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/lit/ - Literature

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15869139 No.15869139[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Culture of Critique alone definitely proves the jewish people are working together in a conspiracy to destroy western civilization and all European peoples.
There is overwhelming evidence everywhere.

How can you possibly deny this truth?
Are you really just a braindead retard drone with all your human instincts totally demoralized?
All you do is ignore the evidence and ignore your opponents' arguments and then narrate over all the proceedings to delude yourself of victory.
Why shouldn't you be slaughtered like the beast you are?

>> No.15869157

Gommies are mentally ill beeple who would rather be ruled by decrepit rabbis than powerful Aryan proto-dieties. I am ebullient in anticipation of the upcoming purged.

>> No.15869159

>retarded animal
>slaughtered like the beast you are

I recognize your distinctive use of these same insults in other threads, and I'm here to say that you are an angry lad who needs to seek counseling. Good luck, bro.

>> No.15869182

>braindead retard drone
you are a counterfeit human
a completely retarded drone that is addicted to artificial stimulus
you can't sustain a single thought or emotion without being stimulated by memes or some other retarded form of media

>narrate over all the proceedings to delude yourself of victory

these bots really only have one setting don't they

>> No.15869204
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>> No.15869212
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>> No.15869352
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You don't even have to read a book like that. It takes literally 5 minutes of research on fucking Wikipedia to find out that the US media is completely dominated by Jews, yet the overwhelming majority of the population is too dumb to figure it out.
You can even lay it all out and spoonfeed them the information in convenient infographics, yet they're still too dumb to process it, much less grasp its implications. If it weren't for the fact that all the greatest minds in Western history from Cicero and Tacitus to Voltaire, Martin Luther and Henry Ford were all diehard antisemites, I'd probably conclude that I'm schizophrenic and am just imagining things, but instead I'm faced with the almost equally unsettling fact that some 98% of the non-Jewish population is in fact mentally retarded when compared to me, to many Jews, and to the disappointingly small number of antisemites that exists.

>> No.15869487

We deal with addicts here, they are more likely to be addicted to the internet to the point their brains have literally melted down and confused in a pile of shortcircuiting spaghetti wiring with brain juice dripping on it.

I think confronting a healthier section of the population would be a lot more fruitful.
But they are guarded extremely on the internet, so putting our necks on the line in real life seems to give us the biggest chance for a significant payoff

>> No.15869955
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Since this is /lit/, here is a book to read. If you actually read through CoC, you should also read this


>> No.15870101

I don’t think we are “smart”
For seeing that the Jews control: the media, the banks, film industry, news and maybe something else that I am forgetting. Isn’t there a Law that passed recently in the us where is against the law to say bad things about Israel?
Sometimes I think a few of us didn’t get the vaccine or the pill that would make us not question what’s happening. We are the minority, people are stupid and WILLING to stay stupid. Is there something we can do?

>> No.15870233

>I think confronting a healthier section of the population would be a lot more fruitful.
Been there, done that. I've literally walked leftists and normies who I met at work or elsewhere through the wikipedia articles of every major media corporation, and made them read out loud the part where it says that the CEO was born into a Jewish family. With the normies who even had an attention span sufficient to spend those 5 minutes on Wikipedia with me, the usual response was something along the lines of "why do you even know all that?" and then went straight back to trying to discuss sports, women, video games and Jewish TV shows with me. They can't even fathom why anyone would even question the shit they see on TV!

The leftists at least were able to follow my train of thought, and one of them even acknowledged that this Jewish domination must be why the media is so pro-Israel and anti-Palestine, but on the next day started talking again about the 'racist media run by straight white people' as if nothing had happened.

If you've read Orwell's 1984: that attempted conversation about history the protagonist had with the prole who kept getting distracted by stupid irrelevant shit like the difference between a pint and a half litre of beer, or how he missed seeing people wear tophats; that's absolutely spot-on, it's exactly how I feel when trying to talk to normies about who produces all that propaganda on TV that they've spent tens of thousands of hours consuming.

The only people I actually managed to get through to and redpill were my father and my girlfriend (interestingly, both of them nominally have a somewhat higher IQ than I do, and I'm a polyglot who can read half a dozen different languages as well as a fairly accomplished software engineer).
On the plus side, if everyone who is redpilled on the JQ could get just 2 more people on board per decade, this nightmare would all be over within a generation or so. But unfortunately, not everyone is doing their part.

>> No.15870285
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The best you can do as a Western Man of pure European stock is to marry a jewish girl and have a prosperous family while going on a worldwide cumming spree to impregnate all the women you can.
The first enemy you will need to fight (and the hardest) will be your own european brothers and sisters, trapped by the lies of both abrahamism and consumerism, capitalism and communism and it goes on and on. Jews also have their own fascist ethnostate.
Even the most righteous jihadi is fighting for a place in Jerusalem and the most pious christian is praying to a jew in flip flops. Hell, even Thor is a property of Marvel.
The history of jews is a history of trouble,malice,intelligence. Find a better spiritual system than that. Or destroy everything.

>> No.15870294

Today I will remind them

>> No.15870312

Pure Anglo projection because everything in that book is actually true about Anglos and not Jews.

>> No.15870438

That's a big one, also The Ordeal of Civility by Cuddihy is good too

>> No.15870452

Now you understand why we kill you.

>> No.15870474

>Isn’t there a Law that passed recently in the us where is against the law to say bad things about Israel?
Yeah most states have an anti-BDS law, which is insane. There isn't much they do punitively but it still totally violates the First Amendment

>> No.15870589

Thanks for the rec. I doubt anyone in this thread will read either though, because they aren't interested in actual debate and discussion, but merely an affirmation of their simplistic worldview.

>> No.15870622

>interestingly, both of them nominally have a somewhat higher IQ than I do, and I'm a polyglot who can read half a dozen different languages as well as a fairly accomplished software engineer

>> No.15870624
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>Is there something we can do?
I can't think of much more other than having children and raising them well, preferably through homeschooling, and helping other like-minded people do the same.
Also, acquire skills, money and economic independence.
Unless you yourself are a full-time activist, give 1% of your income to people, websites and organizations who educate the public on these issues.

On the part of the more intelligent (but cowardly and morally repugnant) Gentiles, the willingness to stay ignorant on the JQ is probably related to the fact that they know they might lose their job or otherwise get economically if they publicly speak out about the issue. If we could get enough economic networking going so that everyone knows that there's a place for him even if he gets fired from his current job, that would help us get a lot of the opportunists along with us, if that's at all our goal.

I remember reading reports by the Gestapo and the SS on how they were raiding Masonic lodges, and the fuckers were squirming to try and convince the SS men that Masonry is like, totally not pro-Jewish bro, in fact it's anti-Semitic! The SS were amused, but also so disgusted that they threw the Masons into concentration camps.
As much as I respect the Jews, their Gentile minions are pathetic creatures indeed.

>I don’t think we are “smart”
You're right that it's not purely about cognitive ability, otherwise all the astrophysicists out there would be naming their newly discovered stars after Nazi war heroes or whatever. But being relatively intelligent is part of it.
So is a willingness to think critically and to ask questions that may challenge the prevailing authority, as well as the wherewithal to look for answers to those questions on your own.

>Isn’t there a Law that passed recently in the us where is against the law to say bad things about Israel?
There was something about criticizing Israel on college campuses being forbidden now. Also, for years various states (including Texas) have had various anti-BDS laws that required you to sign a pledge of loyalty to Israel in order to be eligible for disaster relief after hurricanes and the like.

>Sometimes I think a few of us didn’t get the vaccine or the pill that would make us not question what’s happening.
Who knows. I'm not a hardcore anti-vaxer, but I will say that I hadn't been getting my shots for a while at the time I got redpilled.

>> No.15870714
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>Is there something we can do?
yeah, destroy everything by picking critical targets

kill jews
they're actually retarded, all this mass surveillance blahblahblah is bullshit - just don't carry a tracking device
they will never see it coming

>> No.15870722

>economic networking
>against the central bank
there is no materially positive solution
the only way to win is to negate their material with pervasive destruction

>> No.15870742

>aren't interested in actual debate and discussion
what have you brought to the table?

you are a fraud that is totally self ignorant

>> No.15870799


>Destroy, kill, ad-homs and sling pejoratives.

There is no debate going on here. Only screed. I brought to the table a book to read, and another anon has as well. You can choose to read them or not. I can link the libgen download for you if you decide to.

>> No.15870820
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>> No.15870978

what needs to be discussed? what are the priorities?
you are a fucking retarded fraud

>> No.15871021

you are a fucking kike and a retarded subhuman, totally subservient to the interests of others
you are utterly schizophrenic
your game is up smiley, you filthy mischling rat

>> No.15871526
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>> No.15872547

>oh good, it's almost archived
said the jew, rubbing his hands

>> No.15872616

You know your 'prosperous family' will be jewish and will probably be raised some level of jew lmao

>> No.15872672

Its a conspiracy theory that only works if you have such a narrow definition of what makes someone Jewish that you can group anyone you don't like into that group. Most people from those infographs are just as much if not more English, German etc than Semitic. There are historical reasons why some Jewish people would have gotten into more educational jobs and financial jobs but the conspiracy theory ends there

>> No.15872810

Imagine thinking these people are in significant positions of power. Only the feeble-minded masses, i.e. those with no power, care about what the media churns out; the media alters no one significant in the world. These people are shepherds and yet you're making them out to be royalty.

>> No.15873269

>narrow definition
what a strawman
it's perfectly valid to label some one a jew if they have phenotypic traits associated with jews
or if they have a jewish grandparent

Israel does it for immigration purpose
why can't we?

>historical reasons

your skull is a piss pot

>the masses are insignificant
>it doesn't matter what they do
>that's why

>> No.15873301

the point is:
there is a very clear correlation between utterly reprobate subversive behavior and the perpetrator having jewish traits and also with the perpetrator voluntarily identifying as jewish

>These people are shepherds and yet you're making them out to be royalty.
if you answer, try to watch yourself and note how you're making a strawman based on nothing anyone here said

just because we comment on a middle level of the hierarchy doesn't mean our assertion is that this area of the hierarchy is supreme

just to enlighten you, the top jews orchestrating things stay exclusively in circles of their "religion" and their commands trickle down
the next level below are internationally active financiers/bankers that command and manipulate the central banks
below that the various industries are controlled, such as the media, mostly by controlling the flow of currency

>> No.15873758


>> No.15873882

You're a fucking moron

>> No.15873928

not an argument

>> No.15874054

>he thinks proof of a global conspiracy can be found on google.

>> No.15874066

It’s a good book, here it is for anyone who wants to read in audio, now stop posting these threads

>> No.15874097

>It’s a good book
>now stop posting these threads
you are literally schizophrenic

>> No.15874132

How would you even enforce that lol. Force people to buy products?

The jannies need to install a filter to prevent this book's cover from being posted to /lit/. We get one of these threads every damn day.

>> No.15874140

every time I open lit this book is on the front page
this isnt even discussion of literature, its discussion of political topics found inside a book.

>> No.15874160

same guy posts it too and sits in it for the entirety posting the same "you are a counterfeit human" shit

>> No.15874171

The more you shove something in people’s faces the more they will associate it with annoyance and lose interest.

>> No.15874299

those aren't people and neither are you
schizo retard nigger coward

>> No.15874308

based xDDDD saved to my ebin ben shapiro rekt compilation xDDDD

>> No.15874309


>> No.15874315

you are a counterfeit human
a completely retarded drone that is addicted to artificial stimulus
you can't sustain a single thought or emotion without being stimulated by memes or some other retarded form of media

kill yourself

>> No.15874339

Take your meds.

>> No.15874362

> waahh my people are weak
> waahh we're being controlled

Don't hate the other players if you stink at the game. If your people (I'm assuming white) deserved more than being manipulated, they wouldn't be in their current situation.

>> No.15874389

Please note that no jews have died from covid

>> No.15874397


The city council of Asheville, North Carolina has voted unanimously to begin providing reparations to the black community.

Esther Manheimer is Asheville's third Jewish mayor as stated in this article from 2017.


>> No.15874403

even if we were inferior, and we're not, we would still kill you all

>> No.15874420

Authorities at large media companies being Jewish (not all of which can be verified as such either, and not all companies being run as such) don't prove the conspiracy because the media companies don't have significant power over the nation, and don't prove that there is an in-group takeover strategy among Jews or Jews alone because the Irish Catholics used to dominate the same companies and they even still do dominate lots of companies in the media and banking sectors. Are the Irish Catholics just Jews then? Or is it just that religion is useful for enabling its members to cooperate freely and dependably on a variety of other skilled people which allows such people to attain financial success in democratically run societies? In which case, it is not behavior dependent on Jews at all, and it's not related to subversion.

>just to enlighten you, the top jews orchestrating things stay exclusively in circles of their "religion" and their commands trickle down
You talk as if you have concrete evidence of this taking place and yet there's nothing. All there is is biased images found on Google that don't in themselves prove anything and as I explained above don't really suggest this as happening anyway. So you're not "enlightening" me on anything besides how naive and arrogant you are.

>> No.15874492

if the jews control everything, how did this book get published?
why is macdonald still alive? why hasn't he been killed by special jew space lasers?

>> No.15874504

>don't prove the conspiracy because the media companies don't have significant power over the nation
that doesn't follow any way you cut it

so are you trying to negotiate around them being true by throwing out random labels?

you're completely insane - you have no coherent model of the structure of society and refuse to have
you just randomly apply labels and equate the subjects with no reasonable analysis

>> No.15874510

>11/15 senior treasury department positions filled with jews
>unprecedented corruption in the financial system with the federal reserve overstepping its legal boundaries like never before, entirely enabled by the treasury department
>like directly monetizing treasury bonds wasn't insane enough (just printing cash)
>they directly monetize securities (just printing cash directly into the corporate coffers)

>retard jewish conspiracy denialists can't acknowledge this, and myriad other financial crimes, have only ever happened under jewish control of institutions
it's not just the jews that are the problem
modern industry has created a vast underclass of soulless retarded subhumans that have to be destroyed
if it wasn't the jews using them against us, it would be some one else

Chapter 1: Jews and the Radical Critique of Gentile Culture: Introduction and Theory

p. 8: Jews are always negative about gentile cultures.

p. 13: The goal of socialism was not social leveling, but the destruction of the gentile power structure.

>gentile power structure

Fink was born on November 2, 1952.[8][9] He grew up in a Jewish family[10]
>give free money to certain corporations arbitrarily (always ones key to jewish business)
>it's a free market goy, pull yourself up by the bootstraps, everything is fair, no such thing as conspiracy theories

>> No.15874516


>> No.15874541

The conspiracy is that Jews are controlling the money and therefore controlling the culture, is it not? So how are they doing this when they are apparently just running management at some of the large media companies at banks, positions which absolutely do not enable a group to control the money and especially not the culture as a whole? The influence, if any, is small.

>so are you trying to negotiate around them being true by throwing out random labels?
What's random? I already pointed out how the religious status of everyone in that image can't be verified, and how Irish Catholics also dominate certain companies in the past and present. You can find group representation in lots of industries besides these two as well because working in a group, as I explained, is very useful, obviously.

>> No.15874568

>>it's a free market goy, pull yourself up by the bootstraps, everything is fair, no such thing as conspiracy theories

What I thought this was a gentile power structure

>> No.15874594

it's like you're totally fucking retarded

how do you explain that judaism is the only remotely major religion that is practiced exclusively by one race of people and all others are excluded?

>> No.15874628

How do you explain Irish Catholic overrepresentation and the basic fact that cooperation is an ancient survival strategy enacted by all kinds of people? This is my argument, don't side-step it.

>> No.15874637

>the media companies don't have significant power over the nation

>> No.15874658

I recognize you. I think on 3 different occasions (and 3 different threads) we had divergent views and you basically yelled at me to read Culture of Critique. You need to get some different hobbies and mental health counselling you have serious issues. You're looking to blame others for your own failures and underwhelming achievements in life. Piss off.

>> No.15874660

In every example provided it is always overblown.

>> No.15874668

why are there all these retarded schizophrenic children?
OPs bait is good

>> No.15874672

that's not an argument, that's a demand, and it's totally out of turn
you aren't setting up any context and refusing to engage with that already set up

>> No.15874676


>> No.15874684

>Ahahaha I was only pretending to be retarded I le trol u xD

>> No.15874686
File: 91 KB, 806x960, idf qt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you don't really hate jews, do you anon?

>> No.15874700

That is an argument. You can't claim the image of Jews in media isn't biased or proof of this so-called evolutionary strategy unique to Jews when Irish Catholics are also overrepresented among other groups when looked for because it makes no sense to do so.

>> No.15874705

Imagine being a bugman who only reads shitty propaganda and has all of his views preprogrammed by another man. Basically, another man is doodling with your mind, which is kinda gay

>> No.15874707
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>Culture of Critique alone definitely proves the jewish people are working together in a conspiracy to destroy western civilization and all European peoples.
>There is overwhelming evidence everywhere.

Where are the mods

>> No.15874709

You're a fucking moron

>> No.15874712

White guy here. Jews are based, fuck off Nazi

>> No.15874715

The mods normally get him, this autist is just determined and posts a brand new thread to get mad in the second the old one gets deleted.

>> No.15874721

You should be kinder to your host board bro. You're undermining /lit/ culture

>> No.15874740


good, you're mostly conceited retards with zero grounding in reality

>> No.15874750

so....imagine being anyone who goes to school and takes it seriously?

>> No.15874759

>with zero grounding in reality
Says the guy who posts retardedly biased images from Google as proof of a nonsensical conspiracy.

>> No.15874761

Do you really think anyone on this site is offended by antisemitism? Easily 75% of threads get a happy merchant posted in them. I don't even care if you want to talk about fascism, traditionalism, etc. What keeps getting the threads deleted it the fact they keep getting spammed and that you get increasingly more asshurt in every single one.

>> No.15874774

asking a question is not an argument
an argument is a statement

you have provided no basis to make a statement upon
you are ignoring evidence and context despite being guided

anything anyone has in their head is a bias
this is a totally meaningless word you're harping on in your circular thought process motivated by self righteousness and compulsive emotion

>because it makes no sense to do so
>everything I say is right and I don't need no reason

you're a horrible childish "debater" that doesn't have the training or mental capacity to proceed through a logical train of thought let alone describe it

>> No.15874785

You don't understand what the word bias means in this context which is also the context it is used in in every argument under the sun. It also wasn't just a question; an argument was made, you complete fucking idiot.

>> No.15874790

>delete thread for no reason against the rules
>it's reposted
you are a completely braindead authoritarian with zero human value

>> No.15874800

>Culture of Critique alone definitely proves the jewish people are working together in a conspiracy to destroy western civilization and all European peoples.
>There is overwhelming evidence everywhere.
>How can you possibly deny this truth?
>Are you really just a braindead retard drone with all your human instincts totally demoralized?
>All you do is ignore the evidence and ignore your opponents' arguments and then narrate over all the proceedings to delude yourself of victory.
>Why shouldn't you be slaughtered like the beast you are?
None of this is on topic, and being off topic is against the rules.

>> No.15874802

you explicitly referred to your question as an "argument" and again you refuse to define "bias" or anything else you say

you have mental difficulties and an afflicted personality

>> No.15874810

This is what he does every thread. He makes it, people come and disagree with him and make an argument. He then chimps out about muh not an argument, and the thread gets deleted. Rinse and repeat for every time he reposts it.

>> No.15874811

it's a thread for discussing this book
it's completely on topic

also if the mods break the rules why should anyone follow them?

you're a completely braindead authoritarian that tries to avoid thinking or making arguments by challenging the right for your opponent to speak at all
you are a total failure of humanity fit for nothing but slaughter

>> No.15874814

Explain why anyone other than Jews should be allowed to exist. You have 5 seconds.

>> No.15874816

what is your argument?
i think i recognize you from before when you did this

you said "NAZIS DONT RESPOND TO ARGUMENTS FROM JEWS THEY JUST CALL THEM JEWS" but you never had an example of an argument that a jew made

you literally have no idea what an "argument is"
you seriously have mental difficulties and a deranged personality

>> No.15874819

You're basically spamming at this point. If you do this repeatedly you deserve to be range banned.

>> No.15874824

The book is only mentioned once, with most of the topic post being grossly off topic schizo rambling.

>> No.15874826


>> No.15874827

>you never had an example of an argument that a jew made
Nothing I said had to do with arguments made by Jews, it had to do with the fact with the inherent logic of antisemitism allowing for the dismissal of anything which disagreed with it under the guise of accusations of Jewish influence.

>> No.15874831

An argument was raised and you ignored it repeatedly. Either you're spamming or your IQ is literally in the double digits.

>> No.15874834

He's literally a schizo /pol/tard that chimps in every thread he makes.

>> No.15874835

>mods disrupt the community by repeatedly deleting on topic discussions
>suddenly there is a burden to replicate the previous discussions that were deleted instantaneously

you're a completely braindead authoritarian that tries to avoid thinking or making arguments by challenging the right for your opponent to speak at all
you are a total failure of humanity fit for nothing but slaughter

>> No.15874841

You didn't make an argument.
You don't even know what an argument is.
You just blabber out some whataboutism and call it an argument and ignore the argument that was given first and supported with evidence.

>> No.15874844

Bro go take your meds, I'm sure your family would be a lot happier if you did.

>> No.15874846

so you admit to being the same retard?

and you still don't have an example?
and you still don't have an argument?

>> No.15874851

I stated my argument already, if you want specifics, simply go look at the dismissal of criticisms of CoC made by Jews.

>> No.15874863

it's not an argument if you don't justify it
you have no evidence, no examples, and no reasoning

you are a shit-covered pig trying to sit at the dinner table

>> No.15874866

so you don't have a single argument against the evidence and reasoning provided in this thread?
you're just an animal making noise like you're trained too?

thanks for the bumps

>> No.15874870

Alright, it's clear you won't listen to anything I say at all, so why bother making the thread? What are you hoping to accomplish by doing so?

>> No.15874876

My argument is that you are a schizophrenic who is off his meds. My evidence for this is this thread, and your poor writing, a common theme of schizophrenia.

>> No.15874877

imagine coming to a thread just to spam non-arguments and refuse to even look into the book or any of arguments or evidence presented

Chapter 1: Jews and the Radical Critique of Gentile Culture: Introduction and Theory

p. 8: Jews are always negative about gentile cultures.

p. 13: The goal of socialism was not social leveling, but the destruction of the gentile power structure.

Chapter 2: The Boasian School of Anthropology and the Decline of Darwinism in the Social Sciences

pp. 20-23: The great assault on the Darwinian evolutionary approach to human societies means that now all cultures are regarded as equal. The concept of race is now said to be meaningless. We are no longer allowed to speak of three stages: savagery, barbarism, and civilization.

p. 25: Franz Boas dominated US anthropology for 40 years. He had many influential students, all of whom were Jews except Alfred Kroeber, Ruth Benedict, and Margaret Mead.

pp. 29-30: Boas and others claimed Americans were too sexually repressed and should study romantic primitivism, as shown in Mead’s Coming of Age in Samoa. H. Turner-High, J. Keegan, and L. H. Keeley, on the other hand, claimed that earlier times were not quite so idyllic, and that warfare was very common in primitive societies.

Beyond Boas: Recent Examples of Jewish Political Agendas Influencing Social Science Research

pp. 30-38: Stephen Jay Gould (Jewish) is a famous “propagandist and ethnic activist” who insists that human intelligence is environmental, not genetic.

Chapter 3: Jews and the Left

p. 50: Judaism and Marxism are quite incompatible, mainly because Marxism is a universalist ideology, although many people have claimed loyalty to both.

Communism and Jewish Identification in Poland

p. 66: “When the anti-Zionist-anti-Semitic movement in the Soviet Union filtered down to Poland . . . there was another crisis of identity resulting from the belief that anti-Semitism and communism were incompatible.”

p. 67: “There was massive self-deception and rationalization” by Jewish Poles who supported communism.

Radicalism and Jewish Identification in the United States and England

pp. 74-76: Jewish-Communist espionage in the US included giving atomic-bomb secrets to the USSR.

p. 76: Wealthy young Jews were the founders of the student protest movement.

>> No.15874881

why is it that if a mentally ill Brony started shitting horsesex pics all over a board he would be banned before anyone could blink, but stormniggers are now allowed to drown all boards in endless anti kike propaganda?

Have the jannies on all boards been infiltrated by stormfags? There's literally a global rule against racism outside /b/ but it's never enforced...

>> No.15874884

you are just saying that "irish are overrepresented somewhere somehow"
where is your example?
where is any evidence at all?

you are a totally insane brainwashed animal that has no standards for yourself, only demands of others

you aren't human

>> No.15874887
File: 105 KB, 622x960, EaQrUoFWAAEB6c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The goal of socialism was not social leveling, but the destruction of the gentile power structure.
Extremely based

>> No.15874890

look at yourself
you have no reason for anything you think
you don't even have a justification for anything you feel

you are not a human being, you are an artificial imposter raised in an artificial environment on artificial stimulus

>> No.15874891

I'm not that poster lmao. Not everyone who disagrees with you is the same person, that's another common theme of schizophrenia.

>> No.15874903


the first two chapters of CoC nail your ass to the floorboards

>> No.15874904

I don't think you're bad, I think you're another person who's mental illness is being worsened by the internet, which I actually think it quite sad.

>> No.15874917

you're literally just regurgitating what I already said about you, minus any reasoning

okay animal, that's enough from you

these are literally soulless artificial humans programmed to haunt society, compulsively seeking out true life so they can wail incessantly at it

>> No.15874924

Utterly retarded. Industrial-financial capitalism represented the judeafication of European Christendom. Thanks to capitalism, everyone in the West has become a money-grubbing Jew.

>> No.15874929

Why do you think everyone who disagrees with you is some sort of soulless automaton? There's been many, many great men who heavily disagreed with antisemitism.

>> No.15874932
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just fucking kys and take your meds, you sick nazi piece of shit

>> No.15874935
File: 3.74 MB, 2312x2915, 1571913028333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thanks to capitalism, everyone in the West has become a money-grubbing Jew.
So why not abolish it with socialism?

>> No.15874939
File: 232 KB, 1483x1080, six threads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread again

>> No.15874949

>poster count stayed at 33
>trying to samefag like this
you're literally totally insane

>> No.15874951

Yeah imagine posting a 100+ replies all on your own, that would be crazy.

>> No.15874966

Me on the right

>> No.15874974

>good, you're mostly conceited retards with zero grounding in reality

Confirmed for crypto-jew