. Build context.

>> No.15911518
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how do I classify Folktale Lit such as The Aeneid and Le Morte D'Arthur?

>> No.15911674

i struggle to read fiction. I think "i could be reading kant or heidegger"

>> No.15911711

Imaginative fiction obviously

>> No.15911813
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thank you, this is good advice.

>> No.15911850

Well I'd say you start by reading more non-fiction